Chapter 33





Yaz had got up early, determined to bake a cake for her father’s birthday. She wasn’t much of a baker, but she figured a simple chocolate cake wouldn’t be too difficult. The persistent rain outside had been falling for days, casting a gloomy mood over everything, and she could feel it slowly wearing her down. The thick clouds outside made the house feel dim and dreary, even though it was morning. The artificial glow of the kitchen lights made it seem like evening as she cracked eggs and measured flour, constantly checking the recipe, nervous about making a mistake. The recipe she had found online was in American measurements, which only added to her confusion. 


Meanwhile, Alex was still asleep, which was unusual for her. She normally didn’t stay in bed past nine, but the dark, rainy weather had even thrown off her internal clock. The steady hum of the blender in the kitchen eventually stirred her awake. She rolled over lazily in bed, glanced at the rain-soaked window, and sighed in disappointment at the dreary scene outside. One of their cats jumped onto the bed, and Alex turned to the other side, cuddling the cat as it purred softly, perfectly content. 


“Morning, sweet pea,” Alex yawned as she wandered into the kitchen, still half-asleep. 


“I was wondering where you were,” Yaz smiled, feeling Alex’s sleepy kiss brush against her neck. 


“That looks yummy,” Alex peered into the bowl, watching as Yaz blended the rich chocolate filling. 


“I’m struggling with cups. Why can’t they just use normal measurements like everyone else?” Yaz grumbled, frowning at the recipe. 


Alex chuckled, rummaging through the fridge. “Grumpy this morning, huh?” 


“Can you wrap up the present for me? I don’t think I’ll have time to do it.” 


“Sure, don’t worry about it.” Alex glanced at the rain pouring outside. “God, this weather is making me depressed.” 


“I was just thinking the same thing. I can’t wait for summer,” Yaz sighed. 


Alex paused for a moment, then sat down at the kitchen bar, pouring herself a bowl of cereal. “There’s something I need to talk to you about.” 


“Mmm?” Yaz murmured, still focused on her cake. 


“I got an email yesterday. It’s about my Zambia trip.” 


Yaz’s hands froze over the bowl. Her breath caught in her throat, and she struggled to keep her voice steady. “Okay…” It was all she could manage. 


She had been dreading this trip ever since they met. She knew the day would come when Alex would leave, but she had pushed the thought far from her mind, hoping it wouldn’t come too soon. 


“I decided to postpone it until autumn.” 


“Really?” Yaz’s eyes filled with unshed tears as she fought to hold them back. 


Alex gave her a soft smile. “Yeah, I thought…well, we’ve been talking about the baby. I want to give that a try first, before I go.” 


Yaz quickly wiped her hands on a kitchen cloth and turned away, blinking back the tear that had escaped. But Alex noticed. She reached out, taking Yaz’s hand and gently pulling her close. 


“Hey…C’mere, sweet pea,” Alex whispered, and Yaz melted into her arms. It was hard for Alex too. She was torn between the adventure she loved and the person who was her entire world. 


“I’m sorry,” Yaz mumbled into Alex’s chest, her voice muffled. 


“That’s alright,” Alex soothed, threading her fingers through Yaz’s hair and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Hey…” She gently pulled Yaz back just enough to look into her eyes. “If you’re pregnant, you won’t be missing me so much. You’ll be too busy shopping for the baby with Sonya and your mum,” she teased with a soft laugh. 


Yaz pouted, running her fingers over the collar of Alex’s dressing gown. “I suppose it’s only thirty days…” 


“Twenty-eight, technically. First day I’m leaving, last day I’m coming back. So really, just twenty-eight.” 


Yaz smiled, rolling her eyes. 




Yaz carefully placed the cake into the plastic carrier, her fingers trembling slightly as she worried about damaging the intricate designs she had worked so hard on. It had taken her much longer than expected, but seeing the final result made all the effort worthwhile. 


"Alright, all wrapped up!" Alex called out cheerfully, setting a neatly wrapped box with a pancake maker on the bar. She looked rather pleased with her wrapping job. "Where’s the card, darling?" 


“In the drawer,” Yaz replied, glancing back at the cake with a sigh as she closed the lid. “God, I hope this doesn’t get damaged.” 


