Chapter 28




So, is everything ok babe?" Yaz was lying on a bed as Doctor was scanning her stomach and looking on a little monitor a bunch of Gallifreyan Yaz only half understood. Doctor didn't say much just the corner of her mouth twitched at one point.


"You look worried" Yaz propped herself on her arms


"No... I’m not worried...why would I be worried"


"Babe, you're scaring me I know that face...please" Yaz started crying


"'s fine Yaz" she wrapped her hands around her face "Babe is fine darling I'm no lying...don't cry...Why tears?"


"Then what?"


"She's fine Yaz in fact she's more than fine. Healthy and beautiful...but she's not like me...similar but not completely. Hey listen"


She points the sonic at her stomach and the rhythm of two hearts echoes through making Yaz cry like a child


"I swear darling is fine...nothing wrong...nothing at all...She's just a bit different that's all"


"How different?"


"I don't know we won't know untill she's born or at least until we get back to Tardis...I'm very limited here...but she's happy and healthy little munching and that's the most important thing"


"Mmmm...You are telling me the truth?"


"It's fine Yaz honest...when we get to Tardis, and I do the scan we will see what she looks will be only few more days before we go" she cups Yaz's face "But she's got, ten toes and ten fingers and two little tiny beautiful harts"


Yaz finally smiled through her tears and kissed her "I love you"


"And I adore you"


"I need a" she gets up holding on to the Doctors hand


"Oh, one more thing got another 6 months to go" she laughs


"OMG I will explode" she laughs


"Where will I have this baby Doctor? What are we gonna do? I can't go to a regular hospital"


"Don't worry Yaz I know the best place in the universe when the time comes"


"My family will want to be there"


"Aaaaa family birth...I love that" she smiled opening the water for her in a shower and helping her to get the dress off


"And I want you there as well"


"Don't be silly Yaz...You honestly think I'm just leaving some random doctor delivering my way"


"Oh god...I can just see you pushing the doctor away" Yaz rolled her eyes laughing


"I would do if I had to..."


"And I bed you will feel like you have to" she laughs stepping into the shower "Is that the door?"


"So, it is Yaz" she runs out of the bathroom and opens the door "Oh Nadja hello"


"Hi dear, so sorry to bother you two...I need to speak to Yaz for a moment"


"Come in... she’s taking a shower. Aaaa … wait..." she hopes around the room taking something from the side table "For you and Hakim" she passed her a little paper with a proud face


"OMG...OMG...Doctor!" Nadja went all soppy "baby scan"


"Yap...see look...ten toes and ten fingers and two little harts as well...see right there" she points a finger


"She's gorgeous" her eyes filled with tears


"She is, isn't she...perfect little girl"


"Hey mum" Yaz came out wrapped up in a towel "She's amazing, isn't she?"


"She's beautiful Yaz" her mum kisses her


"Mum how are you doing after today?"


"Well, not something you see every day Yaz I'll admit to that...but I'm slowly getting used to this stuff...I just wish you two stop lying and hiding things from me...You may be older than me Doctor but I'm still your mother in law...emphasis on mother" she points a finger at the Doctor making her chuckle


"Sorry Nadja...Got that...mother...Never had a mother...well, not the one I wanted...I like that"


"You never had a mother, Doctor?"


"Long story mum...and not the one for now" she hugs her "I'm sorry mum I promise we will tell you everything"


"You can start by telling me what's your sister up to Yaz...and don't tell me you don't know...because I know that you do"


"Oh mum...let me just put the nightie on...second" she goes to the bathroom frazzled not knowing what to say


"Is she messing around with that tavern boy Yaz?"


"Is she?" she played stupid




"Yes mum" she peaked from the bathroom


"Oh god this family is killing me" she sat on a bed


"Oh, mum don't's never lasts" she came out of the bathroom finally gathering courage to face her "It will bow over in few days"


"I hope so Yaz...I'm not having him living with us as well...the flat isn't big enough Yaz"


"They can have my room" she laughs


"Oh, stop it!!" she gets up "I'm off...I'm not gonna bother you anymore...night kids" she leaves


Yaz burst out laughing when she closed the door "KIDS!!!"


