Chapter 22

"Aleeeex!!" Yaz shouted frantically shaking the duvet ".... did you see my toiletry bag with hair stuff"

"Yes...on the floor next to bed" she laughed

"Right..." she dropped the duvet and leaned over. And there it was on the floor between the window and a sofa. She grabbed it then turned around frazzled looking around the room

"And your hairbrush is next to your computer" Alex leaned out of the bathroom yelling across the hallway

"Of course it is...cause why the fuck would it be where it's meant to be" she grabbed it quickly and ran to the bathroom

"We're gonna be late Yazee" Alex said giving her space in front of the mirror

"I knoooow...I'm sorry"

"You don't need to say sorry to me...But crazy lady sitting in a car waiting for us is different story"

"Why can't I ever be on time?" she pulled her hair back and was tying in a rush

"Cause you watched Doctor Who when we got up and when I said you need to get ready you said you have time"

"I knoooow" she grabbed the deodorant from the shelf and shoved it between the buttons of her shirt

"Just saying"

"I knoooow...I don't even have makeup on and you have a full gear on like you're legit going to beauty pageant"

"But I started getting ready an hour ago"

"I knoooow...Fucking state of me" she ran her palms over her face looking at herself in the mirror

"You always look pretty...Besides that's what I see in the morning and it's my favorite"

"Oh I'll tell you that when you freak out about not having make-up on" she giggled and slapped her bum as she was following her out of the bathroom

"That's different" Alex turned over her shoulder

"Noooo it's fucking not...Wait" she suddenly stopped half way down the stairs


"Bag...I forgot my bag...go...I'm coming"

Alex laughed and dangled the house keys in her hand. She grabbed them and ran back into the room.

"Aleeeex...what is talking so long?" Charlie stood by the open door of the car tapping her hand on the edge

"Sorry...I had to answer some emails from work"


"She's just closing the computer"

"Sorry...sorry..." Yaz ran towards the car "Alex told me to start getting ready but my time management has seen better days"

"That's alright Yaz don't worry about it" Charlie shot her look towards Alex who just grinned back at her getting into the car

"Napkins, foil, bin lines..." Alex was reading the shopping list as they drove "Mum maybe we should split up"

"Yeah I think we that in half"

"I'll just take a picture" Yaz said "Give it here" she reached her hand from the back

"Take a pickie from aluminum foil down" Alex said

"Including the foil or not?"

Alex paused for a moment

"I'm messing you around" Yaz laughed "It's just way too easy...Did we actually eat all this in a week?"

"Oh yeah" Alex laughed

"Jesus we're like termites"

"Talking about that we need to switch on a second fridge in a garage" Charlie said

"I'll do it when we come back mum"

"See that's also why I miss you" Charlie looked at her smiling "I miss this"

"I knoooow...Don't get me started"

"So who does the cleaning out of you two?" Charlie giggled

"She does" Yaz said


"Both" Alex giggled

"I do the washing" Yaz said "But she insists on ironing everything...including socks and knickers she spends hours ironing"

"It's hygienic" Alex said

"Excuse did not complain about my unironed knickers when you met me" Yaz giggled

"OMFG" Alex covered her face with her hands laughing

Charlie laughed "She thinks that I think she's never seen them or what's inside them" 

Yaz laughed like crazy slumping her head on the back of Alex's seat

"Can we change the subject?" Alex blushed like a raspberry

"Who cooks better?" Charlie continued

"Alex...I'm useless"

"No you're nooot"

"Oh, I am you're just still on a honeymoon" Yaz chuckled "I'm on border of giving us a food poisoning"

"What's with all the questions?" Alex asked

"I'm your mother It's my job to shove my nose into everything" she laughed "It's way of getting to know you two better. I don't see you every day ...and I'm nosy.... What’s the most annoying thing you find with each other?"

"Muuuum" Alex jumped laughing

"Uuuuuu.... I hit a nerve there.... go on...spill the beans"

"Noooo...not saying stuff like that" Alex whined

"Why not? You must be annoyed with something didn't have a lobotomy...Come ooon...Yaz...I know you're gonna say" she smirked looking at her in the rear-vew mirror

"'re getting me in trouble here.... Alright...She takes two hours to get ready and the moment I leave something on a table in two seconds it's gone... she even washes my coffee"

"Oi....I don't wash your coffee!"

"You dooo...that last sip is always gone as soon as I leave my cup and you wash all the glasses again after I already washed them"

"OMG" Alex laughed "....well you do leave stuff everywhere....and you don't wipe the glasses properly...they're smeared"

"Oh, so now I'm messy?"

"You are a bit..." Alex smiled over the shoulder


"I still love ya" she grinned

"Oh this is too much fun" Charlie laughed "...Alex?"


"Oh come on...I said it...go on hit me with it"

"Oh god...Towels...wet ones...they are everywhere...on a bed on door on a sink on a sofa...depending on a situation...There...I've said it!...But I still love youuuu" she grinned

"Aaaand?" Charlie laughed cheeky

"There's no and... that’s it. I already said too much.... Can we play some other game now?"

"You're no fun Alex" Charlie laughed "I was just getting warmed up"

"I can see that"


They scattered around the store running around everywhere each with their own list. It was a last minute food shopping just before the wedding and Charlie was stressed about getting everything they needed. Alex rolled the trolley to the fruit and vegetable section putting last things from the list inside.

"Excuse me...I can't help but notice how pretty you are...Is there a chance we can get a drink?"

Alex lifted her head smiling "No... I'm sorry but I'm getting married in two days"

"Oh, that's a shame....who the lucky person?"

