Chapter 35




Tardis screeched to a stop in their back garden and Yaz's eyes grew wide as she stepped outside

"OMG...what happened to our garden?"

"What happened?" Clara hopped around the console and leaned outside " must have been a storm Yaz"

The garden was filled with leaves and broken branches. Some of the roses got battered from what they assumed was a hail and Yaz's heart sank seeing a dead bird in a grass.

"Oh noo..." she crouched down "Look"

"Poor thing..." Clara said, "He must have got caught up in it"

"And you bird feeder.... oh noo"

Clara was picking up the pieces of a broken feeder from the ground visibly upset. She didn't say anything, but Yaz saw an expression on her face. She spent days in a garage making it and it was one of those little things which truly made her happy.

"I'm so sorry" Yaz ran her hand over her back

"It's alright...I'll make another one" she sighed disappointed

Clara took all the bags upstairs and came back to the garden. She found Yaz placing bunch of flowers on a small grave in a back of the garden where she buried the dead bird.

"They all go back to the source you know...they are not truly gone" she said standing above her and reached for her hand "C'mere...let me show you something"

"What?" Yaz wiped a tear from her face and got up

Clara led her to the bottom of the garden and put a finger over her mouth then carefully moved the branches of the big bushes. "Look" she whispered pointing to a tiny birds nest hidden deep inside the bush with even tinier baby birds inside it.

"OMFG" Yaz whispered

"Sparrows" Clara grinned haply and carefully moved back the branches

"How did you know?"

"Just before we left I noticed them making the nest. Flying backwards and forwards....I thought I'd find babies when we come back" she draped her arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple "Come on...let's unpack...and I swear that was my stomach I just heard" she laughed

"Alright my skinny bean ..." she ran her hand over her flat stomach "I'll make some food"

"Skinny bean?..." Clara jumped

"Yeaaaah" Yaz giggled " call me butterfly"

"Butterflies are cute Yaz"

"Skinny beans are cute"

"Mmmmm...not sure about that" she laughed


Yaz was finishing the dinner. Clara was unusually quite since they came back yesterday. She spent most of her time in the garden sorting out the mess from the storm, almost avoiding any contact between them and Yaz could tell something was on her mind. For someone who literally never stopped talking, not saying anything since they woke up apart from few sentences regarding tea was really strange. She washed her hands above the sink and smiled as Clara's arms wrapped themselves around her waist and her lips pressed a long kiss at the back of her neck.

"Hey baby" Yaz smiled "Been busy looks nice"

"I had to tidy's relaxing" she said rubbing her face against Yaz's neck "Can we talk?"

Yaz lifted her head up and stood by the sink for a short moment before replying "Sure" she answered and turned in her arms "What's up?" she smiled draping her arms over her shoulders playing with her hair

Clara's eyes wondered around her face as she was moving little curls of her hair and ran her fingertip over the side of her forehead

"Is everything alright?" Yaz asked worriedly, noticing anxiety in Clara's expression and the little wrinkle on her forehead getting deeper. She felt her fingers clenching the waistband of her jeans nervously as Clara would always close her first when stressed. Small body movements Yaz picked up with time which would tell her when she was struggling with something eating her up inside.

Clara inhaled deeply, and the corner of her lips twitched for a single moment as her fingers wrapped themselves around Yaz's face slowly brushing her thumb over her cheek ever so gently. She looked petrified and close to crying before she finally started to speak very calmly with a shaking voice

"Yaz...about that promise I made you just before the wedding"

Yaz swallowed deeply as she realized at that moment what this is all about "Yes baby" she placed a small kiss to the tip of her nose "I love you"

"Love you too" she said as tears slowly gathered at the corners of her eyes

"You look like you're about to cry...It's alright...I'm not gonna dump you" she smiled

"I hope not..." she smiled a little "Yaz darling...Huh...right...I don't know how to start this but here we go....What if I told you that the day when you met me wasn't the first time you met me"

"Whaaaa?" she giggled "You mean like you were next to me on a till a year before and I had no clue?"

