Chapter 19




"Wasn't meee” Doctor whines “… it was Tardis and you know that storm and...sorry...It can be you know, family vacation"

"I always wanted to see Egypt" says Hakim smiling looking around

"Yaaaaz!!!...There's something else..." Doctor yells from inside

"Whaat?" Yaz rolls her eyes looking towards the Tardis

"Aaaahh...a circuit broke..."

"What does that mean?...Are we stuck????"

"Well nooo...we never are...just need to get it fixed"

"Well how long will it take?"

"Aaaaahhhh...well I need to get few things and when I do, not long" she smiles casually

"So we are stuck?"

Doctor walks out into the sand squinting her eyes "No I didn't say that Yaz..just need to go shopping"

"For what? I don't see Tesco's around here honey" she points to endless sand around them

"I need to get my sunglasses and my sunscreen" Sonya passed between them two arguing and Yaz just glanced at her in disbelief

"Were marooned in the middle of desert with my whole family" she grabs Doctor braces "this is highly embarrassing...what do you need?"

"Oi, entering a hysterical phase are we?...Palm oil, some honey and one other part that I can't explain but they have excellent craftsmen here so it shouldn't be a problem to make...can I have my braces back now?"

Yaz signs "We're meant to be on vacation..." she slumps her shoulders disappointed

"We are on vacation!!!" Doctor smiles "Egypt is lovely Yaz. Especially this time period. You're gonna love it"

"Sonya!!!! Come ooon...we need to get going" she yells at her sister "So where do we go?" she turns back to the Doctor unimpressed

Doctor pulls her sonic out in the air "That way" she points on the other side of the Tardis "Just make sure you all take lots of water with you"

They loaded two rucksacks with essentials and started walking. Yaz speeds up and grabs Doctors hand "I'm sorry I yelled "

"It's fine...I'm expecting it...I'm surprised you haven't already. It is a bit embarrassing, isn't it?" she smiles

"It is...not a five star holiday resort is it?"

"Don't worry Yaz it's not a long walk...If it was I would have left you in a Tardis. We'll be there soon" she kisses her cheek

Yaz's mum and dad were behind them chatting casually. They looked like they enjoyed themselves. Her sister was trying to get the signal on her phone waiving it up in the air and nobody had a heart to tell her there's no wifi around.
By the time they came to the first houses it was already getting dark.

"How come is already dark? We left at 11am?" Sonya asked confused

"We travel through time Sonya...we can land at any point in time. Just so happens we landed in the evening...I do try to get my times right but often I miss a century or happens a lot"

Sonya looked even more confused than before she asked the question but she decided to drop it

"It's ok don't worry, we'll find a place to sleep for tonight and we'll continue in the morning" Yaz hugs her sister across the shoulder

"Yaz honey but we haven't got any money, I have pounds in my purse. I doubt they take sterling here" Najia gets confused

"Don't worry mum Doctors's like credit card that works on all the planets and all the time. Hard to explain but we got this mum. Just relax"

Najia looked totally confused as well. The only person not having a care in a world was Hakim who started at the stands and stores and people taking photos with his phone and bunch of selfies.

"Hey look at that !!!" Hakim points at the distance

"Is that..." Najia looks at Yaz

"Pyramids of Giza" Doctor replies smiling "Magnificent isn't it...They are still being built at this point you know"

"I thought they were built by aliens?" Hakim asked

"No, I'm an alien...I should know...Nope...definitely by humans. You know humanity should really take credit for its achievements sometimes. Not all magnificent things are built by aliens"

"That's bloody amazing!! This is the best holiday ever Yaz" Sonya looked at her sister with a massive smile across her face

"Come on...we need to find a place to sleep and I know just a place you'll love" Doctor reaches for Yaz's hand "And you're gonna love it too" she smiles

They came to a beautiful house and walked through the main door into enclosed gardens. The structure wowed with colonnaded exterior, cooling pools and extensive gardens. The walls and ceilings were painted with colorful frescos depicting images of the gods and everyday life. Yaz's family walked through not saying one word just gazing around in amazement.

"Over here...I know the owner...he's really good friend" Doctor pulls Yaz by the hand straight to the main room.

"Hello, I'm the Doctor, this is Yaz, Najia, Hakim and Sonya we are here to see the owner"

"Doctor?" a man's voice came from behind them "I haven't seen you ages. Is this the new look? Waaaw I love it"

"Thanks Kai. Meet my family this is Yaz" she leans closer "My wife. And her family Hakim, Sonya and Najia"

"Very nice to meet you all. Are you staying for tonight?"

"Yes please and I will also need some part for the Tardis. We got stranded a bit" Doctor goes into a long explanation moving away from the rest of them with a man

"Yaz honey Is this normal?"

"Yes mum, Doctor knows a lot of people"

"All settled let's go fam" Doctor grabs Yaz's hand and leading them into the house

They were met by the lady at the entrance who escorted them to their rooms. They were not any less impressed when they saw their rooms either that were furnished with chairs, tables, mirrors, pottery and a whole lot more besides that. As well as decorated with frescos.