"You are" Alex giggled turning around

"You're supposed to keep it going" Yaz laughed


"Your so fucking cute"

"Hey look what I got" she grinned silly taking out of the trolley matching mugs which put together form a heart

"Awwwww....I love that!....We can get matching  clothes next" Yaz laughed

"Oh god no" Alex laughed "I think I got everything"

"Me too...Mum and dad are bringing loads of stuff as well and we have catering...It's starting to look like eating competition not wedding"

"Your mum told me they are bringing something tomorrow for lunch"

"What? You mean like actual cooked food?"


"I give up" she rolled her eyes

"Do you want me to get some more of those little pancakes you like?"

Yaz flapped her lashes with a huge smile in response

"I thought so"

"Alex?" the women's voice called her

"Tanya OMG!" Alex smiled widely as they hugged

"I haven't seen you in ages.... My god you look so pretty"

"You're gonna make me cry" Alex smiled "Hey this my fiancée Yaz. Yaz this is my friend Tanya"

"Fiancee? OMG Alex waaaaw.... So nice to meet you Yaz"

"Nice to meet you too"

"I'm so sorry...I'm such a bitch for not keeping the contact" Tanya said

"Don't worry about it...I've been all over the place myself...Did you come back?"

"Noooo...just for a visit. Granny is ill. She's got cancer"

"Oh noo...I'm so sorry. Yaz ammm...Tanya and I grew up together, but she got married in Canada and moved away when I was 21"

"Oh I see...I have a cousin who lives in Vancouver"

"Oh do ya? I'm in Montreal actually.... I’m in a bit of a rush.... but do you wanna catch up for a drink maybe?"

"I'd love to...but we're getting married on Saturday so I can't promise anything"

"Saturday? Oh waaaw"

" this still your number?" Alex showed the phone screen


"Alright I'll text you...I just need to see with everything how we go"

"Listen I understand. Weddings are crazy"

"But I'm so happy I saw least we can text"

"We really should"

"Alright I have to go now I'm so sorry..." Alex pointed randomly twards the till

"No problem...see you and OMG congrats"

"Thaaaaank youuuu" Alex smiled

"It was nice meeting you" Yaz said

"Nice to meet to you too Yaz"

"Sooo....this is Jamie's ex fiancée" Alex leaned over to her ear as they were walking towards the till


"Yeah...They broke up when I was 20"

"What happened? Why didn't they get married?"

"We're not really sure to be honest. One day they were engaged and the next day they broke up. Jamie was so upset he didn't wanna talk about it"

"How old is Jamie?...I keep forgetting how old is who"

"I's ok Yazee. He's 46, Annie 47, Ollie 45, Eddie 42"

"Your mum was permanently pregnant for years.... Fuck"

Alex laughed nodding

"I hope you don't have those expectations?"

Alex winked at her cheeky

"Oi!" Yaz pointed a finger

"I didn't say anything"

"Noooo but your brain is working overtime" she laughed

"Just one baby Yazee....that's all I'm asking"

"One or two is fine but not five"

"Twoooo?.....I can have twooo?" Her eyes open as wide as windows "Really?"

"Oh god....what did I just do...keep it in your freezer missy...Not yet"

Alex flapped her lashes

"Don't you flap those lashes at me...not yet"

"My lips are not even moving Yazee....I can have two?" she grinned

"OMG you sound like I'm forbidding you to have kids....I just don't want football team....Come oooon silly billy let's find Charlie" she rolled her eyes laughing and slipped her arm around her waist


She finished with her work for the day and Yaz leaned into her chair with bitter sweet emotions as she had to let go of the difficult client after all but she was happy she just got an email confirmation for the new project she will be starting soon after the wedding. Alex fell asleep an hour ago and she wasn't going to risk waking her up since her migraine was bothering her ever since they came back from the store and Yaz had to pull down the blinds making room more comfortable for her to sleep in. She also didn't want her to see the light rain that had started to fall. With the wedding only two days away she was checking the forecast nearly 5 times a day and her worrying face was permanently glued to the window. Yaz slowly got up and pulled the blanket over her and ever so gently tucked her hand which was hanging over the side of the bed underneath the covers then left the room tiptoeing towards the door.
She didn't have a particular plan of what to do with the rest of her day, but she figured she could probably be useful to Charlie who took over most of the chores regarding the wedding. But Charlie was nowhere to be found. She walked downstairs to the empty kitchen and proceeded to the living room. She heard a noise from the spare room and decided to check.

"Hi" Yaz smiled from the door "I've been looking for you"

"Hey honey" Charlie smiled and stopped the pottery wheel "...done with your work for today?"

"Yap...all done and now I can finally relax and worry only about the wedding...Though I can't help feeling I'm late to the party"

"As long as you stand there and say YES you're not late" Charlie giggled getting up and wiped her hands on a cloth

"I'm sorry....I didn't mean to disturb you. I was actually wondering if you needed some help"

"'re not disturbing me honey.... Don’t worry about it...And don't stand at the door for god sake come in. Alex sleeping?"

"Yeah...she's in a lot of pain bless her"

"She really suffers from those....specially when the weather is like this"

"I knoooow...I feel so sorry for her, she was practically crying from pain" Yaz walked around the room looking at the table with cute Christmas mugs and plates "Those are so pretty"

"Getting ready for the Christmas slowly. They take time so I always start in September"

"I love the gingerbread man and the bunny is adorable. I love family doesn't celebrate but now I have Alex to knock myself out with it" she giggled "My ex wasn't into it" she said bending down to have a better look at the little mugs "...Not the same when you're the only one enthusiastic about it" she looked at Charlie with a little smile

"We make it big...I'm not a church person...We do it purely to gather the whole family and have a nice time...So you're gonna definitely knock yourself out this year"

"I can't wait" she turned back towards Charlie

"Wanna make something?"

