Chapter 27
"We need to get up you know" Yaz giggled trailing her finger over Clara's shoulder
"I know...I'm really hungry now...but I have something fast there we can just sling in the oven..." she laughed
"Good cause I'm starving now you took advantage out of me"
"You didn't complain"
"I never complain and I assure you, you can take advantage out of me when ever you want"
"I know" she giggled
Yaz smacked her with a pillow "Being smug with me ha?"
"Just saying Yaz" she smiled getting up "I tell you what Yaz, stay here...I'll run downstairs shove something in the oven and by the time we have a shower it's gonna be done"
"I do love the way your brain works" she smiled
"Brains lovely ...there's more than one" she pulled the shirt over her head quickly
"Sexy bum" Yaz giggled and Clara wiggled her bum on a way out of the room making funny scrunched up faces
"Uuu that smells nice" Clara took the dinner out of the oven " hot hot hot...shoot" she threw the tray on the kitchen top
"You alright there babe?"
"Yap...just burned myself on a tray that's all"
"Please be careful...I'm absolutely starving..." Yaz yelled from the living room
"I too" Clara filled up the plates and took them to the living room
"Give me a second...I just need to finish the salad" she said placing the plates on the coffee table
"Look at you...I have my private chef as well"
" you do lovely" she smiled and hoped towards the kitchen
Yaz suddenly felt cold so she pulled the blanket from the side of the sofa and wrapped herself in it. She was wearing pajama bottoms and a large fleece top. But despite being so warmly dressed, she was freezing. And Clara wore only her usual light cotton bottoms and a matching long top. So she knew it wasn't cold. But she was shivering.
Clara came back with the salad and immediately clocked on to it just looking at her all wrapped up in a blanket.
"Yaz darling...." she put the salad on the table and touched her forehead "Baby you're burning up" she reached for her sonic from the shelf and scanned her
"Why is this happening for fuck sake?"
"It's alright baby...It's just your body still healing and you must have just caught cold...which is precisely why I'm saying to slow down and rest but noooo...she's doing the cleaning and ironing. I really don't care Yaz if my shirts are ironed if you're in a hospital...and that's the last place I wanna see you"
"Alright alright...point taken"
"I really hope so...tomorrow you rest and when I come home the only place I wanna see you is on a sofa...any one of them... I'm not telling you off" she brushed her thumb over her cheek "Well I am a little bit. But that's only because I'm worried about you"
"I know" Yaz pouted her lips and pulled a puppy face on her which always unmistakably worked like charm on Clara and she knew it. But deep down she also knew she only had herself to blame because she did push herself way too hard the whole day
"Let me give you medication darling before you eat" she stroke the side of her head and got up. "You'll feel better by the morning as long as you rest tomorrow"
"I'm so fed up with myself"
"C'mere" she moved the hair from her neck and gave her the shot then sat next to her "Please Yaz listen to're week and fragile...turn your head" she scooped up her hair and braided it whiles talking "I feel like I'm nagging you...and I don't wanna do that. I just want you to get better. Your body is fighting to heel and you're exhausting in...There..." she leyed her braid on her back then put her finger under her chin turning her gaze "Please...for me"
"Alright I'm sorry...I was just bored"
"There are ways of making yourself busy without stressing out your body"
"Thank you for sorting out my hair" smiled
"It's relaxing" she kissed her quickly then grabbed the tray with food and placed it on her lap "Eat now before it cools down"
"Do you know how perfect you are to me?"
Clara chuckled "And you're delusional...I think your fever got into your head Yaz" she kissed her temple "Eat your dinner then after we can take the immobilizer off for the night. Also, I spoke at the collage and arranged a physiotherapy for you after it heals"
"Really? I need that?"
"Yes you're not a Time Lord Yaz...things don't just go away baby...your body is fragile and I don't want you having permanent problem with that knee. So physiotherapy really helps. Besides it's my mate from university and you're gonna like him...and you get to go to work with amazing is that Yaz"
"That's the only part I like about it" she mumbled taking a bite of her food
"Grumpy...I'm calling you grumpy pumpy Yaz"
"OMG" she burst out laughing "Don't you dare say that in public to me"
Clara laughed "Of course not...but I will call you that around the house if you continue being grumpy"
"What are we gonna do with your trip at the weekend?"
