Chapter 6


The loud unusual noise woke up Yaz, but she was too tired to move just yet. Unlike Clara who really didn't need much sleep Yaz was one of those people who could easily sleep throughout the whole day. It was a middle of the week and as the end was approaching she was getting sad. She loved her job but she could have done with a longer brake. Then she relased she could ask for extra days for moving and that made her extremely happy. She was permanently happy now and it was a new feeling in her life. Something she never had because even when she was happy it would never last for very long.
She made herself get up and only because rolling around the bed that still smelled of Clara meant she missed her and getting up meant seeing her,  it also meant kissing her as well. And she missed those lips. It was a sunny day for a change and she was hoping the last night's storm didn't damage her car again because she promised her mother she will take shopping for a winter jacket. They also had to pick her sisters birthday present.
She got out of bed and relased her hips were a bit sore and that put a cheeky smile on her face because she knew exactly why. She looked through the window and saw the blue box was back in a garden. The storm did quite a damage in a garden and she knew Clara will want to clear it out. So she decided to get ready faster and help her out. She felt bad Clara was doing everything by herself and in the end of a day this will be her home from now on as well. And that though completely threw her. From now on she will will be waking up in this bed every morning. Their bed, their bedroom.

Clara stood in the kitchen waiting for the kettle to boil. She was looking out the window at the blue box. She was in it only a few minutes ago, and stepping inside was like stepping into another life. She wasn't sure if she missed it because what she had now lit up her soul and she never wanted to lose it. But she wondered how long she would be able to keep this.
Her shadow was still there, but it seemed smaller. Of all the possibilities and outcomes, she never predicted this one. The most she hoped for was that Yaz would get to know her, trust her. But never in a million years would she  have thought that she would see her. She never knew something like this would ever happen. She wondered how she would react if she ever told her, and the thought of it scared her because she couldn't bear to lose her. The day will come and eventually she will have to face it. But not today...
Yaz came out carrying two cups of tea and found the garage door opened with her car already inside. All she could see was Clara's legs peaking from underneath the car. The site made her chuckle as the only thing showing was her bare shins and cute boots half laced up.

"Morning sexy" she giggles and Clara pulls herself out

"Hey sleepy head..." she flashed a smile

"Tea for my favorite mechanic?"

"Aaaaa...How did you know" she got up on her feet and leaned for a kiss "Kiss don't touch...I'm all covered in oil"

"See you've been busy all morning. I didn't hear you leave" she said passing her a mug

"I'm up since six. Came back at ten and started on a car"

"I must say you make me feel extremely productive babe" she giggles kissing her "Thank you love. I need to take my mum shopping today"

"'re not going anywhere with that tin can"

"Tin can?? Excuse me missy"

"Tin can Yaz...death trap...I can continue but I don't believe you want me to. Your brakes are in such a state It's a miracle you're still alive, your exhaust has a whole, your braking fluid was on minimum so was oil...and I just started on it...also all the rubbers around the doors are rotten"

"Alright, alright...I get the picture...I'll call my mum"

"No babe you won't"

"Excuse me?"
Clara picked up a set of keys from the table on a side and through it to her "You'll take my car"

"Claraaa...No no...I can't  drive your car...No way...You have BMW"


"So? If I prang that it's my whole year's salary are you for real?"

"'s just a car...Just don't hurt yourself that's all I'm asking...Don't worry about the car"

Yaz looked at her in disbelief. She really didn't feel comfortable taking Clara's car at all. And as much as Clara was relaxed about material stuff she herself would die on a spot iff she ever did any damage on it.

Clara sipped her tea walking around the car studding it with her hand in her pocket "Relax's just a car...four wheels some metal and very low level engineering...seriously overrated and overpriced iff you ask me"

Yaz walked over to her and grabbed her face with both hands "You're know that?"

