Chapter 17
Days rolled fast for them two and another week passed quickly. Alex was rushing from work for a house viewing. It was Thursday early afternoon, and they were leaving for Yorkshire in two days. She had a lot to be excited about but as the wedding was approaching, she found herself more anxious than ever. Her hormone therapy was also playing up on her for the last few days and she found her mood swinging from down depression to manic excitement. Normally she wasn't feeling it so much but recently it was taking a lot out of her. She would be crying over silly stuff or getting upset over things which normally didn't bother her so much. She was worried that she was becoming too much for Yaz recently and couldn't wait for the wedding to be over so she could finally relax. Her phone rang and she put in on a loudspeaker
"Hey mum"
"Hey baby...listen the florist asked me about the wedding bouquets. She said we ordered everything apart from that and I didn't know what to say. I don't think we spoke about it"
"Oh, noo mum we didn't. But Yaz and I did and we think it's silly...we're both girls mum"
"That's what I thought...Also I was thinking Alex I will move to your brother’s room for the time being"
"Why? What's with your room?"
"Nothing...just you two need your privacy Alex...Get the jist"
"Muuum! What the hell" Alex's eyes grew wide and she laughed blushing
"Come on Alex...we're all adults here"
"Yeah we are...but...It' know...Jesus mum not something I was planning"
"Well it's done I already moved some of my stuff"
"Right...Alright...Thanks mum..." she laughed but on a same time wanted to dig a hole for herself form embarrassment "Well you don't do things half way do you?....I have to go I'm literally pulling up to pick up Yazee"
"Alright baby...Let me know how did it ya"
"Will do"
She drove into parking and saw Yaz standing on a corner looking at her phone. She beeped and laughed as Yaz almost dropped the phone.
"Hey you...Scared the shit out of me" Yaz said getting into the car
"You really jumped Yazee" Alex laughed
"Yeah it would be hilarious if I smashed my phone" she giggled
"Well you didn't...give us a kiss grumpy" Alex leaned over demanding kiss as always making Yaz giggle even more
"You're the grumpy one recently" she said wiping some lipstick from the corner of Alex's lips
"I know I've been in a bit of mardy mood my hormones just hit my brain like super storm this month...I don't know what's wrong with me...I think they are just enhancing all my anxiety"
"Welcome to my pms" Yaz laughed "It's ok baby it will pass after the wedding...I still love my grumpy Alex....though you really took it out on that expresso machine yesterday" she laughed
"All I wanted was a coffee"
"Yeah I know...but it would've helped if you'd actually put coffee in it"
Alex laughed like crazy "I knoooow"
"Talking about that...I really fucking hope I won't get my period for the wedding or I'm seriously gonna flip my lid"
"Yeah that's gonna be fun"
" last had it...let me think...Noo Yaz you should actually get it right afterwards"
"Well you seemed to know better than me" Yaz laughed
"That's because you never count Yaz...With you it's always like surprise...You're wondering each month as if it's some sort of a news" she laughed
"I've always been like's horrible really...I would get caught up at school and camping trips I was always a waist of space when it came to it"
"I had this thing with Annie that was my absolute obsession...I loved going to the store and getting her all the sanitary made me feel so special...I dunno...I guess I was pretending for that moment I was a real girl"
"'s so fucking sweet she let yoy do that?"
"Oh yeah...Annie was so cool with me in everything honestly...I'll never forget when she took me bra shopping for the first time...OMG we spent the whole bloody day shopping for bras"
"That's so beautiful actually that you had a sister to share those things with"
"It is...cause as much I share with mum some stuff I am a bit embarrassed...I mean she is my mum in the end of a day...Mind you, there's not much she doesn't know really by this point"
"Sonya and me always argued ..told was horrid and we made our parents go nuts. It wasn't until she became pregnant. Suddenly it’s like things changed...And I also felt so bad for wasn't easy"
"The most important thing is that you two get along now"
"That's true..."
