Chapter 31


Wednesday came so fast and the wedding was now only few days away. Yaz was rushing to get ready in the bathroom shaving her legs in cubicle. And Clara was getting dressed. They were both going to the hairdressers before Clara's lecture. At first Clara was objecting saying she could do it herself then, but Yaz booked her in anyway saying there's no way she's going to cut her own hair for the wedding.

"Aaaa!" Yaz yelled from the shower "Shit"

"What's wrong" Clara opened the door

"Aaarrh...I just cut myself really bad" she said showing quite a long cut on her lower leg

"Shoot...aaarhh...I have some plaster things...well similar but better..."

"It's because I'm rushing and it's a new razor"

"I'll be right back" Clara ran out and Yaz let the water run down her leg trying to stop the bleeding. There was nothing to worry about, but the blood couldn't flow down her leg through the cotton white trousers she intended to wear.

Clara came back with what looked like a thin piece of silicone. She dried her leg and put it on the wound.

"It's gonna be ok" she kissed her forehead

"I's not deep just annoying"

"Do I have to go to this headdresses Yaz...honest I can do it myself I always have done"

"Yeees you're going....stop throwing a wobbly's all a part of it babe...getting ourselves pretty for it...Cooome on we'll have a great time"

"I just don't like people touching all over me Yaz"

"You're not going for a massage just cutting your hair"

"Massage....ewwww..." she makes a grossed out face

"You'll're gonna look so pretty baby" she kissed her cheek and Clara scrunched her face


"I must say, this isn't as bad as I thought it would be" Clara said as lady was washing her hair "I never did this when I was man I must say it does feel nice"

"See told ya" Yaz smiled

"Well I'm glad you're enjoying it" the lady said

"You're even enjoying in a massage" Yaz smiled at her from the other cubicle

"I draw the line at hair washing Yaz"

But when it came to cutting Clara's hair, she kept squirming in her chair like a child making Yaz laugh. She also drove the hairdresser absolutely insane, saying that the two ends were shorter than each other by less than half a centimeter. So in the end, she wasn't sure that taking her to the hairdresser was such a fantastic idea after all, although in the end she seemed happy with the result

"You look really nice. It reminds me of a day when I met you" Yaz smiled as they walked out

"Well Yaz and that was me cutting it myself" she said smug "But I suppose it was nice to do something I've never done before. You look lovely I just can't get used to the straight hair Yaz"

"I just wanted some change, and my hair was so frizzy from your Tardis hairdryer" she laughed

"I still have some time before the lecture...wanna go to the park? We can grab some Ice-cream on a way"


"I won't be long Yaz. Today is a short day...we can do something nice....We need it"

"I totally agree on that one"

They sat on a bench in a park and took Yaz's hand holding it her lap looking in a distance "Yaz"

"Yes baby"

"I would never leave you unless you wanted me to I need you to believe me when I say this"

"This is really bothering you isn't it?"

"It is Yaz...Cause sometimes I'm a mess...most times I'm not but sometimes I am. And was just such a mess that day with everything that happened and what I did that morning...I'm not proud of myself for that at all" she turned to her and sighed "I was stupid...I don't even know what I was thinking when I said that, because I wasn't Yaz"

"I know that...I'm sorry for shoving you. I had no right to do that" she said twirling Clara's fingers through her hand "I panicked...I thought I'm gonna really put me through it Clara"

"I thought after everything that happened...I wasn't sure if you still wanted"

"Claraaaa...what ever made you think that? Those words will never leave my mouth. No matter how hard it gets or how fucked up you are" she brought her hand to her cheek and brushed her finger over it "Now that's something I need you to believe when I say it. I'm in this with you forever baby and I'm definitely staying. Please stop crying" she smiled

"I'm really trying Yaz this is so so hard" Clara said and grabbed her wrist "I really love you Yasmin with all my hearts and I will sort this out I promise" she held her wrist and leaned her head into her palm

"We'll sort it out together and I will never stop loving you no matter what"

"Can we move on?...Can we forget this and just enjoy in what we have Yaz?"

"Yes...yes...we can...we have to...I want to" she said pulling her in and leaned her head on hers "I wanna kiss you" she smiled and Clara took her lips into hers gently

"Since when you kiss me in public?"

"Since I mess it up so much I don't care anymore" she smiled into her lips sniffling then pulled back holding her hands in her lap "I have to go...I'll be late for my work...I'm sorry"

"It's alright...I know you do...I'll just walk around and go for a coffee"

"I won't be's an hour of lecture and I'm only ten and a half minutes away from here" she said wiping tears of her face that was still red from crying and her eyes looking tired and exhausted

"You look really pretty with your new hair" Yaz smiled tucking it behind her ears

"Can we not go to a hairdressers again?"

"Alright baby, we won't...You didn't like that did you?"

"Not really...I went cause it was making you happy"

"Alright darling" she smiled "Go now...I'll stay for a bit longer just take a walk around the park"

Clara kissed her forehead and got up slowly leaving. It was absolutely breaking Yaz's heart seeing her like this. But talking about it all was necessary if they were going to go through this. She also knew this is just scratching the surface. There's so much more they will have to deal with in the future only right now the only thing she wanted them to talk about was the wedding. The one thing that she knew in spite all this sorrow making them happy. She walked for a while through the park then left to visit the store where she always buys Clara new braces. She wanted to do something nice for her so they forget all the problems as much as they can. She also felt bad for making her go to the hairdressers as she obviously didn't feel comfortable with it. Which she felt was one more thing that needed to be addressed. The last thing she would ever want was for Clara to feel obligated doing things she didn't feel comfortable with for the sake of pleasing her. It's not how Yaz wanted their relationship to be. But getting her a new pair of braces was something she was absolutely sure would make her happy. Two hours flew by in walking around and shopping. She was finally happy she could walk without pain after weeks of agony.

