Chapter 10



"Oh for fuck’s sake" Yaz cursed loudly pulling on her dress

"What's got your nickers in a twist so much?" Alex laughed from the bathroom

"Can you just....what the fuck happened here?" she was trying to pull her dress to look at the back of it

"'re gonna rip it" Alex came up behind her "Aaaa....stoooop got caught in a zipper" she kneeled down trying to pull the fabric out without damaging the dress and in few attempts she managed to free it then ran kisses up Yaz's bare back all the way to her shoulders closing the dress

"Smooth girl...very smooth"

Alex smiled looking at her in the mirror as she closed her eyes when she pressed her lips to the side if her neck

"I almost don't want you to stop" she grabbed Alex's arms and wrapped them around herself

"If you do this we will never leave this room Yaz" Alex chuckled

"I know" Yaz turned in her arms and before she knew Alex was already kissing her so hard she felt her legs turning to jelly

"Love ya" Alex smiled into her lips

"Love you too did take the tablet, right?"

" I forgot" she pulled apart quickly and rushed to the bathroom "God Yaz....good you remembered or that would be interesting" she said digging through the bag with medication

"Yeah, throwing up over board" Yaz giggled

"How sexy" Alex laughed "Right...I'm ready?"


"Let's go...We have one hour before the boat. So we don't need to rush"


They sat for a cold drink waiting for a boat. Yaz fiddled with her phone whilst Alex spoke with her sister on a phone.

"Oh we're having a great time....bought you something in Venice"

"She's gonna love the caves...specially if she never saw one before, this is gonna be awesome for her...So coming back this week ha?"

"Yap...back to reality" Alex giggled "And me night shifts..." she twists her face

"Well, enjoy whilst you're gonna have exiting year"

"I knoooow...lots to do"

"Did you talk about what you want?"

"Nope...planning to..."

"Soooo are you gonna wear a dress?"

"Arrrrhhh...still not sure about that one"

"Oh, come on Alex...stop fucking around...You're gonna look so beautiful...and you know you want it"

'I do want it"

"Well then"

"Mmmm...I'll send you some photos"

"Good...alright...go now have fun"

"Alright babe...bye"

"Bye darling"

"What was that all about?" Yaz laughed

"Ah, my desperate wish to have a wedding gown"

" are having it, right?"

"Mmmm...look...I found  this..." she flipped through the photos "There" she turned her phone

"OMG...fuck...that's beautiful Alex"

"I is isn't it...but the lady is as well Yaz"

" are you"

"No I'm not...I do not look like that"

"No you don' look better"

"'re just biased..."

"So what if I're not marring her, you're marring me" Yaz laughed

Alex laughed "It is beautiful"

"It's stunning...can you order and return if you're not happy with it?"

"I suppose so"

"Well, then fucking order it...If you really don't like it, send it back...Where's a big deal"

"I suppose you're right"

"I am right...And I am right that it's gonna look beautiful on you...Alex you're so's gonna look amazing...My tiny Alex" she smiled

"You silly cow...Yaz...talking about there anything you wish for? I mean...How are we having this done...I must admit I'm a bit confused in that department"

"I don't know...I'm not fussy Alex....I don't want anything you?"

"No...not really...but you have a lot of family"

"I do...but I can't have a traditional wedding because I'm marring a this isn't gonna be like say if my sister was gonna get married..."

"Oh...Well...I don't want a big wedding either Yaz...Just something small for us"

"I can tell you what would be for me nice...but I'm not sure you're gonna like the idea"

"What darling...tell me I wanna know everything"

"Your mum's garden...but I don't suppose you'd want that" she said uncertain

Alex smiled widely "Reeeally?...."

"I know...I'm sorry"

"Sorry for what Yaz...I love the idea"

"You do?"

"Yees...I do...I don't want venues and all that...I'd love to get married in my mum's garden it would mean so much to me...and to her"

"Are you serious?"