"Here we go.... houuuuuuse viewing Yazee" she said exited
Yaz's whole family was already waiting outside with the agent by the time they arrived. Alex waived haply through the window as she was parking.
"Hey" Yaz smiled as she got out of the car
"Hiya!" Alex waived "Soooo what ya think?"
"It looks nice Alex but let's see inside" Hakim said and kissed her cheek
"Yeah that's mum said" she giggled.
"Don't be so exited" he whispered, "Play it down a always helps" he winked to her
"Yaz it looks amazing" Sonya said
"I know right"
Alex spoke to the agent for a short while and they went inside
"It is freshly painted" Nadjia said "Do you have photos from before it was all done up?" She asked the agent
"Arrrrhhh no we don't but I can ask the owner if they can provide some"
"Yeah it would compare you know"
"Fireplace!" Yaz squeaked "Babe fireplace"
"I know right...cozy sofa and a hot coco" Alex grinned
"Slow down girls...let's see the rest" Najia said and she glanced at Hakim who was looking at the windows
"Alex honey they have to be replaced"
"Do they?" she walked over
"Why?" Yaz asked confused as in her mind there was nothing wrong with them
"Look girls I can literally put my fingers right through...If you don't fix that you're gonna freeze your buts and you will need a lot more than a coco to keep you warm"
"Yeah love isn't gonna be enough" Sonya giggled
"Oh...shit" Alex looked "That's gaping a lot"
"It sure is...Also that garden hasn't been touched in years"
"I thought that was a style" Alex said
"It is if you like snakes" Najia comment
"There's no snakes in Sheffield " Yaz laughed
"Maybe Yaz...but there's rats"
"Oh fuck"
"Well kitchen is nice" Alex smiled
"Excuse me" Hakim turned to the agent "When this kitchen was installed did they change all the plumbing as well?"
"I'm not sure I would have to look at the report" the lay said and quickly went through the file
Hakim opened the cabinet door and picked underneath "Nope they were not...those are all old what they used to make them when I was a kid"
"Oh boy...I'm starting to freak out now" Alex said and grabbed Yaz's hand "I really want this house baby" she looked at her petrified
"I know...but it doesn't look good...does it"
"Nope...mum's always's so irritating...And I really love this's almost the same as ours"
"I know I love the Isle" Yaz said
Hakim was still talking to the agent then the lady spoke with Alex saying how she will email her the whole report this evening. But Alex was deflated by this point and looked at the lay with massive puppy eyes ready to cry. She didn't feel to hopeful and felt as though instead of seeing how pretty the house is, she now only saw its flaws.
"Let's go upstairs" Alex said and followed the agent
The bedroom looked beautiful but Hakim demand to see the attic and even made the effort of climbing the steep set of ladders up to have a have a look
" can't walk on it...only on beams...and electricity cables are old...Also...this is mice poo"
"Aaaaa fuck" Yaz turned around "Anything else?"
"I'm still not giving up Yaz" Alex said
"Maybe we should" Yaz said
"So it needs some work...but it's achievable" Alex said
They were all sitting at the table in Khan's kitchen. Alex was twirling the hem of her t-shirt through her fingers looking at the table. Yaz reached for her hand without a word.
"Come on...why long faces" Hakim said pouring a coffee "You have a beautiful apartment...slow down. This isn't the only house on a market"
"No but it’s the only one we can afford" Yaz said
"No actually we can't Yazee" Alex said "It's a would cost a fortune to get it right and even then it’s questionable”
"Alex is right Yaz" Nadjia said "...Look... it's up to you two what you do with your money but I agree with your dad Yaz. The apartment you're in now is stunning. House will come with time...And even if doesn't sweetheart does it really matter?"
