Chapter 20



Yaz was woken up by the sound of thunder. She must have jolted because she woke up Clara who was hovering above her stroking her cheek.

"Hey, it's ok darling. Just the storm" she ran her finger across her face

"Did I wake you up?"

"You screamed a bit. You sure it wasn't a nightmare? You would tell me right?"

"Did I? I'm so sorry love" she stroke her face "C'mere...cuddle" she opened her arms and made space for her enjoying her weight on top of her pressing her into the mattress "No baby it wasn't a nightmare I promise"

"See I'll protect you" she giggles

"And who's gonna protect your bum ha?" Yaz giggled and wrapped her legs around her hooking them to hers almost locking them in together

"Neah it's resilient against lightning" she makes her giggle

"Good, then I'm protected by your bum" she laughed and moved hair from her face kissing her gently "It's early...let's sleep more darling and you look so tiered love"

"I am...and you're so soft it makes me more sleepy" she tucked her face into her neck kissing it "Love ya" she mumbled into it

"Love you too"

Yaz gently threaded fingers through her hair and her sleepy eyes closed until she drifted off again, then a few hours later the water from the shower woke her up and she just rolled over the bed looking out at the light raindrops rolling down their window. The clouds made the room dark and the white sheets almost glowed on the bed. The bed dipped and she felt an arm wrap around her waist and soft lips pressing against her shoulder

"Morning" she turned her head over her shoulder to capture her lips "You smell beautiful"

"And you feel beautiful" Clara smiled pulling her closer running her hand down her hip "So what would you like to do today" she rested her head on her shoulder and doted kisses on her neck

"What did you have in mind?"

"Weeeeelll..." she kisses her shoulder "It's raining outside so I thought...we could  possibly have a cuddle"

"I like that part" she giggles wiggling her bum

"Then we can go to Pavilion...would you like that?"

"Yeeeah...I've  never been in it...I saw it from the outside but I've never been inside"

"Well then you got yourself a date" Clara smiled and kissed her cheek

"Another one?"

"Oh, I'll take you on dates all the time now" 

"God I love you so much you know" she turned over her shoulder smiling and Clara kissed her gently

Yaz rolled on her back and slipped her hand to the back of her neck deepening the kiss.

"I thought we're going to cuddle" she smiled as Clara's lips started traveling down her collarbone and her hand over her breast down her stomach

"We are cuddling" she looked up grinning placing another kiss on her lips

"Is that what we are calling it now?" she giggled running her hand down her back

"Mmmm" Clara nodded smiling

"Well, remind me never to ask you for a cuddle in public then" she ruffled her hair "C'mere I want to feel you" she said making room for her between her legs

"My favorite place in a world" she chuckled making herself comfortable as Yaz wrapped her legs around her and her fingers lightly stroking the back of her neck.

It was her favorite place for Clara as well,  feeling all of her at once. The comfort of wrapping herself around her knowing she's got nowhere to go but to stay right where she was. She looked beautiful with her golden hair framing her face as she was hovering over her gazing at her with her beautiful autumn eyes.

"Make us fly together?" Yaz said tucking her hair behind her ears

It was their little coded language they had developed and Clara loved every bit of it. She looked at her cute dimples as she smiled at her so pure and filled with so much love it melted her hearts.

"Anything you want lovely" she said and sunk her lips into hers kissing her deep and passionate making her dizzy,  then disappearing under the covers.

Yaz moaned quietly tracing with her hands the outline of Clara's body under the duvet as her lips traveled down her body slowly followed by her hands gently trailing every part of her slowly and methodically not missing one single inch of her. She draped her legs over her shoulders and parked herself on Yaz's favorite place sealing her lips on her taking her to the stars.  Anticipation of each move and every touch as she was hidden under the covers was extremely appealing to her. The sweetness of not knowing where the next kiss will land or where her hand will travel. Yaz's cheeks were blushed as heat was surging through her. She reached underneath the covers and laced her fingers through her hair arching her back as she felt her deep inside her. She was clenching her hands tugging on her hair gently wiggling down the bed making Clara chuckle having to pull her back towards herself.