"Yeees....absolutely 100%" she jumped of the chair and ran around the table wrapping her arms around Yaz's shoulders "Yazee...I love the idea" she said kissing her cheek

"God I thought you're gonna think I'm nuts"

"No baby...I love it" she kneeled next to her chair and grabbed her hands "This really made me happy Yaz..." she smiled

"You're so fucking cute" Yaz smiled "We can have a pirate wedding ship"

"We could..." she giggled and rested her head on hers "Yaz"

"What baby" Yaz brought her hand to her cheek

"I love you so much I can't tell you"

"You're making me soppy in the middle of a cafe...I love you too silly" she said placing a long kiss to her forehead "Where gonna be late for the boat"

"Shoot...Come on...let's go"


Alex was beaming for the rest of the morning. She had a silly smile on her face the whole time making Yaz laugh. She realized she was obviously secretly hoping for her mother's garden because since they spoke about it she couldn't stop talking about it. And it was obvious to her that at some point Alex must have dreamt about it as now she was coming out with all the cute stuff that she couldn't possibly think of in 10 minutes walk to the boat.

The boat came, and they got on board. The guide was explaining everything on a way to the caves and Alex looked at Yaz's exited face as they finally saw them in the distance

"Look darling...over there"


"Wait until you see the inside Yaz"

They moved to the smaller boat and Yaz felt her hart stop when they went threw the narrow passage.

"Close your eyes" Alex said putting her hand over her eyes as they went inside

"Can I look?"

"Now you can" Alex moved her hand grinning


Alex laughed "I know right"

"Is it your first time?" an older lady asked who was in a boat with them

"Yeeeahhh" Yaz replied with her eyes glued to the ceiling of the cave

"She's never been in a cave before" Alex replied

" is special then...My husband and I come every year....this is our tenth time"

"Waaaw...that's special"

"I love this place...It's so out of this world...Oh, I'm Mary" she reached her hand

"Nice to meet you Mary, Alex...She's Yaz...but she's in her own world now" she laughed looking at Yaz completely speechless with her eyes glued to cave.

She was completely mesmerized and watched as the water reflected on the massive rocks and light playfully shimmering on the ceiling. The place was so huge, It made her feel so small and humbled. And her imagination ran wild thinking about the old days and the stories and legends this place must have inspired.

"You alright darling?" Alex placed her hand on her shoulder

"Mmmmm" Yaz looked at her as tears ran down her face

"OMG...I hope those are happy tears" she smiled brushing thumb over her cheek

"Yeees...I'm so dopey" she laughed "My god...I've  never seen anything more beautiful in my life" she grabbed Alex's hand and laced their fingers in her lap

"Told ya...look down" Alex leaned over the edge and put her hand in a water

"My's stunning" she looked at the crystal clear water "I wanna take a dip...Don't  you?"

"Oh yeah...we will but not the other one"


"Yaz darling...this is Mary..."

"Oh, hi sorry...I got a bit distracted"

"That's alright dear...I know I was the first time"

"How come your husband didn't come?" Alex asked

"Oh, he just had a hart operation recently. It's still hard for him

"Oh bless"

"Nooo...are we going back already?" Yaz whined disappointed

"It's alright Yaz..." Alex laughed "Two more to go and were gonna have a swim"

"Aaaahhh...I could stay here the whole day" she said leaning her head on Alex's shoulder

"I's so magical"

They finally came to the cave where they could have a swim. Yaz giggled as she was trying to go down the steps of the boat in the most clumsy way possible

"Just hold on to the bars Yaz"

"What about you?"

"Oh I'm taking a short cut" Alex wiped her tunic off and stood on the edge of the boat jumping in

"Go on...let go" she swam close to Yaz who was grabbing the bars for dear life "'s water not a fifth floor underneath you" she giggled and came up behind her poking fingers at her sides

"Noooo...." she finally released  the bars and plonked into the water "Oh my god...oh my god it's cold" Yaz peddled like a kid

Alex laughed "C'mere..." she nodded towards the cave"

"Are we gonna go in?"

"Oh yeah"

"What about the others?"

"It's only us Yaz...Mary and her husband aren't going...Come on"

"What if something happens?....Are there sharks here?"

"Oh yeah huge once and they live in a cave Yazee and those big octopus and did I mention a giant squids"

"No stop now...this isn't funny Alex" she peddled trying to ketch up with Alex who was a pretty fast swimmer  "Don't leave meee" Yaz shouted

"I'm not gonna leave you silly ...see I'm waiting"

Yaz desperately peddled towards her and they swam inside the cave "OMG...OMFG were in a cave Alex"

"I know...we are.." Alex looked around smiling then glanced at Yaz whose eyes grew bigger from excitement and she was desperately trying to keep herself floating "You alright Yazee?"

