Chapter 26



Back in their room the Doctor was working on her little laptop sitting on the bed whilst

Yaz was in the bathtub looking at the orbs on a window "Do you think they can hear us, Doctor?"


"No Yaz...not anymore...No power"


"You talk about it like it's a machine"


"It is a machine Yaz...Not what's inside but what's outside is a machine. Imagine it like a spaceship.... you know like Tardis..."


"Only shrunken" she giggles




"Was Gallifrey really high tech? .... You know like futuristic"


"No, not at all...There are many other places far more advanced than Gallifrey"


"But you have Tardis and holograms"


"Yeah...and you know...few other bits and pieces but nothing special"


"Babe, can you help me out the water is getting cold now"


"Sure...she ran to the bathroom and got the towel and helped her out of the bathtub wrapping it around her. Yaz put her hands around her neck and kissed her briefly. "Do you miss home? You know us going back to and just you and me and Tardis away from everyone?"


"I do sometimes...Do you want us to go...home I mean?"


"I don't know...I like being her with my family, but I miss Tardis as well. A lot. Miss not having to be careful when I kiss you" she giggles "Do you know what's this month?"


"No... what’s this month?" She scrunches her face "Please don't say I missed your birthday?"


"No, you haven't" she giggles tucking her hair behind her ears "It's going to be 6 months of us being a half year anniversary...well more or less"


"Is it??" she looked at her surprised with a massive smile across her face "Woooow!!"


"It sure is...It's now 21 weeks of me being pregnant and it only took you...what 2 weeks to make the baby" she laughs


"Goodness that was fast" she laughs


"I know you work week to get married, 2 weeks to make a baby...for someone over 3000 years old you work at lightning speed I tell you!" she giggles like crazy


"Oh well you know I need to make up for years of anguish Yaz" she taps her nose


"It was years of anguish...of me desperately wanting to do this" she laughs and starts kissing her neck "And this...." she says quietly slipping her hands under her shirt smiling cheeky


Doctor puts a finger underneath her chin lifting her gaze brushing her lips against hers "And me wanting to do this..." she crushed her lips to hers and wrapped her fingers around her face maneuvering her back towards the bed and pulled the towel off her letting it slide on the floor



"That tickles" Yaz giggled as Doctor laid behind her running her fingertips down the bottom of her bump following the line where it started to curve "Stop!!!...That really tickles" she giggled like crazy making Doctor laugh and continue to mess around pressing her lips into her neck blowing air making her laugh even more "Aaaaa stooop silly sod" she turns around on her back to stop her from doing it.

They laced their fingers together and just smiled gazing at each other


"You are the best thing that ever happened to me Yaz"


"And you are to me love" she snuggles herself closer to her "Why do you call yourself the Doctor?"


Doctor smiled and kissed the top of her nose "Long time ago I made myself a promise...never to be cruel or never give up, and never give in Yaz...and that's what doctors are..."


"That's beautiful...But why never use your real name? You do have a nice name"


"Many reasons...mostly security Yaz"


"Like a spy" she giggles


She cracked up laughing "Only you can come up with that Yaz...This is what I love about you so much"


"What? But it is, isn't it?"


"I suppose so" she laughs pulling her in and wraps her leg around herself like she always does "You're like this ray of sunshine in a morning Yaz...New and beautiful and clean"


"So, are you?"


She laughs sarcastically scrunching her face "Nah... more like a muddy road Yaz"


"Stop that...Don't you talk like that about the mother of my child"


"Wake up call Yaz...the mother of your child is an ex con and the most wanted person in the universe" she cracks up laughing


"Mmmm...does that mean I'm into dangerous women?"


"I hope only one Yaz"




"Hey, wanna go with me Yaz?"


"Anywhere...I'm desperate"


"I need to get few things in town I thought it be nice...then we can all go for dinner together"


"Sounds fantastic"


"Alsoooo...I thought..." she runs a finger down her hip "We go and get you few things because there's not much room left inside those clothes anymore for the munchkin"


"Aaaaa wife taking me shopping...I like that" she kisses her softly "She is getting big"


"She is, isn't's beautiful Yaz" her face suddenly shines "Come on mummy...get a shift on" she kissed briefly, and they both got up



"Hey you remember that day when you got me my first clothes in that charity shop?" Doctor says standing in front of the cubicle of a small store holding leads of stuff in her hands


"You look like me then" she laughs peaking behind the curtain


"I know" she laughs "...and you got me my earring as well"


"You've cleaned me out that day" she giggles "Ryan only had 10£" she laughs "I had no I idea I'm buying it for my wife" she laughs coming out


"I like that..." Doctor smiles at a turquoise tunic and white linen bottoms


"You do?"