"No I suppose not...It was just something that would really make us happy"
"Thank you for coming.... I really appreciate it. Shows how much I know about the real estate" Alex smiled deflated
"I know you're both sad now but believe me it's for the best" Hakim said placing the coffee on the table "This was only what we could see...god knows what we can't. Besides...renovations are stressful"
"I know you're right..." Alex looked up "I just got so much into it...We both did...I suppose we do have a beautiful apartment"
"You do hun..." Sonya past behind her and hugged them both "Come oooon let's talk wedding"
"Yeah...we should" Alex smiled
Alex sat on a sofa holding her phone still deflated about the whole thing and after ten minutes finally dilled her mum's number.
"Hey mum"
"Hey baby...I heard"
"You have?"
"Yeah...Nadjia and Hakim called me as soon as you left their place"
"Well news definitely travels fast in our family" she giggled "You were was a reck"
"I'm sorry Alex...I know you're disappointed"
"Ah...I am and I'm not...I don't think I could deal with that to be started giving me panic attacks before we even left. Then we came home and I was so glad I can't put my fingers through the closed window"
"Yeah honey that's just an endless pit...I'm glad you gave uo on it"
"I'm just disappointed that it turned out like that...It looked so nice in photos"
"I know baby...One day you two can buy a really pretty house...Proper house Alex...besides you are planning to have kids so that house wouldn't be big enough anyway...Where you're gonna put the kid? In a garage?"
"It didn't have a garage" Alex laughed
"Anyways...I can't wait for you to come over. And I'm dying to see you in a wedding dress and I love what Yaz picked...I think she's gonna look like a candy"
"She looks so cute mum...really cute....We are picking up the wedding rings tomorrow...It seems so unreal all of it....I'm getting bloody married"
"You are baby....I've booked you at the hairdressers today...Sarah is so happy for you she sent her love"
"Awwww....tell her I'm sending huuuuge hug...We are leaving on Saturday morning so we will be there jut for lunch"
"I just got everything today...Boys brought the table upstairs for Yaz. It's not much...I cleaned it up and polished the wood but it will do"
"It's perfect mum don't worry about it...Thanks for that ...I have to go mum I think dinner is done"
"Alright ya"
"Love you too"
Alex got up and took the food out of the oven and took the plates out.
"Yazee!...Food is done baby" she yelled
"Coming" she yelled from the study "Goood...finally I'm done" she said walking into the kitchen and glued herself to Alex's back making her smile "I'm starving" she said slipping her hands inside Alex's loose cotton top and lazily ran her hands all over her making her giggle
"Starving for what?" Alex laughed
"It's debatable at this point" she giggled and kissed her shoulder then went for the fridge "Feeling better?" She asked sitting at the bar
"Yeaaaah I am actually. More I think about it Yaz more I'm happy about staying where we are at the moment"
"I totally agree baby" she leaned over and kissed her "It would've been a nightmare
"It would...I was starting to panic when your parents started counting all the stuff that's fucked up"
"I was done when dad said mice"
"I like mice...I just don't like them in my walls" she laughed and sat down at the bar passing Yaz her plate "Here you go sweet pea, want some cheese?"
"Yes please"
Alex leaned over and grabbed it from the kitchen top "Also mum's got a point Yaz...The house would've been too small when we have baby one day...And I don't feel lile doing it up and then moving again....I want our final house"
"Mmmmm....she does have a point. I haven't even thought that far ahead"
"Oh talking about mum...she made me laugh so much the other day. She said she'll be sleeping in a far end room to give us privacy"
"OMG...." Yaz almost choked on her food "We're going there to get married not bang each other senseless"
"I knoooow....I didn't know whether to laugh or dig myself a grave from embarrassment"
Yaz laughed like crazy it was something that she couldn't even imagine her parents saying but Charlie was so open about everything and in a way she felt like Alex's privacy was long gone with her transition but she didn't seem to mind.