"Alright mum, I need to rest a bit. That was a long walk. Enjoy yourself and later we can hang around...dunno go for a meal...something...I'll see with the Doctor what we can do"

"Alright baby go and rest and iff you need me please call"

"It's ok mum, I'm in good hands don't worry"

"Najia this is like honeymoon we never had" Hakim takes her hand

"By daaaad...Enjoy " she laughs rolling her eyes "They better not make a baby"

"Whaaat?" Doctor looks at her strangely

"Never mind that...let's go...I'm exhausted and I swear my feet are swollen. Are they" she looks at her feet confused. They seemed very tight in their pumps

They came to their room and Yaz plonked on the bed. I can't feel my legs boo"

"Did you just call me boo?" Doctor laughed

"Yeah" Yaz got her giggles "It's like cute"

"I've definitely never ever been called that...But I kinda like it. I'll run a bath for you if you want. It will help"

"That would be ya"

The bathtub was big enough to fit five people let alone them two. Yaz leaned on the Doctor and they enjoyed gazing at the stars through the massive window right next to it. Doctor was showing her all the constellations and naming all of them. She had stories for each and every one of those.

"God this is so amazing. Look at all those stars" Yaz says looking up.

"It's absolutely beautiful...nothing like the the sky filled with stars" she wrapped her arms around Yaz and kissed her cheek

"I think mum and dad are really enjoying themselves"

"Are you?" Doctor asked cheeky knowing the answer. She had wanted to hear her say it

Yaz turned around to face her and wrapped herself around her. She stroked Doctor waive hair tucking it behind her ears "Don't think you need to ask that"

"Oh but sometimes I just want to hear it" she kisses the tip of her nose smiling

"I love every minute of every day I spend with you, and I just can't take my hands off you. Cause you're my favourite person in a world...and I love you to those stars up there"

"Only to there...that's not very far" Doctor smirked gliding her hands down her back

They played with their lips brushing them together slowly and smiling then closed the gap between them kissing gently under the stars.

"Yaz" Doctor whispered pulling apart


"You're shaking but for all the wrong reasons"

"I'm cold" she smiled

"I'll strangle you..."


Yaz had a nap that she and the baby desperately needed after a long day and all the walking. She was lying in the bed curled up with a pillow between her legs that Doctor shoved there convincing her it would make it easier oh her back....and it did. She woke up to Doctors hand gently gliding down her face "Hey beautiful wake up...I'm sorry to wake you up but you need to eat something, and we need to meet up with you family"

"Mmmmmm" she turns around stretching her hands and placing them automatically around Doctors neck

Her eyes were still sleepy and her cheeks started slowly getting that glow that most pregnant women get at some point. Doctor also loved the fact she got a bit chubby and found it absolutely adorable. She leaned over kissing her gently like she always did with about ten short kisses one after another that always put a smile on Yaz's face. But since she was pregnant every kiss was always accompanied with stroking her tummy gently as if Doctor desperately wanted for the baby to feel their love as well, and this small gesture melted Yaz's heart every time thinking how incredibly happy, she is to have her in her life. 


"God, I love you two so much" Doctor says stroking her down her waist gently "It's so much bigger...look at that...munchkin is growing Yaz" she pulls her top up revealing a small cute bump and then placed her ear on it "Wonder if I could hear it...hello" she taps her fingers "you sleeping? I don't know iff you are, but I just wanted to say I love you and I'm sorry for that long walk today. I promise I'll sort something out for the way back" she kissed the stomach and Yaz twitches


"What?!!" Doctor jumped "Did I do something?" she looked worried

"Nooo...OMG it moved" she looks at her exited out of her mind

"Whaaaa?...Really?..." Doctor stretched a biggest smile on a planet

"There" she reached for her hand and pressed it against her stomach "Right there"

"Aaaaa...I can feel it...Helooo?" she takes to her stomach again grinning and Yaz just couldn't help but laugh at Doctors silliness, she loved it so much.
She pressed on her bracelet to look at the hologram "Do that again"

"Helooo munchkin...we looove youu" Doctor yelled even louder

"OMG loook" she points to the hologram moving. Tears went down her face through her smile

"Hey...why do you cry?" Doctor stokes her face

"It's beautiful" she smiles and tears kept rolling "And I love you so much"

"Come here..." Doctor pulls her up and pressed her against herself holding her tight "You're everything to me...and is so much more than I ever hoped to have in my life. Hey I got you something whilst you were sleeping" she pulls her away and kisses her forehead

"What did you get me?" she says exited wiping the leftovers of her tears

Doctor got up and brings a small gift wrapped up in a paper, tied with a string
"It's not much but I got one for your mum and sister as as well"

"You whaa?" she looks at her confused

"Well since I messed this up and we all need clean clothes I thought I make you all it up...I hope you like to color"

She opens the wrapping and pulls a beautiful cotton dress "OMG that's soo beautiful...look at that blue!!" she wrapps her fingers around her face "You're like dream you know that. And you didn't mess up anything" she kisses her softly

"Come on let's get ourselves ready...How's your feeties? Better?"

