Chapter 18



It's been several months since Akani adventure. The two are pretty settled where they are. Had a few smaller adventures in a mean time. They still cannot help answering a call when some trouble is out there but nothing on a scale of Akani. And the Doctor always recruits the whole fam. Snow started to melt and Yaz finally realized it's for the better they just sit still for a while. The Doctor explained how she once stayed 24 years with her late wife on one place and it's really not such a tragedy after all. The Doctor did put the picket fence around the Tardis in the end but just for a laugh. She's still not ready to go as far as getting a dog. Not too keen on puppy chewing pieces of the console or peeing all over Tardis.

"Soo??? Any idea finally when the baby is coming, or you still don't know? Or I will carry it for the next three years?" Yaz puts her t-shirt over a bump that is quite visible at this point.

She's was sitting on top of the console playing like a kid with some instruments Doctor uses to look at the baby.

"The munchkin is healthy but growing slow...more my kind of know Gallifrey slow. So definitely not nine months. I think year is more likely Yaz"
Doctor takes the instrument away and Yaz makes a sulking face like she just took a favorite toy away

"Goodness quite a wait then jet" she slumps her shoulders

"Yap...and that's if it decides to be a boy...Girls take longer about sixteen months"

"Whaaaat??? What the hell why?"

"Oh well just you know...having few extra parts takes a bit longer" she flipped the monitor "see can't see yet" she points her finger at the screen

"Dear god I will grow old by time I pop this baby out" she huffed and puffed

Doctor put her arms around her waist making a a comfy place for herself between Yaz's legs "It's fun least you get to sleep" she kisses the top of her nose

"Oh well you will definitely have night shifts. Your awake half of the night anyway" Yaz smirked and casually moved one strain of Doctors hair from her face tucking it behind her ear

"I don't mind will keep me busy"

"I was joking...but you're being way to cute" she smiles and giving her a short kiss.

"Help me down...I'm really hungry...can we
eat before we go?"

" must eat.."she grabs her waist and plopped her down on a floor "Very important I keep telling you that"

"I know you, eat and eat all the time. I'm definitely getting bigger you know."

"Soo...what iff you are? There's gonna be more of you for me to love...Come on... I fancy some of those Portuguese we had this morning I think there's some left in a fridge"

"I'm so nervous I can't breathe"

"Don't be nervous Yaz it's gonna be's not you who your mum's gonna's gonna be me Yaz"

"I think she's gonna kill both of us to be honest"


Doctor was setting coordinates for Sheffield and Yaz felt like she's gonna throw up on a floor of the Tardis.

"Ready?" Doctor turns to her smiling

"Yeah...noooo...wait!" she takes a big breath

"'s ok we can stay if you want"

"Yap ..can we stay?...We can do this some other day right?" she looked like she's about to cry

"Sure...sure we can...But we're not..." Doctor laughed and pulled the levre

"I'm going to kill you I swear!!" Yaz yells when they landed

"Nah...I'm relatively sure you're not" Doctor laughed and passed by her grabbing her hand "Come on...let's go" she pulls her out of the door and to the street in front of her building and Doctor is zipping up Yaz's jacket like to a child. It always makes Yaz laugh how extra attentive she's become. They come to the door of the apartment


"Yeah...nooo" she pulls her by the hand to walk away but Doctor rings a doorbell and pulls her back

"What are you doing? " she's pulling her hand

"Brave Yaz...remember what you told brave Yaz" Doctor laughed

"It's not the same thing" she whispers

"Hey you two! " Hakim opens the door

"Hey dad" she hugs him and passed him by looking at the Doctor like she will strangler her on a spot

"Doctor...nice to see you again...dinner's nearly ready" he smiled letting her in

"That's brilliant...I didn't eat much today...i am getting hungry a bit. Nice to see you again Hakim" she walks in still smirking at Yaz

"Yaz's mum...nice to see you again" Doctor hugs her

"Nice to see you too honey. How you've been?"

"Hey mum.." Yaz hugs her mum trying to move her stomach away from her it made Doctor laugh how silly it looked her pushing her whole bum out trying to avoid it

Hakim served dinner and they chat for a while about random stuff. Sonya wasn't that present with her face mostly in her phone the whole evening.

"So Yaz..what's going on with your work honey. I know you and the Doctor have been working together for....what exactly did you say again honey?"

"I didn't mum...about that. There's something that I need to show you mum..well to you as well dad...well all of you. Sonya...can you get your face out of that phone please...This is important" Yaz starts the conversation with a knot in her stomach

"Yaz? Are you alright honey?" Hakim says worried

"Oh yeah dad definitely...could you just get dressed please and come with me and the Doctor" she frowns a bit uncomfortably knowing what's next to come

"What's going on Yaz?"