"You look lovely Yaz"


"But tummy is hidden" she puts her lips going with her hand over her stomach


"You really want to show that bump don't you Yaz"


"Aha!!" she laughs "But I suppose it's comfy"


"That's the most important Yaz...come on we will get it...It's lovely"


She picked few more things and Doctor went to pay. Yaz wondered around the store waiting for her when she saw her sister through the window holding hands with the tavern owner’s son. She speeds up to the door to get the better look.


"Hey what's wrong?" Doctor came behind her


"Mum's gonna kill her" she points to her sister


"Oh boy...That's bad...Yaz we can't take him with us"


"I know...It will break her heart babe...I don't want to brake my sisters heart Doctor"


"I know you don't beautiful...We will think of something...come on" she kissed her temple


Doctor takes her hand and kisses her knuckles "Fancy a cake?"


" you're talking...Yes!!!...I swear you like me putting on weight"


"I're nice and squidgy"


"You're crazy" she laughs


"Mmmmmm....Dooooctor...???" Yaz tugged her hand




"Here goes our house"


"What are you talking about Yaz"


Yaz grabbed her chin turning her head


"Whaaaa in the name...Oi!!! Put that down!!!!..." she yelled as she saw two men rolling Tardis on a wooden cart down the road


She ran through the crowd yelling "Oi you!!!...Put my ship down! How rude!!"


"Excuse me?" the man said confused


"Hey...that's mine..." she points up on a cart


"It was in desert"


"I know it was in the desert. It's where I left it!" she climbed the wooden cart and used the sonic to cut the ropes


"Doctor!" Yaz was calling her, but she was still arguing with a man "Doctor!!!" she yelled louder but still nothing "OI...WIFE!!" Yaz yelled from the top of her voice making Doctor freeze in a place turning her head finally


"Whaaat?" she spreads her arms and shrugs her shoulders


"Why is the plate a different color?"


"What plate Yaz?...What are you talking about?"


"The plate on's different" she points


Doctor peaked around the corner to looking at the Tardis door and her face went white "Aaaaaaaaa....Ups!!!!..."


"What?" Yaz yells


"Excuse me...passing by...excuse me...What are you doing with that? That's mine!" a tall lanky man in a brown suit and a bow tie passed next to Yaz running his hand through his hair


"Shooot!!" Doctor looked at him panicked completely


"Excuse me madam but that's mine" he speaks to the Doctor pointing his finger at the Tardis and jumped on the cart


She grabbed him for his shirt pulling him aside "We have a serious problem"


Yaz frowns utterly confused "What are you doing??? What is going on here??"


"Excuse me madam?" he stands up straight confused fixing his tie and a jacket "Problem you said?"


"Yes serious...big problem.... massive problem"


"And what might that be?"


She puts her hand on a Tardis door and it opens up for her


"Ooooooohhhhh myyyyy!" the man replied staring at her and started laughing "I look good...What regeneration are we?"


"13th but that's a long story"


"Right...First thing first" he jumped off and paid the two men "That should be enough. Just take it to the where we agreed. Thanks for that and sorry about the confusion"


"What's going on?" the 13th said jumping off the cart


"It got should remember" the 11th said confused


"Shoot...Yeah well, it's been a long time give me a brake"


"Doctor...What the hell is going on here?" Yaz comes storming in


"Yaaaz!" Doctor grins "Aaaaa....Yaz, you know how I told you I came here a lot" she scrunches her face




“Well….Meet...ME!" she smiled nervously


"You whaaaaa?" Yaz almost went into labor when she said that


A man comes smiling fixing his bow tie "Hello!" he smiles "I'm the Doctor"


"I'm…I’m Yaz" she reached out her hand utterly confused out of her mind looking at the Doctor over his shoulder


"This is Yasmin wife!!” she grins twisting her face in all directions “Our…wife suppose…I guess…technically " Doctor scrunches her face making him almost jump from the floor "Told ya...long story"


Chapter continues after the artwork


They sat down in a small place for a cake Doctor promised Yaz. Both Doctors sat at the table and Yaz excused herself to go to the toilet


The 11th leaned across the table "Is she? " he shows with his hand a bump over his stomach


"Yeah" she scrunches her face


"Are weeee?" he points to them both with his finger


"Yeah...another long story "


"Waaaaaaaw!" he smiles from and fixed his tie "I'm a dad in a future" he grins exited "And she's beautiful...Oh... is the baby like us?"