" mean this?"

"Yeah...come on I'll show you if you want. Unless you have something else you wanna do?"

"Nooo, not really...But I think I can possibly make a turd....or a potato...that's about as far it goes" she laughed

"C'mere...roll up your sleeves" Charlie nodded "Let's get you prepared" she grabbed apron from the hook on a wall pulling it over Yaz's head "You might wanna tie up your hair so it's not in a way"

"This is fun...definitely you got me hyped up" she giggled tying her hair loosely at the back

"Alright" Charlie swung the chair "Park your bum"

"Soo what are we gonna make?"

"Pot is easy enough....If it goes wrong you'll have a funky vase and you can always say it's wonky on purpose" she laughed

"Wonky vase sounds cool....I can definitely do wonky"

Charlie gave her few tips and showed her vaguely what she needs to do then slapped a new piece of clay on the wheel for her. Yaz laughed trying to keep it sturdy and straight but with Charlie's help she was slowly getting the hang of it. It was definitely getting her relaxed after work and she soon only thought about how to keep the edges straight.

"I'm doing it...I'm actually doing the wonky vase" she laughed "Ups"

"It's ok...just put slightly pressure here" Charlie put her hand on hers "See like that..."

"This is so much fun....I swear I'm gonna start making this when we have a house"

"Why not...You surely they have some pottery classes locally and I can teach you all the tricks"

Yaz smiled then turned her concentration back on a vase which with Charlie's help was coming along quite nicely and by the end of it looked more eye pleasing than Yaz could ever hope for.

"Waaaaaw" she looked at it with complete admiration "I made a vase"

"You have...looks good...not wonky"

"So now what?"

"Now we let it dry till tomorrow...then we trim it and let it dry for few more days until it looks like this one over there"


"After that we bisque fire it and then the fun part starts cause you can put some nice glaze on it.  And that's can take it home"

" I'm gonna have it by the time we go back?"


"Waaaaawww ...this is soo cool"

Charlie laughed "I knew you're gonna love it...Come on let's get cleaned up and grab some drink"


Yaz walked over to the back door of the kitchen looking outside. The rain was getting heavier again and she found herself worried a little bit.

"Don't's stopping today I just looked at the forecast" Charlie said putting mugs on a kitchen top

Yaz turned towards her with a subtle smile "Now you sound like me" she chuckled "I really hope so or Alex is gonna cry"

"Oh she's been glued to that window" Charlie laughed

"I just want this to be perfect for her"

"What about you?" Charlie passed her a cocoa "Here you go honey"

"Thanks...I think it's gonna be beautiful either way...tent or not...It would be nicer though if we didn't have to have one" she sat at the table opposite Charlie "But Alex is super emotional about it"

"I know....she keeps banging on about it" Charlie laughed "Alex is super emotional about everything...that's just Alex"

"I knoooow it's so fucking cute. Was she always like that?"

"She was...Very emotional even as a kid she'd come give a cuddle to her brothers if they got hurt"

"Oh my god...that's so cute"

"Oh she was adorable...Also she was my youngest, so I think that's why I'm so connected to her...and I spoiled her in many things. I think I was just compensating for all the shit she had to go through"

"Oh my sister got so fucking spoiled...Everything I wasn't allowed to do she was" Yaz laughed "I fucking hated her for it"

"So she's spoiled and you're not" Charlie laughed

"Exactly...and she was such a drama queen about everything as well.... OMG...she'd throw epic wobblies. We were killing each other as kids.... But she's alright...I love her now" she laughed

"Hiya" Alex waived from the kitchen door

"Hey baby" Yaz reached out with her hand "Feeling better?"

"Mmmm" she nodded stepping next to her

"You hungry?" Yaz asked wrapping her arms around her hips

"Maybe little bit"

"Sit down baby.... I’ll bring you something" Charlie got up

"Noo sit Charlie I'll do it" Yaz said

"Neah she needs a cuddle" she laughed kissing Alex's cheek

"I doo" she nodded smiling "Thanks mum"

"C'mere" Yaz pulled her in her lap "Pain gone?"

"Yeah...I was just tiered. When it stops hurting I just wanna sleep"

"I made a vase"

"What with mum? Really?"

" was so much fun. I wanna take pottery classes" she giggled

" got infected, did you? You need to show me. So, you two had some fun?"

"She made it really nice" Charlie said from the kitchen "Want some soup baby?"

"Yeah soup sounds nice...thanks mum"

"You should really go and check yourself again Alex. You haven't been in almost two years"

"I will...It won't go away mum"

"I know it just makes me feel more calmer when I know what it is Alex"

"I knoooow" she said with a yawn and tucked her head into Yaz

"Mushy?" Yaz smiled

"Mmmm...very mushy...We can read that book later"

"We can...but I'm gonna read I don't think you should be reading today"

"You're gonna be my audio?"

" should rest today. It's all starting tomorrow"

"I can't wait...oh nooo is that rain?"

