Chapter 24


It was a rainy Friday morning, dark and depressing. Yaz was dragging her feet around the bedroom still sleepy. She hated mornings like this one, they made her feel more tired than she really was. Clara stood by the window clipping her braces on watching as the wind was sweeping through the garden and rain was getting stronger.


"Mmm?" she peaked from the bathroom brushing her teeth

"Darling, this weather doesn't look good. I don't want you driving in this rain. I'll take you to work today and pick you up"

"Alright love" she wiped her face in a towel and started quickly getting dressed

Clara wrapped her arms around her and kissed the side of neck as she stood in front of chest of drawers.

"Oh god....don't do that to me" she leaned on her chest in a rocking motion "I don't wanna go anywhere now"

"Me neither believe me" she rubbed her nose over her cheek "But it's Friday....and I'll have you all weekend and Monday is Bank Holiday"

"Oh it is...fuck I forgot about that" Yaz smiled happily

"Come on lovely, let's have some breakfast. We need to leave soon"

Yaz was sitting in her usual spot in the kitchen looking out as she waited for the kettle to boil. The blue box was now right next to the conservatory. It was literally stuck to the side which made Yaz laugh as Clara didn't want to part with her blue box even to put it on the other side of the garden. But at the same time, Yaz loved it because she got so used to looking at it each morning that she missed it when it was at the bottom of the garden while working on their conservatory was going on. The rain was getting stronger outside, and the wind was ripping through the garden

"Horrible weather" Clara kissed the top of her head making her jump

"Blimey you made me jump...didn't hear you from the rain...Crumpets?" she lifted it up and Clara took a bite all the way to her fingers

"You're gonna eat my hand silly" Yaz giggled

"You make the best crumpets ever Yaz"

"It's just jam and butter" she frowned confused

Clara quickly had her breakfast without even sitting down and sipping the tea whilst putting paperwork in her bag "Come on my little sloth" she wraps fingers around her face and kisses her gently "We need to go"

"God...don't kiss me like that before work"

Clara winked cheeky and tapped her nose

It was raining so much Clara could baerley see through the car window. She really missed her Tardis on days like this, but she was glad Yaz wasn't driving in this weather. Not because she doubted Yaz's driving skills, more because she was concerned about others on the road.

"OMG, maybe we should pull over" Yaz looked through the window worried

"It's fine darling...don't worry...we're there in 2 minutes amd 69 seconds" she turned and smiled a little

"Just please call me when you get to work, I do get worried"

"About coming home in a new body?" Clara laughed

"Oi....stop that" she smacked her shoulder "Don't you dare...just trying to think how I would explain that one to my family"

Clara laughed and turned the car into the parking lot. Heavy rain poured down the car windows, she turned towards her as soon as she parked in the driveway "I hate this, you know" she sighed and ran a finger across her face, then pulled her and brushed her lips against hers.
"If you don't leave this car soon, I'm kidnapping you for today" she kissed her so deeply Yaz felt a tingle down her spine and her stomach jumped in the most delightful way.

"Your doing this on purpose" Yaz giggled into her lips and quickly grabbed the door handle "Love ya" she slipped out of the car and closed the door

"Morning" a friend from work said cheerfully

"Hey Anna...Morning"

"That's your fiancé?"

"Yeah" Yaz said proudly

"She's my brother's professor you know"

"My Clara? ....No way... get out of here"

"Oh yeah girl I recognize that car...she's got that police telephone box hanging of her rearview mirror"

"Oh yeah" Yaz giggled "she has a thing about it" she rolls her eyes

"Jamie said she's a right nutter...In a good way I mean"

"She is...just a big kid" she said lovingly as they were walking inside

"That's  what he said, that she just makes everyone laugh and she's one big ball of sunshine"

"Awwwww you're making me feel so proud now Annie"

"You should be, smart, pretty and fun...what more can a girl ask for...And you're wedding is soon isn't it Yaz?"

"Oh yeah 25th of yeah...aaaaaarrrrhhh really fucking soon"

"I'm happy for you"

"Thank you"

"Alright...I need to go now...take care" she said and went to change

"Excuse me...Yasmin Khan?" a woman standing at the till turned around

"Yes madam...Can I help you?"

