Chapter 2




Yaz opened her eyes and to her surprise the Doctor was lying next to her sound asleep. Her hand over Yaz, rolled on her side, face in pillow and her hair all over the place. She looked so human. Yaz had never seen the Doctor sleep and she found it fascinating. Not only did she never see her sleep, but she never imagined her looking so comical sleeping either. She didn't really know what she imagined but definitely not this, expecting her to start snoring and she would just crack down laughing hysterically.


She dared not to move enjoying the moment and Doctor's arm over her back. But she felt like her bladder will explode if she didn't get up soon. So, she moved really slowly, trying desperately not to wake her. She was also painfully aware that for some really idiotic reason bathrooms in the Tardis rooms had no doors and regardless of what happened last night she really didn't feel comfortable Doctor seeing her pee. It felt rather stupid considering her face was right there between her legs few hours ago, but it all still seemed strange and she still struggled with the concept.

In the end she managed to sort herself out. She even managed to take a fast shower and brushed her teeth without waking her up and quickly got back into bed spooning behind her and slowly draping arm around the Doctor's waist, which felt so unreal. 


Doctor slowly turned around and opened her eyes, a smile stretched across her face.


"Morning" she said cheerfully 


"Morning...did you have a nice sleep?"


"Best ever...but I really need to pee...sorry" she shoot out of bed, walked in a bathroom, and waived her hand on the left side of the entrance, doors appeared out of nowhere closing shut leaving Yaz feeling really confused and stupid


She came out smiling stretching her arms and rubbing her still sleepy face like a child.


"Bathroom has a door?"


"Whaaa?" She scrunched  her face confused "Course it has a door Yaz. Oh...shoot I didn't tell you, did I?"


"Nooooo...All this time I'm thinking is this normal on Gallifrey.... you people not having doors on toilets"


"Course we have doors Yaz" she laughed so hard she could barely ketch a breath "I'm so sorry...oh well now you know"


"Oh well...thanks" she rolls her eyes "So...want some breakfast?"


"Really?" Doctor raised her eyebrow 


"Whaa? I thought you're hungry" Yaz looks at her confused


"I thought you wanted a cuddle?"Doctor pouts pretending she's upset. But it was to tempting to play this game watching Yaz getting totally lost. 


"Do you? ...Want a cuddle?" she looks at her with those big puppy eyes that give Doctor a head wonk. 


She walked up to the edge of the bed and crouched down reaching for her hands lacing their fingers together. "It be nice...a cuddle" she kisses the tip of her nose "...See...I think you want one too" she twists  her lips "...And I think you want me to kiss you more" she drops a quick kiss to her lips making Yaz giggle "...But you don't want to say I think I will kiss you anyway because you give me head wonks all the time and I just can't help myself"


Yaz laughed like a kid enjoying every moment of the Doctor being so attentive towards her. They fall silent for a moment playing with their fingers and Yaz leaned over slowly closing her eyes pressing her lips to hers gently. 

"Way better than breakfast" Doctor says into her lips then kisses her again and again, small kisses, short ones making Yaz giggle more, little dimples on her cheeks made Doctor turn into a mush, and she kissed her harder, deeper and more passionate letting go of her hands and wrapping her fingers around her face. Her lips trailing a line down her neck and Yaz closed her eyes letting herself be tipped into the sheets. Her fingers tangling into her hair as the other woman kissed every inch of her skin, her chest heaving and her back arching as she made a home for herself between her thighs. It felt different, like coming back to a familiar place, back to her universe, totally surrendering herself to it. 

Doctor dropped a small kiss to the inside of her shaking leg running tips of her fingers over her sides making her tremble then leyed next to her. 

" you...sooo much" Yaz whispered playing with the hem of her sleave 

"Love you too" Doctor said quietly moving strand of hair from her forhead. Her eyes roaming across her face as iff she was some wonder she just discovered. 

"What?" Yaz palmed her face gently 

"Nothing" she replied quietly kissing her palm then planted a small kiss to her lips "Sleep...we got time" she whispered and opened her arms as Yaz wiggled closer tucking her face into her neck. 