"Mmmm" she turned around flapping her long lashes and spitting water out like a kid

"OMG Yazee you're really struggling.... C’mere" she pulled her hand and dragged her through the water. Yaz grabbed on to her for dear life

"I'm not a good swimmer babe"

"I can see that now...Are you ok?...Just hold on to me baby" Alex moved them towards the rocks so it's easier for her to keep them both floating "Here...have a little rest alright...We go back when you're ready"

"Ok...yes much better..." she said breathless

"Silly Yazee...We went for a swim before I didn't  know you were struggling"

"It's the waves..." she said trying to take a breathe holding herself for Alex's shoulders "Waaaaaw...that's so beautiful"

"It is..." she smiled "So special isn't it...Seriously...there's no sharks here...right?"

"Oh there is...a big one trying to grab you" Alex laughed pinching her bum

"Stooop I'm gonna drown" she giggled

"You're not gonna drown silly...C'mere..." she wrapped her arm around her

"You getting romantic on me?" Yaz whispered giggling wrapping her legs around her and locked her arms around her shoulders

"Little" Alex smiled

"Mmmm...kissing in a cave" Yaz smiled brushing her lips at hers then taking them into hers. They kissed gently for a long moment and pulled apart smiling "I love you" Yaz whispered

"I love you too"

"Hey you two" a voice broke them apart and they jolted

"Hi...hi...sorry...we wondered off a bit" Alex said to the tour guide who was visibly worried about them

"Come on you two...I don't want anyone getting hurt"

"Nope...nope...we're perfectly fine...Don't worry" Alex said and Yaz giggled embarrassed

"He saw that didn't he?" Yaz whispered in her ear

"Probably" Alex laughed "Ready to go back?"

"I think so"

"Hold on to me's not that far and if you need rest you tell me. Don't be scared...I'm not gonna leave you"

"Alright baby" she released Alex reluctantly and kept holding on to her shoulder all the way back

" we go" Alex grabbed her hand pulling her through the water "Hold the bars..."

"I'm fine now" she said relived as her feet finally stepped on the ladder


Yaz huddled to Alex as they drove back. She was getting cold from the wind as she still had a wet bikini underneath her dress making everything wet.

"You're cold" Alex said wrapping a towel over her back

"I am now"

"We nearly there and you're gonna dry out on a sun really fast"

And she did. As soon as they stepped off the boat and sun blazed on them as they walked back, and she was dry within minutes. They came back to the hotel around three in the afternoon and decided to stay inside until the heat went down. Yaz felt unusually tiered from all the swimming and walking and after taking a shower she plonked herself on a bed.

"Hey you...sleepy?" Alex climbed the bed and lied next to her with a silly smile on her face running her finger over the towel

Yaz opened her eyes and looked at her sideways with a grin "I can see your not"

"Mmmm...little" she shrugs "Cuddle?" she grins tracing Yaz's collar bones

"Mmmm ..." she rolls on her side "I think someone wants more than a cuddle" she tugs on the edge of Alex's towel pulling her in

"Maybe" she said smiling "Or a nap...if you're tiered Yazee I..."

She cut her off with a kiss making her whimper into her lips. She tugged on a not of Alex's towel flying it open and as it did feel her legs wrapping themselves around her as she kissed her more passionate pulling her onto herself.

"Wait here" Yaz whispered and quickly got off the bed closing the terrace door and pulling the curtains closed and grabbing her little bottle from the side table. She giggled climbing back into bed and dropped her towel on a floor as she kneeled next to Alex.

"You're so pretty" Alex smiled lovingly and ran her palm over her chest and around her hips

"Not like you" Yaz leaned over placing a small kiss on her lips, then another one, and more passionate one after that as Alex brought her hand to the nape of her neck pulling her in. They traled their hands all over each other wrapping themselves around one another quietly moaning into each other's lips.

"Mmmm..." Alex whimpered and slipped her hand between them "Mine" she grinned brushing her fingers over her watching Yaz slamming her eyes shut as her mouth felt open. She felt soft like velvet and Alex could never get tired of how it felt to be inside her. Yaz opened her eyes and kissed her dazed. She kissed her hard and passionate cupping her breast and palming every part of Alex, running her hand over the curve of waist
"Harder baby" she whimpered into her lips

Alex smiled and kissed her shortly then trailed her lips the straight line between her breasts and over them

"Fuck" Yaz mumbled tangling her fingers into her hair.

