Chapter 23




"Morning" Yaz said a yawn walking into the kitchen still in her pajamas and kissed Charlie's cheek. 


"Morning honey" she smiled haply and moved the pan from the fire "Take a plate" 


"OMG this is like B&B" Yaz giggled looking at freshly fried eggs 


"You don't eat bacon, do you?" 


"No…thank you...but those look amazing.” 


"Want some baked beans with them?" 


"Arrrrhhh yes yes" she grinned haply 


"Thought so...oh toast is done. Can you just get it out for me please?" 


"Sure...did you eat?" 


"Not yet...I will do now with you two. Where's Alex?" 


"She's sleepy today...she's still in the bathroom. I think it's the headache from yesterday it always drains her. It's the only time she has a lie in" 


"They're better now to how they were before. She used to get them a lot more" 


"OMG...they are debilitating. My mum has them since her and dad had a car accident when we were little" 




"Oh yeah... they had a really bad accident and my mom hit her head on the side of the window. There was ice on the road and the man lost control of his car and hit them sideways" 




"It was a long time ago I was six then. But she says she never had those migraines before the accident happened. She is sometimes so ill she is throwing up" 


"That's how Alex was. First year she couldn't go in a sun at all then with time it got easier" 


"Can I ask you something? Without stepping over the line" Yaz said looking sideways at Charlie 


"Sure you can...But I know what you're gonna ask...Why didn't I leave the fucker earlier?" 


"I'm sorry...I'm overstepping here" 


"No Yaz it's alright...I know how this love Alex I would feel the same" she moved the pan from the fire and turned to her "Truth...I was afraid of him. I was afraid he's gonna kill me and go down for it and what's gonna happen to my kids then. But when he did what he did to Alex I realized he's gonna kill my kids first and something snapped inside me" she turned towards the kitchen top "The truth is I should've done it earlier" 


"I'm sorry..." Yaz put her hand on her shoulder "I shouldn't have asked that...My mouth is sometimes faster than my brain" 


"Yaz honey" Charlie turned towards her again "You're my family can ask whatever you want. We don't have secrets here and we talk about everything. Please remember that...there's gonna be times I'll probably ask you shit you don't wanna talk about but it's because I care not because I'm nosy" she smiled from a corner of her lips, and it reminded Yaz of Alex for a moment "C'mere " she opened her arms and Yaz fell into her embrace 


She hugged her tightly and warmly, completely from the bottom of her heart, and it made Yaz relax. 


"Thank you for sharing this with me" 


"It's okay, come your breakfast," she said as she tapped her back and drew away with a wide smile. 


"Moooorning" Alex chirped running down the stairs 


"Waaaaaw" When Yaz saw Alex in a dress, her eyes widened. She was dressed in a white short-sleeved T-shirt and a charming chocolate ankle-length dress with a large poppy flower embroidered on one side. "Waaaaw...look at her" 


"Like it?" Alex giggled. 


"When did you get that one? I fucking loooove it" she smiled 


"The other day when I was with mum.... left it as surprise for ya" she smiled kissing her swiftly and walked over to her mother, draping herself over her back and kissing her cheek. 


"You look cute" Charlie said "I'm glad you're finally wearing dresses" 


"This Mori style really looks adorable on you" Yaz said 


"Is that what it's called?" 


"Yeaaaah...It's Japanese style...I'm not fond of everything but stuff like this really looks cute on you" 


"It's not too much...I can deal with it...I just can't deal with showing of my legs" she said taking plates to the table 


"You have great legs" Yaz smiled and rubbed her nose over her cheek "Sexy legs" she giggled 


"Neath" Alex scrunched her face "I tried at some point...I was trying everything some of the stuff was cringe believe me...but I just felt stupid...didn't feel like me. Then I went back to trousers and shirts, and I could never get used to high heels I'd just break my legs" she laughed. 


"Hey, come on...when do you ever see me in heels?" Yaz said "I have literally one pair for when I have to wear them and even then, I walk like someone blew my kneecaps off and they grew the wrong fucking way around" 


"OMG" Alex laughed "Actually I never noticed that don’t do ya?....That's the only thing I just never got used to and Annie really tried with me. Do you remember mum?" 


"Your sister isn't wearing heels Alex...she's wearing wonder you never got used to it" Charlie laughed "I don't know how she can fucking walk in those" 


"What she wears now is low compared to what she used to wear" Alex laughed 


"I fucking hate the things...I swear man invented them to torture women" Yaz said sitting at the table 


"Yaaaz!" Alex screamed laughing "Well it's good we're both wearing flats tomorrow then" 


"I'd gouge my eyes out before wearing heels on my own wedding" 


"I just wanna see you two dressed...that's all I want" Charlie said sitting at the table 


"You willl" Alex smiled 


"Finally...little shits...I'm desperate here...People asking me what your dress looks like and I'm like...dunno ask her sister" 


"I'm soooorry" Alex leaned over the table kissing her cheek "...I just want you seeing me all dune up" 


"Yeah, yeah..." she shook her head 


"She looks beautiful" Yaz said smiling 


"No shit" Charlie said and Yaz burst out laughing 


"One more day Charlie...just one more day" 


"Fuck you both" she laughed. 


