Chapter 12



Alex couldn't wait to finish work. She was excited as they were picking up a kitten from the shelter. It felt almost like having a baby. She was counting the minutes before Yaz picked her up. She also got a message that her potential wedding gown is being delivered on Friday and it made her jump inside from excitement, but she also felt anxious on another level as she didn't think she could bear being disappointed. It was only Monday but preparations for the wedding were speeding up. They had already decided on Sunday which flowers they wanted, and Charlie was making all the arrangements for them. They needed to choose the tables and chairs, cutlery and dining sets, glasses, and a whole hip of other stuff really fast but Alex didn't see it as chores she enjoyed in every minute of it and working morning shift helped with time organizing immensely so she was rather confident they will put it all together within a week. They set the wedding out for the second week of September, which was a month away. She was finishing last minute stuff at work before she submits her shift.

Yaz was already in a car on way to the hospital as she dropped Alex at work in the morning to make it easier later when they to the shelter. It was a nice sunny day for a change, and it lifted up her mood from the rainy weekend that came as a shock after their holiday. Her phone kept ringing with nonstop calls between her mother, nanny and Charlie. She even got a call from Annie and Jamie. She found it funny how their families have now organized each other like a mini army setting up their wedding in a record speed. Everything with her, Alex seemed to be moving in a record speed and she wondered will the babies be next on the menu as she wasn't sure she was prepared to go that far just yet. But knowing her family and now Alex's, including Alex herself losing it over every baby she passed on the street, deep down she was grateful her sperm was frozen because she knew she'd probably be pregnant by now. Her phone was ringing again, and she was struggling to drive and answer her phone every few minutes. But her mum and Charlie were on a phone about the cake, and she knew what that meant.

"Hey mum...please...I'm in a car so make this short and sweet...What's up"

"Flowers on the cake Yaz....same color as the actual flowers? "

"Nooo mum...told you...I want the actual real flowers on the cake....not the sugar stuff...Alex loves those cakes with real flowers"

"Right...but Yaz florist isn't making your cake"

"I know mum...I'm not mental...The florist sends the flowers to the cake store by special delivery so they have it on a day of the weeeeeding toooo decorate the fuuuuckin cake"

"Alright Yaz...I'm not mental either"

"No you're not mum but your legit asking me this for the fifth time"

"Ok so they send the flowers...I'm writing it down"

"I've emailed the cake store the cake....make sure they have the email"

"Alright....and nan wants to talk to you about your choice of wardrobe"

She rolled her eyes "Of course she does..."

"You knew it's coming"

"I did...I'm not wearing a dress mum...Alex deserves to shine...this means more to her than it does to me"

"Also prepared...your nanny is asking stupid questions are you marring a man or a woman"

"If she calls Alex a man I'm gonna flip my fucking lid mum"

"She's not...We're making sure she gets it"

"Thanks ya...I have to go now mum I'm pulling into the hospital"

"Send me pictures"

"I have sent you pictures"

"Of a cat Yaz..."

"Oh...yeah sure...bye mum"


She saw Alex already on the parking standing there with a massive silly smile across her face. She loved that silly smile of hers more than anything in a world.

"Hey baby"

"Hiya" she sat in a car all exited and leaned over kissing Yaz "We're getting her" she giggled

"We are silly billy..."

"Did you bring everything?" She asked turning over to looking at the back seat

"Yap...I got the transporter, blanket, nappy and a toy"

"Goodie....I'm so exited....Yaz you do think they will get along?"

"Yeees...she's probably gonna annoy the old fart at first but he'll put her in her place...don't worry about it"

"I don't want him thinking we don't love him anymore"

"He won't think that" she looked at her frowning "Where are you getting this from...You'll see they're gonna be fine...I'd be worried if it was another this I'm not"

"I don't know enough about cats Yaz...I only ever had a dog"

"Seriously don't worry...besides darling the shelter would never allow us to take her in if they thought there might be a problem"

"That's true"

"Soo...let me fill you in on what you missed quickly...Charlie is ordering a cake but my mum almost fucked it up and we were this close of getting sugar flowers"

"We're not right?"

