Chapter 31



Morning beautiful" Doctor was happily hoping around the control room and kneeled down in front of Yaz and kissed gently "How are my favorite girls this morning?" she bends down kissing her tummy "Morning munching...we're going for trip today" she spoke to the baby making Yaz smile


"You're happy today...We're fine, both of us don't worry. Whatever you gave me last night knocked me out of this world" she laughed grabbing her hands to get up


"I love you Yaz" she says dreamy and then hops exited before Yaz had any chance to say anything back "Right...get ready quickly and we're off"


"How come you're fine with us traveling all of a sudden?"


"Sort of travelling Yaz...I don't mind travelling I just need a break from trouble...It also doesn't mean I'm not careful where I'm taking us"


"But you're my shit magnet darling it finds you" she giggles


"Oh, one more thing..." she twists her face like in a cramp


"What? ... Why are you making that face? ... What do I not know?"


"I sort of blurbed it out and....Well, I can't really say no"


"Blurbed out what and to who?"


She hopes around the console avoiding the answer "It might be fun"




"You do release you only now call me that when your angry or in trouble...and you’re not in trouble so you're angry" she continued fiddling with the console


Yaz takes a deep breath and rolls her eyes "Who's going with us? ... Spit it out go on"


"Everyone...Oh look I need to fix this before we go" she slumps down to the floor underneath the console


"Whaaaaa? .... Hey...stop hiding!" she storms around the console but Doctor runs to the other side of the control room hopping around


"It will be fun...come on we haven't seen them in ages...And we will still be alone...and it's hot"


"You're acting like a child...stop running...I'm not a happy bunny at all...I don't mind seeing them I want to see them a lot, but I just wanted some alone, me...quality time...wife time" she slumped her shoulders


The doctor came to her and put her arms around her waist "Come on…I promise we will still have quality time together just you and me" she kissed her forehead


"You do know that when that baby comes you will be beginning for quality time" she laughs "So you better use it till you still have it"


"I don't need to beg Yaz...You give it freely" she makes a smug face and zoomed around


"Oi!!!! Cheeky"


"Come on get a shift on mummy...I need to pick them up soon"


" promised" she points a finger at her on a way out of the console room


Yaz packed the bags and came back to the control room hoping along in her gray cotton bottoms and white t-shirt caring her trainers in her had.


"All done and packed love all you need to do is tie my shoes" she said exited itching to leave


"I'm glad you're packing Yaz I do appreciate it" she said bending down tying her laces


"I have to because last time you packed us, I had a rubber duck and 20 packets of custard cream but no toothpaste or shampoo" she laughed


"Sorry...I'm not used to packing...I never had to pack...all set to go...go sit up we are leaving"


"You mean on my naughty step"


"It's not a naughty step Yaz" she zoomed at the console "Just making sure you don't fall"


"I am glad we're gonna see everyone"


"See, told ya...we'll have a nice time"


She started the Tardis and pulled the lever



In few minutes they were in Sheffield Ryan bursts through the door huge smile on his face and Graham behind him


"Slow down son you're gonna break that door than Doc's gonna brake you" Graham says walking in


"Hey...OMG Yaz!!! You're huge" Ryan stood by the door shocked gawking at her


"I'm gonna slap ya in a minute" she laughs hugging him


"Look at you...You look beautiful Yaz" Graham smiles and hugs her


"Hey what about me...don't I get a hug" Doctor smiles at the console


"Of course, you do Doc... it’s so nice to see you again" Graham comes up to her hugging her


"Nice to see you too Graham...How's know"


"Working like a Swiss watch Doc"


"Doctor" Ryan comes up to her and hugs her as well "We having a Christmas again this year?"

"Might do Ryan just might do...We may have a baby by then as well" she smiled looking at Yaz across the room


"No way coming for Christmas?"