"No I'm not Yaz"

"You're perfect for me" she said kissing her "Right I wanna clear out our garden now" she said cheerfully "I'm meeting my mum at three but don't worry about dinner I'll bring something over"

"Talking about mum Yaz"

"Yes?" she turned around as she was going to get out of the garage

"Ask your parents when it suits them for me to book a table for a meal"

"Really" Yaz frowned suspiciously

Clara was always cleverly avoiding meeting her parents to a point where her mum was seriously questioning iff Yaz was making up the whole story about a girlfriend just so that everyone leaves her alone.

"Isn't that what what you're supposed to do when you start living together?"

"Yeah babe it is" she smiled "Alright darling I'll ask"


Yaz sat in Clara's car and compared to hers it looked like a space ship. One thing was being a passenger but now when she had this machine in her hands she was seriously freaking out. Clara quickly showed her what's where and then grinned from the driveway yelling "It's just a primitive piece of metal" which made her laugh all the way to the main road. But then when she was on main road everyone was beeping her for driving too slow and she was worried she will not get a ticket for fast driving but too slow. She parked a car infront of her building and saw her mum. She beeped and she turned around then ignored her. Then Yaz had to pull down the window and yell.

"Yaz??" Nadja stood on a parking confused

"Yes mum it's me...come in"

"Who's car is this?" Nadja asked baffled as she sat down next to her

"Clara's and before you say how beautiful it is know that I'm totally freaking out about driving it. By the way hi mum" she said kissing her on a cheek

"Where's your car?"

"Falling apart in Clara's garage. Water got inside the other day and fried electronics, and today Clara looked at it and gave me a whole list of things that were screwed up on it and called it a death trap. Basically, she won't let me drive it until it's fixed"

"Well, in all fairness Yaz, your dad got you that car ten years ago"

"I know...but I loved that car...It was my car"

"I know honey"


"What about this one mum?" Yaz asked showing her a beautiful burgundy winter jacket

"Not bad" Nadja said "You were always better at this than me"

"Thanks seriously I think the color would really suit you"

"So, are you happy about moving?"

"Yeah.." she answered with a big missive smile her eyes glistening with with love "I still can't believe it mum"

She was walking between the clothing racks gliding her hand over the stacked up jackets "It all seems so surreal"

"I know baby but you deserve it. I can't tell you how happy I am for you Yaz" her mum came up and put her palm on her cheek "She really seems lovely"

"Talking about Clara. She wants to know when it's convenient for you and Dad to reserve a table for a meal?"

"Really? We are finally gonna meet her?"

" are"


Clara didn't want to admit to herself that she felt so empty since Yaz left the house. She's used to being alone most of the time, but getting used to something and loving it are two different things. Being alone was an inevitable part of her life that she always tried to avoid at all costs. She used the time to do some repairs to the Tardis hoping Yaz wouldn't return in the meantime. She also called her lawyer and landlord about buying the house. She was excited about the house. And prospect of what that meant for her and Yaz. Having a real house was something she always thought about. It was an abstract thing that she had never had in her life, and like a little child who finally got her own room, she felt warmth around her hearts. The past few weeks had felt like a hurricane in her life, and that was exceptional when it came to Clara because her life was more like a cosmic storm of epic proportions. But deep down she was more scared than she wanted to admit. Everything was so fragile and it seemed like it could shatter into tiny pieces right before her eyes, but she was determined that this time she would do anything to prevent that from happening. It didn't matter to her what it would take because she promised a long time ago that she would be brave.
Yaz was fragile, battered by life, she could see it in her eyes even when they smiled. But all her bruises made her strong, and what was more important never made her bitter. There was no anger or resentment in Yaz's heart. She surrendered to her, completely opened up to her, completely revealed herself to her utterly. Clara valued every bit of it and never wanted to betray it. It was the most precious gift life could give her and she wasn't about to lose it again.
She jumped of the floor when she heard the car parking in front of the house and left the mug on the counter to rush to the door.

Yaz was relieved when she parked. She came out and opened the booth.

"Hey love!" Yaz smiled when the door opened up

"Don't no I will" she ran towards the car to take the shopping bags "Had a nice time?"