"Not sure yet" she twists her face


"And how did that?" he asked confused


"No idea...working on it..."


"Mmmmm...interesting...I'm so proud of us...I should buy a present"


"Oh boy this is weird even for me" she slumped her head on a table


Yaz came back to the table, and he got up as signs of respect pulling a chair all flustered "Excuse me...could I just...please..." he fiddled with his hands nervously


"He wants to say hello to the baby Yaz...I just told him...Do you mind?" Doctor asked her with expression on her face that was spelling "I give up on this"


"Yea I suppose so"


"Oh...thank you" he smiled exited and bent down a bit "Well hello you little person in there...How are you little munching" he talked being careful not to touch her fiddling with his fingers in the air exited going completely gaga on a baby


Yaz looked at him totally shocked because at that single moment it actually clicked in her brain that this person really is the Doctor. It left her confused but also completely amazed at it. He radiated the same energy like her Doctor. The kind, loving and childlike.


"I'm gonna be a dad!" he looked up at her completely emotional


Yaz smiled to him gently "Yes...yes you are" she looked at the Doctor over the other side of the table smiling


"Hey...give me your hand" she took his hand and placed it on her stomach "Right there...Can you feel it moving? It's a girl"


He looked up to her eyes filled with tears "This is wonderful...thank you...I really appreciate this"


"It's ok" she smiled and walked over to the Doctor sitting next to her. Doctor kissed her temple "You're amazing you know that" she whispered to Yaz and laced their fingers under the table


"So why are we here?" he asked


"Long story short...Tardis got broken and we got stuck then we found the orbs..."


They were exchanging all the information and Yaz didn't even listen to the conversation. She was so fascinated with him so much that all she was doing is looking for similarities between them. The hands, the facial expressions, the way they talked. And for some strange reason not even known to her, she found this bizarre situation almost normal. It made her question how much her world has changed since the day she left Sheffield. From being a junior police officer to this. Alien wife with two hearts and a time ship and meeting her other self from some other time. It also made her release one other thing. That no matter what face her wife may have one day, she will always be her wife.


"Sorry Yaz needs rest. We will have to leave" she said getting up


"Yes, yes of course"


"Well, till later...Se you Doctor"


 "Doctor" he replied, "Exiting, isn't it?" he smiled and stood up as soon as Yaz did "I'm very pleased I met you Yasmin Khan" he kissed her hand "You're very lovely"


"It was very interesting to meet you as well. You're very lovely as well" she smiles


"By munchkin" he waves with his fingers bending down a bit and smiling


They left towards the hotel and Yaz was utterly confused "Darling...I'm confused"


"I'm not surprised" she laughs “Are you alright Yaz?”


"Nooo hear me out, not what you think. And yes, I’m fine...How do you not remember...I mean that's your past?"


"He will forget Yaz"




"My younger self will forget this ever happened because my timeline has been changed. So, it will stay locked inside until today"


"Ok...that's really complicated hun"


I know...sorry Yaz"



They came to the room and Yaz was putting away stuff they bought that day. Doctor stood in the middle of the room smiling from the corner of her lips watching her. She looked as if she just had the most normal day.


She came behind her and put hands around her stomach and Yaz automatically leaned on her


"I saw him” she said quietly


"I know you did beautiful" she rocks her in her arms a bit


"It almost makes me sad he won't remember...he was so happy…it was your face and your words"


"You're amazing person Yasmin Khan" she turns her around kissing her gently "I love you so much my beautiful Yaz"


"I love you Doctor" she smiled and kissed her back "One thing...promise me"




"Please babe my family can't see this...this is waaaay tooo much to process they will go bonkers"


Doctor laughed "I know Yaz I'm aware of that"