"Much better" she smiles and reaches for her hand to get up


"Why do you always take so long to get ready? I don't understand Yaz...we are so late" Doctor is pacing around the room nervously

"Because for some reason, now I need to go and pee every five minutes and it's so annoying" she yells from the bathroom

Doctor laughed shaking her head "Alright...just hurry up"

"See done...oh don't you look nice" she remarked Doctors white cotton tunic "Goes nice with your trousers" she gives her a short kiss and holds her hand

"You said a year ago my fashion sense was suspect"

"I warmed up to it now when I'm totally into you" she smiles and wipes cookie crumbs of her face "You eat like a child" she giggles

"I got your dad one as well" she smiles walking out of the door

They walk outside were Yaz's family was already waiting for them but they looked like they had tuns of fun taking photos together and didn't notice them two being late at all.

"Hey you two, this place is absolutely stunning. Thank you so much for bringing us here" Najia walked up to them with a big smile on her face

"Doctor thanks for the dresses they are beautiful?" Sonya twirls around in her pink dress

"You look very nice Sonya and so do you Najia. I'm glad you're having a nice time"

"How are you doing honey?" Najia comes closer to Yaz

"Fine mum don't worry...Doctor run a bath for me it was nice"

"Did you get some sleep? You know you have to sleep now"

"I did...oh and baby moved"

"Really?!! That's a bit early"

"Not for my baby's quite normal" Doctor says proudly

"Really? Oh, alright then...It's a nice feeling isn't it? Oh, you kicked all the time...if it's anything like you, you will have a fun time" she laughs

"Doctor speaks to it all the time and she said something, and it's the weirdest feeling ever"

"And it made her cry" Doctor kissed her temple

They walked outside on the street. The night was nice and fresh. It was a relief for everyone after all the heat they experienced earlier on that day. They sat in small place where most locals had a meal. It was more like a little tavern that served local food.

"I love this place...I used to eat here all the time. They have some little fried things I can't remember the name, but they are really nice" Doctor says exited

"Doctor how can we read all ov this and understand people. Surely, they don't speak English"

"Tardis tricks Hakim"

"That's practical"

"So Doctor how will you repair the ship?" Hakim asked and Doctor jumped to it. She loved talking to him about Tardis

They walked from the restaurant slowly down the street through the marketplace and all the stands. Some man was playing game of cups and Doctor jumped

"Hey look I'm good at this" she ran up to the to him and sat at the small stool

"Hello, I don't know how quick your eyes are madam?"

"Very quick...more than average I might add...we had that game back home you know...But we played with disappearing cups...very similar" she's explaining excitedly to everyone but she got them all confused

"Here we that coin...ready?...Go" he starts shuffling and Doctor is twisting her face and squinting following the cups around and stops

"That one" she points her finger

"He lifted the cup" oh so you are right

"Told ya...good eyes" she smugs

Couple more rounds and the guy was getting depressed. "I'm gonna lose all my money for today"

"Oh, I didn't know we are playing for money?" Doctor looks confused twisting her face "I won't take it...I just find it fun" she smiles and the man's mood changed instantly

"Hey anyone else wants to try?"

"Nono they don't honey...come on let's go"

"I do" Hakim jumps exited

"OMG here we go...those two should exchange numbers" Najia rolls her eyes

"Hey mum, Yaz look..." Sonya points to the sky "What's that?"

A blue and pink clouds went over the horizon glowing in the night sky. They looked absolutely beautiful but at a same time completely unnatural. Yaz taps Doctor on a shoulder who was still fixed on the game.

"Honey...what's that?" she's not getting any attention from the Doctor having a blast with Hakim so she grabs her jaw and lifts her head to the sky "Babe...what's that" she points a finger up

"Shoot..." she gets up straight away "That's not good...Yaz"

"No kidding" she replied

"What can that be Doctor?" Najia asked concerned

"I have no idea but it's coming from way out of the city...I wish I had Tardis now...I could do the scan. I think you should go back to the hotel, and I'll go and check this out"

"I'll go with you" Yaz says

"Oh no you won't " she pulls her back by her hand

"What why? And don't say because I'm pregnant"

"That's exactly what I'm gonna say"

"I'm going...and you can't stop me"

"Yaz, this isn't a discussion. You're staying with you mum"

"Yaz darling I think Doctor is right you know. You don't know what that thing is, and until she's sure I don't think it's smart"

"You're now ganging up on me all you lot" her chin started to wobble, and she looked to the floor

Doctor puts her finger under her chin lifting her head "No we are not Yaz, we all care about you and that baby you're caring. Please...look... I can't stop you, but I'm asking you"

She paused taking a big breath before replying "Alright...but I don't like you going on your own. I'm gonna be worried sick"

"I'm not, I'm going with your dad" she turns to Hakim "If you want to, that is?"

"What? Who, me? Hell yes!!" he almost yelled how exited he was

"I thought you might like that" Doctor smiles

"You and my dad???" she bursts out laughing "Oh please can you film it for me"

"Blimey I told you they should exchange numbers" Najia rolls her eyes

"Can I go?" Sonya asked

"Noooo!!!" everyone yelled at the same time only Doctor stayed confused at their reaction.