"Don't you remember me?"

Yaz frowned confused "No...I'm so sorry but I don't"

"The hospital a month ago...I was your doctor?"

Yaz looked at her now even more confused. She remembered Martha but not this lady, her face or her voice. It was completely unfamiliar to her. But then again she was so bad at the hospital she may have just forgotten pumped up with all the medication.

"Yaz" her superior called

"Hi" Yaz turned towards her "Yes, yes coming...sorry" she turned back to the older lady "I'm so sorry...I'm late for work..."

"No's my number...please call me" she passed her a card "You should have another checkup you know"

"Oh" she looked at the card confused "Alright...thanks"

"Yaz walked away and shoved the card into her pocket forgetting about it for the rest of her day


Clara came home early and had some alone time before she had to pick up Yaz from work. She threw the car keys on the kitchen counter and went into the garden straight to the Tardis.

"Hey sorry...I'm really trying to find time" she said as the lights came up "I know...I know. Patience...soon...For now please tell me you have some good news for me" she looked at the monitor then "Woooow..." she jumped " that's...Blimey..."

Tardis hummed and turned lights to pink "Oh stars please make it work" she almost  jumped exited "What would I do without you....I really love you"

She picked up the phone "Jack"

"Hey beautiful"

"Can you meet me?"

"When and where?"

" house" she scrunched her face

" was about time you invited me"

"Aaa brilliant ...Sending you my address" she hang up

The Tardis hummed again. Clara sighed with relief, a glimmer of hope that she could at least start somewhere, all because of her beautiful Tardis, her ghost monument that giving her a chance to straighten out at least part of the whole mess. She knows she can't fix it, not quite like before, but right now she's so desperate that she's willing to put up with anything just to not lose her. She takes her own blood, one more sample one more run, just to check and she pulls it through the analysis. It will take another 24 hours of painfully waiting for results but it's worth it.

"There...just one more time" she said hopefully and Tardis hummed in response then she saw Jack standing infront of the house door and she frowned confused then ran out and through the house to open up.

"Since when do you ring a doorbell Jack?" she scrunched her face

"I thought it would be cool now when you have a should have a doorbell on Tardis"

"Why?...Then I have to open up...this way I can just pretend I'm not home" she let's him in

" really do have a house..." he looked around S

"Nice ha?" she had a happy proud grin on her face the whole time

"Very nice...Your décor is a bit old farty but that's just you"

"Oi...Don't offend my house...It's all very valuable you know"

He walked to the kitchen and started laughing when he saw Tardis in a garden "That's where you parked her?"


"And Yaz thinks this is..."

"Garden shed" she smiled "Tea?"

"Yes please" he shakes his head laughing "Love is truly blind"

"Shut up Jack" she said passing him a mug

"So...tell me" he asked exited and sat on the edge of the chair

"Oh, Jack I'm so chuffed....So you know DNA I was telling you about and temporal genes and all that?"

"Yeah...the sex gene"

She frowned  discussed and shook her head " those genes were hidden...cloaked...unactive so they couldn't be seen. This is why all my tests came back inconclusive when I got Yaz back a year's I could never figure it out. But then this thing happened when she ended up in a hospital and suddenly they just light up...for some reason Jack they got activated...But I still didn't understand what they were...what was their purpose...what is it that they were trying to do untill you gave me that file"

"So the file helped?"

"Oh made me think...I was so stressed I needed my brains to reboot. And when I red the file it suddenly dawned on me....Regeneration Jack!" she was practically hopping around the kitchen exited


"Regeneration Jack...they were trying to replicate what Tecteun did thousands of years ago using my DNA but it backfired....Instead of regerating people started ageing Yaz...I finally have the answer Jack...well I hope I do"

"...So what does all this mean? Is she like you? Is the damage repairing itself? What's going on?"