"Noooo were not...but thank god she called" she laughed

"I don't know why they don't let us do it...we're perfectly capable of ordering ourselves a cake"

"Because they are now like squirrels on speed Alex"

"Have you ever seen a squirrel on speed Yaz?" Alex laughed

"No...but can you imagine" they both laughed

"Thanks for taking all the calls Yaz"

"That's fine babe...I'd like to see you taking them with one finger in your patient and my mum on a phone with the other hand"

"Too much visual Yaz" she scrunched her face

Yaz laughed "Them two are driving me bananas today...I almost sent my client wrong file...he was this close of getting vegetable store website"

"OMG...I'm so sorry Yaz"

"That's would give out the wrong baby....that's worse"

"Or trying to deliver a husband" Alex laughed

"OMFG..." she screamed " where do I go?"

"Left by the traffic lights and then second on the right ...Can't miss it Yaz it's like bright red house....There" she yelled so loud Yaz almost hit the brakes in a panic

"Right...Jesus Alex" she giggled

"Sooorry...I'm exited"

"I can see that"  She was still parking when Alex opened the door "Alex! .... wait...OMG" she said but she was already out of the car "My god girl" she laughed as she picked up the stuff from the back seat before Yaz even swished off the engine and she was standing on the road practically hoping.

"Right...let's go" Yaz ran around the car and grabbed her hand

"Hiya!" Alex smiled when the woman opened the door "I'm Alex"

"I recognize your voice...Hi...nice to meet you Alex"

"This is my fiancée Yaz"

"Hi nice to meet you" Yaz reached out with her hand

"Nice to meet you too...Alright...I can see you're excited so let's get it all done fast"

"Yes please" Alex said grinning exited

"She didn't sleep last night" Yaz giggled

"Please be seated and I'll bring her over"


"Hey you" Yaz kneeled down seeing a chubby yellow cat with only three legs "OMG...what happened to you?"

"OMG" Alex kneeled down "Oh poor baby...heeeey...what's with a foot darling...who did this to you?"

"Oh, she got hit by a car and left for had to be amputated" the other lady said

"OMG..." Alex said "Is she getting adopted?"

"For now no...We had no interest in her"

Yaz looked at Alex as they were both kneeling down and cuddling the cat who was over exited to get some attention

"She's a cuddle monster that one"

"I can see that" Yaz said " Alex?"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Alex asked

"What are yoy thinking?" Yaz asked

Alex looked towards the cat then raised her eyes back at Yaz

"That's insane you do know that?"

"So is hitting a cat and leaving"

" we go" the lady came back carrying a cute scared fluff ball that was so tiny Yaz didn't expect her to be so small for her age"

"OMG...she's adorable" Alex melted completely

"She's so tiny" Yaz cuddled her and then looked down at the other cat circling her leg and her heart dropped to the floor

"Well she was very ill when she came" the lady explained "but she's all healthy now and she's loves her food so she's going to catch-up fast"

"Oh your gonna be one fat cat like my stinky in no time" Yaz said and kissed the top of her head

"Excuse me" Yaz said ".. What's the procedure if we want to say adopt one more cat?"

Alex's eyes grew wide


"We only came for one cat" Alex said as they were a minute into drive

"I know"

"We have two"

"I know"

"I can't believe they sorted out all the paperwork straight away" Alex said

"I know"

"Will you stop saying that"

Yaz turned to her with a massive smile "We're proper nuts you do know that"

"I know" Alex said and they both burst out laughing

"Sniffles isn't gonna speak to me for a month but fuck it...he was one of them so  tuff shit he needs to be considerate"

"You don't think this can go bad Yaz?" Alex asked concerned

"A bit late to be asking yourself that now Alex" Yaz laughed "But's gonna be fine"


"OMFG...." Alex stood in the middle of the living room looking at the kitten puffing up like a blow fish "Yaaaaaaz....what do I do?"

"Nothing...just be calm Alex...they're  gonna be fine" Yaz calmly took the cat food out ignoring the whole thing

"And what if they're not?"

"We will think of it then"

"That's your plan?"

"Have a better idea?"