"Just little bit...don't look" Yaz pushed her head back down

"Oh come oooon" Alex whined rubbing her face into her shoulder

"It's gonna stop" Charlie smiled coming to the table "Here you go...sit properly"

"Nooo...I can sit here" she laughed turning around

"It's alright I don't mind being a chair" Yaz giggled

"Just make sure you move the umbilical cord out of the way" Charlie shook her head laughing

"Yazee likes my umbilical cord" Alex said smug

"I can see that" she said sitting back at the table

"Did that guy send you a reply Yazee?" Alex asked

"He did...and no, he's not happy" she sighed

"Please tell me you didn't agree to do it again"

"I didn't"

"Good...I can't believe it...the od audacity of some people"

"It's fucking disgusting" Charlie said

"Don't be sad Yazee" Alex said reaching for her hand and kissed her fingertips

"I did get email confirmation for a new client though"

"See...told ya" Alex smiled and turned around giving a quick kiss "Proud of you"

"Mmmm" she mumbled rubbing her face into her back

"She's looking at it as her failure...Aren't you honey?" Charlie asked

"I anxiety starts getting the better of me"

"Anxiety about what? You're a smart girl and he's just an ass" Charlie said

"I don't even know how to explain it" Yaz said "...Ever felt like you're not good enough? It's how I felt most of my life...Actually ever since I can remember. And I don't mean just one thing...I mean everything... I'm not pretty enough or girly enough or smart enough or white enough...straight enough...Like everything about me isn't enough of something for someone. As if I'm flawed in every way. It's all I kept listening all my life from friends, in relationships in my job in everything...Does that make sense?"

"More than you know" Charlie said "It's just bitter  people taking out their own frustration out Yaz...Fuck them" she said going back to the kitchen

"But you are smart Yazee...and pretty and beautifully girly aaaand perfectly gay for me" Alex giggled

"That's why I love you so love me the way I am"

"And you me baby" Alex wiggled her bum playfully and turned in her lap wrapping her arms around her shoulders "Love ya"

"Love you too...But I can't help it...people like this still play on my mind"

"I knoooow sweet pea...You'll see in few weeks you're gonna completely forget about him when you have your garden"

"That's true" she said with a pinch of sadness still lingering in her voice

"People are just toxic shits" Charlie said "Hey...wanna help me with apple pies for tomorrow?"

"Yeeees" Yaz smiled haply "You feel ok to make some pie?" she looked at Alex


"Alright...well...finish with your soup and let's get started. I'll go get apples from the garage"

"Alright mum" Alex leaned her forehead on Yaz's when her mum left the kitchen and smiled at her silly "Looooove yaaaaa sweet pea"

"God you're cute"

"Don't be a sad pea...I hate when you're sad"

"I'll be alright...Just keep up with that silly face and I'll be fine"

"I can do that"

"Eat your soup have to eat so you don't get a headache again"

"Mmmm...I will" she smiled cheeky

"What?...You look horny" Yaz giggled

"Sssshhhh" Alex giggled and kissed her quickly then pressed her lips at hers into a long deep kiss

"Mmm" Yaz pushed her off "Stop kissing me like that. You're being naughty...We need to make a pie...I'm ruining my knickers" she laughed

"Are you?" Alex giggled cheeky

"You're becoming dangerous Alex your fucking soup" she laughed turning her around

"Mmmm..." Alex giggled and wiggled her but

"Stop it!" Yaz laughed grabbing her hips

"Here we two can peal them and chop them and I'll do the rest"

"Alright mum" Alex said and wiggled her bum again smirking


Late afternoon it finally stopped raining and some weak late afternoon sun appeared behind the clouds putting smile on Alex's face. They played music from the radio and chatted away pealing and chopping huge pile of apples for pies.

"Mum how many are you making?" Alex huffed tying her hair in a small ponytail at the back then went back to pealing

"6...there's a lot of us"

"6!!! " Yaz laughed "OMG Charlie"

"Four is for us, one is going to Annie, and one is going to Jamie"

"What about the others?" Alex looked at Yaz making a funny face "Fuck the others" she whispered making Yaz laugh

"I heard that!" Charlie said "I asked and they said they don't want them"

"Oh...that's a first" Alex said

"Now I know what all the pastry was for" Yaz said "You're like my dad"

"He does make some killer cakes" Charlie said "Anyways, your parents are bringing all the food for tomorrow so I said I'll make a cake"

"Mum said they're be here around noon....I spoke with her earlier"

"She text me" Charlie said

"I'm gonna see little stinky" Alex grinned haply

"You're gonna steal little stinky I can just see that" Yaz laughed

Alex looked at her with massive smile

"Oh god"

"Stinky is your sisters baby?"

"Yeah" Yaz laughed "Them two have special love going on there"

"I'll have Prem and little Jamie....only he's getting too big to carry around all the time" Alex said "And when they both get too big to carry then weeeee're gonnna have a baby" Alex grinned and kissed the side of Yaz's neck

"Yeah yeah...slob all over your baby carrier" Yaz laughed

"I don't need a TV next you two" Charlie laughed

"Yazee said we can have two kids" Alex smiled

"Oi! You again sound like I'm forbidding you to have kids. All I said Charlie is that I'm not having a football team and that two is nice number"

"I think if you leave it up to Alex, you'd be pregnant most of your life Yaz...Boundaries are a good thing" she laughed

"That's what I said...could you imagine if she was still a man" she laughed

"Yaaaz!" Alex pissed herself laughing

"You'd have to put a locket on her trousers" Charlie laughed

"Muuuum!!! Says a woman with five kids...see dad didn't have locked on his" she laughed "Mine is all safely frozen thank you very much" she said smug

"Thanks to me" Charlie added

"Yeeees" she rolled her eyes "I'll forgive you for that when I have a baby"

"You'll thank me for that when you have a baby" Charlie laughed

"I will never thank you for that experience" Alex laughed

"OMG" Yaz pissed herself laughing "If I spoke to my mum about this she would die. They still have no clue"

"I know" Alex looked at her laughing "Will they ever?"

