Chapter 3



Yaz couldn't wait to finish her work and the day dragged on. It had been almost three weeks since she met Clara, and she still had a permanent smile on her face that everyone around her had already noticed. She had seen her every day since, and every day still felt like a dream from which she expected to wake up. And Clara never cease to amaze her with her attentiveness and kindness making her feel like she was the most beautiful woman in a world.

She parked the car in front of Clara's house and took shopping bags out. She had a key now so she let herself in.

"Babe? I'm here" she yelled then saw her in a garden caring branches and piling them up. She looked cute in a blue trousers that didn't reach pass her calfs, half laced boots and navy jumper with her usual braces. It was a look that Yaz loved the most because it resonated with her somewhere deep inside. It was her Clara.

"Babe..." Yaz said again as she got out

"Hey beautiful" she smiled caring huge pile of branches "Give me minute"

"Let me help"

"No, you'll get yourself dirty" she popped the branches on pile and wiped her hands on her sides "There...finished"

"Don't you have a gardener?"

"No...I would never Yaz. This is's nice to have hands in a dirt keeps you grounded" she smiled and came over leaning for a kiss keeping her hands away so she doesn't stain her clothes "Mmmm...missed that all day" she said still inches from her lips

"You and me both" Yaz cupped her face "I got food. Everything you like" then grabbed her braces and kissed her briefly "Why don't you hop in a shower and I'll make it in mean time"

Clara smugs "You're gonna spoil me"

"And it would be well deserved babe. You spoil me every day...go on, off you go" she tapped her bum as they walked inside

The smell of food climbed up the stairs making Clara hungry as she stepped out of the shower. She quickly changed and ran downstairs to the kitchen. Yaz was standing by the counter, putting food on plates.

"It's making me hungry" she slipped her hands around Yaz's waist and kissed her neck. Then took the plates "Kitchen or lounge?"

"Mmmm lounge"

"Brilliant" she zoomed around the corner "Can you bring..."

"Juice" Yaz finished her sentence "Sure babe"

They sat on the floor around the coffee table. The fire was burning in the fireplace and the lights were dimmed making the room nice and cozy. Since it is already December, the days were short, so even though it was only seven in the evening, it was already pitch dark outside.

"Yaz...I was thinking"

"You always do babe" she giggled "Sorry...what were you thinking?" she automatically wiped a crumb from the corner of Clara's mouth

"You know you really loved going to Oxford with me"

"Mmmm" Yaz took another bite and flashed it with a sip of juice "Best decision in my life" she flashed a smile

"Well, I've got another lecture next weekend" she grins

"Really?" she smiled exited

"Wanna come?"

"You didn't even have to ask that" she jumped across the table kissing her

It was almost ten in the evening and they were still sitting on the couch watching a movie. Yaz was lying on her chest running her finger over the knuckles of the hand that was lying on her stomach. She loved nothing in this world more than those evening cuddles. One thing she had learned in those three weeks with Clara was that as much as her girlfriend was super hyper at absolutely everything she did, she was also capable of being extremely calm at times. She got to know her pretty well, for example that her favorite color was blue, that she was addicted to custard cream and that she was extremely outgoing but very traditional at the same time. So traditional that in three weeks of being together, they still haven't moved away from kissing and cuddlingAlthough some of the cuddling did extend a bit to her hands occasionally wandering to Yaz's breasts or sliding seamlessly down her back and over her bottom. It was a pace Yaz was comfortable with and Clara seemed to understand that. The rush of feelings and unexpected emotions she felt from the first moment they met was enough of a blow for Yaz, and she half expected to be dumped after the first night. But after their trip to Oxford, Clara set a slower pace and gave Yaz much-needed confidence and time to process his own emotions. What she felt for Clara was so deep and intense that even to this day she couldn't find an explanation for it. But at one point she stopped looking for it and just eased herself into it. Clara felt like home, she was her safe place and she felt she didn't have to use words with her, she just understood her. They had their own language that spoke louder than any words, it was something that Yaz valued with all her heart
The slow circular motions of Clara's hand over his stomach lulled Yaz to sleep. She had a hard day at work and the room was cozy, she slowly fell asleep in her arms.