"No darling...not like that...I wish it was that simple...But nothing ever is with me...Yaz..." she brought her hands to the side of Yaz's neck "Baby you know me from before...waaay before..."

"I don't lost me Clara"

"Baby...the wife I told you about...the wife I lost..."

"Yeeeah?" she frowned confused

"That wife was you..."

Yaz bust out laughing for a second "What do you mean that was me...Clara are you high?"

"Nooo Yaz I'm not high..." she nodded seriously and seeing her face the smile slowly disappeared from Yaz's face

"You're serious about this aren't you?"

"Yes...yes I am"

"How can I be your wife Clara I'm right here...I met you in November can I possibly be your wife from the past...she died"

Clara went silent watching her for a long moment "No Yaz she didn't...she lost her memories of me" tears rolled down her face and she brushed her thumbs over Yaz's neck

Yaz frowned confused of a moment trying to make sense of what she just said and shook her head little before placing a palm to Clara's cheek "What do you mean darling? I don't understand?"

"Oh Yaz"

"'s alright...don't cry" she wiped her tears gently "Pleeeease tell me what you mean...You're confusing me"

"Yaz darling...that day when you met me..." Clara cupped her face between her palms "That was not the first  time you met me baby" She watched as Yaz's eyes grew wide and as confusion settled in them and she glazed at her almost helplessly "It's you are the wife I lost...It was always you I spoke about...only you didn't die were taken from me and they hurt you baby...they hurt you real bad Yaz so you don't remember any of it"

Yaz stared at her eyes feeling fear taking over her. She grabbed her wrists with her hands to comfort herself or not to fall on the ground as panic swept through her. But she made herself listen as Clara held her face tight and brushed her thumbs over her cheeks

"I don't understand" Yaz said as she looked at her lost and confused

"Remember when I told you about going into that facility...and I said to you how things went really bad and some people got were there Yaz...with me..."

" I don't understand?"

"Oh were there darling with me it was you who got captured..." Clara took a breath as her fingers moved down to sides of Yaz's neck and she sniffled as she spoke

"When...what how...but I don't remember..."

"They did things"

"What things?

"Oh stars...come ooon Doctor" she looked up swallowing tears and Yaz brushed her thumbs over her wrists

"Tell meee..." she said as her chest raised and her breathing was becoming erratic "Pleaseeee tell're freaking me out Clara"

"They...experimented..." her voice broke "on you" Clara leaned her head on hers holding her tight "And...and when I found were so bad bad...I thought I lost you...I thought..."

Yaz listened and remembered what she saw when she passed out this winter. She remembered the pain and a dark room and not able to move. She remembered voices around her and a man calling for the Doctor and she froze.

"I saw that..." she said staring at one dot

"You what darling?" Clara asked horrified

"When I was ill this winter...when I had that fever...I just thought it was a nightmare...I dream about it sometimes..."

"Oh baby..." Clara stroke her face.

Yaz looked up into her eyes again scared and lost "Tell me...tell me what happened?"

"When you woke up..." she shook her head "You didn't know who I was...or what happened to you or where you were...I was erased from your mind baby...everything...everything we had everything we've been through...every moment every thought...the whole life we had...I was a stranger to you"

"Like what they did to you?"

Yaz frowned again and felt heat traveling from her stomach to her head. She felt her cheeks becoming flushed and her stomach churn as Clara continued to talk. She grab hold of Clara's wrists and ran her fingers over the inside of them and blinked confused

"What life Clara? Tell me what life baby? Pleaseeee tell me" she squeezed her wrists

"We lived together darling...and traveled together for ten're my best partner my hearts Yaz...You're my everything"

"I think I'm gonna be sick" Yaz said leaning her head on hers and wrapped her hand at the back of Clara's neck. She stood like that for a minute trying to process what Clara was saying

"It all makes sense" she said quietly

"What makes sense baby?" Clara shook her head confused

"All of's the puzzle that I was missing..." she slowly moved away and started pacing down the kitchen

"What puzzle...what are you saying Yasmin?"