Doctor pissed herself laughing "I was definitely not called that for a loooong time"



"So, what's your plan for tomorrow? We only have one more day here, don't we?"


"I think so...if everything goes well Yaz a day after tomorrow we are charging the orbs and leaving" she lied behind her "I will go to the Tardis after you fall asleep, I need to do some repairs


"No, you don' just can't sleep and making yourself busy" she giggles


"No Yaz I really do...I..." Yaz turned her head and shut her up with a kiss "Liar" she smiles "Hey I had an idea"




"When we come back take me back to that beautiful cave...I want to go before the baby comes"


"Of course beautiful...sleep now. It's been a long day" she kisses her head


Doctor stayed awake for a long time cuddling her and making sure she's sound asleep before she slowly got up and left.

She walked alone through the desert. Cool air hitting her face. It felt nice after all the heat during the day. She finally reached the Tardis.


"Hey, I've missed you" she strokes the door and it opened up. She clapped her hands and lights came up. "Morning...did you have a nice sleep? ...Right let's hope this works ha?" she started flipping the switches and turning the dials placing her hand on the lever "Alright here we go" she took off



Morning came and Yaz woke up. It was still cool, so she assumed it was early. Doctor wasn't around. She lifted her nightie and ran her hands over her tummy "Morning beautiful girl. Rise and shine" she tapped her fingers on her stomach "Aaaa you're awake. Your mum's not here so I suppose we will have to do this alone" she wobbled out of the bed and into the bathroom straight to the shower


"Morning" Doctor peaked through the door of the bathroom


"Yey...morning...Did you just came back now?"


"Nope...been back hours ago. I got you brekky...that pie you like"


"Oh god I'm starving. Love ya"


She got out slinging a cotton dress on. "Hey you..."


"What?" Doctor looked at her confused


"Are you gonna kiss me or stare at those orbs"


"Are you jealous at orbs Yaz?" she laughed sliding her hands around her waist


"I'm jealous at anyone or anything that gets between me and your lips" she wraps her hands around the back of her neck


"I assure you nothing can get in between Yaz" she kissed her long and gentle, flattered of her jealousy and totally enjoying in it "Go eat your breakfast...munching is starving"


"I hate to wake up alone...I just want to cuddle you and you’re not there. I wish you just sleep like all the normal people"


"I know you do...I like my cuddles I haven't had a cuddle for a long time...lots of cuddles to compensate...But it gets boring just staring at the ceiling. At least on Tardis I always have something to do"


"Well, one more day and we are off and when we get back home all I will do is cuddle you all the time" Yaz passed next to her sitting at the small table and kissed the top of her head reaching for her pie "Agreed?"


"Definitely agreed"


"What are we going to do's our last day here"


"I think it would be nice for all of us to do something together. I have an idea...but we have to take Tardis because it's right on the other side... It's a surprise"




There was a knock on a door and Yaz got up to open it.


"Sonya! ... hi...what's wrong?" her sister zoomed inside visibly shaking


"Hi Doctor"


"Hello Sonya. Are you alright?" Doctor says worried because she looked like she was crying


"I have to speak to you both" she sat on a bed not knowing how to put the words together


"Sonya what's going on?" Yaz sat next to her


"You know when you told me how I will find someone to love me the way she loves you?"


"You said that Yaz?" Doctor says confused


"Yes, I do..."


"Well, I have Yaz...and I want to stay here"


"The tavern boy?"


"How do you know?"