"I'm gonna cancel it until you feel better don't worry"
"Babe I don't want you canceling your work for me. I can go"
"Not like this you can't" she said getting up. "It's ok...Don't worry about it. Want some juice?"
"Yes please....Babe now I feel really bad...this isn't fair on you at all"
"Hey, life isn't fair get used to it" she looked at her cheeky putting a juice on the table amd sat back ont he floor
"Oi!..." she giggled
"It's fine Yaz...Mmmm...I arranged for my leasing company to bring the new car tomorrow afternoon"
"Oh what did you choose in the end?"
"I'll show you" she got up exited and brought a little booklet from her study "This one" she pointed
"Isn't that the same as what you already have?"
"Nooo...the engine is much better, a lot more powerful than what we have now...And it has some other special features as well...much better for all the trips we are taking"
" still looks like a spaceship" she giggled
looking at the photos
"Neah...not like spaceship Yaz...way too small"
"I would pay money to see your ship" she said putting the booklet back on the desk
"Don't be silly Yaz..."
"I fucking would...I'm marring you and I still haven't seen it...shameful really you're keeping this away from me and sleeping with me" she looked at her cheeky and giggled then went back to her food
"And then what? Say you do Yaz...see it?" she left her fork on a table..."What then?"
"I dunno...Why you keep it such a secret? Not like I'm gonna tell anyone am I...Not that anyone would believe me anyway"
Clara sat on the floor looking at her for few minutes. Yaz was eating her dinner and they both fell silent for a while. Then Clara got up and grabbed the tray from Yaz's lap.
"Oi...I haven't finished"
"C'mere" she moved the blanket off her "Put your arms around me"
"What are you doing" she reached around her shoulders and Clara picked her up in her arms
"You'll see..." she smiled and carried her towards the kitchen
"What are you doing silly?"
"Patients Yaz..." she kissed her cheek
"Why are we going to the garden?...Clara wtf?"
"Do you ever stop talking Yaz?" she laughed and carried her outside then stopped in front of her little blue box
"Why are we looking at your shed?"
"I need some help here" Clara said
"Whaaa?" Yaz looked at her confused and the door opened up
"WTF?...Clara? What's going on? How did that door open and why are we going into your shed?" She kept talking and looking at her as Clara booted the door of the Tardis and walked inside the dark space.
"Turn around Yaz" she smiled and Yaz turned her head. Tardis lights came up and she hummed the welcome to her "I know exiting, right? I finally brought her...She's been dying to see you Yaz...kept pestering me all the time"
"Ha?...Whaaaa?.." she shook her head and looked at Clara wordlessly with her mouth half open and her eyes like saucers
"This is my Tardis love" she said happily
"Clara...whaaa...I'm confused...I..." she looked as Clara carried her pass the console and her eyes were aimlessly wondering around the space as all the lights came up
Tardis hummed again and turned lights pink. Clara put her on the steps and kneeled in front of her "I guess it was time for me to stop hiding her from you" she took her hands but Yaz didn't even register. She was still looking around and up and over her shoulders completely speechless.
"How? How's shed?"
"I know...still is from the outside"
"How? How is this even existing?" she said looking around and trying to make sense of it all
"Dimensional engendering Yaz...bigger on the inside"
"The whaaa?" she looked at her confused "How can you even...this is huge...and it's all in that box?We are still inside that box right?"
"Yes Yaz we are" she giggled
"How big is this place?" Yaz looked up at the ceiling
"Big Yaz" she smiled and reached her hand cupping her cheek "Look at me Yaz"
"Baby? It's spaceship..." she looked at her still completely shocked
"I know and a time ship... go figure ha?" she smiled... I was going to show you I really was" she brushed her thumb over her cheek "I was just waiting for the right time"
"This amazing...this is....this is crazy and brilliant and amazing...Just like you" she looked at her with tears in her eyes and stroke her face gently "And it's been here all this time...It all makes sense now...all of it...Why you love it so much and why you're so glued to it...But never in milion years did I ever think...It did pop into my mind but I thought what a stupid thought how can that be a ship..."
"I know right?" she grinned
"This is crazy Clara...Thank you baby" she stroke her face
"Don't say that...You belong here baby...With me..
thank you, for being so so amazing and so patient with me...I really love you Yasmin..." she rubbed her cheek
"C'mere you silly woman" Yaz pulled her in and kissed her gently and Tardis hummed again "You never needed that key did you?" she smiled into her lips
"No I didn't" she scrunched her nose "Sorry about that"
"So can I see more?"