Yaz's phone rang, and she got up rushing to pick it up from the kitchen top "This is mum for sure" 


"Hey mum...where are you?" 


"We just left so we will be late Yaz" 


"Oh...what happened?" 


"Prem threw up all over the place so Sonya had to change him" 


"OMG...Is he alright?"" 


"He's fine...don't worry...Cats are fine all sorted so we're finally on our way" 


"Alright mum...see ya ya" 


"Love you too" 


"What happened?" Alex asked worried 


"Prem threw up on himself so they're running late" she said sitting back at the table 


"Oh's because of food change for sure" Alex said concerned "I'll check him out when they come" 


"It is...Sonya doesn't have as much milk anymore so she's introducing formula now. I don't think it agrees with his tummy" 


"Oh, poor little love" Alex pouted her lips "Gonna give him extra kisses when they come" 



Alex and Yaz hurried back to her grandmother's place right after breakfast to fetch the tray her mother had requested, and then rushed to do last-minute speed shopping for a few things they all managed to forget despite the extensive shopping list. In the meantime, Charlie was trimming the roses, removing all of the blossomed blooms to ensure that they looked fresh and gorgeous in the wedding photos. She heard the car pulling up to her house, followed by the bibbing. 


"I thought that was you when I heard the car" she said walking up the driveway 


"Finally...this was a drive out of hell I tell you" Nadjia said getting out of the car 


"Hey Charlie" Hakim waived 


" long as you arrived safely...there's no rush. The girls are gonna be surprised to see you they're out doing last minute shopping" 


"Hello Charlie!" Sonya smiled getting Prem out of his seat 


"Hi is he?" 


"Better...but I think he literally threw up everything by this point" 


"Oh bless him" 


"That's because you fed him just before the trip and I told you, you should not feed the baby before he goes in a car" her grandma said stretching herself 


"He has to eat or he's gonna cry nanny" 


"Let him...he's not gonna die from starvation" 


Sonya rolled her eyes "Oh here we go...can't go without family drama can we" 


"You must be knackered...come on in" Charlie smiled "Sonya darling if there's anything you need, please shout." 


"Will do...but I think we're fine for now. I will just need to put him to sleep soon" 


"I think Alex will be more than thrilled to have him upstairs" she laughed. 


"I bet she's gonna carry him around like a kangaroo" she laughed 


"What a beautiful house" Umbreen said walking inside 


"Thank you...Kitchen is this way...I made something light if you're hungry" 


"Talking about that...this is dinner" Hakim lifted the bag with a bunch of pots inside "There’s more in a car...some stuff needs to go in a fridge" 


"OMG thanks for that. That's sweet... I do have extra fridge in a garage we can do it straight away. Please make yourselves at home"





"I really hope we have everything now" Yaz said looking at the shopping list 


"Me too...but I still think this is way too much and i don't understand why is mum cooking on top of all the catering" 


"Cause she can't help herself like my dad" she laughed " you have nail polish remover?" 


"Yes, but I'm running low...we should get it" 


"Alright then that's it...we have everything else" 


On the way to a till Alex zoomed in on a frozen section and suddenly made a sharp turn twards it. 


"What did you see?" Yaz laughed 


"Loook...cake pops Yazee" she opened the refrigerator exited 


"Whaaa...for what?" 


"Kids Yaz...look they're sooo cute" 


"OMG girl...what was that about the amount of food we have again?" 


"But cake pops are gonna love them and they have sugar free" 


"What ever I say now you will still buy them, right?" 


"Aha" she laughed 


"Just load them in" she rolled her eyes laughing "I suppose they're cute" 


"Yeees!!!...." Alex hopped exited pulling the boxes out "Come on let's choose the colours that go with the theme" 


"Your enthusiasm is contagious you do know that" Yaz laughed as they were leaning over the fridge "Hey look green with peach dots" 


"Aaaaaaa perfect Yaz...just checking if they are sugar free" she said reading the ingredients "Sugar and nut we go" 


"Good...throw it in and let's go" 


Alex leaned on a trolley at the till scrolling through her phone checking the weather forecast again. 


"It's gonna rain" Yaz giggled 


"Aaaaaaa....dddd....ssssshhhh" Alex put her hand over her mouth 


"Tornado warning" Yaz giggled. 


"Sunny and bright" Alex turned her phone happily 


"See told tent" 


"I don't care if it snows on long as its sunny tomorrow" 


"It will be silly billy" Yaz smiled kissing her temple 




Yaz drifted away for a bit as they drove home. She finally felt at ease and began to become very emotional about the wedding which was now practically hours away. Hours till Alex will be her wife was the only thought that occupied her brain today. In spite of her playing it down, the happiness and excitement she felt was like nothing she ever felt in her life. 

She brushed her fingertips across Alex's hand, which was resting on a gear stick. Alex smiled while shifting the gears and looped her thumb over Yaz's. 


As they parked the car Sonya came outside to great them holding Prem in her arms. 


"Sonya??" Alex said as she parked 


"OMG, they're here!" Yaz grinned and waved before opening the door and exiting as soon as they drew over. 