"We have eyes Sonya" Doctor said "And he might have said something as well" she added scrunching her nose


"Doctor, can I stay? Pleaseeee" she looked uo to her with big puppy eyes


"Oh Sonya...I can't make that decision" she nods her head "This isn't down to me"


"But it brought us here. You're making all the decisions it's your ship and you're the one in charge"


Doctor kneeled in front of her "Sonya this isn't about who is ib changed here.... besides we have a flat team structure...This is about your family...Are you absolutely sure you want to leave your family?...Once you make this decision Sonya I don't know when you will see them again"


"But you can take me to see them" she begged


"Sonya, Tardis isn't Uber" Yaz takes her hand in her lap "She can't do that...and please don't ask this of her. I know this isn't what you want to hear"


"Don't you want me to be happy?"


"I do want you to be happy I do...but the way our life is it's not something that is feasible Sonya and not something Doctor can promise you either. We are never on a same place we are always somewhere"


"But you see us all the time"


"Sonya I've been stuck in 1906 for three years. I've been travelling with the Doctor for almost ten long has it been for you?"


"Few" she answered quietly "I didn't know that"


"I know you didn''s why I'm telling you now. You have no idea how many times I wanted to see you and how much I've missed you...It's not that easy Sonya. I live on a time ship, but years pass anyway...You want to stay centuries before our time without it" she sighed deep "Look, just please think this through. Think that what me and her share was built over almost ten years of being next to each other...not one month"


Sonya sights deeply and gets up disappointed and in pain dragging her feet towards the door.


"I love you" Yaz says gently as they git to the door spreading her arms for a hug and Sonya hugs her tight "I love you too sis"


"Thank you, Doctor"


"It's ok Sonya...I'm so sorry"


Yaz closed the door behind her and walked up to the Doctor. She grabbed her braces and buried

her face into her chest. "This is so hard"


"I know it is...I'm sorry" she said stroking her hair "What else is bothering you? Something else is there you're not saying"


Yaz sighed deeply and put her arms around her squeezing her to herself so tight. Tears started rolling down her cheeks.


"Yaz!!...Hey, hey...why are you crying?" she pulled her away and cupped her face wiping her tears with her thumbs "What's wrong?"


"I" she was desperately trying to speak through her tears


"Like what beautiful? ... Talk to me"


"I feel so scared...of losing you" she sobbed from the pain that was ripping through her "I can't live with you"


The Doctor pursed her lips, the pain of hearing those words was visible on her face.


The words Yaz spoke to her sister rekindled all her fears. And as much as she was ready to go home, deep down, leaving this place once again reminded her that the two of them were somehow hiding from the world. Hiding from the inevitable, desperately trying to buy time for myself. But that clock was still ticking somewhere behind all that, behind their love and passion, behind all that happiness that she felt they had almost stolen for themselves and that she would have to return someday. It was tearing her soul apart


Doctor held her face in her hands stroking her cheeks gently and took a deep breath before she spoke "Yaz...I will not let that happen...I won't"


"But what if it does? What if...?"


"Then I will find you...wherever you are. Do you understand me?"




"I promise I will tear this all apart if I have to, I'll take us somewhere nobody will ever find us but I'm not losing you two Yaz...Not happening, not this time...not again. It's a small universe Yaz when someone steps between me and someone I love, remember that"


"I love you...god I love you so much"


"And I love you with everything inside me. And we're having a baby and we will be happy" she smiles and kisses her


"Yes, we are love" she cheered up a bit


"And you know what else?" she puts arms around her waist rocking her side to side


"What love?"


"I have all these ideas about the baby room...Stars...we need to have stars on a ceiling...You think baby would like stars? Everyone loves stars" she takes her coat as they were walking out


"Stars are nice yes"


"And a mini console what ya think?"


"Alright babe whatever you like" she smiles as they walk outside


As they were walking towards the Tardis Sonya was dragging her feet. She was still very troubled and not really enjoying herself at all.


"So where are we going Doctor?"


"Surprise Hakim...not letting it slip sorry"


Yaz's hart jumped when she saw Tardis. She hasn't seen it for a long time and she missed is "so much. She suddenly let go of Doctors hand and ran towards it.


