Chapter 7




With Pam's birthday only a few days away Yaz was stressing what to wear. Nothing out of her semi casual wardrobe was good enough for a fancy restaurant they were going to. So, she needed some extra help from Theta to find something in a store. Except she hated shopping for clothes. She would usually aim for one thing and walk in and out, unlike Theta who could spend hours methodically going through everything until she found what she wanted. 


"This is a fifth store babe" Yaz moaned out of the cubicle. 


"I knoooow, but maybe in the seventh we will find something amazing so it will be worth it. Let me see" she hopped impatiently in front holding another pile for her to try on. 


"My ass looks like Australia " Yaz moved the curtain pouting. 


"No, it doesn't. There's nothing wrong with your ass and I should know first-hand. But there's everything wrong with this cut. What the hell is this?" 


"I hate it." 


"Me too. But I love that top. That looks so sexy. Oh, wait. I have an idea" she dumped all the clothes on a little seat and literally disappeared out of the changing room leaving Yaz by Lola's pram. 


"I know, it looks grotesque. Even you look stunned." She said to the dog and sat on the other chair pulling the stroller closer to her "I hate this. I bet this is how you feel in a pet store." 


"Here, try this" Theta came back waiving a pair of black trousers. They looked awesome and with top Yaz picked the potential was there. 


"Right, if this doesn’t fit, I'm going in jeans" she took the trousers and went back to the changing room. 




"Wait I just got this monstrosity off me.” 


"I also found this. It should look amazing." 


"Uuuuu....I think I actually like this." 


"You do?...Come out..." 


"Look?" She moved the curtain smiling "I love this fabric. It's like leather but really soft and comfy." 


"Waaaw....ooook I love that! You look so beautiful" she came up to fix her top "And this" she dangled a beautiful ear cuff. Yaz had loads of earrings, but she fell in love with it. 


"Oh, that's stunning. Thank yoooou" 


"OMG look so so beautiful. Look" she grabbed her shoulders, turning her towards the mirror. 


"Waaaw...ok I really love that. You don't think it's too much?" 


" look amazing." 


"I never wore anything like this. I love it...but..." 


"No, no... Pleaseeee you look really gorgeous. And you can actually wear your boots with it

It will look really cool." 


"Thank god cause I can't deal with heals" 


"No no, not on this look. Those tall black boots you have will go perfect on this." 


Yaz slipped her arm around her waist and dropped a kiss to her lips "Thank you. This was really bothering me." 


"It's alright babe, no need to thank me. I love to dress you up. God you really look hot. Please go take it off. I'm getting flushed" she giggled. 


Yaz laughed and flapped her lashes turning around then wiggled her bum closing the curtain. 


"Stooop" Theta laughed "Naughty Yaz" she said to Lola. 




"What are you gonna have?" Yaz asked looking at the menu board at food hall. 


"Spring rolls and Gong bao chicken, we can share spring rolls." 


"Ok, I'll have some panko chicken...No I'll pay" she moved her wallet.” 


"You keep paying, why?" 


"Cause you pay the mortgage and won't take the money so I'm feeding you instead" she said shoving Thetas wallet back in her bag and zipped it just in case she attempted to take it out again "Go find a table, I'll take the food. It's crazy here." 


"Alright babe, come on Lola. Let's find us a nice table" she wheeled the stroller haply. 


Suddenly Yaz spotted her brother right at the other end as she was about to call him when she realized who he was with and smirked. She couldn't take the grin off her face as she was carrying the food to the table. 


"What's so funny?" Theta asked confused. 


"To your left..." she nodded her head. 


"Is that Jane with your brother?" She jumped. 


"Yeah" she laughed. 


"OMG I can't believe it.” 


"Me neither. I gave him a number, but the fucker never told me he called her." 


"What is it with us two, you know my mate, my mate is dating your brother?" 


"As long as our parents don't date it's fine" she laughed. 


"OMG" Theta pissed herself laughing. 





Saturday evening Yaz planned a little surprise. She hadn’t taken her bike out yet as almost every day it was raining. But with beautiful sunny days, the roads were dry, and evening was warm and beautiful. After dinner she got up from the table and scooped up the rest of the plates walking over to Theta who was loading the dishwasher. She left the plates on the kitchen top and slipped her arms around her waist placing a long kiss to the side if her neck as the other woman hummed in response and glanced at her over her shoulder with smile. 