"Look at her all shining" Sonya smiled 


"OMG you came earlier" Yaz smiled hugging her sister "Hey stinky" she kissed Prem 


"Hiya" Alex waived closing the door then ran towards her 


"Hey girl...waaaw...Waaaw...You're wearing a dress" 


"I am, I am" she smiled "Aaaaarhhhh I've missed you both so much" she hugged her tight then took Prem off her straight away "Specially you chubby chops" she kissed Prem pressing him against herself lovingly 



Seeing them again after a while made her realize how much she now considers them to be her family. It was a beautiful and soothing feeling to realize she had finally found her place. home away from home.



"OMG you came earlier," Yaz exclaimed as she hugged her sister. "Hey stinky," she kissed Prem. 


"Hiya," Alex said closing the door and hurried towards her. 


"Hey,'re wearing a dress" 


"I am, I am" she grinned "Aaaaarhhhh I've missed you both so much" she held her tight then grabbed Prem off her immediately "Specially you chubby chops" 


"Hiya..." Alex smiled walking into the kitchen 


"Aleeeex" Hakim waived "Surprise." 

"It is my god we didn't expect you till at least noon" 


"Heeeey" Yaz walked inside putting shopping bags on a kitchen counter and went to hug everyone one by one. 


They all sat around the table chatting away mostly about the wedding and what the plan was. But Alex went upstairs with Sonya to check on Prem and put him to sleep. 


"Don't worry, he's just gassy but if you do this every time after he eats, he will be ok" 


"Oh, great...cause he's crying all the time now and I'm not gonna see the nurse till after the wedding I was already thinking to go and see someone here" 


"It should be fine don't worry about it" 


" this is your room" she looked around. 


"Aha" Alex smiled lying on a bed next to Prem cuddling his tummy 


"That's you!" Sonya took a photo from the chest of drawers. 


"Yeaaaah" Alex giggled 


"I know how you feel about your past but for me it's actually quite amazing you know. You got to feel both. I'm sorry I hope I'm not rude." 


"Noo...don’t be silly...In that respect it is I suppose" 


"Do you think you would feel the way you did if people were more kind to you? More loving and accepting." 


"Discomfort of it would always be there...and I would always want to be myself...But I don't think that hate I felt towards myself would. Not as much anyway. Not everyone hates themselves like that...Some people embrace their past self I just never could. I don't think I ever will." 


Sonya laid on a bed on the bed "You're one of the most beautiful, kindest people I've ever met. I don't think that old you was any different...I hope one day you do embrace it" 


"You're making me mushy now" Alex wiped her tears "C'mere you" she pulled her over hugging her "Love ya" 


"I love you too..." she pulled away with a smile 


"Oh, look he fell asleep" 


"He did my have magic hands girl" she giggled getting up 


"Why don't you stay here with would be so much easier you know. Rather than keep hoping backwards and forwards." 


"I don't wanna intrude" Sonya frowned. 


"Don't be silly...the room next to us is empty my mum moved a room to give us privacy" she laughed getting up 


"Noo way?" Sonya laughed 


"As if I would ever underneath her roof...I'd die on a spot" 


"OMG me too" 


"Anyway...think about would be so much easier honesty...Also...we can do it now...

All your stuff is in a car" 


"Did you plan this?" Sonya laughed 


"Maybe " Alex grinned 




"Muuum!..." Alex rushed down the stairs "Sonya and the baby will stay with us" 


"Really? Oh lovely...I'm gonna sort out the room then" 


"Noo mum I will...sit...enjoy yourself for once" 


"Are you sure Charlie?" Nadjia said embarrassed "I cries, you need your peace...and you are doing so much already. 


"Oh, don't be daft...If it was down to me, I'd have you all here, but you insisted on staying at the hotel" 


"Thank you so much" Nadjia smiled. 


"That's extremely kind of you" Yaz's granny said "Sonya just please make sure you are helping out Charlie and the girls" 


"Of course, I will.... Thank you so much" Sonya walked up to her and hugged her lovingly 


"Don't be silly honey.... you’re a family now" 


"Ok...well let's get your stuff out of the car then" Alex grinned 


"Wait" Yaz jumped up from the chair "I'll help you out" 


"Charlie" Hakim came up to her as soon as they left "This is extremely nice of you...Please let us pay our way at least for food." 


"Whaaaat? no absolutely no way I won't have that. She's my guest and besides Alex and Yaz already bought so much food we can feed the army" 


"Thank you" 


"Stop thanking me so much...what is it with you people" she laughed. 


"Also...can we talk about something before girls come back" Hakim said quietly.


" there a problem?" Charlie frowned. 


"No not at all...Its just that Yaz mentioned to me how Alex's dad obviously isn't here and how Alex is really upset for not having her dad walk her down the aisle." 


Charlie signed "Well....yeah...we did talk about it and I suggested that one of her brothers does it but they decide to drop it all together" 


"It would be my absolute pleasure to walk your daughter down the aisle Charlie" 


"What?" she shook her head "OMFG are you shitting language is foul" 


"That's fine" he laughed 


"What the hell Hakim...but what about your daughter?" She pointed towards the door 


"It was her wish Charlie" Nadjia added "She spoke with Hakim, said she wants Alex to have that" 


"Fucking hell you all" Charlie burst out in tears "You'd do that for my kid?" 