"Yes, I got some dinner and I bought you custard creams"

"You have?...Did I tell you you are my favorite person in the world?" she kissed her temple and took the bags

"I always knew I could buy you with a biscuit" she laughed

" can with your biscuit Yaz" she turned around razing her eyebrow and licking her lips

"You silly sod" Yaz couldn't help but blush Clara totally nailed her with that one, she also never saw her pull that face before and it was wicked and sexy

"See, told you you won't prang the car" she made a smug face walking into the house

"Oh god...I tell what I bloody need a shower after that. I was sweating driving it"

"Told worry too much Yaz" she grabs her by the waist swinging her on top of the counter "I missed ya"

Clara looked at her cheeky under the eye trailing fingers down her legs. And as soon as she touched her Yaz felt herself turning into jelly.

"I missed you too" she lifted her her head with a finger "More than I could bare"

Clara kissed her hard giving her a whiplash. Yaz felt how much she missed her in her kiss as it seemed as if she will consume her. She hooked her fingers into her trousers pulling her and wrapped her legs around her. Clara made a mess of her hair in seconds. She moaned into her mouth with each kiss and dragged her hands over her breast "Can I have you?" she asked breathlessly

"I thought you'd never ask" Yaz smiled draping her hands over her shoulders


"Or here?" Yaz raised an eyebrow

"Yasmin Khan" she said surprised

"What? Tell me you never thought of that?"

Clara's lip twitched, she knew very well that she did and more than she wanted to admit. She pulled Yaz in for a kiss. Yaz tightened her legs around her and wrapped her arms around her shoulders. It was amazing to feel her after a whole day. She missed her touch, missed her smell.

Clara's lips traced her neck. She lowered her to the floor and turned her around pressing her against the counter trailing hands down her sides and over her stomach

"Fuck I love you so much" Yaz moaned into the air

"I want you so much" she whispered kissing her earlobe and ran her hand between her thighs over her jeans. Yaz whimpered her legs gave away for a second and she had to grab the counter. Clever fingers tackled her trousers and few moves she was bare from the waist down. Clara slinging everything across the kitchen floor. She nudged her legs open with her boot and slipped her arm around her waist, the other one between her thighs stroking her slowly. Yaz was popping, and if Clara doesn't do something soon she knew she would be a goner before she even started

"Clara...I can't please"

"What Yasmin?" she asked cheeky Yaz who was holding on to dear life.

"Have me...take me...whatever just fucking do it"

Clara couldn't help but chuckle. "You really  have a dirty mouth on you Yaz" She turned her head and kissed her hard. Yaz whimpered into her mouth as her fingers ran through her, she turned her around and draped her leg to her side holding her tight, Yaz's back hit the cold counter, she grabbed the back of Clara's neck crushing her lips into hers.
"Look at me, Yaz," Clara said softly, almost motionless, brown eyes looking back at her "I want to see you love" she said sliding into her watching her close them as she felt her inside watching her falling apart underneath her as she started to move inside her.
She never took her like that, hard raw and passionate. Moving her hips with each passing trailing lips over her neck and swallowing her every whimper. There was fire burning behind Clara's eyes and it was melting Yaz to pieces.
She slumped her head on her shoulder and dug her nails into Clara's forearm shuddering slumping into her arms on wobbly legs.
Clara kissed the side of her head and let go of her leg but Yaz couldn't stand. She scooped her up and carried her upstairs.

"You missed me so much?" Yaz smiled sleepy an exhausted

"Did you ever doubt that?" Clara smiled kissing her.

"I need a shower" Yaz laughed "If I can walk to it"

"I'll carry you" Clara chuckled running lazy circles on her stomach and kissed her shoulder "Go make yourself prim and proper and I'll put the food on"

" for me?"