"C'mere...hold on to me" she lifted her up on her feet and helped to the the console helping her to stand
"OMG...blimey Clara...look at this"
"Pretty isn't she?" Clara said proudly "This the console...the scanner, the monitor, thrusters, medical's where you shots come from Yaz" she smiled "the lever...oh look" she pushed the peddle and the cookie came out she gave it to Yaz "There's a lot more..." she looked at Yaz eagerly wanting for her reaction
Yas shook her head smiling "She's beautiful...stunning...bloody amazing" Yaz glided her hand over the console. She felt vibrations underneath her fingers little small tingling sensation and the humming felt like it was going through her soul. It was the most amazing feeling she ever experienced in her life. She felt like she never wanted to leave this place.
"I can feel it" she turned to Clara smiling
"And how does it feel baby?"
"Like nothing I ever felt in my life...I can feel the vibration and this sound she's making it's like it speaks to my it's..."
"Talking to you?" Clara said
"Yeah...that's just crazy" she was tiered and she slumped a bit grabbing for Clara's waist "And you know what else is crazy...I thought your ship is parked in some garage or a warehouse your renting somewhere" she giggled "I never thought it was all this time in a back garden...Why does it look like a police box?"
"Oh that...Chameleon circlet broke a long time ago...then I got attached to the look"
"You're so silly" she smiled "It's so you"
"Come on darling...I know you're exited now but you are struggling and shivering...there's gonna be time for this...let's get you back in a house" she picked her up and and headed for the door.
"I just wanna stay here" she slumped her head on Clara's shoulder as she carried her outside "It's so beautiful
"I know you do...but you're not feeling ok darling"
Yaz still didn't want to go. She suddenly felt so sad and emotional like she was going to cry and felt so stupid about it. But she was tired and in pain, the fever was shaking her inside, so she knew Clara was right.
Yaz fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, but Clara was still awake pressed against her back. She slipped her hand into her pajama bottoms, resting her hand on Yaz's tummy and burying her face in her neck. She was trying to sleep, but she couldn't. As excited as she was to take Yaz into the Tardis, she was also worried and scared. But for once she knew it was the right thing to do. If there was a place in the universe where Yaz belonged, it was inside the Tardis with her. It was their home more than any place in the entire world, though Yaz didn't know it yet. It was their past present and, hopefully, if she was lucky enough, their future, one day in some form. Although at the moment she wasn't sure in what form she even wanted it. There was a whole life inside it that was frozen in time, left as it was 57 years ago waiting for Yaz to return. Waiting for the Doctor to finally have her by her side again. And yet, after all these years of searching for answers, she found herself waiting for Yaz to die rather than take her home where she belonged. The hunting reality she found herself in, wondering if she had wasted all those years looking for answers, looking for a solution. But now there finally seemed to be a light at the end of her dark tunnel. It finally felt like she might...just might get it right. She thought about going to the Tardis and doing the tests, working all night as usual, but she needed to feel her against herself a little bit longer before she got up and snuck out like she did most nights, then went back to bed to have a few hours of sleep.. She had to feel her breathing on her skin and the warmth of her body on hers. The smell of her hair and the softness of her skin against her lips. That was the only thing that kept her going. And there were days when she felt that the only thing she wanted was to sleep. It's like her body was desperately craving for it, but then she'd feel guilty about sleeping because that's time she could have spent at the console looking for a solution. She was there so close she could smell it in the air...feel it and almost touch it. But there was still so much more to do. So many questions she still didn't have answers to. At least now she didn't have to hide anymore and being able to tell her where she was felt as liberating as if a ton of weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She didn't want to fall asleep but eventually tired and exhausted, her body gave way and she fell asleep snuggled against Yaz with her lips pressed to the back of her neck and her hand on her stomach feeling every breath she took.
It was early morning and Clara was getting dressed for work. She looked through the window whilst putting her shirt on. She didn't feel like leaving, all she wanted was to stay home next to Yaz. But it was Friday and they had whole weekend together and it was a thought that made her happy. She clipped her braces onto her black trousers and brushed her hair. And for the first time in many years the reflection she saw in a mirror was smiling just a little. She rushed downstairs and into the kitchen. The kettle just boiled the water for tea and she made some butter and jam crumpets for Yaz putting everything on little tray and taking it to the living room just like she did every morning since her leg was injured.