"Wanna go for a ride?" Yaz asked dropping a short kiss to her lips. 


"Really? " 


"Yeah, it's beautiful outside. Why not. I'm itching to take a bike out. Come on, let me take my girl for a drink. My mates are down the bar. I thought we would meet them. Wanna go?" 


"Ok, is it like date thing?" 


"Yeah, I think it can classify as double date." she giggled rocking her side to side gliding her hands over her stomach. 


"That's so sweet baby" she smiled "Let me just finish this" 


"Go get changed, I'll finish it." 


"Alright baby" she wiped her hands haply and rushed off to the bedroom. Yaz quickly zoomed to the hallway and started digging at the bottom of the inbuilt wardrobe where she hid a present for her. She bought it a few days ago and hoped Theta wouldn't find it. 


"Hey snuggle bug." Yaz leaned on the bedroom door frame "C'mere, close your eyes. " 


"What, whyyy?" She giggled. 


"Go on, close your peepers.” 


"Alright, closing" she laughed covering her face with her hands. 


Yaz held out a big round wrapped up gift with a massive pink bow. "Open" 


"OMG what's that honey? My birthday isn't till end of June. " 


"I don't need a birthday to give you a present" she said smug "It's something you'll need. Go on open it." 


"Ok....I can't figure out what it is" she laughed taking the bow off and tying it around Yaz's neck then continued ripping the paper. "Something blue...Aaaaa, is that? HELMET WITH STITCH!!!!. Are you for real?" She literally jumped off the floor and continued jumping like she was on springs. 


"Ok you like it I take it?" She laughed. 


She left the helmet on the bed and grabbed Yaz's face between her palms "I love, love, love it!"  She smiled pressing a long kiss to her lips releasing with a pop, making Yaz laugh even more. She was like a kid who was given Disney land tickets. 


"Put it on me" she grabbed the helmet passing it to Yaz. 


Yaz couldn't stop laughing. She was fidgeting excited the whole time whiles Yaz was putting it on her. 


"There, " she giggled knocking on the top. 


"Does it suit me?" She grinned haply. 


"You look so fucking cute" Yaz laughed and flipped the vizier down.

Chapter continues after the artwork. 




"What if I fall?" Theta asked as Yaz sat on a bike. 

"You're not gonna fall, just hold on to me. I'm not gonna drive fast, don't worry." 


"Right, It's been a long time since I've done this" she said holding on to her shoulders straddling the seat. 


"You're gonna be fine, just hold on around my waist really tight and you're gonna be fine." 


"This is so exciting. Oh wait" she scrambled passing her a helmet and reached into her pocket 


"What are you doing?" she laughed. 


"Selfie so I can send to mum" she giggled holding a phone "Smile." 


"You silly goof." She couldn't stop laughing alright. "Ok...let’s look cool.” 


"Two cool chicks on a bike" Theta laughed taking a photo. 




"Yeah... Beam me up, Scotty!" She put her vizier on and grabbed hold of Yaz's waist so tight she could barely breathe. Then screamed when Yaz sped up down the road. They drove off to a nearby bar and met up with Yaz's friend from work Jack and his girlfriend Joice. Theta met them only once as Yaz's work schedule was so busy she didn't have much time to socialize. 


"Hey, look what the rain dragged in" Jack waived from the table. 


"Hiya" Theta smiled haply. 


"Hey girl, is she keeping you locked up or what?" Joyce laughed. 


"Oi, file a complaint to the station" Yaz giggled "finally I have time to chill a bit.” 


Theta laughed leaning over the table hugging Joice "You look so cute, when did you cut your hair." 


"Yesterday, not sure if it's too short." 


"Nooo I love it. You look lovely. " 


"Thanks honey " 


"So, how's joined life together? Did you argue already?" 


"Nope" Theta laughed. 


"We have time, give us a break Jack." Yaz laughed and sat next to Theta. 


"How are you hun? Is that idiot still calling you?" Joyce asked worryingly. 


"No, Yaz got me a new phone because I dropped the previous one that day I was shaking so much, I got meself a new number now. I killed the last one. Also, Yaz said I should change my name on social and let everyone know not to answer anything if he contacts them. But it's nerve-wracking to be honest. I feel so violated." 


"I knoooow honey" 


"I'm scared to be alone it just makes me feel uncomfortable. The other day someone rang on the door, and I didn't open it. It turned out it was my parcel delivery." 