"Yaz...darling" a soft voice woke her up from her sleep. She had no idea what time it was but it seemed late.

"OMG...fuck...sorry...I fell asleep" Yaz woke up and sat sleepy on the sofa

"No worries potty mouth" Clara laughed kneeling in front of her "Listen it's late, I don't want you driving home at this time. Would you like to stay?" she asked brushing her thumb over her cheek

"I'd love to, iff you're fine with that?"

"I'd like nothing more" she got up and reached for her hand to get her up

She laced their fingers and led Yaz upstairs. It was a first time Yaz saw the upper floor of the house but she was still half asleep and didn't really register any of it until the bedroom door opened up.

"Make yourself comfortable I'll be downstairs iff you need me" Clara said at the door

"Whaaa?" Yaz's eyes open wide "What are you going on about?"

Clara stood at the door confused and then fidgeted uncomfortably pointing to the ground floor "Sofa...I'll be on a sofa"

"No you're fucking not. Don't be ridiculous"

"I thought..."

"You think way too much" she frowned slightly laughing "Please...sleep next to me. I want you to" she tugged her braces "Pleasee" she pleaded pulling her harder until she finally stepped inside. 

She placed a small kiss on Clara's lips and then another one and then slowly pulled her braces down from her shoulders and pulled her shirt out of trousers.

"Yaz...You don't need to do this" she said quietly and took her hand kissing her knuckles

"No...I don't" she tucked her hair behind her ear gazing at her "But I want to...if you do?"

Clara reached out, wrapping her fingers around her face, and Yaz leaned into it, closing her eyes, kissing her palm. She pulled her close and kissed her lightly, then deepened the kiss. I

It was a sign of consent and Yaz was relieved. As much as Clara's slow burn pace agreed with her, she had felt ready for this for a while, but she never knew how to approach the subject. Her girlfriend was smart and witty and knew how to steer a conversation away from a topic she didn't want to talk about. So Yaz tried to be subtle in her approach by giving her hints about what she wanted her to do, but Clara managed to deflect that as well, leaving Yaz to wonder if maybe she should just be open. So she welcomed this moment to let her know exactly what she wanted hoping her girlfriend wouldn't find some other clever way to get out of it.

Yaz ran her fingers through her hair. Clara's lips trailed down her neck and collarbone. She hadn't kissed her like that before, nor were her hands as busy as they were now, going over her breast and the curve of her waist, sliding under her sweater to touch her bare skin.

"Take it off" Yaz said and Clara looked back at her eyes "It's ok, take it off" Yaz repeated

Clara kissed her again and took off her sweater in one move.

"You're so beautiful" Clara whispered and Yaz reached out taking her bra off throwing in on the floor standing half bare infront of Clara seemed so natural. It wasn't what she expected at all it was as easy as breathing.

"Your turn" Yaz chuckled making Clara smile and kiss her again, her fingers brushing over Yaz's breast making her moan into her mouth.