"Yaz! ... Careful Yaz...slow down" Doctor yells shaking her head smiling


Yaz ran up to it and took her key, but as soon as her hand touched the door Tardis opened it up for her. "You're letting me in honey" she smiles stroking the door and walked in. Tardis hummed for her "I've missed you so much"


"Look at you two having a chat" Doctor smiled standing by the open door with her hands in her pockets


"She let me in without a key" she says exited


"Of course, she has. It's your home Yaz" she comes up to her and kissed her temple "Nice to be home, isn't it? ... Alright Yaz copilot you help me?"


"Any time wife" she smiles


"Just make sure you hold on tight Yaz...It's only a short ride about 6 km from where we are now"


Hakim, Najia and Sonya came after them and as they walked in Najia puts her arm around Sonya "Please honey let's have a nice day today. Try to enjoy yourself baby please. I love you"


Alright mum..." she smiles a little and her mum strokes her cheek


"Hey, hold on we about to leave!" Yaz yelled flipping the switches and turning the dials "Locking coordinates babe ready to leave" she smiles and Doctor winks at her pulling the lever


They landed within a minute


"Is that it? ... We arrived...already?" Sonya says confused


"Sure, we did was only down the road" she passed next to her with a smug face and opened the door "Welcome to Heliopolis" she smiles and opens her arms as they stepped outside


"Wooow...OMG that's stunning" Najia said looking at the beautiful city in front of them


"City of light" Doctor says "See that there Lunu pillars"


"What are they Doctor? That's massive" Hakim says coving his eyes with his hand from the sun looking at the distance


"Lunu Pillars store the knowledge of the Antediluvian era Hakim...pre flood...ancient times. They are Apparently here since the age of Atlantis"


"Are they Doctor?"


"No... just a story Sonya"


"Oh...sounded better before" she says disappointed


"But fascinating anyway...don't you think?" Hakim turns to his daughter who wasn't impressed anymore


"Alright fam... let’s go" she takes Yaz's hand, and they head off towards the town


"Babe I've got a problem" Yaz says quietly tugging her hand


"Let me need to pee?"




Doctor laughs "Won't be long Yaz...we'll be there in few minutes, and I'll take you...I know just a place"


They came to the center within minutes. Doctor parked just at the entrance mainly so that Yaz doesn't have a long walk. She took them to a little tavern first as she promised Yaz who was already hopping along nervously by the time they reached the center.


"Another hole in the ground" she winged from the toilet


"Sorry Yaz" Doctor laughed waiting for her in front


"Is this where you're gonna charge the orbs tomorrow darling?"


"Little bit further from here yes...I'm so worried Yaz. What if it doesn't work?"


Yaz came out of the cubicle and kissed her cheek "It will work...because I have a smart wife. And you know what else?"




"And her other self is equally smart, so between you two I'm sure you're gonna figure it out" she smiles "I'm just upset I'm not gonna be there"


"I know you are. I'm sorry but it would be too much for you


"That's the only thing I don't like about being pregnant...I don't get to do anything...I'm just rolling around without a purpose"


"You're not rolling you're still walking Yaz and you do have a purpose...a big purpose"


"I know I know...I want more of purpose ok" she rolls her eyes laughing


They've spent the whole day sightseeing and her family took loads of photos that Yaz still hadn't had heart to tell them they couldn't keep. They came back to the hotel in the evening. Doctor parked in the courtyard this time.


"Night darling" Najia said as they were climbing the stairs


"Night mum"


Doctor tugged her hand "Hey, walk with me...I know you're tired just a little"

"Sure love"


They walked through the gardens slowly. Down the narrow path and away from the main building. Doctor pulled her on a side between the pink oleanders. She slipped her hand around her waist and cupped her face with her hand kissing her passionately for a long time. "OMG what was that for? ... You never do this in public" she smiled


"No reason...besides we're alone" she smiles, and they continued to walking.


"Something is on your beautiful mind" Yaz said as they walked in silence


"Why would you say that Yaz?"


"Because I know you...I know that look. I also know you won't tell me"


"Nothing is on my mind Yaz I'm just enjoying in a walk"


"Mmmmm...If you say so"