Chapter 6



Morning came and Yaz woke up feeling Doctor squeezed on her back and her arm holding her around her waist. She slowly turned around to meet her eyes

"Morning beautiful" Doctor smiles and gives her a short kiss moving hair from her face

"Morning love" Yaz leyed on her pillow gazing at her sleepy face thinking how absolutely beautiful she is

"I really love when you say that...LOVE...haven't been called that in a long time" she pulls her in and draped her leg over her "It was a beautiful night" she kisses the top of her nose and they gently cuddle under the covers

"It doesn't seem real" Yaz smiles showing her dimples on her cheeks

"Oh it was better start believing it" she stretches a big smile

Yaz tips her on her back and reaches for her hands holding them above her head wrapping her legs around her. "I don't know...not sure yet...need to check" she starts kissing her neck "Mmm..yap that's real"

Doctor was getting into it again way too fast "Yaz...don't do that" she giggles

"I'm not doing anything...just checking if you're real" she continues kissing her neck and Doctors switch is starting to flip she's tilting her head and closing her eyes  "Yaz...stop that....we need to get up" she can barely get her words out by this point

Yaz slowly continues from her neck down her body ignoring her completely, and goes down the covers...she flipped the switch and Doctors gone

Few hours later they finally managed to get out of bed. It was the longest Doctor ever spent in bed sleeping or awake. They are in a library studding cook books both really adamant to make cakes themselves.

"I don't think we can make that Doctor...I think we're giving ourselves way to much importance. I mean look at that...really?"

Yaz is showing the photos of really beautifully decorated cookies "Honestly I think we should stick to custard cream they seem easier"

"Nah we can do that. Oh and I need to order all the presents"

"Yah...but what do you want? I don't even know what to get you...I mean apart from the creepy Kerblam not like I have a huge choice do I?"

Doctor leans over the desk and kisses her shortly "I already have everything I need beautiful"

"Oh yah...and what's that?"

"Well got your cookie present ever this year" she makes a smug face walking over to the book shelf

"Whaaaat? Did you just call it a cookie?" Yaz can't believe this is even coming out of her mouth

Suddenly the whole Tardis started shaking and all the books where falling on a floor

Yaz held herself for the table and Doctor barely kept her balance. They gave each other one look and both ran towards the control room. Doctor running like crazy but Tardis was still shaking almost throwing her on a ground. She ran like a wind into the control room flipping manically all the switches and getting the readings. Yaz runes behind her

"What was thaaat?" Yaz yells

Doctor is running around the console like crazy "Oh noo...shoot Yaz...that's bad...well it could be worse but it's bad"

"What? "

Doctor runs to the door and opens them up and a pile of snow just falls into the hallway

"Where's the exit??" Yaz looks at the wall of snow at the door

"No, no exit Yaz...we've been hit by an avalanche"


"Yap...well on a happier note...there's a cliff not far away, at least we didn't end up rolling down that would be embarrassing"

Doctor takes her sonic out and scans the entrance "It's not that deep...we can dig ourselves out...I think most of it missed us to be honest"

"Alright well let's get shovels then"

Doctor scrunches her face looking at her in a cramp

"What? We do have shovels? Right?"

"Oh yah we do...It's just that.."


"Well they are outside..."she is still cramping her face

"Outside meaning buried under meters of snow!!???....Because hey why not...this is us...why make it easy"

"Aaaa I have an idea Yaz...who needs shovels" she starts hoping around and pulling some cables form the Tardis "What we could do is just suck it all up and Tardis can just store the water...I'll just pump it out later on"

"Alright Iff you think it could work?

Doctor makes a smug face "Of course it will will...who do you think I am? An amateur!"

She shoves the hose it in wall of snow "Alright Yaz when I tell you just pull that lever down. Ready... Goo!"

Yaz pulls some lever and the hose starts sucking the snow. It's painfully slow and making huge noise but it does seem to be working. In about two hours they managed to clear out most of the snow.