Alex kissed every part of her as Yaz curved her herself following her hand and her lips wrapping her legs around her and dropping them over her shoulders

"Please....pleaseeee baby...I need you so much" Yaz begged as she felt she will combust underneath her. She cried out into the pillow when she sealed herself on her taking her without mercy "God, I love you" she said breathless tugging onto her hair as she shuddered in million pieces until it became almost too much to bare and pulled herself off trying to breathe "Shit" she said trying to catch her breath feeling her heart pounding inside her chest like a drum. She draped her leg over Alex as she laid her head on her stomach and ran her fingers lazily through her hair as they both fell silent for a moment. Alex giggled when Yaz twitched as she ran her fingertips over her sides. She felt her breathing heavily and her legs tremble.

"Baby" a faint voice called for her and Alex looked up with a silly smile kissing her tummy.

"C'mere you silly goof" she opened her arms and Alex fell into them kissing her tired "You're becoming dangerously good at this" she giggled

"Am I? Really?" she looked up at her with a proud grin on her face

"God you're know me comes with time" she smiled at how proud she was with herself and found it irresistibly cute. Pure amazement in Alexa's eyes every time she discovered something new, as she absolutely beamed with happiness when she looked at her in the gentlest way. No one had ever melted into her like Alex, or gazed at her with pure love like she did. She didn't even know another person could have eyes so filled with love until she saw it in her hazel eyes, and it melted Yaz's heart. She cupped her face gently with her fingers and ran her thumb over her face watching Alex close her eyes with pure bliss on her face softly humming. She kissed her tenderly with small, short kisses, and then slowly deepened them passionately rolling her under her and felt her wrap herself around her. Alex sank into the mattress losing herself as she felt every part of her on her skin and her fingertips trailing down her thighs as she breathlessly kissed her.

"Yazee" she said quietly moving messy curls from her face

"What baby?" she asked and kissed the tip of her nose

"Stay like this for a moment"

"You like this?" she smiled and stoke her face watching her melt

"'s nice to have you like this...I feel all of you"

"And how does it feel beautiful?"

"I can feel you breathing" she giggled "And you're soft" she ran her hands down her back gently "And it feels...dunno Yaz so safe"

"I feel safe?"

"Mmmmm...dunno how to explain it...Does it sound silly?"

"No sounds beautiful"

"I wanna feel this all the's so amazing"

"You're amazing" Yaz kissed her gently and rolled them on a side gliding her hand over her every curve as Alex sank into her completely closing her eyes with a subtle smile as Yaz's fingertips trailed down her back and over her sides

"I love you Yazee" she hummed into the kiss

"We lost your bottle again" Yaz giggled making Alex laugh tapping around the bed

"Here" Alex grinned waiving it in front of her face

"I'm gonna hang it around my neck"

"Please don't " Alex laughed

Yaz showered her face with small kisses making her giggle and watched her face as she pressed against her. She watched her exhale as she started to move slowly and rubbed her leg over her sides humming quietly. Alex cupped her face kissing her drunk as waves of pleasure took over her body and mind and lost herself within her lover somewhere between time and space as her lips pressed on every inch of her and her fingers touched every part of her. She found herself coming undone underneath her moaning into a pillow until she sunk into the sheets tiered and sleepy. Somewhere through the haze she felt Yaz's lips showering her face with tiny kisses as she pulled a cotton sheet over her bare shoulders and curled herself next to her

"Hey" Alex smiled groggy

"Hey my tiny Alex" Yaz smiled back moving hair from her face tucking it behind her ear "Look who's sleepy now" she giggled

"Mmmmm....Love ya" she grinned haply

"Alex" she said quietly laying next to her running tip of her finger over her cheek

"Mmmmm?" Alex hummed half asleep

"You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" she whispered

Her eyes opened wide in a second "Yazeee" she yelped with eyes filling with tears in a second "What are you doing to me?" she grabbed onto her hand

"Telling you the truth" she smiled

"C'mere" she opened her arms

Yaz wiggled into her embrace smiling as their noses touched just a little and their eyes were going funny how close they were to each other

"I'm the luckiest woman in the world" Alex smiled and kissed her gently


Evening came and Yaz was rushing to get ready waiting for Alex as she went down to the lobby of a Hotel asking about some trip she wanted  to take her to. Yaz's phone rang and she quickly picked it up putting it on a loud speaker as she was tying the straps of her top

"Hey mum" she smiled

"Happy birthday darling"

"Thanks mum..."

"Going somewhere nice?"

"Just the usual"

"Must be nice to celebrate birthday there"

"I'm not mum"

"What why?"

