Chapter 9

Yaz's nails dug into the headboard, her cheeks flushed, her hair clinging to her face until Clara's hand moved it away and she brushed her lips over her earlobe, pressing against her back.
"Fly for me," she whispered, wrapping her fingers around her neck, then picked up a pace and Yaz was about to scream into the air, but they were in a hotel room, so instead she covered her mouth and craned her neck. Then Clara's fingernails trailed down her spine and she was gone, shuddered, disintegrating completely. She felt Clara pull her hips back and lean her against herself. She pulled her apart completely, reducing her to a floppy mess that fell into her lap. She kissed her shoulder her hands wrapped around her


"I really fuckin love you" Yaz said to her breathlessly smiling

"I adore you potty mouth" she smiled

She dragged her like a rag doll over the bed and lay down behind her, covering them both with a duvet. Yaz desperately needed a shower, but she couldn't stand on her feet. So she will have to wait until her soul returns to her body.
What Clara was capable of doing to her, Yaz felt she could only hope she would be able to do to her. But she was competing against someone who seemed to know every inch of her and read her body like an open book.

Clara ran lazy lines down her stomach and kissed her shoulder

"Teach me" Yaz said

"Teach you what darling?"

"Everything you know...this how you take me...I want to give that to you. I want you to feel when you're with me like I feel when I'm with you touch the stars"

Clara was taken back for a moment then turned her to her back. Yaz gazing at her with those beautiful brown eyes filled with love. She brought her hand up to her face brushing finger over her cheek "Yaz you know first time we were together?"


"Darling...I flew to those stars as soon as you touched me" she brought her hand up in the air trailing her finger over her palm "See that has a hold over my soul. I don't care what you do with it as long its on me...And I don't need to teach you anything darling cause you already know"

Tear rolled down Yaz's cheek and onto the pillow "I love you...I adore you with all my heart"

"And I you...with both"

"Both darling?" she asked confused

"Long story" she scrunched her face "I'll tell you one day"

"You silly woman" she giggled kissing her softly

"Buuut...I'll tell you what I can teach you...iff you'd like"

"What darling?"

"Those symbols you adore so much"

"Are you serious?"

"Absolutely...never been more serious Yaz" she said kissing her softly




Rain stopped the next day and Yaz took a walk around the town whiles Clara was at her lecture. She knew the town quite well now and already had her little places she loved to visit. She went into a small boutique with man's clothing and bought Clara beautiful dark gray braces with leather straps at the end's around the clips. They looked classy and were perfect for winter. Then she passed next to one of the small stores and saw something really beautiful that caught her eye. It was a Victorian snow globe. She thought it would look beautiful on a fireplace at Christmas and decided that it would also be a first thing she will buy for the house.
Time was getting on and there was only half hour before meeting Clara so she sat down for a tea in a same place like last time.

"So how much money did you spend?" Clara said into her ear startling her

"Fuck me babe!" she  jumped from the chair

"Just say when and where?" Clara winks and sits down

"I actually cannot believe you just said that"

"And I can't believe what just left your mouth either...seriously your language is horrible"

"I know...I'm sorry...I'm really trying to control it"

"Not hard enough apparently....I'm starving"

"How come you're late?"

"Ah...they had loads of questions....And you know me when someone asks a question I just can't help myself...Also the stuff they came up with...seriously wasn't like that forty years ago, the level of education has really dropped. You know what it is...Internet"


"Yes Yaz Internet...this global network of millions...billions of information's accessible to nearly seven billion people on this is amazing also means that anyone out there can share the misinformation with those same billion billion people on a planet as well...Nobody controls it Yaz...And next thing  you know some nonsense suddenly becomes a fact that people acutely believe in"

"I see what you do have a point there. I just read the other day how three years ago a woman fell from the sky straight through the roof of the train right in front of the passengers...and the crane operator who apparently witnessed it has a whole blog page about wouldn't believe how many people believe that shit. He says she got up without any injuries and told everyone she was an alien"

"" Clara said and waived to the waitress

"Oh...I bought you something" she passed a bag to her over the table

"Why Yaz?"

"Well let's say because I want to see you wear it" she smiled cheeky

"Hmmm...Alright.." she opened the bag and literally jumped in a chair "Blimey Yaz they are awesome. Where did you get those?"

"In a small store not five minutes from here"

She leans across the table kissing her forehead "Thank you darling. But please save you money Yaz. Don't spend it on me"

"I have to spoil you in some stuff. You bought me a fucking car for god sake"

"Neah" she waives her hand

"Oh I got something for the house. But it's all wrapped up now I'll show you when we get home"

"I'm glad you had a nice time"

"Still missed ya"

"Missed you too. We will have to leave soon darling. Weather is getting bad again. I wanted us to stay longer but I don't want us to get caught up at night. Besides tomorrow is Monday you need your sleep"

"Oh god I know...I got used to being home with you all the time. This isn't going to be easy you know"

"I know...But there's gonna be Christmas soon and you're taking time off" she grins




Yaz stood in their bedroom unable to move. She stood there for five minutes straight running through her head different scenarios of how this evening could go horribly wrong or how it could go really well. But no matter what she thought, she still couldn't bring herself to move and even thought of saying how she felt bad so that they would stay at home and avoid the whole agony.