"Mmmm...not sure...we'll get there in time" she laughed "Mum and dad are not a problem wait until I have to tell my Nanny" she screamed "Maybe she'll put two and two together when the kid looks like you"

"Or be even more confused" Alex laughed

"OMG Yeeees!" Yaz slumped over the kitchen top laughing "I should say...oh look it has Alex's eyes"

"You're such kids you two" Charlie laughed "Poor granny"
"I did tell Sonya"

"You did?" Yaz turned surprised

"Mmmm" Alex nodded "She asked me everything on a sun"

"Oh god...I'm sorry"

"That's alright...I had a problem being a man Yazee but I don't have a problem talking about being one" she said popping more pealed apples in a plastic bucket next to her and kissed her cheek "All can chop them now"

"When is your hair and make-up on Saturday girls?" Charlie asked

"Nine in a morning" Yaz said "I do hope it's not gonna run halfway down my face by two o'clock"

"I don't think we're gonna be done before twelve anyway Yazee...then we get back and get dressed and that's it really...Rock and roll" she laughed

"Down the aisle baby!" Yaz smiled and nudged her with her hip then leaned over kissing her

"Here mum...all done" Alex said, "Apple marathon is over" she puffed some hair from her face

"Alright you're free to go"

"Sure you don't need any more help?" Yaz asked

"Noooo thanks honey...this was huge help. You two go and smooch upstairs I'll slowly fill all the dishes and put them in the oven"

"Alright if you need us"

"I'll call you when it's done you can have some today"

"Yeeees!!" Alex wiped her hands on a towel and grabbed Yaz's hips turning her towards the stars

"Ok Charlie see ya" Yaz laughed as Alex pushed her towards the hallway

"OMFG...What's with you today?" Yaz laughed as Alex kissed the side of her neck climbing the stairs behind her.

"Missed ya" Alex giggled

She laughed lacing their fingers together pulling her onto the room and shut the door with her foot.

"Aleeeex!" she giggled as she scooped her from the floor and pinned her to the wall next to the door "What was in those pills?" Yaz laughed wrapping her legs around her

"Dunno...never had those before" Alex winked at her and kissed her releasing her down to the floor

"Your mum" Yaz said into her lips breathless

"I'm just kissing you...She said we can go and smooch" she giggled kissing her again

"Mmm...this is more than smooch Alex" she said as Alex kissed the side of her neck "Fuck" she sighed bumping her head on the wall and tangled her fingers in her hair "Stooop" she grabbed her face between her palms pulling her off

"I'm just kissing you"

"You're're making me extremely horny and we can't shag with your mum being in the kitchen. And right now, I wanna shag your brains out"

"Oh..." Alex laughed into her shoulder "Sooorry...I wasn't gonna go that far"

"Don't say sorry...I'm desperate believe me...I'm fucking combusting but if you kiss me like that I wanna scream"

Alex stood in front of her looking absent for a moment making Yaz worried.

"Alex? I'm not upset with you...I'm's just that..." Alex put a finger on her lips and smiled cheeky

"I have an idea" she said with a wild look in her eyes

"Ha? What idea?" Yaz frowned confused

"C'mere" Alex grabbed her hand and opened the door of their room

"What are you doing?" Yaz whispered

"Sssshhhh" Alex turned to her and continued down the hallway

She followed her confused out of her mind as she opened the door of Charlie's room. The one that was originally Charlie's right next to theirs.

"Stay here" Alex whispered

"Whaaa?" Yaz whispered "Aaaaalex wtf?"

She disappeared into the room leaving her outside in the hallway. Yaz kept looking downstairs nervously. Whatever Alex was doing, she was doing it behind her mum's back making Yaz nervous

"Got it.." she grinned

"Got what?" she frowned

"Come on" she reached for her hand pulling her down the stairs and grabbed her car keys from the little key hanger by the entrance door "Muuum! We're gonna go out for a while....Won't be long" Alex shouted from the door

"Alright baby...this is gonna be done around nine"

"We're gonna be back by then" Alex said tugging Yaz's hand "Come"

"See ya" Yaz said confused letting herself be dragged towards the car "Alex what are you doing?"

"Trust me" she opened the car door for her then slammed it shut running around the car

"What the hell" Yaz sat at the passenger seat laughing utterly confused.

"Love ya" Alex leaned over kissing her cheek and started the car

"What did you take out of your mum's room Alex?"

"You'll see" she turned to her with a grin "It just popped in my mind...I completely forgot"

"About what?" She laughed "Your brain?"

She just turned to her with a silly smile and continued driving. It was a short drive to a small country road, and then she made a sharp turn onto an even smaller road. It was already dark outside and only the headlights lit the unpaved narrow road between the fields

"Are we gonna shagg in a field?" Yaz burst out laughing

"Noooo" Alex laughed shaking her head

Yaz laughed her head off then looked up front as car lights shined on a small cottage

"Is this someone's house?" She glued her face to the window

"Aha" she said pulling up and got out of the car

"Aleeeex.. who's fucking house is this? "

She leaned through the open door of the car "Are you gonna ask million question or get out?"

"I need some light" Alex said scrambling through the bunch of keys "Do you have your phone Yazee?"

"Lucky for you I do" she laughed pulling her phone out the back pocket of her jeans and turned on a flash light

"Nope that's the that one"

"We're gonna get fucking arrested" Yaz laughed walking into the house

Alex shut the door behind them and shined the light into her face "My granny's house Yazee"

"Whaaaa? Nooo fucking way?"

"Mmmm" Alex nodded "Come...there's candles in a kitchen...there's no electricity" she explained walking through the tiny hallway

Low ceilings and a strong woody odor pervaded the space. Yaz couldn't see much because it was dark, but as Alex came through and used her phone to light up the way, Yaz noticed wallpaper with a small leaf pattern. A modest living room with an armchair and a tiny fireplace could be seen when she peeked to the left. When they got into the kitchen, Alex put the phone on the counter and started grabbing plates and candles out of kitchen cupboards.