"Hey you...where are you going wiggly worm...almost lost you there?" she laughed kissing her lips

Yaz giggled eyes half open trying to ketch a breath "You stopped cheeky...please don't stop"

"Not in million years...who do you think I amateur?"
Yaz giggled moving hair from her face "Neah babe...I think you're quite a pro"

Clara laughed into her shoulder then went back to her lips kissing her slow and gentle trailing lips down her neck and shoulders moving her seamlessly how she wanted her, draping her leg over her side and pressing herself onto her until Yaz's eyes slammed shut and her head tilted back as her hips rolled over her. Clara watched her getting lost and it was the most beautiful thing to see for her. She moved slowly taking time and making this moment between them last. Yaz ran her hands over her chest and down to her sides pulling her in, she opened her eyes slightly and ran her hand over Clara's face "I love you so fucking much" she whispered and Clara kissed her palm smiling a little. Yaz could feel her breathing heavily underneath her hand placed on her chest, her hearts pumping with each movement and her arm shaking as she supported her own weight. She draped her leg over herself and dotted kissed the inside of Yaz's wrist rolling her hips in a steady rhythm dragging herself over her. It made her smile how Yaz followed her ever move catch up with her, her little face melting into the pillow. She wrapped her hand around her face and spoke quietly

"Look at me Yasmin" she said gently and brown eyes opened up. There was a dream of love inside them looking back at her that melted her hearts "Fly for me love" she brushed her finger over her cheek then over her half parted lips. Yaz trembled clenching Clara's hand digging her nails into it. Clara slumped and reached for her hands wrapping her fingers around her wrist and pressing them into the pillow on each side of her head. Hazel eyes looking at her inches away Yaz felt her breath on her lips as her hair framed her face hovering over her. She picked up the pace and Yaz wanted to scream, the feeling almost more that she could bare but Clara swallowed her cries with her lips taking breath out of her lounges then craned her neck resting her head on her shoulder shuddering herself dotting small kisses on her hot skin and wrapped her hand at the back of Yaz's head cradling it. "I love you Yasmin so much" she lifted her head and kissed her lips

Yaz wrapped herself around her stroking her back gently. She felt her still breathing heavily against herself "I fucking adore you" she stroke her hair "You're cold baby"

"I am" she smiled and pulled the duvet over them both then resumed her previous position happily "I'm thirsty and hungry as well" she mumbled into her neck

Yaz giggled wrapping arms around "I know darling...We should go for lunch"

"We will when I can stand" she laughed into her neck "I think I'm still a bit wobbly"

"I'm no surprised" she laughed

They leyed like that for a while. Clara resting her head on her shoulder adjoining in stillness of the moment and Yaz's fingers gently trailing down her back listening rain tapping on the window.

"I really love our little trips...I'm so glad you took us here" Yaz said quietly

"Much better than sitting home Yaz isn't it?"

"I do love our home but I love this as's like having adventures together....Darling"

"Yeees my lovely" she looked at her grinning

"OMG what a happy face" Yaz laughed

"It's all your fault Yaz" she said kissing her shoulder "What did you want to say Yaz?"

"That I need to pee and your squishing my bladder" she giggled

Clara burst out laughing and rolled off her onto the mattress "Go silly. We need to start getting ready anyway"

"Alright babe"

"Cute bum" she giggled as Yaz ran to the bathroom

"All yours babe" she smiled over the shoulder

Clara rolled onto her back, smiling. Her hearts were filled with love, but also with the hope that their life would truly be like that. She continued to push the fear away and remember Jack's words. They gave her solace in many ways. No, this time she wasn't alone, there were so many around her, Dan, Graham, Ryan, Jack, Kate and even Martha. She was comforted that she was not alone like all those years ago. But it will take time to get used to it again, just as it took time to get used to waking up next to Yaz again. Her bed has been empty for too long. But her broken hearts slowly healed with every touch and every kiss. And every time she feels like crying again, every time Yaz's lips press any part of her, she feels her hearts skip a beat like they did when they first kissed so many years ago.