"You know why"

"You seriously need to let it go're in the most beautiful place with someone you love. Come on"

"Mum's just a fucking doesn't matter"

"It matters to me will matter to you as well one day when you have a kid"

"Alright...I'm sorry...I didn't mean it that way mum.."

"I know you didn't...I just want you to be happy Yaz...that's all"

"I know..."

"Are you having a nice time?"

"The best mum this is so fucking beautiful...we were swimming in a cave today the actual fucking cave above the sea"


Alex came back in a room and Yaz smiled "Hey mum I need to go...we are going for a meal"

"Alright sweetheart have a nice time"

"Alright mum...Kiss Prem for me"

"And me" Alex yelled

"And from Alex" Yaz giggled

"I promise  I will shower him with kissed from both of you" she laughed

"Alright mum bye"

She hang up and grabbed her bag "Ready?"

"Yeah...let's go" Alex reached out for her hand

As they came down the the lobby Alex pulled on her hand "This way"

"Whaaa" I thought we're going to town

"Not today" she grinned


"You'll see...there's this really beautiful place here overlooking the sea"

"Alright...that sounds nice"

They sat down on a terrace where the view was breathtakingly beautiful and warm summer breeze tickled their skin. Little lights on each table made it all look extremely romantic.

"Can we really rent all those things for the wedding?" Yaz asked surprised

"Yes darling you can rent everything from decking, tables and chairs to knives and forks..."

"Waaaaw I had no we can legit have decking layed down in your mums garden and have tables and chairs outside?"

"Mmmmm" she nodded taking a sip of drink "I'm trying to think what color flowers we should have?...What's you favorite color?"

"Tarids blue"

"I knew it" Alex giggled

"And yours is badge" Yaz laughed

"Fuck off" Alex giggled "Seriously Yaz I have no're a designer...What do you think?"

"Honestly...and I can't believe I'm saying this but I love the colors of our apartment...I think kind of organic would look know with that antique green and white flowers mixed in with some maybe champagne color...I can put something together"

"You can?"

"Sure I just need photos of your mums garden"

"I can tell her to send some...only she's so exited you're gonna probably get about 200 of them"

"Oh god" Yaz finished her food and relaxed in a chair reaching for her drink and looking as the last rays of sun descended behind the horizon

Alex reached into her bag and pulled out a box wrapped in beautiful blue paper with a big white bow and smiled as she pushed it across the table

"Happy birthday Yazee"

"Whaaa? did you?"

"Sonya..." she grinned "And you hiding it from me wasn't cool by the way"

"Aleeex...I really hate my birthday"

"If you open this, I can guarantee you won't" she grinned

Yaz reached for the box and tore the paper. She squealed so loud some people turned around

"No fucking got me a sonic?"

"Yap...12th Doctor...that's the one you don't have...well you do now"

"Aaaa" Yaz jumped off her chair and ran across the table Alex got up and hugged her tight "Thank you for this so much"

"Happy birthday my Yazee...see told you you're gonna love this one" she giggled and Yaz squeezed her face between her palms kissing her quickly "I fucking adore you"

She sat down again fiddling with it not noticing when Alex signaled to the water.

"So, like it?"

"Fucking love it....Look" she pointed it at her buzzing around  "Arrr....100% human" she giggled reading it

Suddenly Yaz herd someone singing Happy Birthday song and looked towards the voices seeing two waitresses rolling a Tardis shaped cake on a trolley. Alex got up and joined them singing to her

"Aleeeeex....OMFG" she covered her face with her hands "This is insane"

Some guests on the terrace joined in the singing, which made it even more special. Alex reached for her hand and pulled her up "Happy birthday my love" she smiled "Go on blow the candles"

"OMG it looks fantastic"

"Well all the lovely stuff of the hotel made it for you"

"That's so lovely...Thank you soo much"

The cake was massive. It was a big Tardis settled in the middle of some alien planet and Yaz's name was written in Gallifreyan. Alex wrapped her arms around her waist as she blew the candles out.

"I have no words Alex" she turned over her shoulder

"Still hate your birthday?"