"Yaz...we're going to be late...Darling, you really have to hurry" Clara shouted from downstairs

Unlike Yaz, she was ready 45 minutes ago, sitting in the kitchen drinking tea, waiting for her to get ready. She also looked great, in Yaz's opinion actually more than sexy in her usual evening wear. She even wore the braces that Yaz bought her in Oxford and those silver cuffs that Yaz had given her for their anniversary. Yaz was now thinking about what Clara was wearing because it was just easier to think about how super hot her girlfriend was than the fact that her super hot girlfriend was going to meet her family for the first time in less than half an hour.

"Yaz...blimey...I'm sorry to say this darling but I can't take time machine tonight so we really need to hurry up" Clara yelled coming up the stairs "Yaz...what's wrong? Come on get a shift look stunning...but I can't think about this now because you're giving me a head come on" she said grabbing  her hand

"I can't do this"

"Whaaa?" Clara stopped half hunched holding her hand

"I can't do this...I'm petrified" she looked at her on the verge of crying

"Yaz...blimey...come here" she pulled her into her chest "It's gonna be fine...I promise"

"I never had to bring my girlfriend to dinner with my parents"

"Neither did I...But we are doing it together, ha?" She cupped her face between her palms lifting her gaze "Lova ya"

"Love you too"

"Let's go" she kissed her briefly and held her hand

As they were driving Clara kept giving her soft smiles and stroking her leg from time to time.
They parked and Clara took her hand as soon as they got out of the car. "Ready?

"Yap" she smiled nervously

"You look's gonna be fine"

Her parents were already outside the restaurant and Yaz felt a huge hole in her stomach when she saw them as they turned the corner of the parking lot.

"Yaz!" her mum waived "Hi girls we were wondering were you were"

"Hi mum so held up a bit" she kissed her mums cheek and went up to her dad "Hi dad...Hey sis"

"Hey pumpkin" her dad hugged her "Don't you look beautiful"

"And look at you wearing a tie...mum dad, Sonya meet Clara....Clara my family" she smiled nervously

"Hi honey, Nadja nice to meet you...we were wondering if you even exist" Nadja smiled

"Yaz's mum!" Clara immediately hugged her "You made an awesome human Nadja...You look lovely"

"Thank you Clara" she laughed

"Hakim nice to meet you"

"Yaz's dad! Nice to meet you...This is exciting...I'm really chuffed" she smiled

"Clara the style girl" Sonya commented

"Thank you Sonya...Nice to meet you...sister...I used to have a sister...right...shall we" she opened the door

"Hello I have a reservation for the table"

"Good evening, may I have your name please"


"Aaaa...yes...Doctor. We spoke on a phone"

"Aaa it was you...I hope that're a smart man you're definitely get in you know"

"Hope so Doctor" he smiled and took them to the table

For the time being Yaz was calmer, it was all going well for now. And her mum couldn't wipe the smile of her face which was really good. Her dad clicked with Clara straight away asking her about her job. And Sonya kept eyeing her out and was taken back when Clara took off her coat and saw how she was dressed.

"Excuse me...I have to go ladies" Yaz got up to go to the toilet

"Wait I'll go with you" Sonya got up straight away

Yaz knew she would, she could see it in her sisters eyes she will talk through her ass soon enaugh.

"She's fucking stunning" Sonya admitted as soon as they moved from the table

"Told ya" Yaz looked at her smug

"She's dressed really unusual...I like it"

"I know I love it"

"You don't love it girl your hot in it...I can can see your mouth watering from across the room"

"She's buying a house you know...she made the offer"

"You'll end up marring'll see"

"Don't...I can't think about that"

"Why not?...I look at every guy as potentially my husband...You should do"

"That's you Sonya...I just take one day at the know...see where it goes"



"So Clara Yaz tells me you decided to buy a house, that's nice" Nadja starts  the conversation

"I was going to...planning to...just didn't want to buy it just for myself"

"So you teach at the university?"

She nods "Physics"

"And history in Oxford?" Hakim said

"Just seminars, part time it's fun...Oh, Yaz your  back" she smiled "What about you Nadja?"

"I'm going for an interview on Friday you know that luxury hotel complex that's being built by Jack Robertson?"

"Oh, no don't!!" Clara shoot out

"Clara?..." Yaz frowned "Why?"

"Oh, massive spider problem there and toxic waist..."


"I heard about it from a my mate...huge conspiracy Nadja...he's a nasty person I really wouldn't recommend"

"See I told you there's a waist problem...You never believe me" Hakim turns to Nadja "I did warn her....I'm saying this for months"




"Well, thank you for the lovely evening girls. It was nice meeting you Clara" Nadja hugged them both

"Nice to meet you too...all of you...Yaz's family...fam" she smiled

"I'll email you all that stuff about toxic waist" Hakim said

"Yes definitely...thanks" Clara said

"I'll see you tomorrow Yaz?" Nadja asked

"Yes definitely mum...I'll be there after work...See ya...nightie night"

As they drove home Clara was beaming and couldn't stop grinning. "See told you it will all go well" she turned to her smiling goofy

Yaz chuckled "You silly did...I'm so fucking have no idea how hard that was for me"

"I know darling" she takes her hand and brings it to her lips kissing her knuckles "Love ya"

"I love you too"

"You scared my mum with those spiders...she hates spiders. There's no way she'll go for that job now" she laughed

"Good...and she shouldn't...talking about that I need to sort that out"

"Sort what out darling? Spiders?"

"And that.."


" know...write few the authorities" she smiled

" dad's been trying to do that for months....nobody listens"

"They will listen to me Yaz"