"Sure, we would..." 


"Fuck...this is more than anyone has ever..." Charlie crumbled 


"'s alright" Hakim put his hand on her shoulder glancing at Nadjia then hug Charlie 


"Muuum....Where's the bed linens?" Alex burst through the door and Charlie quickly moved away wiping her tears 


"In my room in that wardrobe baby" 


"Alright....we're gonna set up a cot" 


"Ok honey" she said 


"Don't say anything" Hakim whispered "It's gonna be a surprise" 


"Alright..." she nodded pursing her lips "I don't know what to say or how to thank you" 


"Don't be daft" Nadjia giggled dropping her arm over her shoulder making Charlie laugh 




"Hey, hold this side for me will ya?" Alex said to Sonya taking the cot out of the bag "It needs to click." 


"He's sleeping like a log" Yaz came back in a room 


"I'm so fucking exited to be here" Sonya smiled 


"Me too" Alex giggled 


"And me" Yaz kissed her cheek 


"You are?" Sonya grinned 


"Don't be stupid...course I am" 


"We need to bring the mattress it's rolled up inside that thing on the roof...Don't ask me how we rolled it" 


"OMG" Alex laughed 


"Yeah, then we wrapped it in 100 m of cling film" Sonya laughed 


"Fucking hell..." Yaz laughed "You need a bigger car" 


"Tell me about it...mum said it all needed to fit in two suitcases.... thank god dad got that thing on a roof or we would be well and truly fucked. I don't know where we would put the stuff...the buggy is up inside it as well" 


"I'll get it don't worry about it" Alex said 


"Alex honey" Charlie walked inside "Oh waaaw look at that.... Ava is coming in half an hour...she just called me" 


"Brilliant....we're gonna be done by then" 


"Ava?" Yaz turned to Alex confused 




"Oh yes...fucking shit I'm really out of everything" she said pulling the duvet over the bed "Here you go...all done" 


"Waaaw...look at's like a five star hotel for us" 


"Bathroom is down the hallway" Alex said exited puffing hair from her face "I'll show you later" 


"Alright hun" 


"I'll get the mattress" Alex zoomed out of the room 


"Wait I'll...." Yaz sighed “Never mind then" she rolled her eyes laughing as Alex was probably by the car already how hyper she was "She's like on speed honestly." 


"She's so funny...You exited?" Sonya asked sitting next to her on a bed 


"OMG I feel like I'm gonna throw up but don't tell her" she smiled "Just hit me today....I was so stressed with work...Everything went so fast I didn't  know where my head is from my ass and now I feel like I'm fucking dreaming" 


"Good...that's exactly how you should feel" 


"Thanks sis" she shook her head smiling 


"You're so lucky to have each other you know...I'm a bit jealous I won't lie...Sorry...I'm gross" 


" you're not" Yaz draped her arm over her shoulder. Her heart sank hearing her sister say it. 


"You two are so fucking cute together and here's me finding a biggest wanker on a wtf was with my brain?" 


"You will find someone, you know. Who's gonna love you and him" 


"I doubt it...nobody wants a baggage Yaz" 


"Don't be silly...Prem isn't baggage.... there are plenty of people out there who love kids.... you’ll see...Look at Alex...she'd sell her soul for a kid" she giggled 


"Here we go" Alex chirped haply caring the mattress "I'll go get the buggy" she said popping the mattress on the bed 


"Slow down're gonna pop a vein" Yaz giggled getting up "We'll get the buggy later not like they gonna run away...Sit down you're getting overheated your cheeks are on fire." 


"I know, I'm hot" she huffed sitting down "Uuuuu...he woke up" she jumped off the bed again 


"I'll get him" Sonya laughed "Just take a breath girl" 


"Alright...I can do that" she said sitting back down again 


"You silly sod" Yaz came up to her and scooped her hair up "You're hot as oven" she said stroking the back of her neck "You should splash some water on your face baby I don't want you get a headache again" 


"I'm fine, don't worry...I'm so happy they're gonna be here" she grinned haply trying to catch a breath 


"No shit" Yaz laughed 


"Hey, we could take them to the park later" she said gliding her hands down Yaz's sides 


"We could" 


"Come on let's set up a cot" 


" a bit...we will...fuck sake you got worms in your but girl" 


"Mmmmm...I'm just exited" 


"I know you are...just don't want you being ill that's all" she said placing a small kiss to the tip of her nose 






"Yazeeee!! Ava is coming" Alex yelled from the bottom of the stairs 


"Coming" she said quickly getting dressed as they all needed a shower after finishing with Sonya's room 


"Here give him to me now hun" Charlie said taking Prem from Alex's arms 


"No no it's fine Charlie" Sonya said "I'll take him" 


"It's alright...I miss babies...and he's so cute" 


"He is, isn't chubby feeties" Sonya said kissing his tiny chubby feet going mushy 


"She's here" Alex said exited when she heard a car pulling up the driveway and rushed twards the door "Yazeee she's here" she yelled again 


"Coming" Yaz rushed pulling her hair up in a messy bun and ran downstairs. 