"My mum kept the house. She couldn't sell it after my granny died. It was too hard for her. So now we keep it for when we wanna have barbecues in the summer. Anyone can come here whenever they want and we all kinda pitch in taking care of it"

"So you nicked the keys from your mum" she laughed

Alex looked up at her and winked with a cheeky smile

"There's definitely sides of you I'm yet to see" she giggled

"Here...lighter" she closed the kitchen drawer "I'll take you here in a day so you see it properly...It's beautiful" she said lighting the candle

"I can's so cute and so tiny"

"It's like a dolls house. My granddad bought it years ago. My grandmother loved gardening and she desperately wanted to live somewhere she could have it. So, he sold the old house and bought this one. It was their dream home. When he died my granny refused to move out. She stayed here till the end"

"'re gonna make me cry"

"I knoooow it's so filled with memories it's beautiful...Come" she nodded

Yaz followed her up the squeaking wooden staircase and to the short wooden door with a cast iron handle.

"There's a bathroom over there" Alex pointed "There's water but boiler doesn't work" she laughed and opened the bedroom door "This was my mums room" she said as they walked inside "Then Annie made it hers when she got divorced she was living here with her daughter for three years"

"She lived with your grandma?"

"Mmmm...she lost her house" Alex said putting candles on the window


" it?" Alex turned around with a smile

"Love it..." Yaz smiled "Cheeky Alex" she smiled hooking her finger to the waistband of her jeans pulling her in "For a moment I thought you're taking me out to the field" she said raising her hands to her shoulders

"I knoooow" Alex giggled wrapping her arms around her waist

"I must say" she said kissing her "Dirty're full of surprises" she said kissing her again


By the window, candles twinkled. Their soft light reflected on the low ceiling between the wooden beams, casting shadows on the floral drapes. After the rain, the smell of wild rose purpurea from the silver dish at the window filled the room, combined with musty old wood and petrichor.

Alex gasped heated air out of her lungs as her fingers closed around the cold iron bar. A little drop of sweat tickled her skin as it travelled down the hollow of her back, curling her toes. She rested her head against the headboard, her lips parted in a silent whimper. As she burned within, the cold metal pushing on her forehead felt pleasant. She moaned rubbing her head against it and tangled her fingers in Yaz's hair as the waves shuddered her insides.

"I can't Yazee" she sighed breathlessly utterly spent stroking her hair

Smiling, Yaz kissed her shaking leg and pulled away, moving the hot duvet out of the way as Alex collapsed next to her.

"Water?" She giggled kissing her open lips

"Mmmmm" Alex nodded with blushing cheeks and a silly smile then pulled in for one more kiss

Yaz jumped out of bed "Glass...I need a glass" she said standing in the middle of the room

"Kitchen..." Alex waived lazily "Take your phone...don't fall Yazee"

"I won’t, don't worry" she laughed and opened one of the windows letting cool air into the room "God that feels nice" she giggled and grabbed her phone then left the room.

Alex rolled on her side as fresh air cooled her skin. A gentle breeze played with the curtains and blew out one of the candles. Being in this house with Yaz only two days before their wedding was weird. Memories of summer evenings with children pouring water on each other from the garden hose flooded her memory. Of moments when she was just glad to be herself and wouldn't dare to wish for anything more than what life had to offer at the time.

Yaz stood in the doorway, her heart skipping a beat as she caught sight of her bare frame bathed in a candlelight, highlighting the gentle fall of her long waist and the curve of hip as her hand casually draped over it, and golden strands of her hair falling on her bare shoulder and down her arm as she rested her head on it looking out the window

Yaz kneeled on the bed and pressed a gentle kiss to her hip.

"Hey" Alex turned with a smile and took the glass out of her hand. "God, I evaporated" she giggled placing the empty glass on a side table then turned towards Yaz pulling the covers over them

Yaz gazed at her with the most loving look in her eyes that melted Alex's heart "You're killing me with that look" she smiled wrapping her fingers around her neck and kissed her with a smile

"What look?" Yaz giggled

"Like I'm some painting on a wall you're admiring"

"'re prettier than any painting I've ever seen"

"Stooop that" Alex giggled "You're so gorgeous Yazee you're still making me blush sometimes"

"I think you blush for different reason" she chuckled

"I dooo...won't deny it" she rubbed her nose over hers playfully "Happy we came here?"

"Oh yeah...I missed this...It's been a week I was combusting" she giggled

"Yeah having mum down the hallway wasn't something I was thinking about to be honest"

"Honestly even kissing in front of her is more than I could ever do in front of my parents"

"I never thought I could Yazee...I thought I would positively die"

"But she's so chilled with everything she makes me die"

"She always was...she makes me wanna burry my head in sand" Alex giggled

"What are we gonna say if she asks where we went?"

"For a walk" Alex laughed

"Accept your make-up is running down your face" Yaz laughed

"And I desperately need a shower" Alex laughed

"Me too.. we can give it a go in a cold water...In and out" she laughed then fell silent for while running lazy line down Alex's shoulder "Love you" she said quietly

"Love you too sweet much" she said with a smile and kissed her gently

"I don't say it enough"

"You say it all the time...but it’s never enough" she giggled


"Mmmmm?" she hummed resting her head on her shoulder and twirled her curl between her fingers

"There's something I wanna say to you for a long time..."

"What sound so serious"

"I really wanted badly"

"Oh Yazee" Alex smiled looking up at her and brushed her fingers over her face

Yaz took her hand and kissed her knuckles "Listen....let me say this...I wanna say it cause in ten minutes I'm gonna turn to my sarcastic self"

"Ok" Alex giggled

"I wanted you so fucking badly but I was so afraid I'm gonna push you away with my stupid comments and my sarcasm and my jokes. Cause when it's hard for me to say how I feel I turn things into a joke and then I seem so cold and so detached. But as it happens, you laughed at my jokes.”