She reached for Clara's T-shirt and pulled it over her head, then slid her hand between her breasts. Clara watched her face as she did this watching her as her hand slid down her stomach sliding her knuckles over the bare silky skin probing her curiosity. Yaz felt her gaze and kept concentrating on the soft skin of her stomach. There was something very powerful in being aware that she was watched that she couldn't explain. Clara ran her thumb over her face and then pulled her in for another kiss trailing her lips down her neck and her hands across her back gently tracing her spine with her fingertips making Yaz shiver at her touch. She kissed her passionately, her mouth exploring the skin of her shoulder, tilting her head with her hand and running her lips over her neck. She rested her hands on Yaz's hips, slowly pushing her to the edge of the bed. Yaz sat down and looked up, hooded eyes looking back at her running fingers through her hair and then a thumb over her lips making her close her eyes for a moment.
Clara was there in front of her, standing by the side of the bed between her legs half naked in a dark room. Yaz pressed her lips on her soft stomach making Clara moan tilting her head tangling her fingers into Yaz's hair.
Yaz never heard those sounds from her mouth and the fact that she was making her do it seemed unbelievable. In no hurry she ran her hands down her waist and her lips over the soft skin of her stomach. Then she reached for the hem of trousers opening them slowly and kissing exposed skin until she slid them down her sides. She looked up again and met her eyes. Clara smiled slightly, and Yaz wrapped her arms around her waist, laying her head on her stomach for a moment, wanting to feel her. She felt her stomach move as she breathed and Clara leaned into her with her touch gently running her fingers over her back. Yaz pulled back and kissed her down the hem of her underwear. She heard a low moan from Clara's mouth. She knew Clara was letting her do whatever she wanted, giving her time to explore her.

But for Yaz it didn't feel like exploring and it was the strangest of feelings. She felt like she knew this body very well and more reminding herself how it felt.
She felt her breathing quickened as her fingers hooked around the edges of her underwear slowly pullinug them down her sides and letting them fall to the floor joining her trousers. Clara moved just a little to step out of them and slyly nudged it all behind her with her foot causing Yaz to laugh as she immediately returned to the same position and looked at Yaz smiling in a cutest way.
"Your stunning" Yaz whispered looking up and trailed her hands down her sides and her back 

Clara placed a finger under her chin and then leaned down, capturing her lips gently pushing her to lie on the bed. Yaz could see her in full glory now and she was stunning, she propped herself up on her hands so she could see better and now she could see all the parts of her that she could only feel through the clothes.
She enjoyed the brief display before Clara began to fiddle with the button of her jeans. Yaz giggled at her speed of opening the button and a zipper before Yaz could blink

"What?" Clara looked up, her hands grabbing the hem ready to pull them down

"Nothing babe...go on what are you waiting for" Yaz razed her hips of the mattress to help her a little and Clara pulled everything off her in a few moves throwing it across the room in such a way that Yaz giggled again.

"Are you laughing at me Yasmin Khan?" she commented as Yaz was left bare to the world

"Just a little" she giggles a again and Clara raises her eyebrow starting to climb the bed pushing Yaz to move forward until she was fully on it.
Clara caged her body and then released that Yaz had already made a room for her between her thighs making herself comfortable. Clara had tiny frame but she was surprisingly heavy. Her body pressing Yaz into the mattress felt amazing and Yaz eased into it immediately wrapping her legs around her and moving hair from her face. She had a permanent smile on her face partially because she was incredibly happy and partly because she felt a bit nervous. As always with everything, Clara was in tune with her feelings making even this moment a slow burn.

"I adore you" Yaz said smiling. It was her way of saying she loved her but those words still didn't leave her mouth

"I adore you too my beautiful" Clara smiled placing short kiss on her lips "Nervous?"

"Little...but I'm in good hands" she stroke her cheek "I just realized something"

"That you want me badly" she smugs

"I realized that from the moment I laid my eyes on you...but no something else"

"What" she kissed the tip of her nose

"Sweet smell around you. I always thought it was your perfume. But it's smell like candy or more like Christmas cookies" she said playing with her hair "It's lovely"

"Do I now?...Mmmm...I never knew that...So you want to eat me Yaz?"

Yaz cracked up laughing. Knowing Clara that was not a dirty talk in a way Yaz heard it but it had the same effect. "In one way or another yes" Yaz cupped her face and kissed her gently.