"I dunno yet...I'm not sure,  but It looks like it. Like her body was rejecting it until it started accepting it..." she slumped her shoulders "I have to do more tests...a lot more tests I need to be sure Jack"

"But It does all make perfect sense now...her scans the repair that it's showing...accept why memory loss?"

"I'm not sure yet...and why just the part that is related to me...she's remembering the rest of her life. Your Jane Doe it was all of it, she had no clue even what her name was...So many questions but I'm hopeful...I can work with this...Iff this it is what I think it is....if she is getting better Jack...It's very slow and very miniscule but I will find a way to amplifie it...speed it up...revese it...something, anything" her eyes filled with tears and she vividly started shaking

Jack reached around her neck pulling her in "Hey...It's good right?...This is a good news"

"I gave up all hope Jack....I had none left"

"I know you have" he stroke her hair gently pressing her to his chest. He could feel her hearts beating so fast they were pounding through his jacket

"I just thought I come here, be with her until the end. What ever time she had...five, ten years I be with her" she crumbled crying "How do you tell someone they're dying Jack? How do you tell someone their body will shut down and there's nothing you can do about it...It's all my fault Jack"

"No it's not your fault" he grabbed her face with both hands "This isn't your fault...stop blaming yourself. You got her got them. It took you 57 years but you got them in the they can't do this to anyone else"

"It's fine...right Jack? I'll figure it out right?"

"Yes you will...I never doubted you...It was you who did that"

She wiped her tears trying to pull herself together "I'm sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me"

"Nothing is wrong with you...I like this new you...can you stay lile this please" she smiled

"Piss off Jack" she smiled sniffling

"What about her memories? Do you think they might come back?"

"Probably not...that bit is fried...but I don't care about that ...I'll tell her...I'll tell her everything in time" she was crying without realising she was. One tear following the other running down her cheeks "I just want this so much"

"And you will have it...You will...start believing" he brushed his thumb over her face wiping her tears "Come me the rest of the house...I still can't  get over you have a house...and admit it...Tardis is doing all the laundry in secret, right?"

"She smiled cheeky"

"I knew it" he laughed


Yas was standing by the kitchen counter preparing the salad for dinner. She was so happy it was Friday. Rain was persistent throughout the whole day and as it came towards the evening, it was getting heavier accompanied by the strong wind. She watched as the branches of the tree were pulled harshly and she felt sorry for their little tree and worried the horrible weather will damage Clara's bird house or god forbid her blue box.

"Where did you drift off" Clara craned over her and kissed her shoulder

"Just worried about that weather might damage that poor tree or your blue box"

Clara smiled and rubbed her nose on her cheek "You're worried about my box Yaz?"

"I am yes...besides It's your favorite thing in a world"

Clara slipped her arm around her laying it on her stomach "I have two favorite things in the universe Yaz"

"Oh...I'm in a competition with a box" she giggled

"Never Yaz" she said almost offensive "I do have two hearts you know"

Yaz giggled and leaned on her "So I have a third person in our marriage?"

"She's nice person Yaz" Clara rocked her side to side gently doting small kisses on her cheek

Yaz giggled to her silly talk "Conservatory or living room?"

"Bedroom?" Clara giggled into her neck kissing her

"I meant dinner silly" she passed her a salad bowl "Bedroom definitely but I have to eat I'm starving"

Clara pouted her lips "I've never been turned down by you before"

"And you're not now" Yaz brushed finger playfully over her bottom lip laughing "but I really have to eat"

"I can be quick" she continued complaining taking plates with food into the living room

"Who are you kidding" Yaz turned over her shoulder giggling "I'll make it up to you"

"You better ..cause now I feel neglected"

"What a drama queen" she laughed and shoved a piece of chicken in in her mouth "See it's nice"

" is"

"Look at this'll have more energy" she winked at her

"Mmmm...I suppose so" she said sitting on a floor and arranging plates on the coffee table

"This is so silly...we have kitchen and a beautiful new dining room table and we are again on the floor" Yaz laughed passing her cutlery

"I like it"

"Me's cozy and it's our thing but it's still silly"

"It reminds me of our evenings before you moved in. I so desperately wanted you to stay"
Clara said softly