"Yaz darling" she brushed her finger over her cheek "Wake up baby...I need to take you downstairs"
"Mmmmmm" Yaz turned around sleepy and rubbed her face "It's ok I'll get down with churches baby"
"No you won't darling. I'm not risking you falling down does stairs...come on...up you the downstairs toilet is fixed you have everything you need down there until I come back" she moved the duvet
"I need to pee" Yaz said sitting on the bed half asleep
"Alright baby...I'm coming back soon I only have one lecture today...So I won't be long" she said waiting for her to finish
She took her downstairs to the sofa and left. It was still very early as she had some work in her office before the lecture and the drive to her work was relatively easy and relaxing. The university wasn't far from where they lived only ten minutes drive unless she got stuck in a traffic. She parked the car infront of the university and heard the message ping on her phone. It was from Yaz.
Sometimes I just look at you and I think to myself how did I ever get so lucky? I will never know. But please know that I am thankful for you every singe day of my life. And I can't even express in words...but just know that I love you
She gulped and took a big breath trying to hold back her tears and wrote the message back
Meetin you was one of the best times of my lives. You made me fall in love with you without even trying. I'm far from perfect, I'll annoy you, piss you off and say stupid things. But I promise you I'll love you more than anyone in this world forever.
She had this urge to turn the car and go back home. But she had to get to work.
Yaz listened this time and stayed on the sofa for most of the day, but last night had her so exited she couldn't help it and picked up her churches hoping for the Tardis. She stood outside still looking at the blue box in utter shock. It all still seemed so unreal to her. How could the entire universe be in that box and how it was right in front of her nose the whole time. She remembered the beautiful hum and tingling under her fingertips. She desperately wanted to see him again, but even if the door was open, she would never go inside on her own. She looked up at the small swallow's nest above the door and smiled because now what Clara said made sense. It would be complicated if she ever decided to use it, she thought. She reached out and ran her fingertips over the metal plate and placed her hand on the old wood. Inside, the lights came on, which made her smile.
"Can you feel me? Do you know I'm here?" she said looking up at the windows "You're really amazing" she said smiling and pressed her ear on the door trying to hear the humming but she couldn't "I need to leg still hurts...take care of the birds for me will ya?...See ya later" she waived and hoped back towards the conservatory door
"Why am I talking to the ship?" she shook her head as she walked inside then put the kettle on
She heard a car outside in the driveway and not a minute later the door opening.
"Hiya!" Clara said happily as she walked through the door
"Hi babe...I'm in a kitchen"
"Aaaa good...not ironing today" she smiled and left her keys on the kitchen top then came up behind her and kissed her
"No...I was a good girl today" Yaz giggles into her lips "Tea?"
"Yes please...but let me do it, you should be lying down" Clara stroke the side of her hip "How are feeling today darling?"
" fever"
Clara reached into the cupboard and pulled out a cup then zoomed around her with sonic "No temperature...good. I need to give you an injection" she opened the kitchen drawer and took out a small vial inserting it into the application gun
"I hate those things," Yaz said in anticipation of what was to come, moving her hair and craning her neck
"I know I'm sorry" she said giving her the shot then kissed her temple like she always would afterwards "Come on let's get to the living room, I'll bring the tea"
"My leg is killing me. It really long is this going to last?"
Clara pressed her against her chest and stroke her hair "I know darling, I'm so so sorry" she kissed the top of her head "C'mere...let's get you to the sofa" she picked her up from the floor "It takes about five to six weeks to heal...But you're doing fine may be sooner"
"You don't need to carry me around all the time I do have churches" she giggled
"Maybe I just want to Yaz and this is my perfect excuse. Besides this is all my fault so I'm just making up for it"
"You silly sod..." she giggled as she popped her on a sofa
"Car should be here soon"
"Oh don't forget to take my jacket out the back"
"I already did...took everything out it's in the hallway" she yelled from the kitchen
"I'm so exited to see it"
"Me too's nice" she came back with the tea and put it on the table
"Lie down Yaz you need to keep the leg up" she stacked up the cushions then sat down so Yaz can lean on her and put her leg up
"This is nice" Yaz took her hand and wrapped it around herself snuggling "I missed you"
"I missed you too" Clara kissed her head "I couldn't wait to come home...they tortured me today with paperwork...I hate paperwork Yaz...I aslo hate being told what to do" she grinned
"But you love your lectures"
"Yes I do...I always have"
"Have you worked as a professor before?"