"It finally makes you felt for me when I saw you..." she shook her head "like you're this part of me that was missing...why I was so drawn to you like this invisible thing was connecting me to you...your face, your hands, your always felt like home for me...And I never questioned anything...It all came so easy with you...I trusted you" she razed her gaze at Clara and as their eyes met. Clara swallowed deep and stopped breathing for a moment

"I always wondered whyyyyy...whyyy do I trust you so much with every cell in my body...And those things I my head"

"Whaaat things?" Clara jumped

"Memories...snippets...things which scared me and I couldn't explain... Places I've never seen and people I've never met in my life...I thought it was my brain playing some game on me after I had that seizure" she looked up at her again

"Why did you leave me? Cause that's what you did...right?" she looked up at her hurt and confused "Whyyy? Why did you leave me if I was hurt?"

Clara swallowed deep "I didn't want to...but I had no choice...I had to baby...I had to go...I had to find out what they did to you so I can help's complicated Yaz...I thought you're gonna die...Things they were dying Yaz"

"I'm dying?!!!" Yaz jumped

"'re not...It's what I thought at the time because I didn't understand what they did...Your body was aging rapidly...cells deteriorating at enormous speed"

"Clara you're freaking me out I gonna die?"

" very much not gonna die Yaz...I just thought that at the time...Your healing baby...slowly but you are....Its so complicated darling I can't explain everything in five minutes it's impossible...I was looking for answers Yaz..."

"So when you hit the wall you came back....To be with me cause you thought I was dying?" She said horrified

"I had to see you...I knew you wouldn't know me...I just had to be near you"

"Were you gonna tell me"

Clara stood looking at her lost trying to find words in how to explain herself

"Be honest with me"

"I don't know..." she said quietly "I wanted to Yaz...I just didn't know how to...How? What do I say to you? ... You'd think I was mad and tell me to bugger off.... Where do I ever start Yaz?" 

"Probably...most definitely I would think you're some nutter...But you thought my brain was so never thought...did you...that it will end like this...with me falling for you...again?"

"No" she shook her head "I just wanted to be there...I just wanted to...hold you..." she said through tears "And you were right there Yaz next to me...someone I loved with all my hearts...and things happened I couldn't stop it...I didn't want to Yaz...and then you..."

"Then I fell for you...I fell for you so hard my head was spinning"

"I couldn't let you go...It was stronger than me I just couldn't..."

"That's why...isn't it?" Yaz said "'s why you moved so fast with the house and wedding and everything cause in your mind I'm already with one foot in a grave"

"Don't say that Yaz"

"But it's true...right?...You came to say goodbye? Cause you thought I was dying but I'm not...right? Please tell me I'm not"

"’re not"

"So what changed? How can, you be sure?"

"When you ended up in a hospital...when they did the scan...I saw you're healing and I couldn't believe what I was seeing...It was what I wanted what I was searching for all that time...all those answers right there in front me"

"Kate...and that doctor Martha?" she frowned "They're all in it...aren't they? Cause that explains it...right? They all know?"

She nodded

"God Clara...this is lot to take in"

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry I was hoping with time it will come back...I was hoping you'd remember...I never thought..."

"Tell me what you saw...I have to know"

"The scans...tests have shown that damage that was done to you somehow was healing. 

I didn't know how or why at the time but It was my chance to study work with Tardis to find a understand what they did and what's happening inside you so I can finally help you or at least understand what was done"

"And that's when you again became obsessed with them...and their experiments...Alien DNA mixed with human...Is that what was done to me?"

"Yes" she exhaled "I'm so sorry..."

"So I'm an alien? Part alien...human hybrid what am I?"

"I dunno Yaz....your similar to me but not quite"

"I can regenerate?" She jumped

"Nooo....yes...partially... I don't know Yaaaaz it's what I'm trying to find out" she said  in desperation slumping her shoulders

"Fuck Clara...No wonder you didn't want to talk to me...I just don't understand what the fuck were you waiting for...For me to start glowing like you...Were you even gonna tell me?"

"Yeeees...yes I was...I wanted  to so many times but words just got stuck in my throat...I didn't know how to"

"How long were you gone?" Yaz continued to ask calmly

Clara swallowed "Time is different for me it was three months for you"

"And for you?"