"Right...I'm off into the shower..." Yaz said closing the dishwasher and leaned over Alex's shoulder smiling "You can join me" she kissed her cheek
"Mmmmm..." Alex smirked "VIP invite"
"Always" Yaz kissed the back of her head and walked off smiling
She shampooed her hair and smiled hearing the shower door opening and Alex's fingers tangling into her hair.
" do this too good Alex Sigma" she closed her eyes as her fingers gently rubbed the shampoo into her curls
"That day when I met you...when you walked outside and sun shined on your hair my heart skipped"
"Really?" she turned around with a smile
" shined beautiful indigo blue and I couldn't stop looking at it" she kissed the tip of her nose and took the shower over her shoulder
Yaz turned her back again and closed her eyes as water ran down her back and Alex's fingers gently sifted through her hair
"I have to find something for my hair" Yaz said as they both came out of the bathroom and she was going through the drawer pulling fresh underwear for both of them out
"What like some hair clips you mean?" Alex yelled over the hairdryer
"Yeah but you know those like with some flowers or something. I thought it would look ao nice if I pulled my hair back and have that on one side or.... something like that"
"Yes, I know what you mean that's very elegant...It would really look beautiful. But we should look for that here Yaz...I doubt you'll find anything in my home town...I don't even think we have Claire's or Accessorize or anything like that there...Wanna go tomorrow?"
"Yeah please"
Alex switched off the hairdryer and walked out of the bathroom. She stopped for a moment by the door gazing at Yaz as she stood in front of the window brushing her hair and the sun filtered through the closed curtains outlining her silhouette. She watched as she carefully pulled the brush through her curls which fell over her bare back almost to the curve of her waist and as the sunlight shined slightly across her hips giving her skin beautiful bronze glow.
She slowly came up behind her and pressed her lips to the curve of her neck wrapping her hand around her waist and ran the other over her hip bone. She moved with attention and Yaz felt goosebumps all over her as she trailed her lips up her neck and over her cheek. She was getting more confident recently and her moves more assertive reducing Yaz to a puddle. She turned her head and Alex captured her lips in a deep kiss running her hand up and down the length of her.
"Hey" Yaz turned in her arms with a smile draping her hands over her shoulders "Someone's romantic"
Alex smiled and wrapped hand around her waist her stealing one more kiss from her trailing her fingers down her back gently. She loved the little curve at the bottom of her back or how her hand slipped over her sides as her own body so opposite from Yaz's it felt amazing for her to touch. She trailed her lips over the side of Yaz's neck and over her shoulder
"Fuck Alex" Yaz exhaled and tangled her fingers in her hair then grabbed the edge Alex's towel tossing it on the ground kissing her more passionate pressing herself against her as her hands trailed over every part of her, she could possibly reach
Alex reached for her hand lacing their fingers and tugged her towards the bed. She climbed the edge and kneeled with a silly smile on her face which always melted Yaz to pieces.
"You're so pretty" she rubbed her thumb over a side of her face
"So are you baby....fucking gorgeous" she smiled standing by the side of the bed playing with her fingers in the air "Are your gonna just stand there admiring or you're gonna do something about it?" Yaz smiled cheeky and moved her hand brushing fingers over her breast
"Nooo...I'm definitely gonna do something...but you know I'm having to organize things in my brain" she giggled
"Keep organizing I'm stating without you" she smiled cheeky starting to climb the bed and ran her hand the length of her. Alex arched her back with sight as Yaz started slowly caging her trailing her lips the straight line from her stomach to her neck.
The sensation of cool air hitting her skin mixed with Yaz's hot breathe was sending shivers down her spine as her lips captured methodically every inch of her and rolling over her breast making her moan into the air. Yaz felt her nails trailing down her back and her fingers sifting through her hair as she bent herself to each press of her lips. She descended down her body as her fingers ran over her soft breast and trailed over her ribs. Alex gasped as she kissed her stomach and felt the locks of her hair tingling her skin. Cool air hitting the inside of her thighs as she dotted small kisses over the inside of her legs.