"Yes many times. I would take brakes here and there and just lecture for a while. It's nice to blend in sometimes...pretend I'm a human" she smiled stroking Yaz's hair
"Do you wish that you are?"
"Good question Yaz...Yes and no. I hate I hate changing my face. Being someone else all the time, I wish it was different, so when it comes down to it, yes, I wish I was. You have to be who you are, the same person all your life. But if I were Yaz, I'd be dead a long time ago, and I really like being alive," she laughed, "Considering how many times I've regenerated...that wouldn't be good. I also admire people in many ways" she said quietly and tightened her arm around Yaz. "Your lives are so short and yet you find all this, love and happiness and passion and sorrow and the strength to carry on knowing that life will leave you one day and live those you love. I find it incredible...It takes courage to do that"
"You like it here don't you?"
"I do Yaz. Earth was always my other home...It's even more when I have you" she smiled at her gently
Yaz looked at her lovingly and reached her hand up to her head, pulling her in for a gentle kiss "It is for me now that I have you" she said softly and then lowered herself laying her head on Clara's lap enjoying her fingers playing with her hair. They fell silent for a while. And just lying on the sofa feeling Clara's hand gently trail down her stomach lulled her to sleep. She woke up an hour later to the sound of the TV and Clara calling her name.
"Hey wake up is here I need to move you"
"Oh sorry...I fell asleep" she sat up groggy
"It's fine Yaz. Stay here...I'll be back in a minute"
Clara ran out of the house, and Yaz lay down on the sofa. She realized that Clara must have been watching Netflix while she slept. The injection she gave her made her sleepy every time. She heard voices outside and Clara laughing. She couldn't make out what they were saying. Then the car pulls away and the door opens
"Hey...wanna have a look?" Clara stood in the middle of the living room exited
"Of course I do"
She helped her up and they walked together outside.
"Waaaw...that's shiny"
"I know...beautiful isn't it?"
"It's bigger"
"It is bigger...and we have a bigger booth as well...look" she opened it up exited "It can fit all ten of our suitcases Yaz" she laughed "and some more...I can fit a Dalek inside this one"
"Forget I said that..." she frowned and waved her hand, then closed the booth
" have a whole TV in here "Yaz peaked inside looking at the display "And it's all shining"
"When you feel better you can take it for a spin Yaz"
"Oooh no, no, no...I am not going anywhere near this thing...All yours babe...I have my little ladybug and I'm quite happy with it" she giggled
"Wanna go for a ride?" she said happily
"Really? Can we?"
"Cause we can Yaz...come on...hop on in" she helped her in and threw the crutches in the back seat then ran to close the house and then pointed her sonic activating the shield just in case.
"So...where to my beautiful lady?" she smiled sitting at the wheel
"Dunno...have any ideas?"
"Mmmm....actually I do Yaz...buckle up..."
They were on their way somewhere, Yaz had no idea where she was taking them. But the ride was nice and relaxing. Clara rested her hand on Yaz's leg as she always did while driving and turned around from time to time smiling at her.
"Like it?" she asked
"Love it...I can see you're enjoying in it"
"I am...I love this car...I've been waiting for it for a while. Starting to get impatient"
"Do you miss your ship?"
"Oh I do Yaz" she turned to her for a moment "Tardis would take only a minute..." she pursed her lips and gripped the wheel "But...It is what it is Yaz...just safer this way...that's all"
Yaz didn't know what she meant by that. But she didn't want to spoil her moment seeing how happy she was about the car.
"I love all the lights" she said
"Oh oh...and this as well" she pressed the button and music started playing "It's really loud" she yelled making Yaz laugh
"It is babe..." she yelled back laughing at her
They went all the way to the outskirts and were about an hour's drive when Clara turned off the main road
"Babe...where are we?"
"Bamford" she said
"What are we doing in Bamford?"