When she woke up the Doctor wasn't next to her this time. She rolled herself around and pressed her face into the pillow that still smelled of Doctor. She released Doctors fingers left bruises on her legs. She didn't mind...not at all. This passionate side of the Doctor was throwing her out completely, a side she had never seen...she liked it...she liked it a lot. She stayed like that for a while daydreaming before getting up and getting herself ready.

She found her in the control room, surrounded with a bunch of cables all around the Tardis floor almost slipping on some liquid that was on the floor leaking from one of them.


"Hey...OMG what is that??" she asked jumping over the cables trying to get to her


Doctor turned around "Hey beautiful. Be careful don't fall...sorry...just repairing the rainforest floor" she took her gloves off and came up to her leaning over to kiss her, keeping her arms up in the air "Don't touch just kiss...I'll make you dirty"


Yaz leaned over all the cables trying not to slip, pressing her lips for a short kiss. The whole thing still felt so weird. It was only yesterday when she was so afraid to even touch her. She really liked this new normal, but it still felt like walking on eggshells not knowing how to act.


"Don't you look nice today" Doctor noticed looking at her smiling.


"Thank you...Well you're still looking sexy all covered in ...well whatever that is" she just called the Doctor sexy, how did that even leave her mouth, she squirmed.


Doctor laughed shaking her head "Blimey Yaz nobody called me sexy in at least a thousand years...but thanks. Let me finish this and get myself sorted...big plans for today. Need to get out before the snow starts...oh and I might say by my calculations that might be in just a few days’ time so we need to get Tardis ready.


"Deal" Yaz turned to walk away but runs back jumping across the cables again grabbing Doctors head with both hands and kissing her again. This time for a longer minute just enjoying the fact that she can.


"You're gonna give me a head wonk again...stop that...go and have breakfast...oh and don't eat that jelly from the fridge Yaz" she looked at Yaz leaving the room thinking to herself how happy she is to have her.


They walked out of Tardis into a thick forest full of trees so tall like Yaz had never seen before. The air smelled fresh and crisp like it sometimes does early in a morning after rain


"Be careful Yaz...hold on to me...the ground is slippery."


They walked out of Tardis into a thick forest full of trees so tall likes of wich Yaz has neven seen before. The air smelled fresh and crisp like it sometimes does early in a morning after rain

"Be careful Yaz...hold on to me...the ground is slippery"

She is holding her hand tight and as they walk through and she grabs her by the waist to get her over the steep rocks making sure she doesn't hurt herself.

After a long walk they come up to the edge of the forest where the ground is opening into the canyon thousands of meters deep revealing a beautiful valley. Steep clifs with waterfalls on the left side crushing down thousands of meters into a river below.
The sight was magnificent and it left them both speechless.

"OMG what a sight!!!" Yaz turns to Doctor completely blown away

"Stunning isn't it?"

"Have you ever been here before?"

"I have a long time ago, but I always wanted to come again. I'll take you to the other side tomorrow...wait until you see the floating stones of Abenis it will really blow your mind"

"Hey let's just sit here for a while. Just want to enjoy in a vew"

"Sure why not"

They both sit on the ground close to the edge. Yaz kept picking up stones and throwing them across the edge.

"What's it live so long?"

"Oh I don't know Yaz, complicated I suppose"

Yaz chuckled "Complicated? That's a weird way of describing it"

"Well for me it is...I always get into trouble...always have"

"That's because you just can't help yourself"
"What does that mean?"

"You just see trouble and you're're like a shit magnet"

"Yaz!!!! What in a name...what did you just call me?"

Yaz busts out laughing "A shit magnet"

"Well thanks for that" Doctor throws a bunch leaves on her laughing "You love every minute of it..admit it"

"I do actually"

"Hey look at that Yaz" Doctor points in direction of the canyon

"Nooo that???" Yaz jumps to her feet exited looking into the distance

"Yes it is Yaz" Doctor makes content face

"It's a dragon!!! a real live dragon!!!" she looks at Doctor exited like a little child

"I was hoping we will see one. They are very shy, you don't get to see one often"

"OMG this is amazing!!!"

Doctor gets up from the ground shaking all the leaves of herself "Come on Yaz...time to will get dark soon"

"Dark? How can it get dark It's only the afternoon?"