“Just keep it in your lap,” Alex suggested, grabbing the cards from the drawer. 


“You’ve got a point. The box isn’t that big, though. They should make these carriers wider. I barely managed to get the lid on.” 


Alex smiled, admiring Yaz’s work. “It looks beautiful, the cake.” 


Yaz chuckled, brushing a stray hair from her face. “It took me ages. I was up late watching tutorials on YouTube, trying to figure out how to decorate it. Not bad though, right? I’m actually kind of proud.” 


“You should be! I think you did a fantastic job. If I made it, it would look like someone sat on it,” Alex joked, laughing as she pulled the cards out. 


“Alright, so it’s just the cards and we’re good to go?” 


“Yep!” Alex grinned, ready to head out.






Alex parked the car, and they hurried out into the rain, trying their best to keep the cake and present dry as they made their way to the entrance. 


“God, I really hate this weather,” Alex grumbled, shaking the umbrella as they stepped inside the building. “Look…the paper got wet. For fuck's sake,” she sighed, frowning at the now soggy wrapping. 


“Don’t worry about it, babe,” Yaz reassured her. “He’ll be tearing it up in two minutes.” 


“I knoooow... but still,” Alex pouted, wiping the wet paper with her hand as they stood in the elevator. 


“Honestly, you stress too much,” Yaz laughed softly. “It’s what’s inside that matters.” 


“You’re probably right, but I can’t help myself.” 


When they arrived, Yaz rang the doorbell, and her sister Sonya answered with a smile. 


“Hiya!” Alex chirped. 


“Heeey, we were wondering where you were,” Sonya said. 


“The traffic was insane. You’d think people would stay home in this weather,” Yaz replied before spotting her dad. “Hey, Dad, happy birthday!” 


“Thank you, sweetheart,” Hakim beamed. 


“Happy birthday!” Alex smiled widely, wrapping him in a hug. “Sorry about the present—it got a little wet.” 


“Oh, don’t worry about that. I’ll open it up anyway,” Hakim chuckled. “Come in, come in—the food’s just done.” 


“Smells amazing,” Alex said, breathing in the rich aroma of spices filling the apartment. 


“Where’s Mum?” Yaz asked, looking around. 


“In the bathroom. She spilled gravy on herself,” Sonya laughed, shaking her head. 


Alex immediately gravitated toward the baby, scooping little Prem from Sonya’s arms and settling onto the sofa, cooing softly. The warmth of the apartment, combined with the smell of freshly cooked food, made everything feel cozy and inviting. 


A few minutes later, Nadjia returned from the bathroom, smiling when she saw them. “Yaz, darling! Alex!” she greeted, walking over to kiss their cheeks. “Sorry, I had a bit of an accident with the gravy.” 


“No worries, Mum. We just got here,” Yaz said as they gathered in the living room. 


Hakim took a seat at the table, eager to open his gifts. Yaz handed him the cake first, carefully taking it out of the carrier. “I hope it survived the trip,” she said nervously. 


Hakim’s eyes lit up when he saw the beautifully decorated chocolate cake. “This looks amazing! Did you make this, Yaz?” 


Yaz nodded, smiling shyly. “Yeah, I watched some tutorials. It took me forever, but I’m happy with how it turned out.” 


“Well, I’m impressed! Thank you, darling.” 


Next, he reached for his present, unwrapping it with a childlike excitement despite the slightly soggy paper. As expected, he didn’t mind at all. “A pancake maker! Oh, I’ve always wanted one of these!” he exclaimed, grinning ear to ear. 


Yaz handed him her card, and Hakim opened it, reading the sweet message she had written. He smiled warmly, then leaned over to kiss her cheek. “Thank you, sweetheart. This means the world to me.” 


Then came Alex’s card. As he opened it and read the words, “Thanks for being the dad I never had. You will never know how much it means to me,” his breath caught in his throat. His eyes welled up, and he looked over at Alex, his face filled with emotion. 


Without saying a word, Hakim stood up and pulled Alex into a tight hug. Alex hugged him back, feeling the strength of his emotion in the embrace. 