Clara attended the lecture and for the first time did not enjoy it at all. Instead, she continued to look at the large clock on the wall counting down the minutes before she could leave. As soon as the bell rang, she quickly gathered all her things and rushed out and on her way to Yaz stopped at a flower shop buying her a bouquet of red roses and a box of chocolates. She saw her sitting on the terrace of a small café going through her phone, and Clara's hearts skipped a beat. She stood under the tree for a moment looking at Yaz's beautiful hair shining in the sunlight. She still felt mixture of sadness, pain and anxiety and she felt nervous in some way hoping things are back the way they were before but fearful they're not. Fearful she stained something between them, and nothing will ever be the same again. But there was only one way she could find out, so she reluctantly stepped forward, coming up behind her and reaching her arm with the flowers over her shoulder.

"Fuck!" Yaz jumped out of her seat

"Hey beautiful" she said kissing her temple

"OMFG...those are beautiful..." Yaz smiled "You got me flowers baby?"

"And this" she reached over her with another hand

"I should shove you more often" she giggled kissing her cheek "That's so beautiful...thank you baby"

Clara said down with a nervous grin on her face. She kept fighting unable to keep still and suddenly Yaz's heart was bleeding seeing her like this "Look what have" she took the bag from the chair and placed it on the table. Clara looked at it with a wobbly chin

"Go know what it is" Yaz smiled


"Oh're gonna make me cry...just open the fucking bag you silly goof"

"Olive green" she smiled taking the braces out of the bag "I love olive green...I don't have that color"

"Well now you do...and something else...look at the bottom"

"Noooo!!...You didn't?" she looked up smiling

"I fucking well did...they're a match and I couldn't help it"

"Bow got me a matching bow tie Yaz" she looked up twirling the little box in her hand exited and quickly wiped a tear from her face

"Are you gonna admire that box or take it out?" Yaz got up and walked around the table "Here..." she took it out of the box and kneeled by her chair "Like it?"

"I don't deserve you"

"You fucking well do..." Yaz took her hand and kissed her fingers "love ya"

"Love you too" she said ever so quietly and Yaz saw her whole body shaking nervously

"It goes with your brown trousers...wanna put it on?"

"Yes...yes I do" she nodded and started ripping the existing braces off herself with Yaz unbuttoning them from the back

"Wait....label silly" Yaz giggled taking it off and helping her to put the new pair on and then clipped the tie around the collar of her shirt "You might cook yourself having that on as's so hot"

"I don't care" Clara said as Yaz got up and kissed the top of head

"We're good baby...calm down" she said as her lips were still in her hair "We always will be"

"Mmmmm...I had a thought Yaz" Clara said finally looking relaxed

"Just one?" Yaz giggled

"Well, of many but rather important one...You know how I said I want us to do something nice together today?"

"Right...what's the plan?"

"The Ashmolean Museum" she said smiling

"Arrr...isn't that the same museum were the Tardis is parked?"

"Yap...I was gonna show it to you...Which was one of the reasons why I chose that hotel...the one we never stayed in. It's really super nice Yaz I think you're gonna like it...There's lots to see"

"I'd like that...Also I think it will be more cooler" she lifted her top of her chest "It's so humid today...aren't you hot in that?"

"No...I'm fine" she smiled taking the menu

"I'm sure you're just saying that cause you wanna wear your new bow tie" she giggled

"I really like it Yaz" she smiled and adjusted it "I'm not so hungry...I do fancy a sandwich though"

"Fine with me...I'll make a proper dinner when we get home. Jenny is coming tomorrow...are you sure you don't want to go out with us darling?"

"I'm sure Yaz...I hope you don't mind? So much to do Yaz and not enough time. I plan to do some research on that thing I found in that man's pocket. I can't seem to figure out what it is and it's worrying me Yaz. I looped it into Tardis’s telepathic circlets but it's not coming up with anything"

"The telepathic what?"

"It's telepathic navigation Yaz, any object amasses all sorts of fragmentary spatio-temporal particles throughout its lifetime...It's like a memory of where that object has been where it moved. Tardis can read that...but with this it's coming up with nothing...very odd and very worrying"

"What does that mean? Maybe it's new? Haven't...I don't know moved a lot"

"No butterfly it doesn't work that was made somewhere and even if that was the case it would still give information where and when...It's like it's a it doesn't even exist...and jet it's there"

"Do you want me to help you with the research?"

"Alright...yes you can...I need you to look for anything similar you might find in a library I will show where to look. Also, I may have to give a call to an old friend of mine who deals with stuff that cannot be traced...Right...enough about that today...let's order some food"


It was so hot and humid that Yaz was relieved when they finally reached the museum. Her leg felt odd, a feeling she couldn't explain like something was buzzing inside it but there was no way she's going to mention it even remotely to Clara. She was just happy that it didn't hurt.

"Oh wait" Yaz tugged on her hand as they passed next to the Tardis "Let me just leave the flowers home so they don't wilt and I'm sure those chocolates have melted by this point"

"Good thinking Yaz, I'll leave my stuff as well"

Yaz ran to the kitchen and filled the water in a sink leaving them there and popped the chocolates to the fridge. She was sweating buckets so she quickly went to their room to wash herself a little bit and change.