"Might do Ryan...she's due round about that time but we are still guessing to be honest" she turns around and starts flipping the switches "Right, Dan's next and we're off"


They landed in Liverpool and Yaz waited by the Tardis door with a massive smile on her face exited to see him. He shut the door of his house and turned around


"Yaz???...OMG Yaz!!" he ran up to her she threw herself in his arms "You look beautiful Yaz"


They pulled apart and he looked down at her bump smiling


"She's big" Yaz smiled


"She?" he looked surprised


"Yap...we're having a little girl" she reached for his hand and placed it on her stomach


"Yaz...this is amazing"


"She wouldn't be here iff it wasn't for you Dan"


"I thought Doctor is responsible for that Yaz" he laughs putting his arm around her shoulder walking in


"Dan why is Di not coming?" Yaz asked


"Oh, her parents are having anniversary so she said she was sorry"


"Dan!" Doctor jumped and ran around the console


"Doctor....How are you?" he hugged her tight


"Happy...Haven't said that in while" she twists her face "Haven't said that ever to be honest"


"Well let's hope it stays that way ha?" he taps her back


She zoomed around to the console "Ready fam... It’s nice to say that again" she smiles and pulled the lever



The Doctor jumped and zoomed around the console when they landed. She opened the Tardis door.


"Well, cone on..." she turns around smiling


The Tardis was parked on a huge circular platform that glowed blue. It was smooth and shiny. Above their heads was a huge dome-shaped structure with six massive, rounded windows framed in a silver frame. Each column between the windows was shaped like a fish tail. Through the glass they saw many other shining domes like the one under which they were scattered on all sides built on top of cliffs and rocks all connected by tunnel bridges.


Doc... aaaaa...are we underneath the sea?" Graham asked looking through one of the windows


"Yap...I believe we are unless fishes are flying in this place" Ryan pointed through the window his eyes open wide.


"Is that a whale?" Yaz glued herself to the window "Looks like some strange whale...Look at the size of those eyes. They are beautiful"


"And look at that" Dan pointed at the strange creature that looked like some cute jellyfish floating around "He's cute"


Doctor still stood by the Tardis laughing at their reactions. "Welcome to the Muramay" she smiles "Amazing, isn't it?"


"OMG you told me you will take me here that night in the library?" Yaz turned to her exited


"Aaaa...You remembered Yaz" she laughed remembering that evening "I didn't think you were listening to me" she looked at her cheeky


"Of course, I did" she smirks back at her "...and the pink caves" she razes her eyebrow


"Doctor!" a tall man called for her walking over smiling "I'm so glad you came"


"Tarnoo" she turned around


"A lady...Waaaw I like this regeneration Doctor" he approached her and raised his hand in the air. The Doctor did the same and they joined hands in greeting.


He had only 4 fingers and they were webbed together like in amphibians and on each side of his neck he had small gills.


"Tarnoo, this is Yaz my wife and my friends Graham, Ryan and Dan" she introduced everyone


"Yasmin Khan how nice to finally get to meet you. Doctor's been all excited about taking you here" he says leaning closer to her


"Has she now" Yaz smiled and glanced towards her "Well it's very nice to meet you Tarnoo" she


"Ok let's get you all settled. I have just a right place for you" a man said



They walked on the tunnel bridges amazed by the view around them. The domed structures looked like massive bubbles attached to the rocks and cliffs. Fish and some unusual sea creatures were swimming around them, and corals in all the colors of the rainbow could be seen on the rocks.


"Hey Ryan, you know what this reminds me of. Sea Life in Brighton, remember when we went there as kids" Yaz said exited as they walked through the tunnel bridge


"OMG Yaz...Yes I forgot that...Who would think then we would be here now together...that's insane"


"I know, strange how life goes isn't it" she glanced at the Doctor


"It reminds me a bit of the Sea Devils" Dan said


"Dan!!!..." Yaz frowns at him


"Just saying" he shrugs his shoulders


Suddenly they came to the entrance of a huge city that stretched for miles as far as their eyes could see. Above them rose a strange, shining structure. The city looked like one huge coral reef made of glass and silver that shone in all colors. Tiny vessels could be seen in the water circling around them, they looked like small submarines with bubbles, and various creatures could be seen everywhere. Some looked like Tarnoo and some very different with big, massive eyes, some looked almost ghost like floating around gliding through the water.


"Waaaaw...This is proper awesome Doctor" Ryan was amazed by everything


"I wish your Nann could see this" Graham says with sadness in his eyes "She always said there were city's under the oceans and I thought it was silly"


"Yeah, she would tell you, Graham O’Brien didn't I tell you" Ryan puts his hand around his shoulder "I miss her so much"


Everyone got settled in their rooms and Doctor kept smirking at Yaz all the time going towards door at the end of the hallway


"What???" Yaz asked as Doctor was walking backwards pulling her hand and grinning "Why are you grinning? What's that look for?"