"I so desperately wanted to stay" she smiled "I wanted to stay next to you since the moment I met you"

"And you have Yaz" she gave her a big smile "Mmmmm...talking about us...we need to go and sort out the rings. Your mum called me today"

"Why is my mum not calling me for fuck sake"

"Jealous much potty mouth?" she raises her eyebrow cheeky

"Nooo never at you...just saying...she should be calling both of us. And yes definitely rings...when? Tomorrow?" She flashed her a cheeky smile and flipped her lashes

"If you want yes...definitely"

"Alright then...Tomorrow is our ring day" she reached across the table shoving olive into Clara's mouth. She would randomly give her all the food from her plate she didn't like to eat and olives were one of those "Oh...forgot to tell you what happened to me at work today...really weird"

"What Yaz?"

"Wait...just give me a second" she got up and ran to the hallway Clara's eyes following  her intriguing. "Look" she gave her a card

Clara looked at the card confused "Who's that?"

"No clue...she said she was my doctor at the hospital and I have no clue who she is babe. I don't remember her...I only remember your friend Martha"

Clara looked at her worried "Why would she give you her card?"

"She said I should call her for a checkup....that's just weird babe...why isn't the hospital calling me? That's not a standard procedure...who the hell is this?"

"You didn't call her did you Yaz?"

"Nooo...of course not...I was a police officer...I know when something isn't right....and that thing isn't right"

"No it isn't" Clara took her sonic put and scanned it

"Why are you scanning it?"

"Just checking Yaz that's all"

"For what?"

"Stuff that shouldn't be's fine's good you told me"

"I can call into my station ask them to check"

"I'll have Kate do that darling. Don't worry yourself alright?"


Clara took the card and put it in her pocket then neither of them two mentioned it again.

A thunder ripped through the sky so loud it made them both jump.

"Fuck...I almost dropped the tray" Yaz shook her head relieved placing it on the kitchen top "I'm not gonna sleep much tonight"

Yaz hated the thunder, not just because it would make her jump but also because it would always give her nightmares. Clara glued herself to her back kissing the side of her neck making her giggle.

"Came for a desert?"

"Mmmm" she mumbled into her skin slipping hands underneath her top that was loosely dropping over her tracksuit bottoms. She never wore a bra around the house so Clara's hands were already working overtime making her dizzy draping herself on her chest

"Fuck the dishes" she said losing herself underneath her lips trailing over her shoulders and her neck and her hands cupping her breast "Bedroom" she said and turned around taking her lips into hers and started pulling her top out of her trousers and slipped her hands underneath the waistband of her loose cotton trousers grabbing her bum playfully

"Mmmm" Clara moaned into her lips making Yaz giggle.

"My bum" she smiled kissing her

"C'mere" Clara grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the bedroom pushing her up the stars giggling and pulling her tracksuit bottoms down as she walked up.

"Someone's impatient" Yaz laughed and stepped out of them then grabbed her nickers as Clara tried pulling them down as well

"You made me wait so that's what you get" she glued herself to her back as they walked upstairs kissing her neck and fighting her hands to get her underwear down

"This is sexual abuse" she laughed holding her nickers so she can't pull them down as well. Clara grabbed her arm turning her around as they stepped into the bedroom and wrapped her fighters around her face taking her lips slowly deepening the kiss reducing Yaz into a putty. She lifted Clara's top and pulled it over her head, then threw hers on the floor. Clara stood for a split second gazing into her deep brown eyes and ran her thumb over her cheek. She had never felt happier in years taking in her eyes and the scent of her skin, the feel of her soft lips. All she wanted was to sink into her so deeply that she forgot where she stopped and Yaz began.

"What's wrong baby" Yaz tucked her hair behind her ear. She smiled a little "Why look so sad suddenly?"

"I'm not sad lovely" she traced her fingers down Yaz's arm and laced their fingers together bringing her knuckles to her lips and kissed them gently "I really love you Yasmin"

"Blimey really know how to say that don't you" Yaz sighed deeply swallowing marbles and Clara smiled at her "I love you fucking much" she pressed her lips gently to hers.