"God I hope it's not this hot on Saturday" she said grumpy as she put fresh clothes on "I'm gonna die in my dress"

Tardis hummed for her and she smiled looking up to the ceiling "I'm so sorry you can't be there...You could probably create that whole venue in here"

"Are you two having a chat?" Clara peaked from the door

"Yap...I'm complaining and she's so patiently listening to my moaning" she laughed pulling the dress over her shoulders "Can you please" she turned around and Clara jumped at the request.

She pulled the zipper of her dress ghosting her hands over Yaz's waist nervously and gently. Still unsure where they stand with each other but then Yaz turned and took her hands wrapping them around herself "I told you we're fine" she smiled

"We are?" she asked sheepishly and before she had any time to think about Yaz's answer she brought her hand to the nape of Clara's neck and pulled her in gently to a kiss

"Does that answer your question?" she smiled into her lips

She nodded and pressed her against her chest tightly. "I never wanna argue like that again Yaz...I don't think I can handle it"

"Me neither baby...I love you"

"I adore you Yasmin" she said running her fingers through Yaz's hair and placed a long kiss into it breathing the smell of her shampoo that this time she didn't recognize and seemed so strange

"Come on...let's go...I'm done" she looked up smiling at her and placed one more short kiss on her lips

Clara pulled her hand and they walked by the console "Oh, give me a second Yaz" she let go of her hand and looked at the monitor

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing for now...thank the stars just checking where's Jack"

"Where is he?" She walked over leaning over her shoulder

"Aaa...see right there...and that's.." she pressed few things on a monitor "Iraxius Constalation of Ornoxobirin...ewww...nasty place" she frowned "I hope he doesn't get into trouble there"

"Can you see where he is?"

"I can do more than that Yaz..." she smiled and pressed more stuff on monitor "Aaaa...there see..."

"What's that?" Yaz frowned at the picture on a monitor

"Aaarrrr...that's...arrrh...nothing Yaz" she started pressing stuff frantically then rather silly turned her back to the monitor and covered Yaz's eyes with her hand

"What the fuck Clara" she laughed moving her hand "Is that space strip joint?" she leaned trying to look over Clara's shoulder as she was hiding the screen standing in front of it

"Sort of Yaz...uuuu look at the time...that museum will shut soon Yaz" she grabbed her hand pulling her towards the door then pointed the sonic at the console on her way out with a grossed out look on her face

"It's whore house isn't it?" Yaz laughed as they walked out

"Yaaaaaz!!!" Clara jumped up horrified

"Just asking" she laughed her head off

"Can we change the subject...I find this conversation completely unnecessary and highly embarrassing"

"Alright" she laughed

As they were walking up the stars Yaz leaned over her shoulder "It was wasn't it?"

Clara ignored her question and pulled her hand walking into the museum.



"What's that?" Yaz pointed to the massive photo of the excavation site on the wall

"Aaaa...that's Labyrinth of Knossos in Crete Yaz. This museum holds a big collection of photographs and documents from the time of the discovery of the Palace of Knossos in 1900 alongside more than 200 objects from international collections...Very impressive Yaz...Wanna see?"

"Yeah sure"

"I should take you there. You would absolutely love it. We could go in early autumn when it's not that hot. In fact I have a very good friend in Athens we could go and visit him. I met his grandfather during the war. I wonder what he's up to these days I should give him a call"

"This is this the palace? I remember something about it from school but I forgot most of it. There's this legend about Minotaur...half human, half bull"

"Yes...yes it is Yaz"

"Is that true? Did that creature really exist?"

"It did yes...but it wasn't like the legend Yaz. It was just poor creature that somehow got stranded on Earth and kept imprisonment for years"

"Whaaaat? That's disgusting...People can be seriously cruel"

"Mostly cruelty comes from lack of knowledge Yaz. People fear that which is unknown to them"
she said walking around the exhibits with her hands in her pockets

"What happened to it?"

"He died's sad"

"Poor thing..." she felt deflated somewhat and for a moment lost enthusiasm about visiting the place

"Hey look at this" Clara pulled her hand "Look how beautiful this is" she showed her a beautiful vase depicting sea creatures "The craftsmanship of the Minoan civilization was astounding"

"That is beautiful ai must admit"

"See, not everything is bad Yaz...there's always beauty and light even in a darkest of places" she leaning towards the glass

Yaz wondered for a moment was this thought that kept Clara going for all those years. She looked at her sideways and kissed her cheek. Clara smiled and kept looking at the vase drifting somewhere in her thoughts.

"We should go Yaz...I know your leg feels better but I'm afraid you're over doing it now and that you will pay the price for it later"

"You're probably right...we've been walking for almost an hour and does feel weird"

"Weird how?"

"Just weird that's's been like that since Sunday"

"Yeaaaz! And why are you keeping quiet?"

"Because...Everything was just too much"

"Nothing is ever too much when it comes to your heath Yaz...Come let's go...I wanna check you out...Weird how?" she asked again worried

"I don't know babe...fucking weird"

"Lots of things are weird Yaz like those stick insects they are weird" she kept babbling on a way out "Did you ever hold one on your finger?"

"No" she frowned

"They sway in a wind like a branch...How does he know?"

"How does he know what?"

"Wow does he know he looks like a branch Yaz? He doesn't have a mirror and yet he acts like he knows what he looks like" 

"No clue Clara"

"So see, that's weird ...I'm afraid you have to be more specific than that"

"Right" she had no idea what got into her but she suddenly became completely flustered and was rushing them back to the Tardis. She learned by now not to question too much Clara's mood swings so she simply went along with it and followed her without question.


"What's that?" Yaz asked as Clara sat her on big examination chair in med bay. She's never been in a med bay and the chair reminded her of those strange chairs at gynecologist that she was dreading as it had similar stirrups except this one had only one where Clara placed both of her legs and leaned the chair backwards. She was pulling something from the ceiling that looked like a half-moon contraption and left it hovering above her

"Just a scanner...I wanna see what's going on that's all"

"But I'm not in pain?"