"Pleaseeee Yazee" she panted making Yaz smile
"Please what?" she looked up cheeky kissing her mount
"Oh god..." Alex gasped "I will seamlessly beg" she tangled her fingers into her hair
She chuckled brushing her fingertips over her making her twitch and sealed her lips on her making Alex's eyes roll at the back of her head. She raised her feet to her shoulders and sank into to the bed hearing her own voice somewhere in the back of her head as her fingers tugged on Yaz's hair and her other hand was twisting the sheet of the mattress. Alex's quite moans filled the room as dragged herself over her lips slowly drifting in her mind. Feeling her like this as a part of herself was the best part of them and she wished somewhere at the back of her mind she could keep her as a permanent part of herself. She was like a drug she got hooked on and she couldn't get enough of. It felt scary and vulnerable but amazingly beautiful at the same time to surrender yourself to someone body and mind to be theirs fully and completely. Something she never did and always had a part of herself locked tightly, never revealing it to anyone. But with Yaz she wanted her in every part of her herself without any walls or boundaries because having her there made her feel the safest she ever felt in her life. She reached for her hand lacing her fingers with her locking herself to her bending to every move of her lips.
Yaz felt her toes curling on her shoulders as she froze still, and her fingers sifted gently through her hair. Seeing her falling apart underneath her was something she could never get tired of watching. She dotted kisses on the inside of her trembling legs and climbed up her body kissing her blushed cheeks. She could absolutely drown in a silly dazed lovable smile Alex would always give her. And she didn't think it was humanly possible to love someone more than she loved her.
"Hey silly" Yaz smiled moving her messy hair from her face and kissed her gently
"Hey gorgeous" Alex rolled on her side wrapping herself around her
"Wait...let me get the duvet...I think it's on a floor" she giggled
"Or in the bathroom" Alex laughed
Yaz pulled it off the floor and over them "C'mere cuddle monster" she giggled as Alex tangled herself around her
"You didn't give me much time to organize my brain" she smiled wrapping her fingers at the side of neck
" just have to be faster next time" she laughed slipping her arm around her
"Let me take a breather and I'll show you I can be fast"
"Is that a challenge?"
"You said you will never challenge me again" Alex giggled
"I underestimate you Alex Sigma...All cute on the outside but there's cheeky Alex behind all this facade....You can glue a girl to a wall sufficiently enough....I still have an imprint of that curtain holder in my back from a week ago"
"OMFG....nooo" She laughed blushing tucking her face into Yaz's neck
"Oh now we're shy.."
Alex giggled into her neck "Love youuuuu"
"Love you too silly billy"
"I'm such a dork" she looked up at her
"Lovable dork" Yaz kissed the tip of her nose
Yaz's phone rang and she rolled her eyes "Bet this is mum...her timing is impeccable"
Alex laughed and reached to the side table for her phone
"Hey mum..."
"Yaz is Alex there?"
" you need Alex not me?" She asked confused
"Nooo I need you both"
"Oh...let me put you on a loudspeaker"
"Hey Nadjia" Alex chirped and sat on a bed
"Listen girls I spoke to some of my friends today and said what happened with a house. Well...a friend of a friend is selling a cute house. She hasn't put it on a market yet"
"Really?" Alex's eyes widened
"Well it's a bit bigger than the one you looked at, but it is definitely kept really well. She's moving because they are having another baby. If she doesn't go through the agent, she is willing to drop the price for you for what she would normally pay the agency fees. Also, it's going a bit cheaper because the garden needs some work and garage needs to be completely renovated. They planned to but then she stayed pregnant"
"OMG..." Yaz jumped
"I'm getting exited now..." Alex said "When can we see it?"
"In one hour if you're fast...I told her you two are travelling for the wedding"
"Aaaaaaaaa" Alex jumped and started crawling out of bed "Yes we can absolutely be there in one hour.." she grabbed Yaz's hand grinning
"Send us the address mum.. Are you and dad coming?"