"Nothing mum...I just think it would be much easier iff we show you" she meets Doctor eyes across the table "rather than trying to explain it"

"Alright honey. Sonya get dressed honey come on"

"Oh come we have to? Can't you just talk like other people do?" she rolls her eyes annoyed

"Not this time I can't. Please"

They slowly come down to the street and and as they came close to Tardis Yaz grabbed Doctors hand. Najia has seen it straight away and nudged her husband pointing with her head.
Doctor comes to the door and turns around

"Ready?" she smiles

"Ready for what? It's a police box? I don't understand. Does this have anything to do with your work honey?" Hakim askes

"Sort of dad" Yaz kept holding Doctors hand squeezing it really tight whiles she opened the door. They both walked in but Yaz's family stayed outside

"Well go on...get in" Yaz peaks outside

They look at each other confused and walked in slowly. Sonya’s face was still in her phone while walking in until her dad put his hand over the screen of her phone lowering it down to get her attention. His eyes were open wide wondering around the Tardis interior and his mouth half open. His wife walked around gliding the walls of Tardis as iff she wanted to make sure it was real.

"Welcome to my Tardis" Doctor says smiling

"What's going on here?" Sonya's eyes wondered around the space "Is it a club?"

Yaz rolls her eyes at her sisters comment

"Mum, dad...this is's a space ship" she looks at the Doctor "and a time ship"

"Beg your pardon? Did you just say time ship?" Najia repeats

"Yeah mum. It's where I was all this time. I'm so sorry for lying to all of you" she felt like her stomach just dropped to the floor

"I told you. Didn’t I tell you honey. UFO, conspiracy theories you never believed me. I told you our government has it" Hakim looks at his wife gloating and she frowns back at him

"Yaz this is it isn't it?...You're both working for secret government organization like man in black...Are they real honey? Where did they get this from? Or did they just reverse engender technology? Or..."

"She's alien dad!!!" Yaz blurred out

"Yeah ok but the ship where did you get the ship from?" he's still looking around exited

"Daaaad!!!! Doctor...she's's hers not government. It's not a conspiracy theory dad Doctor isn't from Earth she's from Gallifrey"

Silence filled the room. Even Sonya stopped and started at both if them speechless.

" don't need to lie to me and dad you know we understand some stuff you can't talk about it you know. Like you know you two...I mean we know don't we?...she nudged her husband "It's fine darling...We just want you to be happy. And she's a nice girl..."

"Oh for god sake mum I'm not lying" she turns to the Doctor "Help me out here...please"

"It's true...she's not lying...I got two hearts as well look" she turns her sonic towards her chest and her chest starts glowing reveling her hearts like through the ultrasound and the bits could be heard across the room

Sonya dropped her phone on a floor. She just stood there frozen in time and space.

"That's bloody amazing!!!" Hakim jumps excited breaking the silence in the room "Isn't that amazing honey. Is this your real body or you can shape-shift into a human form?" he continues completely fascinated

"Oh no no Time Lords are not shape shifting...but we do regenerate" Doctor started explaining "I did meet some shape shifting species a long time ago.... amazing creatures" Doctor gets all bouncy explaining to Hakim who literally doesn't care about how bizarre the situation is. He's just beyond exited he was right the whole time.

Sonya just walked around amazed taking photos.

"Mum...are you alright?" Yaz comes up to her mum who sat on the steps deep into her thoughts

"Yaz...I mean...I should have known...all the stories that didn't add up and those giant spiders and everything. How did I miss all of this" she gazed at the distance

"I'm so sorry mum...I feel so bad lying to you all this time. I just didn't what to say or how to explain or..."

"It's fine baby...I understand. I wouldn't believe you then anyway...there's no way I would have done. But now... it all makes sense. And each time you came. You looked...I don't I haven't seen you in ages. And you seemed so much more...grown up. And jet it would have been only a week"

"Mum I've been with the Doctor for years. It's been nearly 10 years for me mum and only three for you"

Najia takes a deep breath, and her eyes wonder around the space. Hakim was with the Doctor by the console. She was explaining to him all about the Tardis.

"Mum..."Yaz takes a big breath

"Yes baby?" she still looks towards her husband

"There's something else"

"What baby? Are you in trouble?" she looks at Yaz worried

"No mum...I'm not...not at all" she takes her mums hand and place's it on her stomach. Tears roll down her face

Her mothers face was totally shocked " that...???"