"Lots of things don't hurt Yaz...doesn't mean everything is alright...Sorry" she scrunched her face and stroke her forehead "I didn't mean to scare you....just saying...What I meant is that something is happening that isn't causing you pain but it might do later on if not treated in time"

"Like what?" she asked freaking out regretting she didn't say something earlier

"Well for one you could have some nerve wouldn't feel pain because they are...well...damaged" she shrugged then went back to the monitor pressing few things on it whilst Yaz looked at her a bit horrified

"It's alright darling...just lie down"

"I feel like I'm at gynecologist" she laughed nervously

"You whaaa?" Clara turned confused

"The chair" she said looking at Clara's blank expression "You obviously never...never mind forget it" she shook her head and lied down

The machine made a buzzing sound then all the lights dimmed. It shined a blue ray of light at her as it was moving down from her stomach all the way to her toes.

"Relax...just like MRI but better" Clara smiled

"Mmmm...I'm just worried what it will show"

Holographic projection popped up hovering above Yaz and she looked amazed. "Is that my leg?"

"Yap...that's your leg darling. See I can see everything inside"

"I have no idea how you can even read that"

"Oh, it's not that hard once you get some practice....and I have a lot of practice Yaz" she grinned "So look see there...this is where it popped out and you had a small fracture on your patella and tearing of the medial collateral ligament"

"English please" Yaz giggled

"Basically Yaz those are like strings keeping everything together and those strings got torn. This is why you were in so much pain. They tske time to heal"

"So what's going on now?"

"It all healed very nice...There's still little bit left but pretty much it's all going nicely. The odd feeling you have inside is because this string here is pulling a bit...see that one it's causing discomfort. But that's because you were running, and it was all fresh tissue new one so now it's a bit inflamed. Nothing I can't fix Yaz" she was lying threw her teeth but at least now she had better understanding what's going on inside her

"So it's all ok?"

"Yap...let me just check few more things and we're done"


She lay back down and let Clara check whatever she was checking. She looked at the projection and it turned the image into something else, all her blood vessels. She looked at it in complete awe as Clara spun the 3D image in the air above her and zoomed in on parts of it. She then moved the scanner even higher and Yaz saw an image of practically her entire body hovering above her and it was so strange to see the projection of herself above her glowing in the dark room. She watched Clara as the light from the machine lid up her face as she was studying every detail.

"Hey" Yaz said smiling

"Mmm?" Clara turned her head slightly

"You're beautiful" she said and hooked her finger on hers that was resting on the side of the chair Clara scrunched her face which made her laugh and then went back to studying the scan twisting and turning things in the air and Yaz had no idea what she was doing but she was clearly interested in it.

"Right...we're done" she smiled and switched off the projection then all the lights came up as well

"So...was that interesting?" she giggled

"It was actually...Human body is Yaz"

"I think yours is way more it" she climbed down from the chair

"What? What were you gonna say?"

"It's silly"

"Well can I hear it anyway?"

"Can you show me your hearts...You what you did there now with me...can I see?"

"See, it's not silly at all. Of course I can Yaz" she sat on a chair and moved the machine up. The lights dimmed and the machine started scanning. Yaz watched exited standing by her side until the projection popped up as it did with her

"Waaaaaw...OMG look at that!" she said amazed as two of the Doctor's hearts were beating in dual rhythm "That's so beautiful" she reached out with her fingers carefully towards the projection and Clara smiled as she touched it "That's so amazing baby"

Clara reached for her hand and placed it to her chest and at that moment her hearts speed up the beat.

"I do that to you baby?" she asked

"Always have Yaz" she said quietly and before Yaz had time to react she sat up "Right...come on...let's make some dinner darling and I have a lot of work to do"

Yaz stepped between her legs as she sat on the edge of the chair and ran her hands over her legs "I love you baby" she looked at her eyes and still saw anxiety in them. It tore her heart to see her beating herself up like that and wished she could erase that whole afternoon out of existence just to feel normal again.

"I love you much" she brought her hand to her cheek and Yaz learned into it kissing her palm then stroke the back of Clara's neck

"C'mere you beautiful goof" she said smiling pulling her into a slow and gentle kiss "Let's make some food, ha?"

"That sounds great"

"In fact...iff you have stuff to do I'll make food you get on with it then you tell me after we eat what you need me to find in a library"

"Alright.." she said happily "You sure you wanna do that Yaz?"

"Absolutely...come on" she stroke a thumb over her cheek "And I really love that hair"

Clara scrunched her face making her laugh and got off the chair.



Clara went through everything she could think of trying to find the origin of the little black plate or its function, but each time she ran into a wall. She was getting more and more frustrated and a little worried about having it on board without knowing what it was. For all she knew, it could affect the Tardis in ways unknown to her, something she didn't even want to think about. Jack was in a new location, but it was just one of the trading planets where everyone comes to get bargain and cheap ship parts. A part of her longed to just pull that lever and go there herself, find out what she could. Being out of things like sitting in an office wasn't something she was used to or something she felt she would ever get used to. But that's how things were now. A call came and she flipped the screen

"Aaaaa...Hiya..." she waived haply to a person on the other end

" the new look"

"Oh, yes of course, it's been a while...Does it suit me?...I love the pink hair by the way...Never tried that before...I might do"

"I'm trying new faces...You should've seen me last week...Oh wait, I'll show you" the person shook their head and changed into and elderly reptile looking creature with floppy ears

Yaz almost dropped the tea as she saw it walking in,  then got interested in what's going on