Doctor was going around Tardis with a sonic and Yaz was clearing out the snow from all the Christmas lights with a broom.

"Looks like we where lucky Yaz. This seems sturdy and nothing can fall on us anymore. I checked the readings from the mountain and I don't think we will have anymore for now. But I will have to keep and eye on it as more snow falls"

"I'm just glad it didn't ruin all our plans"

"Nah...nothing can ruin that...well few things can but I'm sure it's gonna be fine. Besides we haven't even been here for a week we've got plenty of time for something to go wrong"

"Suppose you'd be right about that...surprised it already didn't"

"Hey I'm really trying here. This was the most peaceful few days we've ever had" she says says offensively

"I know you are...just saying...this is us" she turns around walks back into the Tardis

"DOOOOOTOR!" Yaz is screaming out of Tardis

"Now what?" Doctor says walking in and stops at the door horrified "Whaaaat in a name..." her face dropped

"Did you not say you will pump all the water out?" Yaz turns to her confused

Doctor runs inside looking totally shocked. The whole Tardis has turned into a massive swimming pool

"No no no no...Why are you not pumping the water out?" she runs through the water to the console yelling at Tardis "Why are being so difficult with me lately?"

"Why do you yell at her it's not her fault?"

"Oi...don't you take her side!" she looks at Yaz pissed off "Now flip those switches in front of you Yaz"

"Just forgot to turn the suction pump on didn't you?"

"No I didn't!"

"Oh yes you did and....You just don't want to admit it" she's flipping the switches and smiling cheeky

"Are we having a discussion Yaz?" Doctor looks at her totally not amused she's being pulled up for a mestake

"Just saying"

Doctor ignored her and continued resolving the issue. She runs across the room and takes a hose outside. But when she came back she's vividly upset ignoring Yaz and not saying anything.

"'s going out now. It's fine. Should be clear in an hour"

Yaz walked up to her, Doctor won't look at her she's staring at the console pretending she's busy

"Hey...are you sulking at me?" Yaz touched her shoulder but Doctor moves away

"No...just have stuff to do that's all"

"I'm sorry...I was just messing around you know. I didn't think you'd get so upset"

"I'm really trying Yaz" she snapped back at Yaz "Ever since we've come here all I've been doing is trying for us to have a grait time"

"I know you have!!"

"Things go wrong I can't help it...Yes I forgot to switch on the pump...Happy?"

She's being really offensive yelling and she looks back down at the console "I thought you'd be happy" she added quietly

Yaz relased she hurt her feelings. She thought they where having a harmless banter. She never expected her to get so upset about it. She was really doing her best Doctorie way to dazzle her off her feet for the past few days. Yaz suddenly felt really bad about teasing her. So she came up to her slowly and put arms around her waist burying her head into her coat.

"I'm so sorry Bighead. I didn't mean to upset you. I really didn't...I am happy...I'm more happier than I've ever been in my life. I love you" she kisses her back breathing deeply into her coat hugging her tight.

Doctor takes a deep breath and puts her arms around hers "I love you too" she says quietly and finally turns around

"I'm sorry for yelling...didn't mean to. I don't want us to argue you know. And I did forget...I just felt stupid that's all. I don't know what's out there Yaz...when we come off this planet. I don't know how long we have. I just want to do everything now so we have no regrets"

Yaz choked on those words but she swallowed her tears. She held her braces and laid her head on her hearts "Let's just live in a moment. This one we do have. I don't want to think how long we have. I just want us to be happy whilst we have it. And being with you is all that I need to be happy. You don't even need to try to dazzle me...just being you, dazzles me enough"

Doctor closed her eyes for a moment and put her arms around her squeezing her tight. "I was thinking...maybe we should let Tardis make those cakes...I think we are giving ourselves too much of importance"

Yaz giggles quietly into her chest and looks up in her eyes "Alright Bighead. But before that can you dazzle me with something"

"Of course...anything you want" she makes

"Take me to bed"

Doctor makes a smug face and licks her lips "Might do...just might do Yaz"