"Hiii" Alex chirped with a massive smile opening the door 


"Hello darling" Ava smiled back getting out of the car 


"Hello" Yaz waived from the door 


"Oh, this is my Yazee" Alex said proudly 


"Nice to meet you honey" 


"Nice to meet you too" 


"Hey girl..."Charlie came up to her as they walked inside 


"This is my sister Sonya..." Yaz said as they walked in to the kitchen "...My mum, dad and granny" Yaz said "everyone this is Ava our florist" 


"Nice to meet you. Oh, I love what you did with the flowers" Sonya said "If I ever get married I'm having you as my florest" 


"Thank you...that's so nice of you. Sorry girls I don't have much time so we will have to make this fast I have one more client today and four weddings tomorrow" 


"OMG...ok let's make this fast then" Alex said pointing towards the back door 





Evening arrived quickly, and the kitchen was buzzing with the sounds of everyone preparing a meal together. While Hakim and Charlie were heating up the food, Yaz and Nadjia were setting the table amd Alex was making a salad with Umbreen. 


"It's very pretty here" Umbreen said looking at the garden through the kitchen window. 


"It's beautiful" Alex smiled 


"I've never been this far up North" 


"It's not that far really" 


"It is for me I haven't left Sheffield in years" 


"Oh" Alex giggled 


"How come you decided to move?" 


"I got a better job, and I can be myself without people judging me all the time" 


"I'm sorry" 


"It's alright...I wouldn’t meet my Yazee if I didn't move so it turned out the best decision I ever's just...I do miss my family a lot" 


"I understand that...I had to leave my own country and I know how hard it can be" 


"Why did you leave?" 


"My family wanted more for me and my brother.... they wanted us to get better education and more opportunities, so they sent us off together. We didn't know anyone when we came" 


"Oh, I feel that...I didn't know anyone's very lonely...but then I met my Yazee" she smiled sweetly at Umbreen 


"I'm glad you have...I've never seen her so happy since she was a little girl" 


"What did you do when you came to UK?" 


"I worked in a small curtain store" 




"Are you a seamstress?" 


"No... but I learned the trade...then I met my husband a year later and we got married four months after meeting each other" 


"Oh, like me and Yazee" 


"Do you plan on having any children?" 


"Absolutely" she exclaimed haply 


"That's nice...I see you love children very much" 


"Oh...they're the best...I'd have six if you ask me" 


"Goodness" Umbreen laughed "Two was enough for me" 


"Oh, I didn't know Nadjia had any siblings...Yaz didn't mention anything" 


"She has a brother, but he went to New Zealand year's ago" 


"Ooooh...I see...Have you ever been? I always wanted to go there" 


"No... I hate planes" 


"Like Yazee...that's where she gets it from" 


"Oh I hate not having my feet on the ground...People are meant to walk not fly like birds...uff" 


Alex giggled 


"Hey you two" Yaz stepped between them "Having a nice chat?" 


"We are actually" Umbreen smiled "I like your Alex..." she said as if Alex wasn't even present making Yaz laugh 


"Do you now?" 


"Well, I like you too..." Alex smiled "We just spoke about your grandma being uncomfortable with planes same as you Yazee" 


"It runs in a family" she laughed. 


"Ok...well the salad is done" Alex said passing the bowl to Yaz 


"Everything is done I just need to get Sonya"  Yaz said

"I'll go get her" Alex jumped to it 


"You just wanna get your hands on Prem admit it" 


"Maybe" she giggled kissing her cheek and rushed upstairs 


" like my Alex then?" Yaz nudged her granny with a hip smirking 


"She's very pleasant" 


"Mmmm...alright then...Love ya" she kissed her cheek quickly and rushed off to help Charlie with the food 


"Hey honey...just take the pot please" Charlie said passing a big pot of food to Yaz " I'll do the rest. Where's Alex and Sonya?" 


"Sonya is feeding Prem and Alex went upstairs to steal the baby" she laughed 


Charlie shook her head laughing " I swear Yaz, when you will have a baby one day you're gonna have to fight her to even see it" 


"I told her she's gonna have to learn how to share her toys" she laughed 




"So girls, what's the plan for tomorrow?" Najia asked as they all sat at the table together 


"Make-up and hair in the morning" Alex said "and I think by the time we come back we will have to get dressed and that's it" she grinned haply 


"Today they are bringing all the tables and chairs and tomorrow morning the rest" Yaz said "We wil not be here so please make sure everything is ok" 


"We wil, don't worry Yaz" Charlie said 


"Me and Charlie will be like hawks" Nadjia said "and your grandma is like a rottweiler, so I think you're safe" 




"You know when I got married it lasted for two days" Umbreen said 


"That's because you had 300 guest’s granny" Yaz laughed 


"We did and I had the most beautiful could have worn it Yaz" 


"I knoooow but It's not that kind of a wedding nanny..." 


"I know I explained...just saying Yaz" 


"Sonya can wear it one day when she gets married" Yaz said, and Sonya gave her a look across the table making her laugh 


"Mum wore a mini skirt for her wedding" Alex said "didn't you?" 