"Aaaaaa....I've seen them...what's the's on a tip of my yes" she jumped exited "Miragula...very shy though....not much for conversation" she spotted Yaz behind her and grabbed her pulling her in front of the screen "This is Yaz...Yaz this my old friend Tipaquant"

"Hiii!" Yaz gave a little waive

"Yaz Tipaquant is friend I told you about earlier today...In saying that...I need your's super urgent"

They shake their head and flip again into human form of a young girl with pink long braids who looked like Manga character with big green eyes
"Tell me"

"I've got this plate thingy..." she shows on a screen twirling it between her fingers "I have no idea where it comes from or what it is...Tardis telepathic circlets are not picking up anything like it's ghost...It's really worrying me having it here"

"Hmmmm...never seen it before...but send me all the information and I'll see what I can do...I can ask around"

"Thanks I really appreciate it"

"How urgent is this? I have wrestling match this evening that I can't miss"

"It's quite urgent but it doesn't have to be today"

"Alright Doctor no worries...we keep in touch"

"Bye...thanks " she waived haply and switched off the screen then turned her attention to Yaz

"How can they change like that?"

"Shape-shifting Yaz"

"Oh...alright...and why does this feel so normal?" she frowns "tea?" 






It was late at night and Yaz was exhausted from spending nearly four hours in a library digging through all the books. She was sitting on a floor leaning against the bookshelf when she heard the door and skidded herself on the floor to the railing.

"Hey!" she peaked through "I'm up here"

"Hey you...I thought you slipped to another dimension for a've been here for hours Yaz"

"Well in case you didn't notice you have a pretty big library" she giggled as Clara ran up the spiral staircase

"Any luck?...I suppose not or you'd be already in a console room"

"No...nothing" she pouted her lips huffing deflated and threw a book on a side leaning against the shelf "I don't get said this library contains all the knowledge of all the known universe...So how the fuck isn't it here?"

"I don't know Yaz...but what I do know is that it's almost three in a morning and that you look like you will fall asleep sitting come on lovely...let's get you to bed"

"You are coming too...right? there was no reply apart from Clara pulling her by the hands to stand up "Claraaaaa....come ooon...please come to bed" she begged hooking her fingers into waistband of her trousers pulling her for it

"Yaz...I can't darling" Clara took her hands and kissed her knuckles "I'm sorry but I have to try finding out...I'm worried having this thing on a Tardis not knowing what it is...I never thought in million years I will not be able to get any information about it...Come on...bed now...Your eye is missing a beat Yaz" she pointed a finger grinning

"I hate sleeping alone...just so you know" Yaz said frowning grumpy as Clara was pulling her down the stairs then draped herself over her back all the way to their room. She tugged on her hand at the door but Clara pulled her in just kissing her shortly on a lips

"I'm sorry" she said rubbing their noses together

"I missed this" she smiled wrapping her arms around her shoulders

"Mee have no idea" she said kissing her one more time slowly

"Can I help?"

"Nooo Yaz bed" she turned her around and pushed her towards the door

It wasn't the same falling asleep without her. She was tossing and turning for another hour needing her now more than ever, but Clara wasn't coming tonight. So she hugged her pillow and fell asleep at some point when her eyes became so heavy she couldn't keep them open anymore. This whole week turned into something bitter for both of them and she felt anger and disappointment mixed with frustration that she wasn't able to do more. It was almost five am when Clara finally came to their room and quietly took a shower trying not to wake her up then slipped into bed beside her. She slipped her arm around her waist and kissed her shoulder

"Baby?" Yaz turned around sleepy

"Sleep's still early" she kissed the top of her nose stroking her hair

"Cuddle" she said moving herself closer slumping her leg over Clara's side and slipped her arm around her tucking herself into her neck

"Always" Clara said relieved as her chin wobbled for her moment and squeezed her tightly.





It was Thursday night and Yaz was getting ready to meet Jenny. She was excited to see her after all these months, but disappointed Clara didn't come with her. She didn't leave the control room all day and didn't talk much. Yaz spent another day in the library digging more but found nothing and was so disappointed so far. She could feel Clara's frustration with this case. Hitting a wall for years on end must drive a person insane, especially when the ones you're looking for have brought you so much pain and misery. She was sad about leaving her to work whilst she's going out for a meal having fun, it didn't seem right at all. Her work at the university was different from this and she desperately wanted to help. The door of the bedroom opened up just as she was about to

"Hey baby" she turned around as she was putting her earrings on

"I was thinking....I can get ready fast if you still want me to..." she hasn't finished the sentence before Yaz threw herself on her

"Yes yes yes...and fucking yes I want you to"

Clara laughed holding her by the waist as Yaz splashed kisses all over fer face "Well I certainly got my answer...but you need to let go of me if you want me to get dressed"

"Fine...go go" she smiled and smacked her bum as she was starting to quickly take her clothes off

"What changed your mind?" Yaz yelled as Clara ran into the shower

"Well, I suppose the restaurant is only open for another three hours Yaz...So I guess I can take a break" she opened the shower cubicle just a little  peeking through "Also...with everything that happened I don't feel comfortable you walking around at night so if I'm gonna drop you off I might as well go with you"

"Aaaa so next time I should just play denzel in distress...not my style but if needed" she giggled

"Seriously Yaz...I'm not taking any risks"

"Alright my knight in shining armor" she giggled taking her clothes out laying them on a bed.