"I can totally understand that. I would be the same. I'm so sorry honey." 


Yaz looked at Jack over the table then got up "What will you drink?" 




"So, Jack calls me asking why I won't let him in. That he's banging on a door for five minutes. I was so confused. Then I hear some bloke yelling." 


"Where were you?" Theta pissed herself laughing. 


"Five houses down the road" he laughed. 


"OMG!" she screamed. 


"He was so drunk I'm surprised he didn't miss the whole street" Joyce laughed. 





It was getting late, and Theta was snuggling against Yaz more and more as the evening went on. With a third glass of wine in her hand she was soon ready to go home and hit the bed. 


"Wanna go camping?" Jack asked. 


"Yeah, I do actually" Yaz accepted straight away "Wanna go baby?" 


"I've never been camping. But I'd love to." 


"You're gonna love it." Jack said 


"Who's going?" Yaz asked


"Us two, Billie and Andrea" 


"Cool, Billy and Andrea are my other mates. You haven't met them yet. They are really great, you're gonna love them." 


"Ok" she nodded "Don't we need a tent?" 


"No baby we rent it." 


"Oh, that's practical.” 


"Where to? Woodsworth?" Yaz asked. 


"Yap, next weekend. The weather seems to be holding off. Should be fine for one weekend." 


"If not, we have a backup plan of a hut, but the price is much bigger, 100 quid. " Joyce made a face. 


"Neah should be fine." 


"I'm excited now" Theta smiled leaning her head on Yaz's shoulder. 


"You look like you will fall asleep" Yaz laughed. 


"I am" she giggled. 


"It's late we should all go. It's been a long day" Jack said. 


"And we are thankfully not working tomorrow" Yaz said exited. 


"Bite your tongue" Jack laughed. 




It was an unusually warm May and the perfect day for Pam's birthday celebration. Yaz managed to leave home a bit earlier from her Saturday shift, giving her just enough time to get to the store and get ready. She stopped off on the way to get some nice flowers for Pam and some bits and pieces Theta needed from Boots. Her spring allergy seemed to be blooming together with all the flowers making her miserable and earlier that day she had a meltdown over her eyes being swollen and itchy so Yaz decided to make a detour into Accessories and got her some nice set of hair pins which she knew will put her in a better mood. 


"Hey baby" Theta yelled from the bedroom. 


"Hi, " Yaz said as she walked in "Do I need to take Lola out?" 


"No, no I did it. Thanks honey. " 


"Hey C'mere" Yaz smiled leaving shopping on the kitchen table. 


"Oh, I love the flowers, I need to wrap up her present.” 


"I thought she might like those, C'mere.." she reached for Thetas hand pulling her in "No, kisses just close your eyes" 


"Whaaa...OMG...Pleaseeee tell me you didn't spend money on me again." 


"Shush" she giggled opening up her palm and placing a small gift bag into her hand. 


"Baaaaby" she pouted. 


"Can't have you grumpy today" she said closing her arms around her hips. 


"What's that? OMG they are beautiful. Sweeeety..." 


"Like them? I thought it would go nice with your stuff." 


"They're perfect. Thaaaaank youuuu baby" she raised her arms to Yaz's shoulders kissing her gently "You spoil me too much" she hummed rubbing their noses together. 


"And you me. You just don't know it. I've never been happier" she said as her hands glided gently over Thetas back. 


"Me neither.... Love yoooou" she said dropping small kisses to her lips 


"I love you too." 


"I'm so sorry for being grumpy recently and I'm so sorry for freaking out earlier." 


"It's alright babe. There's gonna be times when I freak out. There's gonna be times when we argue. It's cool...I got your eye drops they do look really sore." 

"Oh god, I'm gonna put those in straight away I have no idea how I'm gonna last the whole night with make-up on my face, my skin is on fire." 


"And you have rash on your neck." 


"Do I?" 


"Yes. Let me see that...That doesn't look good. But I got you something" she kissed her forehead dived into the shopping bag. 


"What did you get? I'm gonna have to go to doctors next week if this continues." 


"I got Marigold cream for you. It should calm down your skin." 


"Yes! Thank you, that's so sweet of you. That's perfect" 


"Alright, I'm gonna hit the shower and get ready." 