"Well then...that's the plan....Come on kitty kitty....look at that....look what I've got" Yaz kneeled down putting food balls on the floor separating them about a meter apart and all the cats ran for it apart from Sniffles who took his time " Yeah, your but is full of everything you little spoil shit..." she giggled and picked him up "I still love you and this gonna be fun...stop sulking and eat your food" she kissed his head and put him down

Alex just stood there not knowing what to do

"And you" Yaz grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the sofa "Chill the fuck out...see they are fine" she said as they sat down

"We have three cats" Alex said looking at them all

"I hope this isn't your idea with kids" Yaz asked worried

Alex looked at her grinning

"Don't you I look like a milking station" she laughed pointing a finger at her

"I have a lot of soldiers" Alex giggled grabbing her waist and tipping her on a sofa

"You do...and you will pick your favorite one and leave others frozen" Yaz said fighting her hands as she was lifting her top and kissing her stomach

"You're gonna look so pretty pregnant Yaz"

"OMG ...I knew it"

"Knew what?"

"You got hots on pregnant woman" she giggled

"Nooo" Alex laughed and went bright red in a face

"I kneeew slipped out on a first date"

"Noooo...I said I liked babies"

"Aaaaaand pregnant women" Alex put her hand over her mouth and Yaz laughed like crazy moving her hand

"Stoooop" Alex laughed

"C'mere you...." Yaz looked her and locked her legs around her giggling "Love ya"

"Love you too"


"So much there's no words Yaz" she looked at her lovingly then wrapped her arms around her and laid her head on her chest "And you?" Alex looked up at her

"God am have no idea" she smiled stroking her hair

"Kiss me" Alex smiled

"I will if you move up so I can reach you silly"

Alex wiggled up her body giggling then kissed her gently

Hissing from the kitchen broke their kiss and they both turned to look what's going on

"Well the little fluff sure knows how to stand up for herself" Yaz said then changed her focus back to Alex who sat up on her lacing their fingers up in the air

"What's up?"

"I still think you're gonna look pretty pregnant" she giggled

"Thank god you don't have a dick" Yaz laughed

"OMG Yaz....whyyyyy?"

"Cause you'd make me pregnant before I could say snap"

Alex laughed like crazy "Mmmmm" she made a face

"See...I know you Alex Sigma" she pulled her back onto herself "I love you" she said stroking her hair as Alex laid back on her chest

"Love you too" she said and kissed the side of her breast and wrapped her arms around her watching cats


"So... have you finally made up your mind?" she asked resting her head on her elbow slumping down the table

Alex was looking at the online catalogue with plates for the past hour making Yaz's head spin. She changed her mine four times already.

"I can't decide"

"No shit...It's just a line Alex...itsy bitsy tiny line on the edge of the plates and glasses"

"I know...and I agree.... but when there are a lot of those lines on the table Yaz it makes a huge difference between them being silver or gold"

"Someone kill me pleaseeee" she slumped on the table burning her face into her hands

"What do you like?"

"I told you...I seriously don't give a fuck, I just need you looking pretty saying yes...They are both pretty Alex"

"They are...that's why I can't make up my mind"

"We're not getting married till Christmas"




"OMG" she got up

"Where are you going?"

"To get the razor....I'm gonna make myself a coffee since we’re gonna be here all night"

"OK...." she shrugs "Silver!" she said as Yaz left the room

One hour later she finally made her choice for silver and Yaz quickly shut down the computer before she changed her mind again.

Alex was sitting on the floor in the living room with her glasses on and her little note book that reminded Yaz of one of those her grandmother had. She simply refused to keep any notes in her phone in case it died so she did everything the old fashion way by having paper notebooks. And made Yaz laugh because they were all from the children's section with cute bunnies or puppies. She also had a whole selection of glittery pens.

"Flowers check, cake check, tables check, possibly tent in case it rains check, plates, glasses and cutlery check, Yaaaaaz" she shouted as if she was down by the car

"Yes baby" she answered from the kitchen

"What about the rings?"

"Fuck...I forgot about those"

"Me too...that would be interesting....right...riiiiiings...writing it down"

"Also....don't we need to like register or something?"