"Because I'm about to dazzle you like never before Yaz" she grabs the double door and opens it up


"Are you fricking kidding me!!!!" Yaz practically screamed


"No, I would never Yaz...Soo? ... Tell me you're impressed?" she said smug walking her into a room with a massive crescent window looking outside and all the sea creatures swimming around them.


"This is our room? ... Is this seriously our room?"  her eyes were glistening "OMG look at this" she stood by the massive window and couldn't believe her eyes "And a ceiling...OMG the ceiling!" she looked above the bed to a transparent ceiling


Yap..." Doctor smiled


"Can they see us?" she got worried seeing a bed that was right by the window


"No Yaz of course not" she laughs "We can see out, but nobody can see in"


"I was getting worried for a short second" she giggles "This is amazing"


"Well...I though...since we never really had what you would call a honeymoon and you keep banging on about it..." she grins


"Is that what this is? ... Like for real? A honeymoon?" Yaz looked at her eyes filling with tears


"Well, you know when the baby comes you said we won't have so much time so I thought now's a good time as ever..."


"I don't know what to say really know how to leave me speeches" she garbed her braces pulling her in "You really are like a dream" she gazed at her with her beautiful brown eyes looking at her universe


"You're my dream beautiful" Doctor cups her face and kisses her gently


"You should rest Yaz..."


"Rest? But we just got here?


"No you really should Yaz...I know you...if we go out now in 35 min you will start saying  your feeties  hurt, your back hurts, you need to pee and you're hungry"


"But I'm fine...come oooon" she starts winning pulling her braces.


"Noo..." she shakes her hands off her braces "Besides I have loads of things I planned for later...You're gonna love it Yaz"


"What about you? ... No Tardis to repair?" she looked at her cheeky


"Oh need to rest Yaz...Emphasis on rest" she sits her down on a bed and pulls her trainers off then lifts her legs on a bed.


"Just a little, small cuddle" she pouts her lips


"Oi...I wasn't born yesterday cheeky" she points a finger at her smiling "I know exactly how those cuddles end" Doctor hopes around the bed pulling the covers "Sleep..."


"And where are you going?"


"To see an old friend" she leans down and kisses her forehead and then the top of her nose "Love you"


Doctor covered her, tucking her in, then waived her hand over some shiny orb that was on one of the pillars right next to the bed and the lights in the room suddenly went out.


"I love you too..." answered Yaz, already dozing off. It seems that the Doctor has recently become more aware of her limits than she herself was because as soon as her head hit the pillow, she was already half asleep.


As the Doctor left, she turned onto her back looking at the ocean through the ceiling above her. The lights of the city made some fish and creatures glow with florescent colors. It was as if she was looking at some strangely magical sky above her. She ran her hands over her stomach and smiled "Come on, girl, let's get some rest," she turned on her side and fell asleep in a few minutes.



The Doctor went to the other side of town quite far from where their room was and went down to the lower level. She hadn't seen this place in over a thousand years, and it had changed a lot. She wondered as she walked through the streets if she could still find the place she was looking for, but after a long walk she finally saw it.

The small shop had a glowing sign above it and the lights were on. A very petite woman with long silver hair was placing boxes on the shelves. She glided through the air with her feet not touching the ground, hovering just a meter away from it. The long sleeves of her dress reached almost to the floor. The Doctor was standing outside the store a few minutes before she entered.


"Good afternoon. I'll be with you in minute" she said with her back still towards the Doctor


"Shar" The Doctor spoke in a gentle voice and the woman froze with her hand still in the air outstretched towards the shelf. She slowly turned around and dropped to the floor. She looked at the Doctor with her eyes the color of amethyst.


"It's me Shar," said the Doctor with sadness in her eyes


The woman stood looking at her in confusion for a moment, then ran over throwing herself at her and hugging her tightly "It's been over..."


"Long… I know," the Doctor said quietly


She separated and brought her hand to the Doctor's face, caressing it. "You're a woman now?"