Clara quickly dried herself with a towel and Yaz threw her a pair of nickers over the bed "Is that fine?" she pointed at the black trousers and a white shirt

"Perfect" she said buttoning her shirt in super speed "I just need..." Yaz passed her a bow tie and cufflinks before she finished the sentence "Right...Did I tell you recently how much I love you?" she said scrunching her face twisting the bow tie

" haven't" Yaz nodded smiling

"Well loads Yaz..." she walked by her kissing her temple "Loads" she said pulling the braces over her shoulders "I need my sonic...just..." Yaz already took it out of drawer and was giving it to her "Right...let's go Yaz" she said opening the door and rushed down the hallway still putting cufflinks on her shirt.

"I'm so happy you're coming with me" Yaz said as she started the car and brought her hand to the nape of her neck

"Me too Yaz" she smiled "Just one question Yaz"


"Where are we going?" she turned towards her confused making her laugh




They left the car and Clara took her hand as they walked down the road towards a small Italian restaurant. Clara brushed her finger on a side of her hand making her heart jump. Things were slowly getting back to normal and felt so good inside as the tension between them was disappearing. She saw a girl standing in front the entrance, short pink hair, t-shirt with braces over her shoulders, cutoff jeans and Doc Martin's lazily tied on her feet

"Jenny!" she almost screamed her name and let go Clara's hand running to her

"Yaz...don't run" Clara scrunched her face "Well your leg is definitely healed" she mumbled quietly

Jenny turned around and opened her arms up until Yaz threw herself at her

"Fuck girl didn't recognize you" Jenny said squeezing her tight

"Pink" Yaz laughed ruffling her hair

" tiered of green" she laughed

"And look almost like a lady girl"

"It's just a dress I assure you"

Clara walked over smiling "Jenny this is my Clara....Clara this is Jenny"

"Nice to meet you...finally" Jenny said "She won't shut up about you I feel like you're already my mate" she laughed

"Aaaaaa...braces..." Clara grinned "Good taste...I can see we're gonna get along"

"See I like her already" Jenny laughed

"Shall we?" Clara opened the door.




"So where are you staying?" Jenny asked as they sat down

"Tar...arrr" Clara stopped herself "Hotel" Yaz cut her off "The one opposite the museum, you?"

"The one around the's just two streets away....Soo Saturday....big day...nervous?"

" much going on"

"I can't wait to see your parents...and your dad...god I miss his cooking"

"Oh she loves it" Yaz pointed to Clara

"Hey he's a great cook" Clara protests

"Iff you two say so" she laughed

"One more thing we have in common" Clara grinned pouring some juice

" mate is at your lectures" Jenny said

"Really? That's interesting...which one?"

"History...he's finishing archaeology, so your seminars are the basis for his finals"

"I'm flattered...What's his name? I do know most of my students"

"Larry...tall guy...long hair...confused most of the time always smiles at everyone"

"Aaaaa ..yes..." she jumped "He just asked me recently to lend him some books on Egyptology"

"He really enjoys in your lectures and I died when I realized it was you...I'm actually meeting him tomorrow"

The evening went smoothly, Clara and Jenny found more things they had in common, including a mutual agreement that pears tasted terrible. By the end of the evening, Yaz had gone from nervous to happily radiant. Although Clara didn't care less who liked her and who didn't, it meant a lot to Yaz. They said goodbye and slowly walked down the quiet street towards the car. Clara put her arm over her shoulder, and Yaz leaned against her, sliding her arm around her waist. They didn't say much, in fact they didn't say anything verbally, but a lot physically. They were finally okay and finally it felt good, like coming home to a familiar place where you feel safe, loved and protected. Clara opened the car door and Yaz sat down. She looked up at the sky as she closed the door. Above them was an almost full moon, shining a silvery light on the paving stones. She felt that little spark of happiness rekindles within her and smiled as she sat behind the wheel

Tardis door opened and they walked inside still giggling at some silly story Clara told her on a way.

"You came to Christmas dinner naked?"

"I didn't think anyone could see Yaz ... Clara wanted to murder me"


"I would" she laughed "I think my nanny would have a stroke"

Yaz was laughing so hard she could hardly breathe, she couldn't even imagine her doing such a thing. But then we all did stupid things when we were younger, and some of them you are ashamed to admit when you are older. Only her fiancé was a few hundred years older since it happened.

"So when did you become so prude then?" Yaz laughed.

"I like to think of it as just more mature Yaz" she said as she came to the console "Give me a minute darling" she said taking her bow tie off leaning over the console "I'll be right with you in 4 minutes and 30 seconds, I just need to check the messages and where's Jack" she said unbuttoning her shirt with one hand as she was turning the screen with another. She was cooking by this point in long sleeves buttoned up all the way to her neck

"Is everything alright?" Yaz said worried

"I hope so...I'm not sure I can deal with more stress" she said taking her cufflinks off and rolling her sleeves "Aaaaa message from Jack" she said haply and pressed on the screen "Look Yaz" she pulled her by the hand "See you press here and then this" she said holding her finger tapping it on the screen "And there he is!"

"Hi Doctor...Just quickly...we have a problem..."