"We're gonna have a nice time Yaz" she turned around smiling "It's Friday...I thought we could stay over night"
"Whaaa? We have no stuff!...You just scooped me up from the sofa look at the state of me girl"
"I know..." she laughed cheeky turning the car into Yorkshire Bridge Inn "Oh come on butterfly...relax" she giggled and ran her finger playfully over Yaz's bottom lip
Yaz couldn't believe it. She was in her tracksuit. Her hair was all messy from sleeping and she thought she looked a right state unlike Clara who was all nicely dressed in her black trousers and a white shirt looking as if she had just stepped out of a business meeting. Clara parked the car and got out, then opened the booth and closed it again before coming to get Yaz
"What's that?" yaz pointed to the travel bag in her hand
"Our stuff my silly little butterfly" she grinned
"You packed us?"
"When?...And where was that bag?"
I did it this morning Yaz when you were sleeping... " she helped her out of the car "It was in our old car all this time"
"You planned this?"
"Aha!" She nodded happy "I knew you'd go...I thought it be nice since I cancelled Oxford...just for one night Yaz"
"You silly woman..." she shook her head laughing
"Come on let's get to the room and you can change. I picked something nice for you"
It was a nice little place with a bunch of flowers out front and a big conservatory where the restaurant was located. They went to their room and Clara unpacked their bag. Yaz changed into the nice bottoms and top that Clara had packed for her. She chose a nice cotton pair that was loose and comfortable and didn't hurt her leg.
Yaz was sitting on a chair and Clara was braiding her hair. She needed help because it was impossible for her to stand on her painful leg in front of the bathroom mirror and do it herself. But Clara strangely enjoyed doing it for her. Something Yaz didn't really expect her to even know how to do, let alone enjoy. As beautiful and elegant as she was, Clara wasn't into make-up or anything girly and hated straightening her hair and was always messing around that shaving and flat irons were the pinnacle of her feminine side. But Yaz always thought how Clara was stunning without make-up anyway and couldn't even imagine her wearing any either. It was the braces that she couldn't live without. Yaz was obsessed with them from the moment she met her. It was Clara's staple and Yaz loved them so much that she would also buy her new pair whenever she got the chance, which always made Clara happy no matter how many pairs she owned, and she had a lot of them, matching almost any outfit she wore.
"Here we're all done" Clara said finishing her hair
Yaz pulled her hand to get down next to her "Thank you for this baby" she gently caressed her face and tucked her hair behind her ear
"No need to say thank you Yaz I already told this so many times"
"I know you have..." she brushed her thumb over her cheek gently "But I always will anyway"
Yaz kissed her slow and gentle stroking the back of her neck and tangling her fingers through her hair.
"Come on...let's go" Clara smiled rubbing her nose over hers "You look very lovely"
"You look stunning as always and iff we don't leave now I won't wanna leave"
" neither..." she laughed
They had dinner and then Clara took her to see the nearby waterfalls. She parked her car on the side of the country road near the local bridge. It was already evening and the sun was slowly setting. But they had just enough time to enjoy themselves briefly. It was a short trip and not far from where they lived. But Yaz enjoyed every minute of it.
"It's so pretty...I wish I could go down by the water" Yaz said looking over the edge of the bridge at the beautiful waterfalls. Clara stood behind her and wrapped her arms around her
"It's so close where we live Yaz, we can come here any time when you get better" she said pressing her cheek against Yaz's
"I'd like's nice here. So peaceful"
"Let's go slowly" she kissed her cheek "I need to give you your shot and you need to rest your leg"
"I's starting to hurt again"
"I know lovely. Come on...let's go"
As much as she enjoyed it, Yaz was in pain when they got back to the hotel, so Clara gave her another shot. She didn't even know how many she had received so far or what they were But it was making her leg better slowly and a lot less sore. The bruises were slowly disappearing, and the swelling was much smaller. She was lying in bed waiting for Clara to take a shower and was just checking her phone and texting her mom and sister and sending them the photos she took that day. Their room was nice and cozy and reminded Yaz of old cottages with all the wooden furniture. Clara even packed the set of candles which made Yaz laugh so they lid them up to make it more romantic. She even packed her custard crem cookies and some chocolates for Yaz. But she forgot Yaz's hair brush and toothbrushes so they had to stop at the local store on the way to get them.
"Babe, are we staying here tomorrow or are we going home in the morning?" Yaz asked as Clara came out of the bathroom and rummaged through their bag for clean pair of nickers.