"Not this one" she smiled and kissed her shortly

"Hey smile for me" Alex said holding her phone taking pictures of her cutting the cake

"Oh god" Yaz rolled her eyes smiling

"You look cute Yaz...Hey would you take a picture of us please?" Alex asked the waitress

"Yes of course"

"Here Yaz..." she tugged her in front of herself and wrapped her arms around her waist "See like this so you can see the cake" she smiled

"You're crazy" Yaz giggled and kissed her cheek

"Please can you share the cake with other guests on a terrace and all the staff in the kitchen" Yaz said to the waitress as she started cutting the cake "It's way too big for just the two of us"

"Of course ma'am...that's very lovely of you, thank you"

" god, thank you...What a beautiful cake" she looked towards Alex who had a permanent grin on her face and kept taking loads of photos


"You're did you even find out?" she asked as they sat back down

"Well..Sonya text me when we were still back home. She said she needed to talk to me in private and can she call me. She then told me how your birthday falls exactly in the middle of our vacation and how you absolutely hate it and probably won't tell me about it...Which she was right" she frowned

"I'll kill her" she giggled

"But your sister loves you, and she wanted you to have a nice birthday whilst you're here. So, I promised her I'm gonna do something special for you....and I was very grateful she told me Yaz...because it's so silly for you to hide that"

"I really hate my birthday's"

"Why? Why hate them so much Yaz"

"Cause I never had any friends Alex...Well I thought I did...until for my 16th birthday my mum and dad put all the effort in cooking and making all the cakes and even left to my unties place so I have a place to myself. I told everyone and nobody came Alex...not one person. I sat there like an idiot by myself surrounded with all the food"

"OMG...that's horrible...why? Why would they do that to you Yaz? I don't understand"

"Cause I was never one of the cool kids Alex, I was just a Pakie who's parents love traditional music and watch Bollywood movies....aaand because Susan made a cool party in her house purposely on a same day just to prove it to me I was even more pathetic" she slumped in her chair

"OMG...That's vile Yaz...I have no words...I'm so sorry baby...But she didn't prove to you how pathetic you are Yaz...She proved to you how pathetic those people were who you considered your friends...Besides I think your parents make the coolest parties"

Yaz laughed shaking her head

"I never danced so much in my life" she smiled

"I never wanted to celebrate my birthday ever since, just made me feel ill"

Alex reached her hand across the table "Hey...give us your hand"

Yaz smiled and leaned over lacing their fingers together with a big sigh

"How about we break that tradition, ha? And have the coolest parties for your birthday from now on? With all the cool music your parents love cause I love it...Cause you got a lot of people now Yaz...I mean just my siblings make a big party" she giggled

"Alright" Yaz said with a wobbly lip

Alex brushed her thumb over her hand "I love you"

"I love you too...and thank you so much for this"

"You need to send pictures to your family" Alex said

"I will...definitely"


Yaz leaned over the railing of their terrace and watched the endless sea on a horizon glistening in a fool moon. The sound of the music from some hotel terrace traveled in the wind and she wiggled her bum to the beat. She had the most beautiful, magical birthday in her life and heart was so filled with love she thought she thought how life couldn't possibly get any better.

"I hope this tastes nice" Alex came outside carrying two glasses with what looked like cocktails, completed with some pineapple and straws

"Waaaw...where'd you get the pineapple from?"

"Hotel kitchen...and the straws and the glasses" she passed her a drink and they lied down on the sun lounger

"That's very resourceful" she giggled

"I used some juices from the little fridge and I only put tiny bit of rum inside" she said suckling on a straw "Huh" she shook her head

"Uuuuu... getting plastered tonight as well are we?" she giggled

"Not sure about plastered Yaz but I will get tipsy from that rum I know myself"

"It's really nice...mmmm...coconut?"

"Aha...niiiiice" she grinned

"Look the full moon"

"'s huge"

"I is it bigger than back home?"

"No clue Yaz...I'm sure it's not...must be just light reflecting through the clouds like through the lens making it appear as bigger than what it really is"

"Makes will rain...I heard thunder"

"Did ya?...Oh need to put all the furniture away and parasols?"

"Why? It's just rain...they're plastic?"

"Oh, no.. that's not just rain darling. Summer storms are no joke here believe me"


"Oh yeah...Oh...told my mum about the garden wedding"


"She almost busted my good ear screaming"

Yaz giggled "I'm so happy with that"

"Oh oh...Yaz...I found something" she wiggled leaving her drink on a side and reached for her phone " this the kinda thing you wanna wear for the wedding?"

"Yeees...yes yes...that's it...that's soo cool"

"I know like it?"

"I fucking love it"

Alex left her phone on a side and snuggled back in her arms looking at the stars. She felt herself getting a bit dizzy as she drank her cocktail so fast as if it was orange juice. But it lulled her into a cuddle even more.