"I did..." Charlie laughed "OMG that was cringe" 


" looked cute...but hair was a bit dodgy" Alex giggled "and dad looked like a pimp" 


Everyone burst out laughing 


"OMFG Aleeeex" Charlie laughed 


"Hakim looked like a waiter and I had the ugliest dress in world I don't know what I was thinking" Nadjia laughed "It was a bad copy of Diana's dress" 


"All because she again didn't want to wear my dress" Umbreen said 


"Poor nanny giving her dress to everyone and nobody wants to wear it" Sonya said kissing her cheek 


"Exactly...thank you Sonya" 


"Well now when you said that you will have to" Yaz burst out laughing 


"Hey...I've got an idea you all" Alex got up quickly and rushed upstairs 


"Where's she going?" Nadjia asked confused 


"No clue" Yaz laughed "She's super hyper since  this morning" 


Alex came back waiving her camera with a big smile " Go on...let's take few's for my time line" 


"Oh yeah...I love your photos" Sonya jumped to it straight away 


"Alright then" Hakim got up haply "C'mere everyone” 


"I'll set it to a timer...just give me a second " Alex said fiddling with a small tripod and placed it on kitchen top then ran quickly to the others "Say cheese" she yelled haply wrapping her arms around Yaz 


She snapped few more casual photos of everyone that night planning already which ones are going on her wall. 


"Now I will have even more room for them when we move" she said haply sitting back at the table "Awwww....look at Prem and Nadjia" 


"OMG that's so cute" Sonya melted "and my family with him OMG those are so beautiful" 


"I'll have them developed for you" 


"Thanks honey...I was gonna ask if I could have them" 


"Course you can silly...that's the whole can start your own time line" 


"I love that idea...time line" 


She took some beautiful photos of Yaz's whole family and some of her mother. 


"Baby" Yaz leaned over her shoulder 




"Want me to take a photo of you and your mum?" 


"Yeaaaah" she smiled gently "You remember what I showed you?" 


"Yeah" Yaz nodded taking a camera 


"C'mere mum" Alex smiled getting up


She stood behind her mum wrapping her arms around her and rested her head on her shoulder then kissed her cheek. 


"I got both and they look fucking great" Yaz said proud of herself using Alex's camera for the first time since she started teaching her 


"Waaaw those are gorgeous" Charlie smiled 


"Aaaawww...They are aren't they.... Great job Yazee"






The evening flew by as they sat around laughing and got to know each other better. Something they'd never been able to do before. 

What worried Yaz the most was suddenly fading from her mind, how her grandma would react to Alex. But the two looked to get along just fine. 


Alex was in her lap, having a serious talk with Hakim about one of his conspiracy theories involving pesticide use and their influence on testosterone levels in infants. She appeared to be entirely engaged in the talk while snacking on the bowl of pistachios.

Yaz, on the other hand, found it fascinating to hear her grandma, Charlie, and Nadjia discuss their past. She was particularly taken with Charlie's anecdotes about Alex's childhood. Despite greatly wanting to know more about Alex, she rarely asked her about her past, largely out of fear of bringing up some of her pain. But hearing Charlie talk about going to Scotland each summer alone with her children for two weeks and having fun there made her happy since it meant Alex had some normalcy in her life. Sonya went upstairs to check on Prem after her and Alex had given him a bath and put him to bed hours before. He seemed to adjust well to his new surroundings and fell asleep quite quickly, but he did have a screaming session wanting to stay awake for longer while being passed from one person to the next. 


When it was time for Yaz's parents to leave for their hotel, Alex walked upstairs with Sonya, showing her around the remainder of the house and cleaning out some shelves for her in the bathroom. 

Yaz remained in the kitchen, helping Charlie with the cleanup. 



"Yaz" Charlie said quietly. 


"Yes" she turned over her shoulder as she was putting plates in the cupboard. 


"C'mere for a second" Charlie tapped the chair next to her 


Yaz walked up to her and sat down confused 


"Honey...Your dad spoke to me today...about the surprise for Alex" 


"Oh" Yaz gulped worried for a moment thinking she was overstepping the line but then Charlie reached across the table palming her hand gently 


"I'm gonna say this fast because I don't want Alex to hear me" 


"Ok" is the only thing she should utter feeling anxious 


"It's a very special moment when your father is walking you down that asle on your wedding day, but you gave up on that moment for my daughter" Charlie teared up and her fingers squeezed on Yaz's hand "It's one of the most beautiful things that anyone has ever done for my family Yaz...And yes it's gonna make Alex lose her shit completely tomorrow but as her mother..." she shakes her head "I have no words honey...I'll never forget this as long as I live Yaz...I just wanted you to know that" 


"OMG I thought your pissed off with me" she sighed a smile of pure relieve 


"Yaaaaaz...Where the hell did you get that from girl..." 


"I don’t know I just thought it's too much or...." 


"C'mere darling" she turned in her chair openening her arms getting up "I can't tell you what that means to me as a will understand one day" she said hugging her tight "You're a very special person Yaz with a massive heart. Your whole family is." 


"I just want her to be happy...she needs this so's her fairytale wedding." 