"Oh, yes that as well...but I already looked into that today...we can print out everything online and just send it across"

" less thing to do"

"I'm picking up invitations and thank you cards tomorrow when I finish with work"

"I can do that Yaz...I'm literally passing there on way from work"

" do that then oh and get some more cat food"

"Right ...caaaaat fooood....oh oh oh.  I have to get the bed for Willy"

"She doesn't need one Alex they all sleep with us"

"She might do if she has one? How would she know Yaz?"

"Alright....get the bed then" she rolled her eyes laughing

"Also....I have to go and get the travel cot Yaz...Prem is coming on Friday"

"I thought he's gone sleep with us?"

"Oh..." Alex looked up "What if we squish him Yaz....I toss and turn all know me...I fall asleep on the left side of the bed and wake up on the right side"

"Mmmm....gotta point ...Alright get the cot...Alex you can't carry all that...I'll go with you"

"I mean you can...I'd be fun....We can choose a cot together" she smiled widely

"You know it's gonna be badge" Yaz giggled putting the juice back int he fridge

" can be antique green..."

"It can...or chocolate brown"

"Eeerrrrr .. too dark for the baby"


They were roaming around the children's section and Alex filled the trolley before  they even got to the cots rolling it around haply.

"Alex darling this isn't our baby"

"I knoooow...but it's cute" she held a big bunny in her hands going completely gaga

"You got bedding, you got mobile and this...." she twirled a plastic half moon shaped toy in her hand "What is it anyway?"

"It plays music and 10 different sounds and it displays stars on the ceiling" she took it off her and put it safely back into the trolley

"But he isn't our baby....and I'm sure Sonya has all that already"

"Sooooo" she looked at her again with expression to which Yaz couldn't say no to

"Fine...fine...snatch my sisters baby"

"I'm just borrowing him"

"I can see you borrowing him a lot from now on"


"You're a smooth operator Alex Sigma" she giggled

"I don't know what you mean" she leaned on the trolley rolling them aiming towards the prems

"Nooooo...we do not need a fucking pram" she grabbed the waistband  of her jeans and turned her around "Cots seven o'clock" she pointed her finger "Goooo....knock yourself out"

Alex's eyes grew wide on the cots and she admitted to herself she wanted every single item from the store. She remembered babysitting for all her siblings’ children as much as her time allowed her and she missed that part of her life hugely. She missed her family in general. It was hard living so far away and not being able to see them. But cots occupied her mind at this point, and she was walking through the rows of them like walking into a cake shop. She also couldn't help but think about the day when she will do this for their baby. And this was no longer an empty dream, it was something that she now knew with certainty will happen and the thought made her stomach churn with happiness.

"Look Alex...this is beautiful...and it has all the addons as well...look a changing station and you can put a tub on as well"

"OMG...OMG so it does"

Yaz saw her speeding up the trolley like she was on a Paris Dakar race and she couldn't help but laugh

"And it's badge" Yaz laughed "In a combination with chocolate"

"Awwwwwww....Yazee this will look so beautiful in the bedroom"

"It will" she smiled "Sonya will go gaga" she laughed

"Look at the bear" she hunched over pointing to the side of it

"Alright....I admit this is fucking adorable....and practical "it has all these pockets and probably more than what we ever need for one night"

"True....mmmm but  this bedding set doesn't go" Alex took the packet out of the trolley "Can't I have this one that's  on display?"

"I suppose so...They must sell them"

"There Yazee...look" she zoomed in with  absolute perfection of an Eagle across the whole baby section and saw it at the very end sitting on the shelf

"Nothing wrong with your eyes" Yaz laughed

"I can see far Yaz...I'm just struggling when it's close"

"I can see..." she shook her head laughing "Right  are we done now?"

"I suppose so"

"Look Sonya has literally everything in a world Alex...she even has double car seat cause dad keeps driving him around all the time. We seriously don't need more stuff"

"Alright" she pouted rolling the trolley dumping one more stuffed animal inside hoping Yaz didn't see it

They set up the cot and Yaz put the last add on to it turning around and finding Alex sitting on the bed with eyes big as saucers.

"Hey..." she walked up to her and Alex wrapped her arms around her waist kissing her tummy

"You will be mum you know..." she said stroking her hair "It will come"

"I know...I know that now..." she looked up at her

"But?...You want it now?"