“I’m so lucky to have you as part of this family,” he whispered, his voice thick with emotion. 


Alex smiled against his shoulder, her own eyes a little misty. “I’m the lucky one,” she murmured. 


After a few moments, they both pulled back, and Hakim took a deep breath, regaining his composure. With a laugh, he turned his attention back to his gifts, tearing into the pancake maker’s box with the same excitement as a child on Christmas morning. His joy was infectious, and the room filled with laughter as he admired his new gadget. 


“This is perfect! I can’t wait to try it out!” Hakim beamed, already imagining the pancakes he’d be making. 




As they all gathered at the table, Hakim began plating the food, the smell of warm spices and freshly cooked dishes filling the air. 


“Mmm, I need to tell you something,” Alex said between bites, her eyes lighting up. “My uncle made the sketches for the garage extension. Yazee here will make it look all nice on her computer so we can show you next week.” 


Yaz nodded excitedly. “Yeah, I can’t wait for you all to see it. It’s gonna look amazing.” 


“Really?” Sonya’s eyes widened. “I can’t wait either. I’ve been looking through furniture, and I found some really nice pieces from IKEA that I can actually afford!” 


“I can’t wait for you to move in,” Alex chirped. 


“We’re going to be practically roommates again!” Yaz laughed. “It’ll be like old times. Only this time, no fights over whose turn it is to do the dishes!” 


Sonya rolled her eyes playfully. “Yeah, I doubt that.” 


Nadjia chimed in, smiling wistfully. “I’m going to miss you when you move out.” 


“I thought you couldn’t wait for me to move,” Sonya teased, raising an eyebrow. 


Nadjia smirked, throwing it right back. “I wasn’t talking to you, I was talking to Prem.” She reached out and tickled her grandson’s little foot, making everyone laugh. 


“Thanks, Mum,” Sonya said sarcastically, rolling her eyes again but with a grin on her face. 


Hakim looked up curiosity “So, when’s the work starting?” 


“If the weather holds up, it should be in May,” Yaz replied, glancing at Alex for confirmation. 


“And how long will it take?” Nadjia asked 


“About a month,” Alex answered, smiling with satisfaction. “We just got the permit last week, so everything’s lined up now.” 


“Wow, that’s coming up fast,” Sonya said, clearly excited. “It’s gonna be so nice to have our own space.” 


“Sooner than you know it,” Hakim agreed, nodding thoughtfully. 


As the conversation continued, Yaz stood up to serve the cake. She carefully cut into the perfectly decorated dessert, handing out slices to everyone. “Hope it tastes as good as it looks,” she joked, placing a piece in front of her dad. 


Hakim took a bite and his eyes lit up. “This is fantastic, Yaz! You really outdid yourself.” 


“Agreed,” Alex added, already halfway through her slice. “You’ve got a real talent for this.” 


Yaz smiled, pleased with the compliments, but her attention drifted to Alex, who was now completely absorbed in playing with baby Prem. Alex had Prem in her lap, making silly faces and cooing at him, her eyes full of affection. 


“Oh my god, I can’t wait to be a mum myself,” Alex said, glancing up at Sonya with a dreamy smile. “He’s just so perfect.” 


Sonya laughed. “You’ll be great with your own. Just remember, they’re not this cute when they’re up at 3 a.m. crying for no reason.” 


“Oh, I know,” Alex replied, but her smile didn’t falter. “Still, I can’t wait for all of it...the sleepless nights, the diapers, the baby cuddles.” 


“You’ll be amazing,” Yaz said softly, watching the way Alex looked at Prem with so much love. 


Alex’s face softened as she looked at Yaz. “It’s going to be amazing when it happens.” 


Hakim, catching their conversation, smiled warmly. “You two will make wonderful parents, whenever the time comes. I’m sure of it.” 


Yaz’s heart swelled at her dad’s words, and she exchanged a loving glance with Alex. The room was filled with warmth, laughter, and the sense of family, making the rainy day outside feel distant and irrelevant. 




As they drove back home, the rain was still pounding against the car windows, but inside the car, it felt warm and peaceful. Yaz glanced over at Alex, noticing how quiet she had become. Normally, Alex would be chatting about the day, laughing about something Prem did or sharing ideas for the house renovation. But tonight, she seemed unusually subdued. 