The Doctor took her hand and removed it from her face "Yap..." then she pulled apart and moved away "It's a nice place you've got here... You've always wanted it. I'm glad"


"You left" the woman changed the tone of her voice


"I know" Doctor put her hands in her pockets and looked down to the floor


"I woke up and you were gone!" she raises her voice


"I'm sorry" The Doctor looked up and pursed her lips


"You're sorry? ... I woke up and you disappeared into thin air...Do you know how long it's been?" she slammed the box on the counter


"1000 years, 6 months and 15 days ago," she replied


"Did you count?" Shar looked at her in utter shock


The Doctor razed her gaze and shook her head "No, Shar, I don't count, I just remember"


"You bastard!" she yelled throwing a box at her, but Doctor ducked down "Do you have any idea what's that like? What you've put me through!!"


"I'm sorry Shar...No I don't...Well I do but for me time is different" she scrunches her face "I had to leave...I don't know what you want me to say" she looked at her gravely


"I want you to give me explanation...something apart from you being a self-centered cruel pice of shit"


Doctor's face twisted in a cramp when she said that "I had to Shar...if I didn't leave you would have never left on your own. It was the only way I could've protected you...I knew you'd be safe here"


"So, you just took me for a joy ride and left me!!!" she went epic on her screaming "Without any explanation any word not even a fricking note"


"I'm sorry I was a different man back then...But that's beside the point...I did it to protect you and I would do it again in a heartbeat. And I'm sorry I wasn't the best way, but it was the only way I knew at the time" she slumped her shoulders in desperation


Shar went quite for moment and wiped her tears "Why are you here now?"


Doctor twisted her face reluctant to reply


"Why did you come here? Tell me"


"I'm here with my wife..." she finally replied


"Whaaa? ... You have a wife?"


"And a baby on a way" she waives her hands and paced around the room nervously "I'm just being honest...You want me to be honest, so I am"


"Well, that's a change" Shar took a deep breath "I'm happy for you"


"You are?" she looked at her confused


"Yes, you idiot...Of course I am... I just missed you so much" she slumped her shoulders


"I missed you too..." she said sadly


"No, you didn't" she dismisses her "You're flying around in that thing all over the place and once you leave you never look back...Don't give me that shit"


"Most of the time I do...But not always Shar...Not with you...never" she says


Shar sat in a turquoise chair at the corner of the store "Does she know? Your wife...that you're here?"


"No" Doctor put her hands back into her pockets nervously


"Of course not. You compartmentalize...Never mix past with the present"


"I should go" Doctor said quietly. There was sadness and regret in her voice. But what was done couldn't be undone so she had to swallow that and move on.


Shar stood up from her chair and stepped forward blocking her way "I guess you came for this too" she reached around her neck and took a necklace with a tiny purple stone and dangled it infront of her. 


Doctor stepped forward and reached for it reluctantly "I'm sorry "


"I hope it helps you...You're still a basted, you know"


The Doctor pursed her lips and frowned knowing that she deserved those words "Thank you" she said quietly placing it into her pocket


There was a moment of silence between them and then Shar turned her back to her "Goodbye Doctor" she said quietly


"Goodbye Shar" she turned towards the door and when she was about to step outside, she turned round "I hope you have a good life"


Shar felt tears rolling down her face. She heard the door shut and didn't turn around.


The Doctor walked for a long time. She needed to clear her head before going back to their room. She entered quietly and found Yaz still sleeping. She felt exhausted, broken and desperately needed to remind herself of the present and the love she had now. She showered for a long time just standing under the water and looking aimlessly at one spot. She wasn't at all proud of herself, more disgusted if she was honest. She also kept thinking about what she had said to Shar, but the truth was that she would never do it again, not as she was now. She was a very different person now or at least she told herself that.

And when she finally calmed down, she left the shower and lay quietly behind Yaz, burying her face in her rain-scented hair and snuggled as close as she could to her, feeling her breathing under her arm and on her chest. Soon she fell asleep.