"Babe...wanna shower with me?" Yaz peaked from the bathroom smiling

"I don't think you need to ask that Yaz" she smiled and jumped off the bed




"OMG look at that ceiling " Yaz pointed above their heads as they walked through the Pavilion

"It's stunning isn't it?" she kissed her knuckles "Did you know that it was built as a seaside retreat for George, Prince of Wales, who became the Prince Regent in 1811, and King George IV in 1820"

"No babe I had no clue...but I'm  sure you know everything" Yaz laughed and kissed her cheek

"Of course I do Yaz"

"I had no doubts" she giggled "And I have no doubts you will tell me everything as well"

"Of course I will...It's interesting Yaz...So...George was vain and extravagant man with a passion for fashion, the arts, architecture and good living" she started explaining waving her hands around

"So he was like a playboy" she giggles

"Well I wouldn't go that far Yaz...but he did like his party and...well yes...lavish life style...So..he rebelled against his strict upbringing and threw himself into a life of drinking, womanising and gambling"

"Exactly babe...he was a player" she laughed and Clara scrunched her face "Alright babe I won't interrupt you anymore go on"

"So he got himself into heavy personal debts Yaz...he basically bankrupt and had to beg...literally beg the House of Commons to wipe out his debts and they finally agreed after  he did some seriously embarrassing crawling"

"Nice...I wonder who payed those" Yaz makes unimpressed remark

"Then George hired architect Henry Holland...." she continued to explain everything which Yaz found fascinating but she knew she will forget half of it because Clara was throwing so many information's her brain couldn't catch up with half of it

"Hey I was thinking something" Clara said on a way out

"What were you thinking?" Yaz asked cheerfully

"Would you like to go to Rome Yaz?"

She tugged her hand and swung her around "Are you kidding me?"

"No...why would I be doing that Yaz?"

"Of course I would love to go to Rome OMFG yes"

"Brilliant...because I already said yes to the lecture" she grinned

Yaz laughed "You could've just said we are going"

" I don't want to go without you and I would have cancelled, but I somehow thought you won't say no to that Yaz...It's still polite to ask"

"Sooo...when are we going then? And for how long?"

"It's actually next weekend Yaz...I mean we are so close to the wedding I thought I do it now"

"Alright" she giggled squeezing her hand happily "Can we see Pompey? I always wanted to see Pompey"

"Yes of course Yaz"

"Have you ever been there?"

"Aaarrhh....yeah...Are you hungry? Cause I'm really hungry"

"Again?" she laughed "Alright babe let's get some food"




Clara came back to the room and found Yaz packing the bags.

"Hey darling....all payed" she came up behind her wrapping hands around her waist kissing her shoulder "Need any help?"

"No babe it's almost done" she sighed deeply leaning on her back

"What's wrong darling?...Something bothering you?"

"Noo....just a bit sad every time we leave that's all"

"You're cute...just think Rome Yaz...then our wedding then honeymoon" she kissed her cheek

"I haven't even though about that"

"Oh but I have" she said rocking her side tot side "I'll take us somewhere really special"


"Where ever you want to go...we can sunbathe on tropical beaches having cocktails with the lobsters"

"On the pink beaches?" she giggled

"Might do Yaz...just might do"

"You silly sod" Yaz giggled and captured her lips across her shoulder "Come on let's go babe"




It was late when they came home and Clara was exhausted. It took them nearly eight hours to get home. She threw the car keys on the kitchen counter and sat on the chair slumping her head on the granite top.

"Hey love...I'm so sorry" Yaz stroke her hair and kissed her temple "This is too much for you babe...I really wish you let me drive"
"It's fine Yaz...I just need a bit of a rest and I'll be fine"

"Are you hungry?"