“You okay, babe?” Yaz asked, concern creeping into her voice. 


Alex rubbed her forehead and sighed. “I don’t know…I’m just suddenly so tired. Like, completely washed out.” 


Yaz frowned, glancing at her again. “You were fine earlier.” 


“I know,” Alex muttered, leaning her head back against the seat. “But now I just feel…ugh.” 


By the time they pulled into the driveway, Alex’s exhaustion had only gotten worse. She moved slowly, wincing as if her body ached all over. When they got inside, she sank onto the sofa, looking pale. 


Yaz sat next to her, placing a hand on her forehead. “Babe, you’re burning up. I think you’re coming down with something. Let me grab the thermometer.” 


Alex groaned softly. “Great, just what I need.” 


A few minutes later, Yaz returned with the thermometer. As suspected, Alex had a fever. “You’re at 38. You probably picked up something. No wonder you feel terrible.” 


Alex’s face fell as a sudden thought hit her. “Oh no…what if I got Prem sick? You’ve got to call Sonya, Yazee. Let her know.” 


“I will, don't worry.” She reached for her phone and stepped into the kitchen to give Sonya a quick call, letting her know that Alex had come down with something and to keep an eye on Prem. 


When Yaz returned, she found Alex still on the sofa, her head resting against the back cushion, eyes half-closed. “I made you some tea,” Yaz said softly, handing her the steaming mug. “And here’s some paracetamol. Let’s get that fever down.” 


Alex gratefully took the tea and the pills, swallowing them with a nod. “Thank you sweet pea.” 


“Do you want to get into your pajamas? You’ll feel more comfortable.” 


“Yeah, good idea,” Alex muttered, rubbing her eyes. 


She stood up slowly, shuffling toward the bedroom to change. When she came back, she was in her cozy flannel pajamas. She looked tired, her usual energy completely drained. 


"I feel so cold, I think I got the shivers" 


"Oh babe, you don't look good darling." Yaz helped her settle back onto the sofa, covering her with a soft blanket. “You should call work and let them know you won’t be coming in tomorrow.” 


Alex nodded, already reaching for her phone. As an OBGYN, she knew she couldn’t risk being around pregnant women or newborn babies while sick. She made the call, explaining to her colleague that she’d be out for at least a few days until she was feeling better. 


Once the call was done, Alex slumped back into the cushions, exhaustion weighing heavily on her. 


“I’ll be home for a bit, then,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper. “You should take a tablet too, just in case.” 


Yaz smiled gently, brushing a stray lock of hair from Alex’s face. “Already on it. I’ll be fine, don’t worry about me.” 


Yaz grabbed her own tablet, then snuggled up next to Alex, wrapping an arm around her as they settled in to watch a movie. The TV flickered softly in the background, casting a warm glow around the room, but Yaz’s attention was more on Alex than on the film. She could feel Alex’s body relax against hers, though the heat from her fever was still noticeable. 


As the movie played, Alex’s breathing began to slow, her eyelids growing heavy. Yaz gently ran her fingers through Alex’s hair, offering quiet comfort. 


“You’ll feel better soon,” she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. 


Alex smiled faintly, though her eyes were already half-closed. “Thanks for taking care of me,” she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep. 


“Always,” Yaz whispered back, pulling the blanket up over Alex’s shoulders, tucking her in tightly. 


Alex let out a soft sigh, her head resting against Yaz’s chest as she slowly drifted off, her breathing becoming more and more even. The fever was taking its toll, and though she still felt awful, being in Yaz’s arms made it a little easier. 


Yaz held her close, listening to the sound of the rain tapping against the windows, her heart full of love for the woman beside her. Even as Alex felt worse by the minute, there was a quiet comfort in being together, in knowing that whatever happened, they would always be there for each other. 


“I love you,” Yaz whispered, though she knew Alex was already asleep. 


She smiled softly to herself, her fingers tracing gentle patterns along Alex’s arm as the two of them snuggled under the warmth of the blanket, the soft glow of the TV their only light as the rain continued to fall outside. 