"It's different for me Yaz..." she turned towards the bar

"How long? How long did you chase them Clara before you came back? Look at me"

Clara turned around and their eyes locked. Her face bright red from crying and Yaz's big brown eyes blinking as tears fell down her cheeks and she didn't feel them anymore

"57 years, 6 months and..."

"Stooop! Whaaaa?"

"It's complicated"

“Fucking shit” Yaz closed her eyes and inhaled then looked at her again "57 years you were flying around in that ship all alone..."

"And 6 months" Clara said as Yaz gulped

"Jesus....What the fuck Clara? Why would you do that ? "

"I couldn't lose you" she exhaled "I had to find a way"

"But you didn' just tortured yourself for 57 years chasing ghosts Clara for nothing...What the fuck..."

Clara stood in the middle of the kitchen silent as tears rolled down her face. She didn't feel herself anymore. She stood bolted to the floor without any feeling of her own body as if she was suspended in the air and time had stopped paralyzing her from fear and anxiety sweeping through her. They both fell silent, both tortured in their own way, exhausted mentally and financially

"Clara" she looked at her calmly

"Yes baby?" she barely spoke and quickly wiped her tears

Yaz was breathing heavily standing lost by the bar "Please hold me"

"Oh god" she exhaled as if 57 years of pain just left her body all at once and pulled Yaz by the shoulder onto herself before she could blink. She pressed her so hard Yaz found it difficult to breathe and kissed the top of her head feeling her arms wrapping themselves around her and she wanted to drown in them.

Yaz crumbled in her arms. She cried as her hands pulled on Clara's t-shirt and she tucked her face into her neck

"I love you...I love you so so much" Clara whispered and kissed her head

"I'm scared"

"It's alright baby...I know...I know you are.."

"This is so head is spinning Clara" she looked up

"I know...I'm so sorry" she moved hair from her face and kissed the tip of her nose "I love you" she stroke her face "I love you so so much"


Yaz stood by the kitchen window watching the magpies in the garden hop on the grass as the sprinkler rolled around spraying fresh water on the bright pink roses climbing the fence. It was a hot July afternoon and Yaz took a break from work. She eyed her little blue box parked in its old spot next to the conservatory. She missed her in so many ways and she came to her every day to talk, sometimes just sitting in the control room and pouring out her thoughts to the Tardis.

A month has passed since the wedding, and they have slowly returned to their daily routine. Life returned to normal as if nothing had happened. Clara was still on vacation and only dropped by the University occasionally. Yaz has been busy with her new job working full time most days. But working from home was much more relaxing and enjoyable than she ever thought it would be. She was under no illusion and knew all too well that things did not disappear just because they calmed down on the surface. But they were both in desperate need of normalcy and mutually agreed to put the subject aside for a while until they were calm enough to deal with it properly and just enjoy life together as much as they could.

Meanwhile, Clara was teaching her how to operate the Tardis and taught her many different things about its mechanics. She also taught her how to use sonic and most of the other components of the Tardis console. Yaz surprised herself how easily and quickly she managed to pick it all up, and by now she had learned most of the Gallifreyan. She would use it to write Clara things like shopping lists and little notes.

Clara was slowly filling in the gaps in her life as much as she was willing to bear at that moment. She took a strange solace in the fact that they both shared the same faith of their lives being taken from them. But if there was one person in this world who understood the jumbled array of emotions surrounding it, it was Clara. A mixture of confusion, anger and resentment, fear, and helplessness of not knowing yourself anymore and trying to find a place for yourself. She felt like she had lost more than she had gained. Sometimes she got mad for not knowing sooner, and at the same time she wished she never had.

She herd the car park up the driveway and smiled running to the door.

"Hey lovely...what's the smile?" Clara draped her arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple

"You'll see...Missed ya"

"Missed you too....I had the most boring meeting ever"

Yaz laughed "You hate those"

"I do...I think I fell asleep at one point" she giggled "What have you been doing?"