Yaz woke up at some point when she saw the Doctor snuggled up to her. She was still asleep and Yaz wrapped her leg around her and reached for her hand intertwining her fingers. She lay there and watched her sleep. She didn't often get the chance to do that, so she enjoyed the brief moment knowing that she would open her sleepy eyes any minute. So, she did


"Hey you" Yaz whispered


"Hey..." Doctor replied sleepy her eyes still half open


"You fell asleep"


"I did"


The room was dark, and the lights of the city shined a soft light on their faces. Yaz gently caressed the Doctor's face, moving few strands from her cheek  and tucking them behind her ear then reached out for a kiss. They kissed slowly, gently, almost dreamily, running hands down each other. Yaz kissed her deeper, more passionately, trailing her hand under the covers down the Doctor's waist and back but suddenly Doctor pulled back and reached for her hand. 


"What?" Yaz looked her her utterly confused. "What's wrong? ... "




"What's going on? … " she asked worried


Doctor fell silent for a moment kissing her fingertips "Yaz...I have to tell you something"


"You're scaring me" she looked at her anxiously


"Don't be scared..." she kissed her fingertips again brushing them over her lips as she spoke "You know that friend I went to see?"


"Mmmmm?" she laid with her head on a pillow watching her inches away struggling to talk. She felt fear rising inside her, but she was trying to calm herself down.


Doctor moved a strain of hair from her face and spoke quietly almost whispering. There was a calmness in her voice jet her face was telling Yaz another story, the one of pain and anguish


"A long time ago I went to this planet and whiles I was there a rebellion broke out that ended in total blood shed between the ruling class and the people. Thousands died, homes burned, the whole country was in blaze.


"OMG" Yaz said horrified


"The kings name was Ashan and he was my very good friend for many years. But Ashan made decisions I never approved of, decisions that costs him his life...he betrayed his people and they turned against him. They royal family was slaughtered, every single one of them, and there was nothing I could do"


"I'm so sorry darling"


"Ashan had a daughter...Shar. She was only a child when it happened. The day he died I made him a promise that I will protect her. Take her somewhere where his people will never find her and keep her safe"


"Why would they hurt her? I don't understand. She was just a kid, what can a kid do?"


Doctor stroke her face gently "Because darling, as long as she was alive, she was the rightful air to the throne. She was always gonna be a threat"


"That's they would hunt her down always as long she's alive?"


Doctor nods her head


"What did you do?"


"I took her that day when her father died. I shoved a child that wasn't mine into the Tardis and I took off...I went to the edges of the universe and found a planet. Uninhabited beautiful planet and raised her as my own...keeping her safe for over 200 years" she went quiet for a moment "Until the day they found us. So I took off...again...frantically looking for a where she could be safe. Where she could start again and live her dreams"


"This place?"


"Yes, beautiful this place...deep underneath the ocean on a faraway deep she was out of their reach. A place where they could never find her. But I did something...something I can never forgive myself"


"What did you do darling?"


She went quiet for a while and then spoke again "I told her we are going for adventure. She was so happy, so elated. We came to my friend’s house and when the night came, I left Yaz...I took my Tardis and left...and I never looked back" tears rolled down her face"


"OMG babe why? ...Why not say anything?...Why just leave her like that?" Yaz was horrified and couldn't understand.


"Because Yaz she would never let me go and I just couldn't...I... had no strength to say goodbye...I had no choice...It was the only way to keep her safe...At least that's what I told myself at the time."


"How much time has passed since that day?"


"Over thousand years Yaz"


"OMG...Bighead...wooow" she was shocked and didn't know what to say at first


"I told you Yaz...I'm a muddy water. I'm not proud of myself...or the person I was"


Yaz gazed at her in silence… There was a part of her that understood her reasons, but there was a part of her that also judged her. But the biggest part of her loved her with all her heart as it takes courage to face yourself and admit your mistakes. It takes even more courage to change who you are into what you want to be.


"Thank you...Thank you for saying this to me. It means a lot and I know this isn't easy.... I love you"


"Do you? ... Even after what I just told you?"


"OMG, Don't be silly...of course I do" she propped her head on her arm and stroke Doctors face "Darling, we all make mistakes, and we all did things were not proud of...Things we feel sick just thinking about. And in all of your long life it would be absolutely stupid and naive for me to think you never made some stupid decisions you're not proud off. But I love who you are now, amd I adore what you're trying to be and how you admit it to yourself when you do mess it up. It takes courage you do that...I respect that about you" she tucked her hair behind her ear and wipes her tears away "I love you my beautiful Bighead I always will" she smiles gently


The Doctor looked at her silently and smiled slightly, she reached out and caressed her face, "I don't deserve you Yasmin Khan" she whispered resting her forehead on hers and pulled her into a kiss.