"Mmmm" she smiled

"Come on go take a shower and change and I'll make some food. Just don't fall asleep dressed like last time. You need to eat"

"Alright" she got up on tiered feet and kissed her forehead "I won't I promise...I'm too hungry" she grinned

"Alright darling" Yaz stroke her face and kissed her lips "Love ya"

Clara unbuttoned her shirt and pulled the straps down her shoulders. She peered out the bedroom window into the garden and sighed deeply. She had a long night ahead of her and she didn't know how she was going to get through it. But the weekend cleared her mind a bit and calmed her thoughts. She unbuttoned her pants letting them slide to the floor and just stepped out of them.

"Hey love...just in time" Yaz smiled over the shoulder as Clara walked in

"What about you beautiful...go quickly take a shower I'll finish up here" she kissed her shoulder and reached above her head to take the plates out.

"Alright...just finish salad I'll be fast" she ran upstairs

Clara was mixing the salad and staring at the Tardis. Part of her wanted to know, and part of her didn't. But in any case, she would have some answers, she was just afraid of what kind of answers she would get.




The soft lights of the console illuminated Clara's face as she sat on the stairs nervously pulling the sleeve of her T-shirt over her fingers and fiddling with it. She stared at the screen, not knowing what to think. Then she suddenly got up and ran up the stairs and entered the library through the narrow corridors. It didn't take her long to find what she was looking for. She walked back past the door and stopped. She closed her eyes for a moment and sighed deeply, then opened the door. Familiar smells hit her face. The bed was still disheveled as it had been left decades ago, nothing had been touched since that day, nothing had moved. A set of rings on the side table and a message attached to a small lamp.

"Last night was like a dream. Forever yours, Y xx"

She ran her finger over it, then looked at the photo by the lamp and smiled at the corner of her lips. A tear rolls down her cheek. It was a strange feeling she felt inside. It was as if she was in limbo between the past and the present. A past that was lost never to return, and a present that she loved with all her hearts, yet a part of her still yearns for that past, still clings to it, can't let go. She closed her eyes for a moment and turned her head as she left the room and went back to the console opening a massive book flipping through the pages running finger over the lines.

"It must be here...come on...I remember" she flipped through one by one "There"

"Genetic temporal extraction....Shooot" she ran around the console to the monitor "But on a human...why...Why on a human?...What were you trying to do?...I don't understand" she ran on the other side of the console

"Doctor?" a sleepy voice picked up the phone on the other side

"Jack wake up" she said frantically

"I am awake I'm talking"

"Oh...Genetic temporal extraction"

"Excuse me?" he sat in his bed rubbing his face trying to wake up

"Arrrh...genetic temporal extraction...I just did the analysis Jack"

"Could you please translate that from the language of a genius to the language of a normal person"

"Temporal gene Jack...the activation of genes within specific tissues of an organism at specific times during development...complicated stuff I know"

"I still need a translation"

"Temporal regulation...a type of regulation of gene expression in which a gene is only expressed at a specific time in development like  genes that are only expressed in the light or during flower development, or you know when the baby grows, regulation of insulin or when you're having sex"

"I have a gene for having sex?"

"Noooo....aaaarrhhh...Her whole DNA was rewritten...altered Jack...simple enough? But in a way that I cannot understand there are things added and things taken out...selectively. I don't understand why or for what purpose"

"She's an alien?"

"Noooo Jack" she frowns "She's just changed...a bit...Not like she's gonna grow a tentacle...I just need to figure out how and for what purpose. ...I need more time...I need more information. Just look for anything related to that Jack"

"Got you...anything to do with changing human DNA"

"Yes...thank you....and...sorry to wake you up"

"It's fine I'm getting used to it"

She continued to work for hours going through so many possibilities that her brain hurt. Her eyes grow heavier. It was five in the morning and she finally left. She slid into the bed and pressed herself against Yaz, burying her face in her hair that smelled of summer rain and ran a hand over her soft, warm stomach. Yaz let out a low moan and turned around pulling her face into her neck wrapping around her. This was the only place Clara wanted to be. The only thing in her life that was more important than breathing.