"Noo that's not it...I mean I do…but no…It’s just that I still have to pinch myself, you know...It's only been like two month ago when I was all alone....You had people before me...I know it was shit but you have had someone"

"I know's different for you I know that...I also lived with someone before...for you this is all new...I get that"

"Yes...yes...and I know I seem manic sometimes"

"You don't..." she chucked

"Oh I doooo Yaz...I'm aware of it...But it's like I'm trying to pack up 20 years I've missed into two months....I'm so exited to finally have it all fi...I'm sorry if it gets too much sometimes" she looked up at her

"You don't have to say sorry baby" Yaz stroke her hair gently "I'm not compensating for the lack of it...but I'm just as exited as you to finally have it the right way....So I don't mind it at all....I want everything with you" she keept stroking her hair gently "And I want it all at once"

"You do?"

"I do...very much so. You do pull me in with your excitement...but I like it Alex..." she crouched down in front of her and took her hands into hers "I like your spark for life...I love that you never lost it...cause I have...and I can finally feel myself with you...How I used to be"

"I love you"

"I love you too...come on, come and see the cot it's so beautiful" she wrapped her fingers around her face and kissed her gently then pulled her up


Friday morning came and it was all ready for the baby. Alex swapped her shift for Saturday night so she can have a whole day, she was running around tiding up the apartment whiles Yaz was still working late.

"Oh Yazeeeee!" she shouted  from the hallway

"Yes baby"

"I assume Sonya is bringing his food and toiletries?"

"Yes...she is still breast feeding so she's bringing frozen milk and everything...don't worry about it"

"Aaaa ok...Oh, and the sterilizing machine?"

"The whaaa?"

"For baby bottles Yaz....they have to be sterilized"

"Oh, I didn't know that...I assume so...but I'll text her"

"Alright...well...all done...ready to go" she said  haply

"Alright give me a minute and I'm done with work"


"Yes please"


"'re gonna make an indent on the floor...sit down" she laughed at her placing up and down the living room cracking her knuckles and nervously opening and closing  her firsts. Something Alex always did when she was nervous.

"Sorry....nervous...exited.... all of it together" she sat down on a sofa and the interphone rang. She jumped to her feet so fast it made Yaz jump as well and ran to the door

"There hereeee!" she yelled from the hallway

"I know there here" Yaz shook her head laughing

"Hiya...Alex smiled as Sonya was coming up the stairs

"Oh, where's the pram?"

"Downstairs" she said

"Oh...oh...I'll take it up"

"Do you know how to fold it?"

"Nooo but I can carry it like that"

"Here...give me the bag" Yaz said

"Hey girl...thanks for this I really appreciate it"

"Don't be silly...besides wait till you see what we got...Alex went a bit mad yesterday"

"OMG you got a playing mat" Sonya laughed

"Yes...cats love it....come and see the bedroom"

"Your apartment is so fucking pretty...and clean"

"Not because of me...believe me...that's all Alex" she laughed

"I didn't think it was you Yaz"

"Thanks sis"

"OMFG..." Sonya’s eye grew wide when she entered the bedroom "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"I know right....told you...she went mad"

Sonya laughed like crazy and gave Yaz the baby to have a better look

"Hey stinky....god you're becoming heavier"

"He's eating like should see his legs...they look like Michelin man" she laughed as she was looking at the cot and the toys

"My god you two are mad" she giggled "and the mobile"

"She almost bought a pram" Yaz laughed

"Hey...I got it up it's in a hallway I just need to wash the wheels" Alex said coming into the room " it?"