"We all are, and I just called Charlie as well"
"Oh, alright" Alex laughed
"She told me to tell you to call her"
"I will..."
"Go get ready...I'm sending you the address"
"See ya" Alex said and hang up the phone. She stood for a moment in silence then grabbed Yaz around her waist lifting her of the floor "We're gonna buy a house!!!"
"OMFG " Yaz giggled as she put her down again and wrapped her arms around her shoulders
"Trust our family to be the star real estate agents" she giggled"
"I knoooow...I'm gonna pass out...come on let's get a shift on...You know it takes me ages to put my ton of makeup on and I need a shower again"
"Seriously Alex you can go out without makeup....I think you look so cute...Jeans and t?" Yaz went to the wardrobe and started pulling their clothes out
"Yeah just that white one with little birds on it...I can't go out without make-up Yazee I look like a man"
"Honest you need to stop that shit...I think it's still your dysphoria playing up on you baby"
"Probably...but I'm still not there mentally Yazee" she said taking underwear out of the draw
Yaz walked up behind her and kissed her shoulder "Maybe I should tell you more often how beautiful you are it might just go away"
"Mmmmm...." Alex melted into her kiss "Sometimes I feel that shit will never go away"
"I just wish you see what I see and how beautiful you are" she brushed her hands over her and wrapped her arms around her
"Oh baby" she hummed melting and turned over her shoulder kissing her gently "I needed a cuddle but we need to hurry up its getting dark"
"We do come on" she pulled back and tapped her bare bum
"Cause we're gonna buy a freaking house baby!" Alex wiggled her bum twirling a bra above her head
"Seeeeexyyy" Yaz laughed and ran into the bathroom "Come ooon get your lily white ass in here" she yelled from the shower
Chapter continues after the artwork

Alex was so excited Yaz had to drive to the house. She kept fidgeting in a car and trying to find it on a Google map
"You're gonna see it in a minute" Yaz laughed
"I knoooow...I'm just excited"
"Only it is getting dark so I'm not sure how much we will see from the outside"
"It doesn't matter...I trust your parents...We can always come another day"
"True...after wedding...not like we will buy it before anyway...Here we are....OMFG look"
" that it?"
Alex's eyes widened as they approached
"Yeah it looks it...they are talking to the pregnant lady"
"OMG Yaz that's a stunning house"
"Babe that's beautiful..."
Alex sighed "Park...park"
"I am parking"
"Park faster"
"OMFG...wanna drive?"
"Yes!" She laughed and grabbed the door handle
"Don't...." she rolled her eyes as Alex again jumped out of the car before she even finished parking "You have worms in your ass I swear to god"
"Hiya" Alex waived her hand smiling
"Hi honey.." Hakim came up to her and hugged her "This one looks promising" she winked
"Does it?" she smiled exited crossing her fingers
"Hey dad"
"Hey pumpkin...I just said to Alex I'm hopeful it looks nice so far"
"Oh god let's hope so"
"Hey girls" Nadjia said "...This Rani my daughter Yaz and her fiancée Alex"
"Hello nice to meet you" Yaz shook her hand
"Hello...nice to meet you Rani" Alex said " Thank you for seeing us on such a short notice"
"Nice to meet you girls. Oh, it's alright...I have no plans for tonight...let me show you around"
Yaz hooked her arms to Alex's and smiled "It looks so pretty"
"It does" Alex said exited.