"Mmm...I thought we stay till after lunch...I do have some work to do over the weekend so we have to get back" she turned around scrunching her face "I'm so sorry lovely ...It's really important I do that"
"Nooo...don't be silly. I'm just asking. Do you mind if I meet up with Sonya then whilst you work? She can pick me up"
"Of course not head will be into my work anyway for most of the evening"
"Dad is asking if you want him to send some food?" she said still typing with her family
Clara just looked her with a massive grin on her face
"I see that's a YES then" she giggled "He's also asking if you could look at his car when you have time. It's making some noise"
"Yes, of course" she said crawling into bed and lifting Yaz's top kissing her belly in the process "Tell him to come on Sunday"
"Right...t's all settled" she said putting the phone down on the side table "I'm yours now" she giggled ruffling her hair. Clara laid her head on her stomach "Sonya is picking me up tomorrow at seven. We're just going to get some cheap food locally"
"That's nice" she kissed her tummy again and then began to blow air into her skin making her laugh
"Aaaaaa that tickles" Yaz laughed trying to push her head away
"You're soft" Clara rubbed her face into her her tummy smiling
"I'm gonna get even softer with all the chocolates you've been feeding me with and all I do is sit around"
"So?" Clara looked at her confused
"Just saying" Yaz smiled softly playing with her hair "Thank you for this...this is really nice"
"I knew you're gonna like it"
"Mmmm?" Clara mumbled shoving her face onto her skin in such silly way that Yaz laughed
"I was talking to Sonya about something and I was gonna speak to you about it"
"I'm all ears Yaz... well not all... I have other parts too but they're totally focused on what you're going to say.... Did you know there's this species I met once and their hearing is so strong they can hear the birds flying in the sky...oh sorry...I'm going off on one...tell me Yaz"
"Well you know Sonya is all into make-up"
"And I'm not...well not like her anyway. But several months ago she started this organic brand of makeup that is done using some traditional recipes from Pakistan and it's doing really well"
"Aaaa that's nice for her...she did mention that to me quite few times...but you know me and makeup Yaz"
"Well she asked me if I wanna do it with her"
"Really?" Clara jumped and sat on the bed "And and and.."
"Slow down silly..." she giggled
"So you're leaving that stupid shop?"
"Well it would mean I would work from home yes"
"Yes...yes ...yes..." she started kissing her whole face exited
"OMFG you're really happy about this aren't you?"
"I am Yaz I hated you going to that know I told you million times I just wish you were home"
"I know you just wanna be my sugar mummy desperately" she giggled
"I still don't know what you mean by that Yaz...but we can sort out a nice office for you. I can get one more desk in my study...that would be nice"
"It would be, honey," she laughed at her absolute excitement. Clara couldn't wipe that big smile off her face as happy as she was at the idea "Okay, well I'll say yes to her tomorrow then"
"Goodie...Clara jumped on her dotting kisses all over her face
" leg silly"
"Oh sory...sorry...sorry...I forgot darling" she went down and kissed her knee gently "Sorry"
"C'mere my silly dork" Yaz spread her arms and Clara flew into her wrapping her arms around her "I really love much" she tucked her hair behind her ears which was curly from the hot shower and just looked at her autumn eyes running her thumbs over her cheeks "God you're so beautiful" she whispered and Clara made a little funny face and then brought her lips to hers. So close they could feel each other's breath
"I adore you Yasmin" she said and took her lips slowly deepening kiss. She wanted to melt into Yaz to become a permanent part of her. One kiss following another in an endless chain, each stronger and more passionate than the last. She tangled her fingers in Yaz's hair, palming the nape of her neck and sliding her hand under the top, running her fingers over the soft silky breast. She could never get enough of her. And it seemed as if every day she loved and wanted her more and more, which she didn't know was even possible because she already loved her with every cell of her being.
Yaz moaned into her mouth and began to pull the top over her head tossing it to the side.
"Off.. take it off" she said almost desperately as Clara's hand moved back under her pajamas. "Take it all off," she said so desperately that Clara laughed and sat on the bed pulling her top off then pressed her lips over her breast
"Oh god baby" Yaz gasped and brushed her fingers through her hair. Her back arching with every kiss of Clara's lips trailing all over her. She sat up again and pulled her pajamas off gently leaving her bare to her eyes.