"I love your jokes" Alex smiled

"I want you to know this when you stand up there on Saturday cause I don’t think I can say this again...and I need you to know baby”


“Know what Yazee?”


“I wanted you not only because you're absolutely beautiful and sexy...Which you definitely are...I wanted you cause you blow my fucking mind Alex in so many ways"

"You're gonna make my cry now" Alex said looking up at her

Yaz kissed the tip of her nose "Yeah you do my silly billy...You're so smart baby...and fucking kind...And how can you be so kind when people treat you the way they do and shit all over you?...Your heart is bigger than this fucking house Alex...
I admire this strength you have inside you and it thought me so fucking much. You didn't turn bitter or angry... you didn't allow this to change you inside. You stayed true to yourself in everything...beautiful and warm and so filled with love like you turned every vile world into love inside you...I admire this so much Alex. It takes a special person to do're a fighter baby...survivor" Yaz said wiping a tear from her cheek "And I know you never thought you're gonna get married or have anyone...But baby...You're the fucking prize...My beautiful, kind, strong Alex...I'm so fucking lucky to have you" she said wrapping her fingers around the side of her neck whiles Alex gazed at her with tears rolling down her face "I'm so fucking's me who is grateful to have you" she huffed "I've said it...Now I can go back to my jokes" she giggled

Tears streamed down Alex's cheeks as she sobbed uncontrollably, and the more she brushed them away, the more they rolled from her eyes to the pillow. She was struck speechless, unable to string together a coherent phrase, and she scrambled for words that got lodged somewhere in the back of her throat. So, she didn't say anything and just drew her hand to the back of Yaz's neck, kissing her deeper than she had ever kissed her before, and then snuggled her face into her neck, clutching her close.

"I don't think I know what to say Yazee...I can't...That's the most beautiful thing I ever heard in my life" Alex said into her neck


"I hope you remembered it cause I don't think I can ever say that again"

Alex laughed wiping her face looking up at her
"I'll remember this till I die Yazee" she smiled "I don't think you need to write any vows...I don't think anything can top this. I love you so so much" she said kissing her again

"I love you too….You look like a cute panda" Yaz giggled and wiped her mascara "We'll have to go soon you know" she looked at her watch "It's almost eight"

"I wanna stay" Alex curled up around her

"Me too but your mum may call the police" she laughed "And we would have a lot of explaining to do if they found us like this"

Alex giggled into her shoulder "But we still have some time" she said kissing her neck "And she's got six pies to bake" she continued kissing her neck and slipped her hand between them


Alex stood naked in the middle of the dark bathroom lightened up only by some candles on the side of the sink and Yaz's phone holding a shower and letting a water run.

"Ready?" she laughed

"Noooo" Yaz stood next to her laughing

"Let's and out"

"OMFG.." Yaz stepped into the bathtub and Alex followed her

"One...two...three" Alex giggled and ran the water over them both

"Aaaaaaaaaa.....OMFG!!!!" Yaz screamed

"Oh god... this is like Chinese torture" Alex giggled quickly washing "I don't think I can take more than this"

"Me neither I don't fucking care if we stink shut that down" Yaz screamed wrapping her arms around herself shaking

They laughed rubbing towels on themselves and huddled together "I'm so fucking cold" Yaz said squeezing herself against her

"I'm dying...let's get dressed"


As they entered the house and smell of freshly baked apples hit their faces. It reminded Alex of Christmas.

"Hey mum"

"Hey...just in time"

"Hi" Yaz said from the door "OMG that smells so nice"

"I'm drooling already I was waiting for you two"

"We're just gonna get charged mum and we're gonna come down" Alex said as she started going upstairs

"Make sure you put the keys back" Charlie said

Alex's eyes opened wide and she covered her face with her hands "OMG" she whispered giggling

"OMFG please give me a paper bag"

They ran into their room giggling

"Hooow the fuck....Alex...I swear I'm gonna kill you"

"I'm sorry I didn't think she'll notice" Alex laughed

"We have I JUST FUCKED written across our faces....I'm gonna dig myself a grave" Yaz slumped on the bed

"I suddenly don't feel like eating a pie" Alex said sitting on the edge of the bed

"Oh you are so eating that pie missy" Yaz got up and pulled her by the hands "We are going in a field next time" she laughed

They were going down the stairs and half way down Yaz tugged on her hand "I don't think I can look into her eyes"

"You're gonna have to same as me..." Alex laughed "Come on..."

"Oh god"

"Hey you two...had a nice time"

Alex swallowed deep opening the fridge "Mmmmm"

"If you told me you were going you could've brought me granny's big tray"

"Oh..I can get it tomorrow"

"Please...I could do with it"

"Alright mum" Alex looked at Yaz squirming over her mum's shoulder

"Here we go" she said placing a hot pie on the table "Be careful honey it's extremely hot" she said to Yaz

"Thank you" she smiled not knowing where to look

"Milk" Alex smiled popping a glass in front of her

"Thank you baby" she said with a yawn

"We should go to bed earlier today" Alex said brushing her fingers over Yaz's cheek "Tomorrow is gonna be a long day and then Saturday"

"True...what's the plan for tomorrow?"

"We're gonna arrange everything now darling...What's the plan for tomorrow mum?"