"Don't get too exited it's just one of those u stick in the oven" she laughed

"Love ya" Yaz looked at her with a massive smile

"I adore you" she kissed her and god up dragging her by the hand over the bed to get up "Come on you...get a shift on I'm starving now"

The food smelled lovely when Yaz came out of the bathroom. She kept thinking how her parents would soon meet Clara. It was an unusual feeling because for the first time in her life she acutely had someone. She had been looking forward to it for a long time, but now that she would actually meet them in just a few days, she became nervous. Her mother was excited after weeks of questioning and probing her about Clara, and her dad said he was finally going to meet her wife. Sonya was her usual self and just wanted to see what Clara looked like and if she was really beautiful. Yaz considered herself extremely lucky to have a loving family that accepted her and loved her for exactly who she was and she could allow herself to be vulnerable and exposed in front of them. She lost count of the number of times her mom sat up late at night with her while she cried into her pillow over a broken heart, and kept telling her that right now there was someone under this sky who breathed the same air as her, who was born just for her, and how right know maybe they feel exactly like her.
Those words always comforted her and sometimes she would look up at the sky and imagine that she was sending a message to that someone about where she was and how to find her. As it happens her mother was right and they were there. And that person was right now downstairs in the kitchen preparing the most loving microwave dinner for her. She put on pajamas and a soft pink dressing gown over it.

"Hey darling" she smiled and Clara turned over her shoulder

"Yaz you look like a cute fluffy marshmallow...I could just eat you right now"

"Don't say that twice please" she laughed "That smells nice" she came up behind her hugging her around the waist and rubbing her face at her back


"Mmmm...And mushy"

"I like you mushy"

Clara was putting food on the plates. By this point there were both so hungry they could easily eat the plates as well. Clara was working hard the whole day and Yaz knew she hasn't eaten anything except probably a bunch of sugary stuff as usual.

"Kitchen or living room?" she asked holding the plates

"Definitely living room" Yaz said and went to the fridge to get the juice

"I spoke with the landlord and my lawyer today"

"You have?"

"Yeah...I made an offer for the house" she turned around and smiled

"OMG so it's happening?"

"Start believing. By the way you did a good job on a garden but I saw some broken branches on the tree I'm gonna have to cut that off tomorrow"

They sat on the floor around the coffee table like they did almost every evening. Yaz loved those evenings the most. They will always remind her of the time before when she would come over tiered from her work and enjoyed in cuddling on a sofa.

"I have to pack us tomorrow. You need to tell me what you want to take" Yaz said digging into her food "Mmmmm....oh god I needed this. Thanks for cooking babe I really appreciate it"

"Yaz you don't need to do that darling. I don't expect you to. I'm perfectly capable of packing myself"

"I have no doubt in that, but I would like to. You take care of me in so many ways I want to do something for you as well"

"You do do things for me Yaz. You cleaned up the house the other day. Now that's a huge change for me"

Clara was finished with her food in few minutes and sitting on a floor legs crossed "Yaz?"


"Tell me something honestly"

"What darling?"

"Are you happy with your job?"

"Mmmm...mostly yes...I just wish...I dunno...they give me something more challenging, you know...something that would test me. I'm fed up with traffic disputes"

"Mmm...Did you choose a movie?"


Yaz chose Highlander, the classic she loved watching years ago. She wasn't sure Clara was thrilled with her choice but it was her night to choose a movie so she went along with it.

"Why do you like it so much?" Clara asked half way through the movie

"I think it's so romantic. How he loved her so much even when she got old, it's beautiful, and he never forgot her, kept caring her in his heart for centuries. I mean, could you imagine living for so long? And everything around you fades away whiles you keep going. It's heartbreaking"

Clara was swallowing marbles by this point and regretted even asking a question. She just hugged her tightly and placed a deep kiss on top of head.

Yaz was drifting of again through the movie. Clara's fingers slowly brushing through her hair and rhythm of her heart that was always so loud was lulling her to sleep. She played with her fingers then relased that the cut on her hand from earlier that day when she was fixing the car was gone. And there remained only a thin line that was hardly visible anymore. But she was drifting away her eyes closing until she fell asleep. Clara scooped her up at some point and carried her upstairs