"You're mad girl..." she turned to Alex laughing "...and you need the baby"

"Can you say that few times to your sister" Alex smirked

"Oi...!" Yaz pointed a finger to both of them

"Alright...zipping it"

"You have Prem for will have to do" Yaz smacked her bum on a way out of the room

"So... here’s the schedule for feeding. Those are toiletries. You got everything there and loads of should be fine...Yaz milk" she put a little freezer bag on the counter and opened it up

"Jesus Sonya...that's a lot of milk" Yaz looked inside

"Tell me about's running down to my fucking nickers"

Alex glued the feeding schedule to the fridge straight away and lined up everything on the counter

"What is she doing?" Sonya whispered nodding her head towards Alex laughing

"Lining the bottles by the size and color" Yaz chuckled

"She must find  it hard living with you Yaz"

"Fuck off Sonya" she laughed and turned towards Alex running her hands over her waist "Someone's happy"

Alex looked at her with a massive grin

"Yap...she's happy" Yaz smiled and kissed her cheek

"Alright you two...if you have any questions call me...I'll have my phone on me all the time. I'll see you tomorrow at some point when we all get up.... And good and let them ya" she kissed the baby

"Thanks for this" Alex hugged her tight

"Thank you" she frowned "And you're not gonna be thanking me in the morning believe me....right good luck"

Sonya left and Yaz came back to the living room. She stood by the door watching Alex lying on the floor playing with the baby on the mat. She was giggling and talking to him and kissing his tummy, making him laugh. Partly she felt guilty for feeling the way she did because she could see Alex was ready to jump into it straight away and she herself was nowhere close to that yet. She wanted to enjoy her time with Alex and have those moments together she knew would fade away when the baby came. And that was fine because that's how it was meant to be. But she simply needed Alex all to herself for now and hoped Alex wouldn’t resent her. Alex also came from a massive family and her expectations were inevitably more than one child as she was already mad about kids regardless of who's they were. She just hoped that her feelings won't harm their relationship and that with time she would start to be on the same page as Alex

"Hey" Alex smiled "He's so adorable"

"I know...I wanna crush him" she sat on the floor next to her and studied his tiny chubby feet


"Alright...all done" Yaz closed the bottle and passed it to Alex who couldn't stop grinning the whole day

"You don't think you should feed him in the will help him sleep. It’s very bright  in here"

" got a point there Yaz"

"Let me bring the chair from the study so you can sit down"


Yaz moved the chair and pulled the curtains shut. She placed the baby monitor on the side table

"All done" she whispered, "I'll leave you two alone"

"Alright" Alex kissed her on the way out of the room "I'm so chuffed" she smiled

"No shit" she giggled and left the room

Alex melted away watching him close his long lashes and how he's tiny fingers gripped her hand as he was drifting away slowly with his bottle. She loved the little sounds he was making and to feel him breathing next to her body when she lifted him up for a burp. She couldn't get enough of him. He smelled of baby powder and his skin was like velvet with cute little folds on his wrists and feet. And she loved kissing his chubby tummy when she was changing his nappy and how he would giggle when she blew air into it.

She slowly put him in the cot and hovered above watching him for few more minutes resting her chin on the edge of the cot. The whole room smelled of the baby suddenly and she wished it would stay like that.


"This is nice...let's go to the park at the back Yaz"

"Wanna push the buggy?" Yaz asked and Alex grinned "Why do I ask stupid questions"

They walked around their building and down the to the small park. Alex was melting on the pavement pushing the buggy and kept talking to Prem showing him everything around and bringing him flowers to smell

"I hope he hasn't got allergy Yaz"

"No...he's fine...don't worry about it" Yaz said

"We need to give him a bath when we come back...and that nappy is gonna be full"

"I know...we will...He loves the cats...they all came to see him and Fatty slept with him in a cot. I still can't believe how she managed to jump over with three legs…She's very resourceful....and see they all get along just fine"

"I was worried...I was really worried Yaz"

"I know you should've seen your face"

Prem started crying like crazy and broke their conversation

"What just happened there?" Alex looked confused

"OMFG.." Yaz laughed "He dropped his toy....Goodness...what a drama...there you go"

He stopped crying straight away "He's a happy little baby...he doesn't cry a lot at all" Alex said "My sister thought her daughter died when she finally shut up"


"Yeah she was screaming for the first two months like someone was beating her was like Chinese torture honest Yaz....Her voice would make my bad ear bleed"

"You're poor sister"

"Annie was crazy...she used to come to the house and just dumb her on the doorstep saying if you we don't take her for an hour she's gonna have a melt down....And by the time she came to pick her up me and mum would be completely tortured"