"We changed the layout a bit" Rani said "There was a wall here and we knocked it out. We wanted to have kitchen and living room joint so I can keep an eye out on on kids"
"Makes sense" Yaz said
"Yeah you leave them for five minutes you don't know what they're capable of doing" she laughed
"It looks similar style to ours but I love the place for the actual table" Alex said
"It's very pretty" Najia said "Not too big...just what you need"
"The flooring is all new as well" Hakim said
"Yes and there's floor heating in the kitchen where the tiles are" Rani said
"Cool" Alex smiled
"It really looks nice girls" Nadjia said "And windows are new" she laughed
"I might need a bigger mortgage" Alex laughed "Buuut I think Yazee and me can get it together"
"Well at least it will be worth it" Hakim said
The kitchen continued to the living room with windows each side and a terrace door to the small garden. It had a small fireplace which Yaz died over and Alex was drooling over wooden flooring.
"Should we go upstairs?" Rani asked
"Absolutely" Alex said and grabbed Yaz's hand turning her "Soooo...tell tell"
"Oh Alex it's so beautiful but can we afford it?"
"It's only a little bit more Yazee...It's not gonna make a big difference"
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely..." she squeezed her hand
"Oh god I'm so nervous"
"I feel sick" Alex said "Come on let's go see upstairs"
"Oh...forgot to show you it has a little toilet down here"
They followed the lady up the stars and Alex's eyes popped out on a beautiful cast iron railing "God this is gorgeous"
"This is the master bedroom it looks to the garden"
"'s stunning...I love the windows" Alex said
"And look baby it has all these inbuilt wardrobes"
"We had them custom made...god we did all these things and now I have to leave it all" the woman said sadly
"You never might love the next house even more" Alex smiled
"I hope so...I just haven't got strength to go through one more renovation....Let me show you the little rooms"
They followed her back into the hallway and she opened the doors of the two small rooms. They were both tiny but absolutely lovely with big windows wall to wall.
"Unfortunately it only has two very small rooms here...As you see we had them as kid’s rooms but with another baby on a way we need more space"
"But we don't need anything more" Alex said
"Room for the baby girls" Nadjia leaned over smiling
"Oh, are you also expecting?" Rani asked
"Oh...noooo....not yet" Yaz jumped "That's just my mum clowning" she laughs
"But we will...Have a baby I mean" Alex added
"Yeah and my future wife joining her" Yaz rolled her eyes laughing "It's perfect actually...and next to the bedroom...for when we eventually need it" she looked at Alex giggling "We won't be able to fit two desks in that room honey"
"I don't need a study Yazee I rather have a baby room"
"I bet you do" she laughed and laced her fingers with hers "It's perfect" she smiled to her and Alex's face shined like the brightest star in a sky
"Bathroom is in a hallway" Rani said "I know most people prefer it with the bedroom but there was no way to convert it"
"That's fine" Alex said "Beautiful bathroom...I love the stone tiles"
"Aren't they lovely? I will miss this bathroom and this house...Just when we get it right we are selling it" she sighed disappointed "Well I will give you a minute to take it all in. I will be downstairs"
"Thank you so much" Alex said
"It's a lovely house...really" Yaz said
"Girls" Nadjia nodded "Hakim"
"This is really a good proposal girls" Hakim said "Ok garage needs to be completely taken down and garden is horrible but the house is completely redone and they emailed me all the photos from before and surveyors report"
"What do you think mum?"
"I think you should get it and I think you won't get another chance like this. It is reduced for over 50k because it is not finished"
"Well our apartment is now almost the same price" Alex said "I know we should talk about it...but I really like it and garage can wait we don't need to do everything all at once...Do you like it Yazee?"
"Yes...yes I absolutely love it. It's beautiful"
"I just wanna talk to mum about it...see what she thinks...But I think she's gonna like this one"
"It's a beautiful house" Hakim said
"Soo what did Charlie say?" Yaz asked as they sat in a car
"She loves it...In fact your dad already emailed her everything an hour before they even called us and my uncle had a look at it so our families sort of already arranged everything before even calling us" she laughed
"No fucking way"
"Oh way" she turned to Yaz laughing "They are really cheeky all of them"
"It really makes me feel like an adult" Yaz laughed
"I know right" she shook her head laughing
"My god...Is this real?"