"Oh I had the most exciting day at my computer sorting out lipstick colors by color codes"

"Believe me more exciting than listening to Janice going on about female bathrooms at the University"

"Whaaaa?" she giggled

"Don't ask"

Clara dumped her bag and the car keys on the kitchen top and Yaz ran to the living room coming back with a box in her hands

"What's that?" Clara looked at her grinning from the door

"That's for you" she popped it on the counter

"You got me a present?"

"Yap...go it"

Clara took a box grinning and early tore the paper wrapping then cut the tape and opened the box

"Aaaaaa.... Yaz...! Bird feeder! " she almost jumped of the floor exited pulling it out of the box and turning it around in her hands

"Yap...and not just any bird feeder...look it has a small camera and you install the app on your phone and when the bird comes it records it for you. So you can see who visited your bird feeder"

"That's awesome...I'll get birdy selfie..." she said exited going through the booklet "You really made me happy  with this...I missed my bird feeder I was gonna make a new one this weekend" she looked at her with a puppy eyes

"Don't cry" Yaz smiled and stroke the back of her neck "I felt bad for it being destroyed...I know how much you love it...And you can't build this"

"I could" she said smug "...But I still love help me put it up?"

"Sure I just need to finish the lipsticks I promised Sonya I'll upload them tomorrow...Get changed and give me ten minutes" she turned around to leave the kitchen but Clara laced their fingers tugging on her hand

"Oi...where you're going?" she pulled her in and wrapped her arm around her waist "Love ya" she smiled stealing a kiss from her rocking her side to side

"Love you too..." Yaz smiled running fingers down her braces

"You seem happier" Clara said stroking her face worriedly as Yaz hasn't been the same lately. She was keeping to herself, being unusually quiet. Just coming up for cuddles tucking her face into Clara's neck in silence. And although she would occasionally ask questions, most of the time she pretended as though the conversation never took place. It worried her as it was clear as day Yaz was in pain.

"I am...I'll be fine...seriously..." she tugged on her braces and played with a collar of her shirt "you worry too much"

"I just want you to be happy like you were before"

"I am...really I am...that never changed Clara"

"Are you Yaz? Be honest with me?" She ran her hands down her sides gently

"I am ...Told you...all I want is for us to get on with our lives...You and me...that's all I's what I always wanted...As long I have that I'm happy...The rest will will take time"

Clara kissed the top of her head gently "Is there anything you'd like to do or go somewhere? I can take you where ever you wanna go...You choose"

"Nooo baby...seriously...I'm happy here in our house" she cupped her face between her palms

"I love you Yasmin...I don't want you being in pain...Last thing I ever wanted was to hurt you"

"You're not the one who hurt me baby...that wasn't you...and I love you...loads"

"Looking forward to Oxford?" she smiled

"Yees...and Ireland"

"Oh I can't wait for Ireland many places I wanna show you"

"Castles right?" she giggled

"Absolutely..." she grinned

"I didn't doubt for a second"

"Also...I got a mate there...Haven't seen him since my last regeneration"

"Well he's in for a surprise" she giggled "...Come on...get changed and let's put the bird feeder up" she smiled

Clara went upstairs and collapsed on the bed. She was exhausted from the meeting that was so pointless in her head and a complete waste of time because she would rather stay at home with Yaz who needed her more at the moment. But she felt a strange mix of emotions about everything, and she couldn't help but feel that what made her feel lighter and relieved was inevitably causing pain to Yaz. She knew all too well what a struggle she had to deal with and a part of her hated herself for telling her. It was one of the most difficult things she ever had to do in her life and not only for the fear of losing her but of knowing what this will do to her. This was exactly what she was trying to avoid at all costs, and she wished with all her hearts that she could just bury the past and leave it somewhere behind them, never to be talked about or mentioned again. But she couldn't and was too late for that anyway.
It was catching up with both of them way to fast for her to be able to stop it. And although the truth was out, she still had no wish to go back to her old life, in fact now more than ever she wished to have this one.
But the old enemy was still lingering around, regrouping, reorganizing and she could feel them in her bones, she could smell them across the universe, lurking around the corner. And she was afraid that next time they strike it will hit her sideways and it will be when she least expected it.
She got up with a sigh, pulled a shirt out of her trousers and braces off her shoulders letting them drop to her sides. Then walked up to the chest of drawers and took a small jewelry box out leaving it on a top then walked into the bathroom.