"Ok baby" 




"I was gonna ask you" Yaz said in the car "Do you have proper clothes and shoes for camping? Cause if not we need to get it this week.” 


"What do I need?" 


"Mainly some good hiking boots. The rest can be just jeans and just in case a warmer jacket cause this time of the year it can be cold when the sun sets. But not your beautiful white one" 


"Actually no. I have trainers?" 


"Nope, you can slip and fall and hurt yourself. You need grips." 


"I have to get a jacket as well." 


"Well, it's good that I asked then" she turned laughing. 


"Well, it's good that you did" she giggled "Turn left at the traffic lights.” 


"Ok, I know a really good sports store. I work in the morning on Wednesday. We can meet after work." 


"Alright, I can leave a bit earlier. I'm so excited about that." 


"Me too. You're gonna love it, we do this about twice every year, in early spring and then late August. It's not far and nature is beautiful." 


"I googled it. It's stunning. I was dating this guy who loved nature. He was into all kinds of stuff, rafting and paragliding but he always went with his mates." 


" never went together?" 


"Nope, those were his weekends, just men." 


"Well, that sucks. Neah, I like to do things together. Unless you don't like it, then fair enough." 


"Men can be like that Yaz, they have their male friends and it’s like an exclusive club membership. Even my dad can be like that. " she giggled "Dating a girl a completely different in that respect." 


"My dad's not like that. Or my brothers. We do stuff in packs" she laughed "I actually broke up with one girl over that. Cause she literally never wanted to go anywhere or do anything with me." 


" I better step up then." 


Yaz laughed "No babe you're very different. When I say nothing, I really mean nothing. No cinema, no drinks, no going out. I was literally going everywhere alone." 


"Nooo, come oooon. What the hell did you do together?" 


"All she wanted to do is be home and us watching tv. Which is nice, but not all the fucking time. In two months of dating, she never met my mates." 


"Oh nooo...But that's like being alone.” 


"Exactly, they started taking a piss out of me that I have imaginary girlfriend" she laughed. 


"What was the worst thing that ever made you break up with someone?" 




"Were you ever dumped?" 


"Yeeeees" she laughed "3 times actually." 




"Oh yeah. Once over WhatsApp" 




"I woke up to...I'm sorry but I don't think this is working out. I hope you will find someone who will make you happy one day. I never found out the reason either. " she laughed. 


"Oh, nooo that's brutal.” 


"Is it here babe? Cause I need to find parking?" 


"Yes, just park up somewhere here, we can walk.

.... I never asked this but now it's getting interesting." She giggled "How many women did you date?" 


Yaz laughed glancing at her sideways "Ooookk...sure you wanna know?" 


"Hell yes!" 




"Fucking hell babe!" she burst out laughing. 


"Ok, now when we are at that many men did you date?" 


"Date or sleep with?" 


"Woow...ok so we are going into more details now.... Both" 


"I went out with a lot of men on a first date and never got anywhere from there. Actually dated 4 and slept with 3. Mark being one of those mistakes. You?" 


"I didn't get that far with 3 of them" she laughed. 


"Well, you move fast" she laughed as they got out of the car. 


"I dated a lot when I was younger then. I kinda almost gave up on it. And then I met you and I thought I'm gonna fuck myself right up the ass this time around." she took Thetas hand and kissed her temple 


"But you didn't" she hummed leaning on her. 


"Nope, best thing ever" 






They walked into the restaurant and saw Pam and Jane by the bar. 


"Hiya!!" Theta came up to Pam from behind and hugged her tight 


"Hey you two!" She smiled. 


"Happy birthday darling" she kissed her cheek and dangled a present infront of her 


"Thank you, babe.” 


"Hey, happy birthday" Yaz passed her flowers. 


"Waaaw, those are so pretty.  Thanks, hun" she said as they hugged "I'm so glad you came.” 


"Me too" 


"Here, sit down." Jane said "We need to wait for the table for a few minutes. You two look nice" 


"Thanks, you two as well. Theta was my fashion advisor." 


"Personal shopper" Theta giggled. 


"I love that top. It's so cool" Pam said. 


"You're lucky your tits don't fall to your ankles like mine. Now I have to put two bras together" Jane said sipping on a drink making Yaz laugh. 


"OMG...stop it" Theta laughed "You can always share some of that babe. Some of us are not as lucky" she looked down her own cleavage. 