"Days are shorter this time of the year and it will get dark in an hour. Don't want us being stuck in these woods at night believe me. I did it once and I'm never doing it again"

She reaches out for her hand pulling her along. By the time they reached half way it already got so dark Yaz had trouble walking through without constantly tripping along the way. She kept holding on to Doctors hands desperately trying not to fall.
They finally reached Tardis after almost an hour of walking.

"It's so nice to be back home" Yaz sighs walking in "I'm exhausted" she took her boots of straight at the door and dragged herself to sit on the steps

"I'm so sorry Yaz, It's easier for me because I see better in a dark. Sorry honey"

"Honey? Did you just call me honey?"

"What's wrong with calling you honey? "

"Oh absolutely nothing. I love it...just not used to it. Please don't stop"

"Stop?...I'm just getting started so get used to it"

"Come on lazy...You need to eat. You didn't eat the whole day" Doctor pulls her up and turns around heading towards the kitchen.

"Noo...I'm to tiered...can't you just carry me?" she hangs herself around Doctors neck hanging on her back letting her drag her all the way. This silly little gesture makes Doctor giggle.

"Thanks for making that. I didn't realize just how hungry I was. I feel much better now"

Yaz kept rubbing her eyes, she felt like her head will drop on a table how much she was struggling to keep awake "I didn't know you can cook?"

"You don't know many things about me Yaz...I've spent quite some time hanging around Gordon"

"Not Gordon Ramsey? " Yaz's eyes suddenly open wide

"Yes him...great chap. We had great times together"

"Is there anyone you don't know?"

Yaz gets up and walks around the table to the Doctor and drapes her arms around her shoulders kissing her cheek then rests her head on her shoulder for a moment

Doctor tugged on her hand pulling her into her lap wrapping her arms around her


"Mmmm?" She yawns struggling to keep her eyes open

"I adore you"

She fell silent looking into her eyes. She was a whole  different person suddenly and Yaz had a hard  time catching up with it. Her chin wobbled as tears rolled down her cheek.

"Yaz? Did I say something?" 

"Nooo" she shook her head "It's just that...I'm not used to hear you say stuff like that...It's just...still feels so weird...You never talked like that before...and before was just yesterday"

"No...I didn't...Not out loud"

"And inside?"

"More times than I can count" she pursed her lips looking down to their hands "...It's not something I say lightly, but when I do I really mean it" she looked up at her, her eyes glowing softly 

"Well, I like it" she smiled "Take me to bed" she yawned wrapping her fingers around the side of her neck 

"You need to get up first sleepyhead" Doctor smiles

They got up from the table and Doctor scoped her up into her arms. Yaz just cuddled up to her like some cute little animal falling asleep on her shoulder.
Doctor kicked the door of her bedroom open and lied her on rhe bed pulling duvet over her. She turned around to walk out

"Stay with me please" Yaz grabbed her hand as she was about to leave. Doctor just couldn't say no to her even if it meant looking at the ceiling the whole night. So she lay behind her and stayed like that until Yaz completely fell asleep before she sneaked out of the bedroom.

Few hours later Doctor was in a library leaning over the massive wooden table studding some old book when she could hear footsteps approaching down the hallway. Yaz walked in wrapped up in a white sheet dragging it behind her.

"Hey you...why are you not sleeping?"

"I did and now I'm awake again. Was that your room? It's beautiful"

"Hey let me show you something...come here. Look this is where I'm taking you tomorrow"

She showed her a massive book she was studying and beautiful illustrations of floating stones she talked about earlier that day.

"That's absolutely beautiful. Thank you for taking me to all these places"

"Oh I just wish we had more time" she gets all hyper again bouncing around "I really need to show you the pink caves of Bonar...oh you will love them...they glow at night and did I tell you about the time I went fishing and I ended up in the Mur people kingdom...I haven't seen them in while they call me all the time..."