Yaz herd her running down the stairs just when she closed her computer.

"Hey..." she peaked through the door with a massive smile

"Hey cute curls" Yaz smiled

"Couldn't be bothered with straighteners ...C'mere" she pulled her hand "Close your eyes"

"What are you doing?" She laughed

"Got something for you"

"Ha? Whaaa?"

"Something I got yesterday but your mum was here then you fell asleep later...Hands" she grabbed Yaz's hands opening them and placed a box into her palm

"OMG...what's that...stop spending money on me"


Yaz opened her eyes and smiled at the cute Japanese style bear box "Aaaawwww....this box is present it's so cuuute"

"I thought you might like that"

She opened the box and screamed "Nooo fucking way"

"Like it potty mouth?"

"Like it? Love know I was drooling over them" she took out a pair of earrings she was eyeing out as she got two more holes in her ears done recently and couldn't wait for medical earrings to finally come out "But you know I still can't put them in?"

"I know...I just didn't want them to sell out and I knew it will make you happy"

"Thaaaaaank you baby" she wrapped her arms around her shoulders and kissed her haply "

"Well it was worth that smile" she stroke her face gently "I miss it"

"I know...I'm sorry...haven't been myself lately"

"Don't say sorry...I'm so proud of you"

"Come on...let's get the bird feeder up"


"Aaaaa...another one" Clara jumped making Yaz almost drop the tray on a floor "Look Yaz" she put the phone in front of her face

"You're really enjoying in this bird cam, aren't you?"


It was her obsession for now a whole week, and she was putting together the bird diary of all the photos from the little visitors

"I love it...I had 12 bird already in last hour. I really love this...Isn't that a cute face...look" she was going gaga over it completely "Mmmm...that's nice" she dipped her finger into chocolate cake filling Yaz was making for her sister's birthday tomorrow

"Hands off" Yaz slapped her hand and went to the fridge for the butter

"Mmmm...I'm going to see Kete tomorrow...wanna go with me?" she said sitting at the bar and dipped a spoon into her filling again

"I saw that...No...I'll stay go" she said taking butter out of the fridge

"Alright butterfly" she reached for her hand as she passed her by and pulled her in front of herself "Wanna do some Tardis lessons today?"

"Nooo...I have to finish the cake"

"Alright...I thought when you finish it" she wrapped her arms around her waist

"Not today...I have some work to do later"

"Love ya" Clara said with a little smile "Weeell, how about we go to that theatre show you were banging on about I can have a look for the tickets now...We can do that after the cake and after your work" Clara took her hands into hers and kissed her knuckles

"I'll see...I have a lot of work to do Clara...butter is getting soggy"

"Oh, sorry..." she let go of her and continued sitting at the bar for another twenty minutes whilst Yaz was making a cake in silence then got up and kissed her temple and walked out of the kitchen

She went to the Tardis and checked the scanning program she set up and deflated when she saw no results. It's been a month since she set it up, scanning every corner of every universe out there and she was slowly losing hope of ever finding anything until they decided to find her. But at this point it almost didn't matter anymore. She watched Yaz slowly fading away each day and felt as though they won either way. She started to question every decision she had made and wondered if life would've been easier if she hadn't said anything at all. Anything about herself or them or the Tardis. She was questioning whether it would've been better if she just stayed Clara, university professor with a strange garden shed and kept playing dumb on everything. Pretending that they simply had home invasion and that Yaz had a simple flu. She wasn't sure of anything anymore and felt herself getting lost in it slowly together with Yaz. Drowning again in a same thing over and over again.
She walked over to their old room and took a photo from the side table. It was taken a long time ago on one of their trips to ancient Sumer. She ran her finger over the photo and curled herself on a bed as tears ran down her face. The feeling of hopelessness and utter failure filling her soul.

It was almost two in the morning, and she was still at the console dismantling the key into tiny pieces as she was trying to crack the code. Never did she spend so much time trying to crack alien technology and was starting to make her feel as though she lost her edge. She grabbed the key and smashed into the wall. A message came through and she ran around the console.