"Aha..." she nodded not able to speak just looking at her mum with her big brown beautiful eyes

"Ok...this may be perfectly stupid and bizarre yet normal question at this she..?" Najia points at the Doctor

"Yes she is...I'm so sorry mum!!!" tears roll down her face like massive crystals

"What for baby? What are you sorry for? Are you happy?" she strokes her face

"Aha...more than you can imagine" she barely said those words

Her mum hugs her tight "Well isn't that all that matters"

"Oh mum..." Yaz crumbled crying "I love you mum"

"I love you two baby"

She glues Yaz off herself smiling "Sooo...boy or a does this work?"

"Yaz smiles through the tears "Were not sure yet. Doctor is monitoring it...It will be a while. Mum I can't tell dad and Sonya and it's just"

"It's ok baby I will...don't worry" she kept stroking her face "I'm happy for you. All mother ever wants is for her child to be happy you know"

"Hey why are you two so emotional...this is amazing Naija...Did you know that she can regenerate and she was a man before and now she's a lady and this thing is alive it's a ship but it's actually alive, and she talks to it and.."

"Alright...I think we should go home can tell me all about it...come on..." she turns to the Doctor "What have you done to me...he will never shut up about it now"

"Oh...don't go...I mean there's plenty of space and I thought tomorrow I can take you for a trip somewhere. I just told Hakim I'll show him the pink beaches of Navar...and Yaz told me you haven't taken a holiday in three years...Everyone needs a holiday and...'s a time I just bring you back on a same day"

"Oh come on Naija...just once. Not like everyone's daughter has a time ship" Hakim looked at her with puppy eyes

"Oh alright then...but we're going home tonight...I'm not going dressed like this and they need some privacy as well so come on" she grabs his sleeve pulling him outside

"Are we going for a holiday in this thing?" Sonya is asking taking photos with her phone

"Can I just look at that please?" Yaz asked for her phone

"Yap sure...they came out great" she passed the phone

Yaz takes her phone and presses it on Tardis console deleting everything

"What are you doing? Give it back"

"I'm sorry Sonya, you can't just take photos
without asking a Doctor..."

"Fair enough...but you can still be so boring sometimes you know" she rolls her eyes

"Alright let's go...Sonya...come on!" Najia pulls her for the jacket

"Meet us in a morning mum...please not before ten...I need my sleep...and don't take loads of stuff please. We have most things here"

They leave and Tardis door shuts. Yaz slumps herself on a console.

"Shoot me pleaseeeee"

Doctor comes behind her and slides her arms around her waist pulling her onto herself "Come ooon...I think they took it well Yaz...I really like your dad...he's really smart you know"

"Oh don't start on that...I just wanted to die"

"But you didn't...and it all went well...and we're going for a trip tomorrow" she holds her tummy "all of us.."

She slumps herself onto Doctors chest "I told my mum...about the baby"

"I know.." Doctor laughs and Yaz turns around

"How did you know?"

She holds her tighter around the waist smiling "I have a very good hearing Yaz and I can listen few things at once. It's why I was keeping your dad busy...just wanted to give you time. She's happy for you"

"You little tinker...OMG...she's is...she's happy for both of us. Confused, but happy"

"I can you please start breathing now?" she smiles "We will have a nice time tomorrow Yaz..." she turns around and goes around the console "Look... this is where I'm taking us" she flipped the screen

Yaz smiled. It just seemed all so surreal. It also felt like someone lifted fifty kilos of her shoulders. She finally felt free.

That night Yaz couldn't sleep. She kept fidgeting so she got out of bed looking for the Doctor and found her squeezed under the console doing repairs. She stood for a while in silence looking at her from the distance. Soft light shining from the console. She had her sleeves rolled up and some strange thing on her head talking to herself about silly stuff. She thought for a moment how utterly in love she was with her and how perfectly silly Doctor was.

"Why are you not in bed?" Doctor pulls herself out and sits on a floor

"I couldn't sleep" she smiles looking down from the top of the stairs "I missed ya"

"Come sit with me"

Yaz runs down and sits on a floor next to the Doctor

"What are you doing?" she grabs her hand desperate to feel her closer

"Repairing that screen for a deep scan that's been glitching for a while now. What's bothering you?"