Clara deepening the kiss, short moans leaving her mouth. She propped herself up hovering above Yaz and as she moved Yaz missed her already. But she didn't have to wait for long, Clara sealed her lips onto her breast kissing it gently. Yaz looked down watching her do it moving hair from her face and tracing fingers over her shoulders. Her skin was cool to the touch but incredibly soft. She moved slowly down Yaz's body trailing lips over every curve and realized Yaz is following her lips, twisting herself to each touch. Her skin was like velvet, soft and beautiful, and unlike Clara she was fluffy to the touch, curve and absolutely gorgeous. She waited so long to press her lips on her she wasn't going to rush wanting to touch and kiss every single inch of her and store it in her memory. Clara buried her face into her soft stomach kissing it gently,  smelling her skin that reminded her of summer nights. Yaz's fingers ran through her hair gently and so lovingly. She couldn't remember last time she felt so loved. Yaz's love is real and raw without limits. It was something that poured out of her in the most innocent way and Clara needed it like the air in her lungs. She had to kiss her, she had to see her face, her beautiful dreamy eyes that looked deep into her soul, so she moved and took her lips with hers, stealing the breath from her mouth.

"You're absolutely beautiful" she whispered smiling and then sloped down to Yaz's stomach trailing lips over her mound. Yaz gasped as she brushed her fingers between her thighs. Her heart was pounding and her breathing quickened. Clara slipped her hands underneath her thighs pulling her closer. Yaz jolted as she went through her the first time a quite moan leaving her mouth. Clara's hands rested on her stomach and she reached for them lacing their fingers.
She wanted to touch her, but she didn't want to let go of her hands. It felt good to be locked together like this feeling her pass through her, hot breath between her thighs. Yaz could feel herself falling, her moans filling the air

"Fuck babe" she mumbled pulling Clara's hands she shuddered as it washed her over

Clara let go of her hands and kissed the inside of her legs then wiped her face into the sheets. She smiled as she saw Yaz fall onto the sheets and ran her fingers through her thighs causing her to twitch. She found it adorable how Yaz flew off before she even started. She lay down next to her, kissing her gently, then swung her leg over her side pulling her close. She wanted more from her, but the night was young and she needed her rest. She watched in silence as Yaz's face drifted away, relaxed and sleepy, only moaning softly as Clara pulled her closer. Looking happy and calm, Clara brushed a strand of hair from her face and kissed her on the tip of her nose. Only then did Yaz open her eyes.

"Welcome back beautiful" she smiled "I absolutely adore you"

"I love you too" words rolled across her lips and Clara clenched her jaw

"I love you too my beautiful" she cupped her face with her fingers and pressed her lips to her forehead. It was a strategic move because Yaz couldn't see her tear filled eyes. She buried her head into her neck. And Yaz snuck into the space. She slid her arm around Clara, squeezing her tightly.

"I'm so happy with you" she whispered into her neck unaware Clara was silently crying wiping her tears quickly between stroking Yaz's hair

"I am my happiest with you Yaz" she barely managed to say it deep down hoping Yaz will fall asleep until she pulls herself together.

She wasn't ready for this, haven't prepared herself to go this far. As much as every atom in her body wanted it, Yaz took her by surprise.
She liked to be in control of everything and it scared her to lose herself like this. But Yaz had that effect on her ever since she met her. This is what happens when someone is an essential part of your being. The part of you that was always missing. And once you find it, there is no force in this world that will tear you apart.

Yaz woke up to the sound of water in the bathroom. And she saw a ray of light shining over the bed. She turned around and door was open, she could see outline of Clara through the glass door of the shower cubicle. She was so happy it felt like her whole body was trembling inside. Yaz got up and wrapped herself with a sheet

"Hey, sleepy head...had nice nap?" Clara peaked through the door of the shower.