"Hey beautiful..." he said cheerfully "How's the married life?"

"Arrrhhh...what's up Jack"

"What's a long face for?"

"Never mind...please give me some good news"

"Not until you talk to me...What's going on?"

"Told her...told her everything and it didn't go down well Jack..."

"Oh...well you knew it wouldn't"

"Yeah but not how I thought...she's not herself Jack...she hardly speaks to me...She hasn't left a house in a month. Her face is non stop in her computer...I don't know what to do...I'm just failing at everything like what ever I touch Jack I destroy...I should've kept my mouth shut about everything...all of this...I should've just stayed human" she through the key across the console into the wall

Suddenly Jack appeared in the middle of the control room

"Oh Jack....bugger can't just come like this"

"Come oooon you grumpy old git" he pulled her hand

"Oi...language...Get off me" she was pushing him lazy as he was trying to hug her then gave into it after a second attempt "You're enjoying in this admit it"

"Hugging being miserable not at all. You should be happy newlyweds"

"Yeah...well I can more picture divorce right now than a honeymoon to be honest" she walked over to the stairs and sat down, he sat next to her

"She's gonna be alright...she just needs time. Come were messed-up for months after you found out...or you forgot"

"I haven't..."

"Well then...give her time...You were also pretty gross to her as well at the time"

"Yeah this isn't helping you know...thanks for reminding me of my lowest point Jack"

"Just trying to put things in perspective for you...that's all...At least she's not running away...that's your style"

"Did you come to insult me?"

"Just saying...take her somewhere...go...leave this house. I know you love this house but if you continue like this, I'm gonna buy you a pair of checked slippers and a red dressing gown"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Oh god..." he got up and reached for her hands "Get out of the house Doctor. It will clear both of your minds" he pulled her up "What's that?" he pointed to the hollo projection in the corner of the control room

"Woooooooow" she jumped and ran around "No way" she took her sonic out and crouched down scanning it

"Is that the key?"

"Yeah...I through it in a wall...I seemed to activate it"

Jack laughed "New way of decoding..."

"Look at that Jack...this must be their mission briefing...look...It has all these maps different places...aaaa noooo" the picture glitched "I can't lose it now" she hoped to the console "I'm gonna try to download the data into the Tardis...see if we can trace their whereabouts..."

"Does it have information about where they're going next? Cause if it does we can intercepted them with a UNIT"

"Dunno Jack..." she crouched down  again "It may be old information I have this for a month now...They may have changed the plans when they realized I had it...We'll's downloading" she jumped haply "At least it should give us some idea where they're moving around....Everyone has some sort of pattern of behavior that Tardis could possibly map out for me..."

"Only this seemed to be way too damaged" he pointed to glitching

"Oh...never mind that...Tardis can correct that...Hey at least I cracked the key " she opened her arms haply

"Clara?" Yaz opened the door

"Heeeey...." Clara jumped over to her "I thought you're sleeping"

"I was ..Hey Jack" she waived "What are you doing?"

"Hey sweetie"

"Oh just...I sort of smashed that key into the wall and look...It cracked the code Yaz" she pointed to the holographic image above the floor

"Right...alright...I'm off to bed...Pleaseeee don't stay here till the morning"

"I won't I promise"

"Nightie night Jack...Remember Sonya’s birthday tomorrow at one"

"I remember"

Yaz closed the door and Clara gave a look to Jack

"She's gonna be fine...This whole thing probably makes her feel sick at this point"

"Probably...she didn't want to do any Tardis flying lessons today either"

"You're teaching her how to fly this thing now?"

"Oi...don't call her a thing...and yes I thought it would make her happy"

"You're a lost cause you know that...Why the hell would that make her happy now?"

"She's fascinated by the Tardis Jack..."