"I never thought I'd have this"

"What...sun lounger?" Yaz giggled making her laugh

"You Yazee" she looked up at her smiling

"I never thought I'd have a sun lounger" Yaz laughed kissing her forehead making her giggle "Or you like this" she wrapped her fingers around her neck and Alex settled back into her arms haply

"I got letter today...I got invited to volunteer in Zambia again" Alex said


"Oh, not now Yaz...Next spring"

"Oh god"

"I know...You don't have to say it Yaz...I'm so torn. I don't wanna be apart from you...I really don' was different before when I was alone..."

"But?" Yaz asked already with dread

"But it helps those people Yaz...soo much. If nobody would do it they would miss on essential medical care that all of us take for granted here...So I'm torn Yazee..."

"Hey...listen..When do you need to give the answer?"

"I have till Christmas"

"Look...I'm not gonna lie Alex...Just a thought of not having you here for a month makes me feel physically does. But this is your job, it's your career and I don't want to stand in the way of it. There may be something that I really wanna do one day and I would want you to be supportive as well. So, look baby...what ever you decide I'll support you...1000%"

Alex sighed and wrapped her arms around herself "This means a lot to me saying this...I know this is hard...look I haven't made up my mind yet...I don't know. I don't wanna be without you either...I really don't. It makes me feel ill...So let's just see ok...I've got till Christmas ..I just wanted you to know"

"Uuuu...this wind is getting stronger" Yaz said worriedly

"Told ya...summer storm...I love summer storm...Come on...let's get all the stuff off the terrace..."

As Alex finished her sentence a lightning flashed on a horizon "Oh yeah...coming our way" she added and got up starting to fold up all the chairs and taking them inside

"I can't reach this" Yaz yelled as she tried closing down the massive parasol

"Hold on Yaz...I'll do take the cushions inside"

"It's really starting to rain..." she shouted "OMG that was fast

"Yeah this is nothing Yaz...just a light will get much worse than this" she rushed pulling down the parasol and laying it to the floor then closed all the shutters

"Why are you closing those?" Yaz asked confused

"You will seee" she yelled as the wind got really strong and rain was becoming harder "There done..." she grinned and stood by the railing

"Why are you standing there?" Yaz yelled from inside

"Cause it's awesome Yaaaaz" she turned around grinning getting completely soaked "C'mere" she reached for her hand


"Come Yazeee..." she smiled

Yaz giggled and stepped outside in a pouring rain. She didn't see what's so amazing about getting completely soaked to the bone in a hurricane like wind, but she went along with it.

"Feel it Yaz" she said pulling her by the railing "The force of the cool is that...It's so powerful amazing"

Yaz laughed like crazy at her, it was cool in a way and totally out there. But she found it hilarious.
Another lightning flashed on a horizon and few seconds later it ripped through the sky making Yaz jump

"Geronimooo!" Alex shouted and Yaz just screamed laughing

"You're nuts...." she shouted "Can we go inside nickers are wet and I think you're drunk"

Alex cut her off with a kiss then smiled into her lips "I always wanted to do that" she giggled "Come on...let's go inside" she tugged on her hand

They ran inside giggling and quickly shut the terrace door pulling the shutters and closing them thigh. The wind shook the doors violently and they heard things getting smashed outside.

"That was fun" Alex hopped to the bathroom and took all her clothes off and Yaz did the same thing as her dress glued to her wet body and her underwear was soaking wet. Her hair glued to her back. Alex took a towel and started drying Yaz's hair.

"You're proper crazy you know..." she laughed shaking as she was now getting cold

"There...get to bed..." Alex laughed as Yaz ran underneath the covers

Alex dried her hair with a towel and slipped underneath the covers

"Brrrrrr....I'm cold now" she wiggled herself close to Yaz and they huddled together

Something was tumbling outside and they heard glass smashing. The doors of their terrace shook violently as wind was getting stronger and stronger.

" weren't joking about the storm" Yaz said horrified how fast it came and how violent it was

"It will pass quickly then another waive will come until it calms down"

"Why another waive?"

"It's like a big when you're in the middle it calms down" she was explaining already falling a sleep "I prefer this to the rain" Yaz said quietly running her fingers down Alex's bare back

"Mmmmm" Alex hummed " the combination of rum and Yaz cuddling her was lulling her to sleep. 


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