Clara's expression would always amaze Yaz. She would always stop for few seconds looking at her like the most beautiful scenery. Her eyes filled with so much love and admission Yaz never thought another person would ever be looking at her in this way. She trailed her knuckles in slow circles over her stomach then brushed her hand over her mound. Yaz's eyes slammed shut and lips captured hers again in a passionate kiss that trailed from her lips slowly and gently down her body sending shock waives through her spine. She ran her hand down Clara's shoulders. Her skin slowly grew warmer underneath her fingers that trailed down to the curve of her waist as she ascended down her body and Yaz couldn't reach her anymore.
"Does it hurt?" she asked moving her aching leg kissing the inside of it gently
"I don't care" Yaz replied abruptly which made Clara laugh like crazy. She buried her face into her skin and chuckled
"Yaaaz blimey" she said continuing to trail kisses over her skin
Yaz closed her eyes, quite moans trailed of her lips as Clara made a home for herself between her thighs.. She reached for her hand and intertwined their fingers, letting herself fall endlessly into the abyss of passion and desire for her beautiful lover. Heat flooded her face and her body clenched around her. She was breaking into a million pieces without knowing where she had stopped and Clara began, tugging at the sheets clutching them in her hand until her body went limp and shuddered. They fell silent, Clara's head resting on her stomach, kissing her hot skin every now and then. Yaz lazily played with her hair and looked at her with her eyes still half open.
"C'mere" she tugged her hand "Kiss me love" she smiled
And she did kiss her, she kissed her like tomorrow doesn't exist, like all they have is this moment in time. She kissed her slow and passionate driving air out of her lounges.
"I want you" Yaz said into her lips
"You're in pain Yaz" Clara kissed the pip of her nose moving strains of hair from her face gently and gazing into her eyes as if she was trying to read her soul.
"My leg hurts not my mouth" she giggled "Please baby...I need to feel you...I miss you" she stroke her face gently "pleeease" she begged kissing her again and again pulling her towards herself "I need you" she said again placing her hand on Clara's hip pulling her until she stopped resisting her and let herself be guided to her lips. Hands grabbing the wooden headboard she sank herself on her soft lips and shivered when her hot breath hit her skin closing her eyes. She missed feeling her more than she was even aware, until she felt her seal herself on her. Yaz's fingers were digging into her hips and trailing down her lower back. She rocked her hips dragging herself over her lips slowly, her knuckles white as she held the hard wood of the headboard supporting her own weight, her hair falling framing her face as she craned her neck and opened her eyes for a moment looking down, then dropped one hand and ran her fingers through Yaz's hair . A silent moan left her mouth and her eyes closed as she felt her so deep inside herself that she wanted to scream into the air.
"Stars I love you" she said breathless as her whole body trembled and she grabbed the the headboard again rocking her hips shuddering.
She fell silent for a moment, craning her neck and running her fingers through Yaz's hair smiling dazed to her.
Yaz kissed the inside of her trembling legs "Love ya" she giggled
"Oh Yaz" she laid down next to her still trying to catch her breath and cupped her face kissing her "You pulled me apart" she smiled into her lips "I really missed you"
"I missed you too" Yaz said gazing at her lovingly
"I'm hungry now" she said spreading herself like a pancake on the bed
"You got your cookies" Yaz giggled
"Aaaa...Yes so I do" she got up and started digging through the bag until she found them "Want some?"
"I want my chocolate..." Yaz rolled herself on her tummy and wiggled like a caterpillar to the edge of the bed "give give" she reached out giggling
"Careful're gonna hut your leg. Just because it doesn't hurt now it doesn't mean you can jump around. It's just painkillers....I need a shower" she said sitting on the floor and wrapping herself in a sheet
"We both need a shower but I'm knackered"
Clara looked at her cheeky, her bottom lip catching behind her teeth smiling. She was melting Yaz's heart how cute and happy she looked.
"You're so fucking cute, you know that? Yaz said propping herself on her elbows enjoying in her chocolate.
"'re the cute one butterfly" she leaned over and kissed her quickly then took one more cookie wasting through the bag in less then 10 minutes "Come on butterfly" she got up all shining haply "Let's take a shower" she reached out for her dragging her across the bed
"You're really into calling me butterfly aren't you?" she giggled
"Yap.." she giggled helping her up "You're my cute little butterfly Yaz"
"And you're my beautiful goofy ball of sunshine that I couldn't live without" she kissed her cheek and Clara messed around puffing her cheeks with air and making funny faces all the way to the bathroom
My Clara