Yaz was gazing at her listening to her rambling on as usual and she looked so beautiful and so sweet. And suddenly Yaz had a desire to just pin her to the wall and kiss her like crazy. She grabbed her head and cut her off with a kiss letting the sheet fall to the floor. She desired her so much she craved for kisses and her touches. She could feel Doctors hands running up and down her spine and all over her back her hips and waist. Doctor grabbed her lifting her in the air and popping her on top of the table. She wrapped her legs around her kissing her passionately and biting her lips, running her fingers at the back of her neck and down her shoulders grabbing hold of Doctors braces and sliding them down then pulled both of Doctors shirts off and pressed herself against her for the fist time ever being able to fell her skin on her own and it felt so amazing it gave tingles all over. Doctor ran her hand down her breast pushing her more to the table running her tongue all the way from her neck over her breast and her stomach sliding her fingers down her beautiful soft legs grabbing them passionately. She felt intoxicated, her hearts beating like drums, Yaz made her feel like nothing else in the universe. She was her home, her anchor her absolute everything. She wanted to remember every moment, every second every kiss knowing that one day only memories of her will be left in her mind.

Yaz lied on the table pushing all the books and trinkets on the floor closing her eyes and playing with Doctors hair and feeling her soft skin. She was drifting away into her abyss arching her back when Doctors cold fingers went inside her. She could feel herself going, her body giving in to her universe again. It felt like Doctor was taking her forever, slowly and ever so gently going deeper inside her and then harder and more passionately pulling her across the table closer to herself selfishly claiming her for herself. And Yaz loved every second of it. She loved that she wanted her so badly she always held her so thigh

"Don't stop...please don't ever stop" Yaz begged her

She grabbed Doctors hand intertwining her fingers squeezing it hard and more harder until she flew away feeling Doctors soft lips on her stomach and tingles of her hair on her skin. Doctor lied her head there for a while feeling her shaking underneath her breathing fast then slowing down. Yaz opened her eyes...stroking Doctors hair.

She pulled herself up and pulled her in for a kiss slightly biting her lips and moving Doctors hair from her face "God I love you so" she says softly

"I adore you beautiful" Doctor whispers between the kisses stroking her flushed cheek

Yaz was tiered and utterly exhausted but this time she made up her mind. She moved herself closer to the edge of the table again and kept kissing Doctor on and on. She reached down to the edge of her trousers unbuttoning them slowly whilst never stopping to kiss her almost distracting her from what she was doing. But Doctor grabbed her hand

"Yaz!!" she pulls her away looking at her eyes

"I want you" Yaz says quietly looking deep into her green eyes

Doctor shakes her head with a firm face "Yaz no!"

"But I want you...and it's not fair!!" Yaz's chin starts to wobble

Doctor grabs her head with both hands "I know you do...and I want it too but this isn't a competition darling"

"But I...why won't you let me? Please!!...I don't understand!!!!" tears start rolling down her cheeks

Doctor kisses her swollen lips through all her tears  "Yaz slow down!!!...You need to slow down me please. You trust me?"

She nodded her head still crying

"We're not going anywhere...we're stuck here for three months give yourself time"

"But why? "

"Because Yaz I want it to mean something" her voice gets more firm because she just wants this to sink in  "I want it to be not because you feel like you have to, but because you feel like you want to"

She cuts her short when Yaz wanted to speak again

"Shhh listen...And I knooow there's a part of you that wants to. I know...But there's also still a very big part that feels like you just have to...and you don't have to...not now...not today" she kisses her again shortly and continues to talking to her gently

"I just absolutely love every part of this... what we have now. Just the way it is now Yaz. Just let it flow...let it be...and we'll get there I promise...because I want to...with both of my hearts I really do...And when we do it, my beautiful will be so much more than you could imagine if you just let it flow. Just trust me"

Yaz was shaking and choking in her tears overwhelmed with emotions, stroking the back of Doctors neck gently

"I just thought" she literally looses her breath trying to speak though the tears "you'd'd think I don't want you, or love you, or desire you...because I do!!!!...I really do and you're so so beautiful..."

Doctor cuts her of with a long kiss and Yaz just melted into her wrapping her legs around her and arms around her neck for the longest moment

They lied on sofa. Yaz pressing her head on Doctor's hearts, enjoying every moment of falling asleep in her arms listening to their rhythm, feeling her fingers going through her hair and every so often Doctor would kiss the top of her head and squeeze her harder. Yaz reached for Doctors hand and held her index finger almost as a comfort making sure she doesn't escape. This little gesture made Doctor absolutely melt inside. She lied there for a long time rocking the most precious thing in the universe in her arms. She was drifting of slowly, falling asleep herself. Tardis dimmed all the lites around them and played some soft music for them both.