"I'm giving away some of my ass if anyone is interested" Pam said. 

"Thanks, some of us have more than what we want" Yaz laughed "What will you all drink?" 


"No, no... drinks are on me babe." Pam said. 


"I'll have a glass of wine please" Theta said "Yaz doesn't drink alcohol." 


"I'll just have a coke please." 



Chapter continues after the artwork


As everyone gathered, they moved to the table. Yaz had trouble keeping up with all the names, so she kept to those she remembered. After dinner they went onto the subject of this year's holiday as summer was slowly approaching. 


"So, you're going to Spain this year Theta?" One woman asked. 


"Yap. We booked it last week. I can't wait, we've never been so it should be fun." 


"Oh, we went to Portugal, it was amazing.” 

"I was on a cruise and from now on that's all I'm doing." The other woman said. 


"Uuuu...not sure about that. I get seasick" Theta said. 


"Greece is beautiful" Pam said. 


"Babe" Yaz leaned into Thetas ear "I'll go light up outside." 


"Oh, want me to come with you?" 


"No, no. It's cool" she picked up her bag and excused herself from the table.


Theta stayed behind for a short while then exhausted herself from the table as well, following Yaz. She found her outside on the road a little bit further down from the restaurant, leaned against the wall smoking and going through her phone. And from the first look Theta knew something wasn't right. 


" alright darling?" Theta asked worriedly. 


"Hey...Yeah. "She turned and puffed her cigarette "I'll come in a minute, go in, you're gonna catch a cold." 


"Baby...I'm blonde but not that blonde. What's wrong? Please don't lie to me" she ran her hand down Yaz's arm. 


Yaz inhaled deeply and threw her cigarette "It's know. Spain, Portugal, around Tenerife. I've like been as far as Edinburgh." She looked at her with tears in her eyes "I'll be fine, just made me feel pathetic for moment." she quickly wiped a tear that ran down her face. 


Theta went silent for a short moment reaching for her hand, tangling their fingers together and stepped closer "Please don’t." 


"Don't what babe?" She rolled her eyes with a huff. 


"Feel like a loser or lesser than them or whatever it is that makes you feel like shit right now.” 


"How? I feel so out of place. I don't even have a fucking passport. I'm just sorting out people's shit for living babe and working behind the bar to make some extra cash...I'm just..." 




"Oh Pleaseeee" 


"Listen....just pleeeease, stop talking and listen. " she put her finger on her lips "You're one of the hardest working people I've ever met, your kind and beautiful and strong, you're smart and funny. And most of all Yaz you're bearley 30. Those girls in there are all at least 47, some over 50. You can't compare yourself to them." 


Yaz rolled her eyes and looked up. Theta palmed her face, bringing her gaze back down to herself "Listen...when Jane was your age, she was living in a studio with a bouncer who was dealing cocaine. Pam's husband's just a plumber and she's a nurse. It wasn't until her auntie died and left her a house and some money they invested in some real estates. Imogen works for her dad's company, and they were piss poor 10 years ago, then her dad finally made some money. None of those people come from money Yaz. They are just simply older than you. You will make it love, believe me.... you will darling." She brought her hand to her cheek "Besides...I'm not with you for a free cruise. I don't care about those things, never did" She smiled "I rather go to Edinburgh with you" 


Yaz laughed as tears rolled down and shook her head "Well, you're starting with camping." 


"And I can't wait. I'm so chuft about that. " she smiled back and pressed her lips to hers "Love yoooou." 


"Love you too" Yaz exhaled. 


"Besides....I'm into uniforms and tattooed chicks on bikes" she said hooking her finger in the waistband of her trousers pulling her in. 


Yaz burst out laughing "News flash. If I ever get promoted, I won't be in a uniform anymore." 


"I'll buy you one...officer Khan" she smiled pressing one more kiss to her lips. 


Yaz couldn't stop laughing "You're funking crazy and cute. And you're shaking. Go on, get your cute bum inside before I arrest you" she laughed. 


"Yes ma'am! ...Feeling better?" She hooked her arm to hers leaning her head on her shoulder. 


"Yeah. Thanks for that. I just sometimes feel like I'm not enough babe." 


"You're more than you can possibly imagine darling. You're everything I ever dreamed about." 


She sighed deeply "And you are to me. I Love you, so much" she turned popping a kiss to her forehead. 




A Step In A New Direction Chapter 7
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