"Oh noo" Clara sighed "Don't say that Jack" she frowned

"I followed them through five different places. They took two more people...pure trafficking... You told me not to get involved, so I haven't...makes me feel like shit by the way. But when they bordered their ship they vanished...I can't trace their location me"

"Shoot...Yaz I" she scrunched her face

" on" she said worried

"Jack" Clara practically yelled into the monitor

"Doctor...I tried calling but...Uuu love the visual" he laughed and Clara looked down horrified releasing her shirt is flying open practically to her belly button and she had no bra on

"Jack...can you please concentrate on more important things than my chest" she said holding her shirt closed

"I'll try but it's an effort...." he laughed "Is this thing working?" he held up his wrist "It doesn't seem to be because I'm not getting anything Doctor"

"Hold on Jack...let me check" she walked over to the other end of the console "Shoot" she smacked her hand on the surface "Sorry..." she looked up to the Tardis "Jack..." she returned to the screen "It's working...there's nothing wrong with it...Tardis is simply not getting any's a same thing with that plate I took of that man in our room...Tardis can't get a trace on it...I don't even know what it is...I must admit I don't like this Jack"

"Listen...let me stay...ask around...maybe I can get some information form the locals. They seem to be trading here a lot"

"Alright Jack but please be careful"

"I will...don't worry"

"And don't miss the wedding"

"Are you kidding" he smiled "see you soon beautiful"

She shut down the screen and turned around "This isn't good" she sighed and put her hands in her pockets "I thought I had them"

Yaz stood by the console and thought. It didn't make sense, and the thought scared her that those people who were clearly after them might just vanish into thin air. She watched Clara as she walked down the control room

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking where a whole ship can vanish so I can't track Tardis can't put a lock on it's location"

" know your lecture?"


"The lecture you had about the universe expansion"

"Go on" she let her talk. For a moment it felt like she stepped into her past seeing Yaz like this but then she shook it off interested in what she's going to say next

"Didn't you say there are many different...."

"Universes!" Clara jumped "Yes...yes I have said that" she hopped to her in a second

"Could they have maybe come from..."

"Another universe!!!  Aaaaaa...Not my universe but other never mind ...Yaz!" she yelled

"What?" She looked at her confused as Clara went into her hyper mode

" brilliant Yaz" she squished her face between  her palms and kissed her lips hard and long and released with a pop leaving Yaz utterly confused

"Why didn't I think of that?...This is why I couldn't find them Yaz...Of course I couldn't...How could I?...This is why every trace of them was always erased and I know my universe Yaz" she said zooming around the console flipping something on it confusing Yaz even more looking at her as if she literally took some speed

"I looked everywhere...and it now finally makes sense...and that thing....of course Tardis can't trace could she...Unless she could...or not...Maybe if…it might work...possibly"

"Clara!!" Yaz yelled "Clara baby calm down "She walked over to her "Just take a deep breathe babe" she stepped in front of her and ran her hands down her chest. She felt her hearts beating as if they're going to explode

"If I could just switch...." she looked on a side, but Yaz raised her hand to her cheek turning her head to meet her eyes.

"Clara...hey...babe...look at me" she said nodding "Calm down will...this is good. But you need to breathe"

"But Yaz you got it...I..."

Yaz pressed her lips on hers kissing her gently and felt her calming down slowly bringing her hand to the back of her head and deepening the kiss.
As they pulled apart, she stroke the back of her neck gently "We'll work it out together alright?" Yaz said in a calming voice "This is good baby...we'll find them...but not tonight" Clara wanted to say something and Yaz put a finger over her lips "Shhhh...not tonight" she nodded her head "Tonight I really need you...I need us Clara...without all this..." she looked towards the console "Just you and me...please baby" she reached down for Clara's hand and placed it around her waist "I need to feel us baby"

Her heart was beating fast and she looked down between them running her hand down Clara's chest sliding her hands into her open shirt feeling the cool soft skin of her stomach under her palm. Clara fell silent and put a finger under her chin, looking up into her eyes, then leaned over her and kissed her slowly. She kissed her the way Clara had always done since their first kiss. Deep, slow and passionate, lifting her to the stars and stealing the breath from her lungs. She kissed her wordlessly, lips trailing down her neck and collarbones, then pulled back running her thumb over Yaz's lips looking at her closing her big brown eyes that melted into her touch. She looked at her in silence for a long moment before capturing her lips again. Yaz pressed against her, sliding her fingers under the white collar of her shirt, moving it off her shoulders, sealing her lips to the exposed skin, kissing her passionately.

"Take it off" she said into her lips pulling shirt out of her trousers

Clara reached for the button of her trousers and Yaz pulled the zipper down in a rush making her laugh then slipped her shirt and braces of her shoulders. She ran her hands down her chest brushing her fingertips over her breast

"Stars Yaz" she said as the last button finally popped open and grabbed the back of her neck pulling her into kiss. Clever fingers untied the thin straps of her dress leaving it to drop down to the floor. Clara's hand trailed down her spine as she was kissing her breathlessly sending shivers all the way to her toes. She felt as though she was being crushed in her arms as one kiss followed another each more passionate than the other. Her long fingers wraped around her face and the side of her neck, possessively stealing her breath.
Clara's hearts pounded like drums. She whimpered into her lips and took little hairpins out her hair releasing it down her shoulders, coming her beautiful hands through the strands of her thick heavy hair. She missed having them there so much, she missed the feeling of her skin and her hair she missed her gentle lips kissing every part of her fusing them together into one being. She missed feeling her as an essential part of herself that made up the very fabric of her own existence. It felt like it was being ripped out of her and she was suffocating trying to breathe on her own.

Yaz cupped her face between her fingers focusing on her beautiful autumn eyes that looked deeper under amber lights as though they went through her soul and spoke some language she has long forgotten.

"I've missed you so much baby" she said breathless

Clara gazed at her brushing thumb over her cheek "I thought I lost you Yasmin I thought I messed it up so bad I..."

"Don't" she shook her head "Never're  a part of me I can't breathe without" she silenced her with another kiss pushing her to the console as she stepped out the last piece of the clothes. Clara shuddered at the feel of her hot skin against hers, her hands trailing over her waist and hips as her lips trailed over her breasts and her stomach descending down her body. She parted her lips in a soundless sigh tangling fingers through her hair as all her fears slowly melted away in every kiss she pressed against her cool skin and each touch of her fingers brushed it away. Clara reached for hand lacing their fingers together, her hips bucked as hot breath hit her thighs. She grunted arching her neck in a breathless moan grabbing the edge of the console until her knuckles turned white, toes curling at her shoulder as she trailed over her lips rocking against her to feel more of her inside. She began to sink into an abyss where there was nothing but them.