"She might be but at this point it would probably make her feel like an idiot since she knew how to do it before....She's gonna do it for you and probably keep quite but come ooon...wouldn't you feel like's like you're rubbing in her face what she doesn't remember"

"Oh, " Clara slumped her shoulders "I haven't thought about it that way...Aaaaaarhhhhh....I'm so stupid....What's wrong with me Jack?" she looked at him in desperation "I was teaching her Gallifreyan as well"

"OMG...why don't you give a physics lessons as well make her feel completely dumb whilst you're at it....oh and drop a bit of neuro science in it as well just for a good measure"

"Alright!.....Point taken no need to rub it my face even more....Aaaarrrhhh...." she sighed "Poor Yaz...She must feel like a complete idiot"

"Well...I'm glad I dropped by"

"Why did you call me anyway?"

"Oh...this" he scrambled through his pocket "They recently ordered this from one of the manufacturers on XY455...You might know what that is" he gave her a tiny black cube

"No...never seen it before...this is creepily starting to remind me of Stenza technology....Don't they know what it is...I mean they made it" she scanned it with a sonic " reading..."

"No clue...they were just given instructions how to make it but no explanation as to what it is"

"Just more questions Jack" she twirled the cube in her hand "Sooooo irritating"

Tardis sounded off making them both jump "Aaaaa....loook Jack...we got if. She mapped their roots...Wooow...that's far...that's really far" she twirled the map in the air "That's way beyond far edges of the known universe Jack...Junk galaxies...they spent a lot time there...what are they looking for there? That's odd"

"It's starting too look like they are assembling something Doctor"

" might be right Jack but what?"

"Not sure I wanna know...Whatever it is it's don't go around looking for parts and ordering them from twenty different places unless you're covering your tracks"

"Very true....Also you don't go to Skaro ...look"

"Ewwww....why there?"

"Not sure Jack but whatever involves Skaro isn't good" she sighed worried

"Can you give me a copy of that?"

"Why? no Jack I can't" she went around the console to the other side "It's glitching Jack....very hard to would probably be of no use anyway"

"Doctor" he followed her around "Come on...give a copy"

"I can't Jack.."

"Yes you can.. Don't play this...come on...let me go and have a look..."

"Nooo" she turned to him "You've done enough already I can't put you in more danger Jack I can handle this...I'll just"

"What? You're gonna what? Pull that lever and go there yourself?"

"Stop it Jack"

"Seriously....what are you gonna do? Because that's what you would do before...So what's the alternative plan...go on"

"I'm sure I'll have one by tomorrow" she moved him out of the way and started picking up the pieces of the broken key from the floor

"Stop this Doctor" he grabbed her wrist "You know you can't go nowhere....and you know there's not gonna be a plan tomorrow...Without the Tarids your hands are and me both know that..."

"Huh" she sat on the floor "I hate this...I seriously hate this Jack"

"Come've only been out of commission for what…seven months? That's like a second for you and me"

"Mmmmm...You're not gonna stop pestering me are you?"

He grinned in response

She got up and went back to console "You let me know everything...."

"Promise" he smiled and kissed her cheek

"Stop slobbering all over me..." she turned towards him " noooot be seen, do not engage with them and let me know everything"

"Take her on a date"

"Whaaa?" she frowned

"Yaz...take her on a romantic date that will blow her mind...And for god sake stop giving her Tardis her it's her you love not her skills she lost...she needs to know that. She’s competing with herself at the moment"

"Thanks Jack"

"Always at your service Doctor" he smiled and saluted

"Go now" she nodded smiling "...I have a wife waiting in an empty bed"

"Auch...That hurts" he smiled and kissed her forehead making her laugh "Keep yourself safe Doctor...see you soon"

"See you meee" she said as he disappeared

She stood for a while in silence and leaned over the console "I'm so lousy in showing my feelings" she said and Tardis hummed "You know I am ...I always mess things up somehow...but I'm glad you think that....Alright" she stood up "Well...there's not gonna be any lessons for quite some time you know"
Tardis turned lights to pink and hummed "Thanks you too"

She slipped underneath the covers and wrapped her arm around Yaz's waist burring her face into the back of her neck "I love you so much..." she whispered...”Now more than ever...I hope you know that" she said but Yaz just hummed in her sleep and wiggled her bum spooning herself against her 

In Another Life 35
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