"Told ya we gonna have a house" Alex grabbed her face kissing her cheek
"Driving....driving...." she giggled
"Sooorry I just had to kiss those chubby chops of yours"
"Silly billy" she laughed "Seriously Alex can we fucking afford this? I am freaking out a bit"
"We can Yazee...We will have to probably get a bit bigger mortgage if we want the garage done and I want to do proper landscaping. We are buying it because of the garden so I really want us to have beautiful garden...but it isn't gonna be a lot once we sell the apartment. You'll see....Love yaaaaa"
"Love you too....I'm so fucking exited"
"I knooow"
They came home late after exiting full day they had. Cats gathered in the kitchen circling around Alex's feet whiles she was preparing food for them and Yaz splattered herself over the bar
"I'm knackered" she puffed "Can we just pull out a sofa and...."
"Absolutely...I can't wait"
"We have to pack tomorrow and take cats to mum"
"I know" Alex smacked her bum on a way to the fridge
"Is that all I get?" she laughed "I have no strength to change into my jim-jams "
Alex laughed and put the juice on a bar then draped herself over her back wrapping arms around her then lifted her top and kissed her down her spine
"That's nice" she moaned tiered
Alex reached around and started unbuttoning her trousers giggling
"Uuuu dirty Alex" she laughed still slumped over the bar as Alex was struggling to tug down her jeans
"Are those glued on Yaz" she yanked them down giggling and pulled her nickers with them as well
"Fuck babe this is turning to kitchen porn" Yaz laughed like crazy
"Purely unintentionally I assure you" Alex laughed slumping on her back and pulling her nickers up
"You're doing this the wrong way around" Yaz screamed
"It would be really hard to explain this if someone walked in..." Alex laughed
"Yeah babe you're legit nailing me on a bar"
"Stooop" Alex screamed into her back. She couldn't breathe from laughing
"Alex....curtains are open"
"OMFG!" she jumped and ran to close them leaving Yaz laughing like crazy trying to get her shoes off so she can step out of her tangled jeans "Well that was the best sex I ever had"
Alex laughed so much she grabbed the bar trying to breathe "I can't....I'm so unromantic....this is tragic"
"It has its charms" Yaz giggled and pulled her top down "I feel blessed not having a hairbrush up my ass or a curtain holder in my back" she finally took her jeans off tossing them on a bar "You'll get there in the end...I can map it where it is"
"Aaaaaaaa....stoooop" Alex covered her mouth pissing herself laughing
"South" Yaz said to her palm pointing making her laugh even more
"Yaz I'm gonna piss myself"
"Oh now we're into water sports. Ok not my thing but each to their own"
"Shut it" Alex laughed squirming "I can't..."
"What...find it?" Yaz laughed
"OMFG...." she laughed and ran to the toilet leaving Yaz absolutely screaming in the middle of the living room
Yaz turned around and realized they scared all the cats away. She pulled the sofa out and went to look for Alex.
"You alright?" she laughed peaking in the bathroom
"Yeah....I haven't laughed like this in a bladder couldn't take it" she laughed
"We scared the cats" Yaz said getting her pajamas out of the drawer
"Oh bless"
"It's fine they're eating now"
Alex came up behind her and kissed her neck locking her arms around her waist
"Round two?" Yaz laughed
"Yeeees" she giggled into her neck "I'm winning in romance"
"Oh absolutely" Yaz turned in her arms "I wouldn't have you any other way" she smiled bringing her arms on her shoulders and played with the hair at the back of her neck
"Thank god" she laughed pulling her in and kissed her shortly one kiss after the other then kissed slow and gentle "Sofa?" she said into her lips
"Mmmm...I'm knackered" she rubbed her face into her shoulder
"Come on ...let's watch a movie and cuddle" Alex draped her arm over her shoulder
"We can watch that series you told me about" Yaz said wrapping her arm around her waist resting her head on her shoulder
"Oh you're gonna love that one"