"Why was she crying so much"

"She just wanted to be held all the fucking time and you couldn't put her down"

"We should go back you know...he needs a bath"

"Sure Yaz...let's go"


As good and happy as he was during the day, Prem was waking up almost every 20 minutes the whole night. Alex said it's mostly because he was not familiar with the new space. But it gave little to no consolation to Yaz who was aimlessly getting up for the tenth time rocking him to sleep. They were swapping all night long until early in the morning close to dawn when Yaz was woken up by something hitting her face and saw Prems tiny fingers trying to grab her nose whiles he was sound asleep between them with Alex pressing him against herself. She smiled and kissed his tiny fingers then put her arm around him and Alex falling back to sleep.

Alex woke up early as usual and changed his nappy then made a bottle for him and went back to bed. She was lying down feeding him and watched as he fell back to sleep. Deep down she didn't want to let him go. She just wanted to keep him there for days on end. But Friday went fast, faster than she wanted it and  Sonya came to pick him up at 11.

"Hi there" Yaz opened the door and kissed her sister "She's gonna cry"

"Oh noo "

"Yeah she's in the living room cuddling him to death...She's very emotional since we woke up"

"Alright...I'll be gentle....oh bless her"

"I feel so bad Sonya...I'm just not for this yet" Yaz pulled her into the hallway towards the bedroom

"You will will come with time"

"I know I want kids I do...just not yet"

"Don't worry...look she can have him when ever she wants for fuck sake...It's gonna give me a breather and mum and dad too"

"I'd appreciate it...I know it's gonna make her happy and it gives me time with him as well"

"Well, it's settled then"

"Thank youuuu" she hugged her sister tight

"And don't worry about it alright...I'll talk to her if you want"

"Yes pleaseeee when and if you can"

"I will...don't worry"

They went to the living room finding Alex pressing the baby against her chest rocking him and humming some songs to him. She looked up at Sonya and her eyes were ginseng holding back the tears

"Hey girl"

"Heeeey!" she smiled "Give a minute please"

"Sure...don't be sad....I was just telling Yaz...Next Saturday I got asked to go out with some mates and I would  really appreciate..."

"Yeeees....yes please...Yazeeeee?"

"Yees you can have him"

"Ok...alright" she nodded and tear rolled down her cheek "I suppose I should give you back to your mum now...But we had a nice time together...right...And I'll see you soon" she passed her back the baby then kissed his head "Thank you..."

"Thank youuu...this helps a lot and its making you happy...Since you got all that stuff you might as well use it"

"Your stuff is all go we will bring everything down" Yaz said

"Alright....Actually....wait...hold him" Sonya past the baby to Yaz "Here look...this can stay, and nappies I've got plenty at home...also those bottles...I've got so many we got from will just have to change the top as he is growing

"We are keeping all that?" Alex asked with a massive smile across her face

"Yes...I have extra and it seems idiotic for me to keep carrying stuff backwards and forwards"

"So that means that he can come more often?" Alex asked sheepishly looking at all the stuff over her shoulder

"Yeah you can have him when ever you have time just let me know a day before" she smiled taking stuff out of the bag

Alex grabbed her and lifted her of the ground

"OMFG" she giggled "My milk is running everywhere silly" she laughed "You're welcome" she laughed "Alright...let's get a shift on" she said and picked up the baby

Sonya left and Alex was making room in a cupboard for all the baby stuff, then went back to the bedroom and haply put all the nappies back. Yaz came up behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist kissing her shoulder

"You spoke with her didn't you?"

"Maybe" Yaz laughed

Alex turned around with a smile "Thank you Yazee..." she said moving her hair from her face gazing at her lovingly

"Don't be silly"

"This really made me happy"

"I know...and it helps everyone...My parents are tiered and my sister is dropping off her feet. And they didn't want to bother up. So this helps a lot"

"So everyone's happy"

"Everyone's happy" she rocked her hips side to side....under one condition"


"That I get my time with you now...cause I need my Alex" she smiled "I'm a bit possessive" she smirked

"Fair trade off...besides I need my Yazee as well" she wrapped her fingers around her face and kissed her gently maneuvering her towards the bed.


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