Charlie pulled away and cupped her face between her palms "It's your fairytale wedding honey...yours and hers" 


"I knoooow...but she's the one who always dreamed about this...I just dreamed about having someone who truly loves me...I don't care if we sign it on a bus station" she chuckled "As long as she's mine" 


"She is yours" Charlie kissed her forehead 


They herd Alex coming down the stairs and pulled apart quickly 


"Hiya...all done" Alex puffed hair from her face as she came down. I needed to take a shower 


"Want a drink?" Yaz asked kissing her quickly on a way to the fridge 




"Alright baby...Where's Sonya?" 


"She went to bed...she was tired, and Prem will probably wake her up at five again" 


"Don't stay up to late girls” Charlie said sitting back at the table "...I think you're underestimating how exhausting tomorrow will be for both of you" 


"We won't mum...I'm half asleep anyway...this is way too late for me" 


"Me too" Yaz said passing her a juice and tugged her hand pulling her in her lap "I'm knackered" she said with a yawn rubbing her face into her shoulder blade 


"How are you gonna get dressed? Together or separately?" 


"I duuunno..." Alex looked at Yaz questioning "I never thought about that?" 


"Separately" Yaz smiled "Let's leave at least something as a surprise" 


"Alright...I like that" Alex wiggled haply "Gonna see you all shiny Yazee" 


"It's gonna be more special you'll see" Charlie said "...I know you two know what you will wear but to see each other like that on a day hits different belive me" 


"I can't get my head around it that it's tomorrow" Alex pouted her lips 


"Me neither" Yaz squeezed her arms around her waist 


"Neither can I" Charlie laughed getting up "I just packed her bags six months ago and there she is getting married tomorrow" she kissed Alex's forehead 


"I know right...go spinsters" Alex smiled 


"I'm fucking hungry again I think its me nerves...Want some sandwiches?" 


"Yeah, fuck it" Yaz laughed 


"Yeaaaah...give us some food mum" 


"Oh, there's something else" Charlie said walking up to the chest of drawers taking a small present out "I was planning to give you this tomorrow but fuck it..." 


"What mum?" Alex asked confused 


She placed a small box on a table Infront of Alex 


"What's that?" Alex smiled opening it and pulled out a set of keys "Whaaa" she looked at her mum frowning 


"So you don't have to steal them next time" Charlie giggled 


"OMG" Alex laughed slumping her face to the table blushing "I need a paper bag" 


"I'm so sorry" Yaz laughed embarrassed into Alex's back 


"Listen you two...since you have no money for a honeymoon, I expect you to go there and have some time together at least for few days...They are switching on the electricity on Monday so you will have hot water as well" 


"Muuuum..." Alex pouted her lips getting up and hugged her tightly 


"Charlieeeee omg that's so fucking sweet" Yaz said "Thank you" she got up giving her a hug 


"That's alright...At least now you don't have to sneak around" she giggled and walked twards the fridge "I still expect you for a dinner every day" she smirked 


"Absolutely" Alex laughed



It was quite late by the time they went to bed. Yaz lay in bed, attempting to sleep, drawing lazy lines on Alex's stomach. She was, however, too excited to sleep. 



"Yazee" Alex suddenly said making her jump 


"Mmmm? I thought you fell asleep?" 


"I can't sleep" she giggled  


"Me neither" Yaz laughed "We're gonna die tomorrow you do know that?" 


"I's like almost five in the morning" 


"We're so fucked" she giggled 


Alex laughed turning around "Mmmmm" she hummed rubbing  her nose against Yaz's lovingly "We can just cuddle" she wiggled closer tangling her legs around her "Maybe we just fall asleep eventually" 


"You're just little cuddle monster that's all" 


"I won't deny any of it" she giggled slipping her hand underneath her top and trasing her fingers over her back 


"You're so fucking cute" Yaz giggled dotting kisses over her face finishing with a big smooch on her lips 


"We're getting married Yazeeee" she wiggled exited 


"We fucking are you silly billy...and you're gonna be mine officially forever" she squeezed her arms around her 


"I am I am... I’m gonna combust tomorrow Yazee" 


"You look like you're combusting already" 


"I know I have my euphoric outburst" she giggled 


"You're fucking crazy you know that...You remind me of a squirrel on speed" 


"Aaaaaaa" Alex burst out laughing 


"Shhhhh" Yaz put her hand over her mouth when she heard Prem crying. 


"OMG noooo" Alex's eyes opened wide 


"Sonya's gonna kill you" Yaz burst out laughing 


They laughed like crazy then went silent staring at each other when someone knocked on their door. 


"It's me" Sonya said on the other side" 


"Yeeees? We're decent" Alex suddenly had a giggling attack "It's safe to come in" 


The door of their bedroom opened slowly, and Sonya peaked inside 


"Hiii...I can't fucking sleep" Sonya laughed "then I herd you laughing" 


"C'mere" Alex waived her hand sitting up "I'm sorry for waking up Prem" 


"You didn't" she said sitting on a bed "he lost his dummy he's back to sleep" 


"We can't sleep at all...." Yaz said getting out of bed "And Alex had a giggle fit...Anyone want something from the kitchen?" 