"Just you mum and dad's weird after all those years you know. Finally having to tell the truth" she leans her head on Doctor's shoulder "It's nice but also scary"

"New can be very scary. But you need your family in this Yaz. Couldn't keep the secret forever"

"I know...mum was so shocked" she laughs

"So was your dad when I told them I was a Scottish bloke before. Should have seen his face. But his so fascinated with everything I don't think he even cares" she laughs "Come on...go to bed now...Munchkin needs a rest"

"Please go with me...for just a bit"

"Alright then" Doctor gets up and pulls her by the hand "I never get anything done by this rate. I need her ready for don't care how we get there...I'd be really embarrassing if I get your family stuck in a wrong century you know"

Yaz laughed at her winging all the way to the bedroom.


"Yaz their here...!" Doctor yells

Yaz comes from the kitchen with a bagel in her mouth and she shoved a piece of it in Doctors mouth passing her by

"Mmmm those are nice"

"Yap...made them today for everyone" she smiles opening the door

"You look nice today" Doctor commented on the fact that Yaz decided to wear more fitting t-shirt on her jogging bottoms showing her tummy and not hiding it like last night

"Hello darling!" Najia smiles and strokes her cheek "Told him last night...he's gone gaga happy" she smiles

"Love you mum" she kisses her mum on a cheek "Well he can't miss it today, can he?" she smiles looking down at her small bump

"Hey dad! Isn't this exciting?" she didn't know how to act around her dad so she thought chit-chat would do

"Hey sweetie...Your mum told me. So happy for you love " he says with huge grin on his face

"Oh god...come dad get in!" she smiles awkwardly letting him through the door

"Are you kidding me?....Mum is she having a laugh...why she's got so much stuff?" Yaz looks at her sister with two suitcases in front "You're not staying a month you know"

"I need it Yaz...come on..." Sonya comes in smiling

"Oh go on. I'm glad you're coming. We'll have a great time you know" Yaz hugs her

"I'm really excited Yaz, haven't been pass Sheffield in ages" I got you something by the way, remind me to give it to you"

"Hello again Yaz's family " Doctor smiles from the console waiving exited like a kid

"Hello dear" Yaz's mum comes up to her for the first time initiating the hug and Yaz smiles meeting Doctor eyes across her mums shoulder

"I'll get them settled and show them around quickly before we go"

"Alright...go ahead...this is exiting" Doctor laughs

She showed her family into the rooms and where the kitchen is. They couldn't get their heads around how massive the Tardis is from the inside. And how it literally had everything you need.

"Yaz it's like a villa in here" Sonya commented looking around

"It's nice isn't it?" she smiles proudly. It felt like showing a new house

"Hey let me give you a present" she opens her suitcase on a bed and pulled out a baby lullaby out "I rushed out today to get it when mum told us"

"OMG Sonya...that's beautiful. Yaz's eyes filled with tears. She hugs her sister tight "I love you"

"I love you too"

"Hey look at this...Doctor made it for me" she presses the bracelet and hologram popped out

"OMFG is that the baby???" Sonya yelled exited

" is...look" she points her finger

"Yaz is that?" Naija points

"Yap mum two hearts...Like the Doctor" Yaz says with expression on her face filled with love

"So is your baby like Doctor?" Hakim commented intrigued

"We're not sure just how much yet's to early to tell. But hearts are definitely there" she switches it off "We need to go now. It's getting late"

She leads them back to the control room "Before we leave just hold on tight...It could be a bit of a bumpy ride" she says with permanent grin on her face

"Yaz!! " Doctor nodded her head showing her she wants her on the other side of the console and Yaz shined like a shiny penny in a second jumping from the stairs down

" jumping like many times will say this"

Najia smiled satisfied Doctors keeping an eye out on her daughter. She never misses a thing going on between them two.

"Ready?" Yaz looks at the Doctor smiling

"Ready Yaz's family...hold on" Doctor pulls a lever and they take off

The ride was way more bumper than usual.

"Doctor...what's going on?" Yaz looks worried

"Oh no no... not today out of all the days...We hit the space storm Yaz...Hold on!!!..."

Tardis was being throw around like a ping pong ball and everyone held tight. Sonya was screaming "We will die!!!!"

"Yaz we need to land...We won't be able to go through this"

Doctor landed the Tardis and Yaz opened the door "Where's the beach?" she says confused looking at the desert sand

"Oh...well...we made a bit of a detour Yaz" Doctor scrunches her face

"How big of detour are we talking about?" Yaz is still trying to work out where they were and her family slowly walked out of the Tardis still shaken by the experience

"Aaaaaa...2500 B.C... Egypt...Upper Kingdom...Upper meaning down and lower meaning up...a bit confusing but I'll get to that...oh Yaz...something else honey."

"You took my parents to ancient Egypt!!!" ....