"Yaz..." she called her and tugged hand pulling her up into a kiss wrapping her arms around Yaz's shoulders as she was being pushed on the console. She locked her legs around her waist kissing her breathlessly and passionately not carrying that various parts of the machinery were digging into her back.

Yaz slipped her hand between them and watched Clara's face flush as soft amber lights bathed her face. She watched as she went still taking her in with a sigh and rubbed her nose against Yaz's cheek tugging the hair at the back of her neck. She felt her breath quicken and listened to the moans that left her lips as they clung to the crook of her neck. She felt her legs holding her tightly as they wrapped around her sides and her heels digging into her as she buried herself inside her

"Fly for me baby" she said kissing the side of her head "fly for me love" she said into her hair feeling her tremble, shuddering and pulsing around her slumping her head on her shoulder
"It's alright...I got you baby" she said quietly as Clara nuzzled herself into her cheek.
They fell silent for a while. Yaz standing between her parted legs as they wrapped them around her so tightly. She stood there holding her in her arms in a silence of the Tardis under the amber lights feeling beating of the Time Lord harts against her chest and her hot breath in crook of her neck watching blue light on hexagonal patterns over her shoulder.

"I love you so much" Yaz said stroking her hair "it's nice to have you back"

Clara lifted her gaze and only then Yaz could see her swollen eyes filled with tears glistening under deemed lights. She stroked Yaz's hair showering her face with gentle kisses stroking her cheeks ever go gently.

"It's nice to be home again" Clara said with a huff of relief holding back her tears "I'm hungry" she said with smile

"Come on you beautiful silly goof" she giggled helping her to get down form the console

"So sorry honey" Clara turned around as she got down on a floor stroking the console and only then Yaz released she was apologizing to the Tardis for what just happened. It made laugh as well as feel embarrassed at the same time as she was picking up their clothes from the floor.

Clara, as usual, unloaded the entire contents of the fridge onto the counter and spread a thick layer of Nutella on the bread which made Yaz feel sick as she was still full from the previous meal. She was sitting on a bar stool playing with the cuff of Clara's shirt that she had been wearing as they discussed the revelation from earlier on.

"Ok so let me get this straight" Yaz said "If they come from some other universe that isn't our are we going to even find out which one? Surely there are what you said at the how the fuck will you find out which one?"

" to fully understand this Yaz I need to explain to you something I can't say on a lecture because humans still have very limited knowledge of it"

"Alright...go ahead...this is interesting....X-files reveal" she giggled wiggling on a chair exited

"This universe was the primary universe or primary reality to the numerous parallel universes which diverged from it. It is also known as as prime universe of Gallifrey, also known as N-Space as well as many other names. It is my home universe as well as yours. This universe exists alongside many parallel universes in the Multiverse, which itself is a part of the Omniverse"

"Right...I think I follow this for the others are just versions...copy of this one that is the original?"


"The universe was born alive Yaz, but it could only become aware of itself by developing sensors across its surface, known as life you, me or anything or anyone around us. Each of which suffered a temporary delusion of separate identity during data collection called consciousness. But in reality had little to no individual existence"

"And all of this is important how?"

"If Tardis can tap into this data collection Yaz it will spread all across this universe including all the other parallel once"

"So basically you tap into a mainframe of the universe consciousness like in a phone directory?"

"Aaaarr...." she digs her spoon into a peanut butter to Yaz's absolute horror and continues "More like tapping into word wide web directory is in alphabetical order this is more chaotic....But I'm sure we can manage"

"We as in you, me and the Tardis?"

"Yeah...are you up for it?"

"Oh yeah!" she smiled "So you think we can find them?"

"Oh, we'll find them darling....just not sure how long it will take. It's a lot of data and even Tardis has it's limits" she said and finally put the spoon down to Yaz's relief



They were chatting for hours on mattress in a control room. Clara's fingers running lazily through her hair as she laid her head in her lap felt so soothing after past few days.

"Do you believe in deja vu?" Yaz asked looking at the hexagonal patterns on a ceiling

"The what Yaz?"

"Deja know seeing stuff before it happened and then when you do see them it feels like you already lived through it"

"I do know what deja vu is Yaz...but everything has a reasonable explanation...Why butterfly?"

"You know when we were in Rome and I passed out on toilet floor"

"Mmmm?" Clara asked intrigued

"I saw this"

"Saw what Yaz?" she looked down at her

"This...I saw this..." she pointed up to the crystal pillars of the Tardis "Those pillars and amber lights and you and me lying like this"

Clara felt her hearts speeding up and she wasn't sure whether she was exited or anxious about what she's about to hear next

"It wasn't the were lying next to me cuddling me...but it was this room and it felt like I was dreaming and then I woke up on the floor"

Clara was choking at this point, rolling in her mind what she's meant to say and how to say it

"Isn't that strange?" Yaz smiled and as Clara was still desperately scrambling to find words she continued

"My nanny says we have a connection to each when you meet your soul mate it's like you just forgot them and you meet them again"

"That's very beautiful" Clara barley got the words out of her mouth with a shaking voice

"So maybe we knew each other in some other life and we can't remember" she smiled and looked up to her razing her hand to touch her cheek "Maybe we know...found each other again"

Clara took her hand and kissed her fingertips gently "I'm sure we have butterfly" she said holding back the tears