"My mum's sleeping tablets" Alex laughed like crazy 

"I think I herd her walking around the house" Sonya laughed 


"Tomorrow is gonna look like the ball of the vampires" Yaz said leaving the room 


"Oi...Yazee...get me some juice and some of that pie" 




"And some Coke for me" Sonya said 


"I just realised this is the first time I see you without makeup" Sonya said 


"OMG yes...." Alex laughed "I must be relaxed in front of didn't even cross my mind" 


"And you talk so much crap you look so pretty" 


"Neah" she wrinkles her nose 


"This is like a pajama party...I haven't had a pajama party since I was 12" 


"I never had a pajama party" 


"Help" Yaz yelped struggling to hold a bottle of Coke, juice and a plate with a pie and the packet of peanuts between her teeth 


"Fucking hell Yaz" Sonya jumped off the bed to her rescue 


"Your mum was in a kitchen eating my dad's cakes and looked like a kid caught doing something naughty when she saw me" Yaz laughed 


"Omg" Alex laughed "She never eats anything at night I think she's nervous" 


"Awww...Mum is as well, she texted me asking did you send flowers to the cake store" 


"OMG no we didn't" Yaz said and Alex's eyes opened wide "Got ya" she laughed "Look look panic..." 


"Oi..." she threw a peanut at her "I saw plastic flowers on a cake for a short minute" Alex laughed 


"I'm so happy to be here...thanks for this" Sonya said 


"Aaaaww...don’t go all soppy on me now...It’s not like us two" Yaz smirked  


"So, are you two gonna go on any honeymoon after?" 


"Nooo" Yaz said "No money...and we've just been to a holiday." 


"The house is going through all the money is going into that" Alex added


"Well, that's better than any honeymoon" Sonya said 




"My money is coming through for Prem as well. Your friend helped me so much with that contract. He needs to pay me out in 30 days"

"Oh that's fantastic" Alex said "There's something that Yaz and me wanted to ask you"

"What?...You two look serious suddenly"

"Weeel...Alex and me were talking about our garage and then I spoke with mum and dad"

"Ha? You're losing me"

"Well you know we spoke about the extension on a garage” Alex said “ If we would say make a small apartment up there would you move in with us?"

"Whaaaat?" Sonya's eyes grew and her jaw dropped "What are you saying?"

"Well mum and dad said they're gonna help out with money and.."

"We would love to have you there" Alex wiggled exited

"Are you fucking serious?"

"Yeaaaah...and now you will get that money you would have enough to furnish it" Yaz said

"OMFG" Sonya covered her mouth with hand "You are serious"

"As a heart attack" Alex said

"Yes! Yes!...fucking yes" she jumped so exited she felt she's going to choke

"Goodie" Alex smiled "Well then it's sorted"

"OMG you two are fucking crazy...I don't know what to say"

"Just give us a hug" Alex opened up her arms haply

"Hey we're gonna be roommates again" Yaz smiled hugging her sister

"We are..." Sonya wiped tears from her face "Are you sure about this...I two need your privacy and all that"

"We still have it Sonya" Alex said "And so will you...don't worry about it...and my uncle is gonna build it so it's not gonna cost that much. We'll manage"

"I think I'm gonna pass out" She smiled "I'm gonna have my own fucking place!" She yelled exited "Oh shit...I think I just woke him up" she stopped listening but Prem stopped crying

"I think he fell asleep again" Alex laughed

"We should really go to bed...fuck it's almost six in a morning" Sonya looked at her phone

"OMG" Yaz laughed

"Right...I'm off....I really fucking love you two" Sonya said hugging them again

"We love you too" Yaz said kissing her cheek

"So exiting" Alex smiled haply

"Alright girls I'm two get some're gonna need it for tomorrow"

"I think it's too late for that" Alex laughed

"I'm gonna be sick tomorrow" Yaz laughed

"You mean today" Alex lifted her phone showing 5:45 in a morning"

"Fuuuck" Yaz sighed splattering herself on her stomach like a pancake and buried her face into the pillow

Alex closed the door when Sonya left and climbed the bed giggling. She crawled on all fours kissing the back of Yaz's legs and continued up her body.

"Mmmmmm....that's nice" Yaz hummed as she continued kissing her all the way to her neck blanketing herself over her "Can you stay like that?" Yaz mumbled into the pillow

"I'm gonna crush you" Alex giggled moving her hair and kissing the back of her neck

"That's alright...I'll die happy" Yaz giggled into the pillow

"I'm so fucking tiered now" Alex rolled next to her and slipped her hand underneath her top continuing to cuddle her

"I'm knackered...this is not good...we will die tomorrow"

"But we will die happy" Alex laughed

Yaz turned her head and looked at her dreamy. Her eyes wondering around Alex's face

"What?" Alex smiled softly moving locks of her hair from her sleepy face

"I love you so fucking much"

"I love you too my beautiful Yazee" she wiggled over the bed and kissed her awkwardly making them both giggle

"C'mere" Yaz rolled on her side and opened her arms up letting Alex settle herself "Nightie night" she said kissing her head closing her arms around her

"Good morning" Alex laughed.


“You silly sod” Yaz laughed



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