"Yeah I did" Yaz gave her a biggest smile that melted Clara's heart immediately

"Water is nice wanna join me?" she smiled and reached her hand through the door

"I could do with a shower"

"There's definitely room for two"
Yaz let her sheet drop to the floor and took her hand

"Hey beautiful" she said wrapping fingers around her face and placed a small kiss to her lips

"Hey yourself" Yaz looked at her getting lost in her eyes. She placed her hands on her hips then started gliding them down her curves. Gentle kisses and just running hands over each other was what they both needed at this point. And a shower woke them both up. They stepped out and Clara grabbed a big fluffy towel drying Yaz then wrapped her up in it before drying herself.

"Are you hungry? Cause I'm really hungry" Clara said digging through the drawer and took out fresh pair of nickers out then gave Yaz a shirt from her wardrobe "I think you will look really nice in this" she said

"Thanks...yeah I could do with some food"

They came to the kitchen and Clara was rummaging through the fridge taking out everything on the counter. She looked like she was glowing, and Yaz realized that of all the different faces she could pull off, this was a new one she'd never seen before. It was happy, peaceful and so kind. Yaz felt like she was falling in love with her all over again.

"It's fine babe you don't need to empty out your whole fridge...It's like right there in our reach" she laughs "I'll just have some chocolate spread and milk

"Call in sick" Clara said slamming the peanut butter on the kitchen top


"Tomorrow in sick...take a week off.."

"Are you for real?"

"Definitely last time I checked" she smirks "I'm serious I want you here with me"

"You're crazy..." she laughed "I suppose I can use my holiday...but I will still need to lie why so suddenly"

"Brilliant…" she jumped up and circled the counter grabbing Yaz's chair and swinging it around, then found a place for herself between her legs. "So I have you to myself all week?"

"You're gonna have me to yourself permanently when I get sacked" she laughs tucking hair behind her ear

"That's fine Yaz I have plenty of money" she looked down and ran her hands over Yaz's bare legs "I also have some contacts in UNIT...Maybe iff I call Kate tomorrow" she scrunched her face

"I have no idea what you're saying but I don't care because you look so cute" she kisses her gently "Wanna a bite" she offered her some chocolate spread on a bread and Clara took a bite

"Right" she jumps and zoomed around the kitchen top "Now I'm really hungry"

She scoffed through the whole packet of custard cream and flushed it with a glass of milk. And then to Yaz's absolute horror also ate three slices of bread with chocolate spread. She had all the evidence she needed that Clara was running on pure sugar and she had no idea how she could stay that slim. Now she saw her without clothes she realized just how slim she really was. And how she could literally count all the vertebrae on her back. Now when she saw without clothes she also relased just how much more beautiful she was. And how after tonight she will have a serious problem keeping her hands away from her. She also came to conclusion how Clara's ability to go from one extreme to another extended into the bedroom. From someone who kept a slow burn for three weeks and not moving from kissing she jumped into a supersonic speed in just few hours. And how her hands were permanently on Yaz on places where they've never been before, not that she was complaining at all. But now she was again tiered sitting on a bar stool for a solid hour waiting for her girlfriend to empty out the fridge. She slumped her head to the kitchen top whiles Clara was finally putting food back into the fridge. Yaz wanted this night to continue but now she was seriously questioning iff she will have any strength at all. It also occurred to her that she should have texted her mom that she wasn't coming home.

"Babe" Yaz said with head resting on the counter


"Iff I'm gonna be here for a week I really need to go and get some stuff from my apartment. I don't even have anything to change into"

"Yeah sure...No problem"

"You can meet my mum and dad"

Clara dropped the peanut butter on the floor and got all flustered when Yaz said that "Ahh..Yeah...meeting parents...sure no problem. Why not. Meeting Yaz's mum"

"Babe are you alright?"

"Sure" she slammed the fridge door "Why wouldn't I be"

"My parents are great you'll see...Don't be nervous. My dad will probably feed you his terrible pacore"

"I love pacore...Oh dear" one look at Yaz and she realized she's gonna fall asleep on a counter. And she was right because as soon as she came up to her Yaz slumped her head on her shoulder "Come on you...let's get you to bed