They kissed slow and gentle, then firm and passionate. Yaz reached down the Doctor's back and pulled her shirt over her head then tangled her fingers in her hair pulling her hungry to her lips, she flipped her over onto her back kissing her hard then paused for a moment just gazing into her eyes. Those eyes she loved with every part of her being, the Doctor gave her a gentle smile and then slipped her hand under her shirt pulling it over her head, palming her breast and kissing them softly. Yaz's eyes slammed shut and she moaned tangling fingers through her golden hair. She slipped her arm around Yaz's waist and gently turned her onto her back hovering over her for a moment and ran her finger over her soft lips watching her close her eyes.

She wanted her tonight so badly it hurt, she desperately needed her inside her, feeling her as a part of herself so she kissed again and again, trailing  her lips down her neck, over her collar bone and wrapping them over her breast and slipped her hand into her cotton bottoms. 


"Off...take them off" Yaz said breathlessly and pushed down on Doctor's shoulders.

"Impatient" she smirked then grabbed her bottoms and pulled them down along with her underwear leaving her bare and beautiful to her eyes. She was hers and hers alone, she thought for a moment as she buried her face into her stomach trailing her lips straight line down her whole body. This beautiful being who now more than ever was a part of her, carrying her heart inside her. The Doctor hovered over her looking at her gently, running her hand over her stomach and her soft breast. Yaz stroke her face gazing at her, her eyes half-open and dreamy, her beautiful hair spread across the pillow. She reached and turned the Doctor onto her back, slipping her hand underneath the cotton of her underwear. Doctor sighed deeply arching her back as she passed through her. Yaz wached as her eyes slammed shut and her fingers closed pulling the sheets. She kissed her hard and whispered quietly "I want you" she smiled into her lips.

"I love how you say that" Doctor smiled dazed and closed the gap locking their lips together.

The Doctor was falling into a daze as her wife's lips sealed themselves on her and her fingers curled inside her. She laced their fingers together, moaning softly, her cheeks flushed as the heat coursed through them with every move Yaz made. Her warmth spreading through the Doctor's body making her dizzy, making her drift away to place where nothing but them two existed. She moaned into the pillow, her fingers tangled in her hair, her cheeks flushed and her skin burning from desire. 

"Yaz..I...," she sighed grabbing her hand on the mattress, swaying her hips over her lips and trembled as soundless moan left her lips. She slumped on the sheets, her orange haze swirling around them. Yaz pulled back and kissed the side of her leg then leyed beside her. 

The Doctor smiled with half-open eyes and kissed her lazily "Love ya" she tapped her finger on her nose 

"Love you too" she smiled back. Her cheeks showing little dimples and Doctor showered her face with small kisses. Her fingertips runing lazy lines down her arm then over the curve of waist made Yaz tingle. Doctor took her lips into hers kissing her deeper and draped her leg over her sides then slipped her hand between them and Yaz moaned into her mouth.  

"My little head wonk" Doctor smiled gently kissing the tip of her nose as Yaz's breathing quickened and her breath tingled her lips "I wanna watch you fly" she whispered and Yaz rubbed her forehead against her cheek moaning quietly as her fingers slipped inside her. She tangled her fingers in Doctor's hair and pressed her lips to her neck moaning into her sweet skin as she took her slowly, gently, soaking her in into every part of her being, feeling her move with her in the most beautiful harmony as they dance across the universe together. Yaz raised her gaze to meet her eyes and layed her hand on to her cheek.  Doctor smiled at her gently and kissed her passionately

Her moans became lauder and Doctor took them all with her lips like the sweetest thing in the universe. She gripped her shoulder digging her nails into it, wrapping herself around her and rocking herself against her. "Don't…" she whispered against her lips gazing at her dreamy


"I won't" 


Yaz's moaned loud into her mouth, tingles coursing through her. Doctor held her tight without pulling back feeling her cramp around her until she sloped in her arms.


"You're everything to me" Yaz whispered gazing at her as she kissed her fingertips smiling.


"And you to me my beautiful"


They curled up into each other and stayed like that for while in silence just kissing and gazing at each other as time stood still just for a while.