"Yaz's parents are coming at noon so you can chill out in the morning as long as you get up around ten to help me with tables"

"We will have to be inside mum because they are starting to set up the decking tomorrow" Alex said cutting the pie

"Yes...they are coming at ten I think" Yaz said

"I don't think it will take long for the decking to be done" Alex said "It's all the other stuff on Saturday morning"
"Yes they are coming at 8 on Saturday" Charlie said

"Isn't the florist coming tomorrow as well?" Yaz asked

"Mmmmm" Alex nodded "She needs to see with us where we want everything

"Cool...And where do we want it baby?" Yaz laughed "I'm sorry my head was so much in my work" she said leaning her back on Alex looking up at her

"That's alright did the invitations and most of the stuff before we came. Give yourself a break" Alex smiled and kissed her forehead "We will see with her tomorrow...she's so sweet Yazee I can't wait for you meet her"

"The weather forecast for Saturday is sunny and warm" Yaz said haply showing her phone

"Yeeees!!!" Alex jumped up

"See....told ya" she smiled

"Come on...let's eat before it's too late or we're all gonna feel sick" Charlie said sitting at the table "I think it cooled down enough now"

Charlie put the pie on their plates and rested  her head on her arm smiling  "I'm gonna miss you two when you leave. It's so nice to have you here especially in the evening"

"I'm gonna miss you too" Alex leaned on her shoulder cuddling up to her "It's not fair"

"I thought you're gonna get sick of us in a week" Yaz giggled

"Not at all Yaz...When Alex left it was so hard to be alone. I never was alone since I was 18...I got married, had kids...and then the house was so quiet all of sudden it was like everyone died or something"

"It is very hard to be alone. Before I met Alex, I was alone for a short time, and I used to go to mums all the time...Some people like it but I fucking hated it"

"It's where the sleepovers came to be" Alex smiled looking at her

"Yeah" Yaz smiled "We were so desperate"

"I wish you could live here. It's so silly you buying a house when I have all of this empty here. But it is better for Alex...better for you both to be honest"

"I wish people were kinder here" Yaz said pouring some milk in a glass "Because in general I do think this place is so pretty...I'd love to live in small town like this"

"Oh no you wouldn' would drive you nuts...It's just too small Yazee...Everyone knows each other...Not much going on so the only entertainment is shoving your nose into other people's business"

"Oh it's true...they will go on and on about something for months" Charlie said "Any drama is like a new episode of Coronation Street for them...It's exhausting"

"Also Yazee...I would never want my child to suffer because of me...and they would. In this place they would always be labelled mainly because of me...It's not fair"

"I didn't think about it that way"

"I'd go in a store and I get ..Ooooh I heard about  Ollie getting drunk yesterday...It must be really hard for you" Charlie flapped her lashes taking a piss out of local women

"You do this too well mum" Alex laughed "Or with Annie when she got divorced....OMFG they had like stories from him cheating on her with at least three people to him gambling and pissing put the money so she kicked him out to him actually being in jail"

"OMG" Yaz laughed

"Oh yeah the imagination is absolutely amazing" Alex said "And they would come to mum for a tea just to hear all the gossip not because they wanna see her...In Sheffield I'm so blissfully nobody"

"Do you remember Molly Flanders saying she's praying for your soul" Charlie laughed "And leaving me leaflets at the door"

"OMG yeeees....I forgot about that" Alex laughed

"Oh I had that" Yaz said "They were all so concerned about me it was all they could think about" she laughed "I know....we should all move to Bali" she laughed

"I could do that" Charlie said "Chill my ass in a sun the whole day looking at some sexy young men on a sandy beach"
"Fucking hell muuum!!!" Alex laughed

"U la la Charlie" Yaz laughed "You go girl!!"

"OMG..." Alex screamed slumping her head on a table

"What?" she turned to Alex "...I can look for fuck sake...I'm old not blind"

"Too right...You have my full support" Yaz laughed

"Excuse me missy... your wife here is 13 years younger than you" Charlie pointed finger at her laughing "She was playing in sand when you had your surgery"

"I was...she's right" Yaz laughed

"Alright! " Alex laughed "Point taken" she pissed herself laughing "Go look at sexy men"

"Thank you" Charlie giggled "So when are we going to Bali?"

"Let's pack" Yaz laughed


It was almost midnight and Alex was chatting away with mum cleaning up the kitchen enjoying in time she had with her. She already knew that leaving this time around will be ten times harder than before as she got now used to being near her again, but she kept pretending it's not coming.

"Oh nooo" Alex smiled when she looked at Yaz with her head resting on a table between the mug and the fruit bowl "I think she fell asleep"

"OMG...well it's been a long day for her. Go...I'll finish up here"

"Alright...Nightie night" she said hanging herself over her back kissing her cheek "I don't wanna go's so horrible to say"

Charlie turned around and brushed her palm over her cheek and Alex leaned into it

"I knoooow baby...But your place is there with her and you will have a nice home together...Love ya"

"Love you too" she said with a wobbling lip

"Come on...put your girl to bed"

"Yes I really should...I feel bad waking her up" she giggled and walked over to her

"Yazee darling...wake up" she brushed her knuckles over her cheek

"Ha? Oh shit...I feel asleep"

"You have" Alex chuckled "Come's late let's get you to bed"

"Mmmmm" she yawned letting herself be pulled up and draped herself over Alex back "Nightie night Charlie" she waived sleepy

"Night night honey"

"Thank you for a pie...and a wonky vase" she giggled

"Tomorrow we're gonna trim it"

"Cool" she smiled

"Night mum"

"Night baby"

"I'm dead" Yaz said holding herself for Alex's jeans going upstairs

"Me too...but it was a nice day" she smiled

"Perfect day baby" she said rubbing her face sleepy into her back

As they walked into their room Yaz hooked up her pinky to Alex's finger and tagged her hand

"Mmmm?" Alex turned

"C'mere pretty one" she pulled her in and raised her arms to her shoulders

"You're gonna kiss me aren't you" Alex smiled silly

"Too right I will silly billy" she said pulling her in 




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