Chapter 32




Doctor ran her hand down Yaz's shoulder gently gazing through the ceiling of their room into the ocean "This was really nice but you do know we have to get up" Doctor laughed as Yaz twirled the strain of her hair through her fingers her head tucked against Doctors neck "It's technically afternoon our time and we can't leave boys roaming around god knows what they can get themselves into"

Yaz giggled "I know...just little bit more of a cuddle pleasee...I love this"

"You don't need to beg for a cuddle Yaz" she kissed her head "I wouldn't mind staying like this for a whole week"

"Tell me something...honestly"

"Oh here we go...what" she smirks

"Before you and long were you alone?"

"Not sure Yaz but at least few hounded years"

"Whaaaaaa" she lifted her head laughing " wonder you don't want to get out of bed...How do you even remember what to do?" she giggles

"Oh I don't know riding a bike" she laughs

"Surely you know sometimes had..."

"Yaz!!!!.." she jumped "Are you're saying what I think you're saying potty mouth...Who do you think I am?"

"I don't know do I?...Just wondering" Yaz giggled

"The answer is noo" she said firmly but not being able to stop laughing.

Yaz giggled like crazy " said we can talk about everything"

"I did...and now I'm  seriously thinking about taking it back cheeky chops" she squished her cheeks between her fingers

"That's a long time to be alone babe" she said sadly and ran her finger down the little crease on Doctor's forehead. She loved that little crease and Doctor loved how she studied every line and every detail of her so she didn't mind it.

"It is...too long. But I don't want to think about it because I have you now" she slides her hand down the covers and runs it over her tummy "And munching"

"What are we going to name her?"

"No idea Yaz...I have a book of names in a Tardis library...We can go through it if you want"

"Really?...Yeah!!!" she said excitedly "I'd love that"

"We have to get up...and I need a shower" she laughs "I really need a shower" she kisses her grinning

"Me too but you need to show me how to use that bathroom I've never seen anything like it in my life"

"I will" she laughs and kisses her head then wiggles out of bed. Dim lights shined on her as she walked around and Yaz lied gazing at her thinking she was absolutely beautiful. There were times when she looked at her thinking she knew every inch of her body, yet so much of her was still a mystery to her. She couldn't help but think how the part she did know was just a small tiny part, but it was still her part, the one that she was utterly and hopelessly in loved with.
She got up and walked into the shower pressed herself against Doctor's back kissing her shoulder blade and ran her hand down her gentle back.
"What's wrong?" Doctor turned around and moved her wet hair from her face

"Nothing" Yaz smiled gazing at her "Just enjoying in you" she giggles

"Aaaa...are you now" she wraps her hands around her "Well you can do that when ever you want" Doctor knew there was more to it but she let it go for the time being


They got dressed and Yaz sat on the edge of the bed for Doctor to tie her shoes.

"I feel like a child when you do that" she giggles

"Don't be silly...I don't mind it" she goes silent for a second "Yaz"


Doctor closed her eyes for a moment before she spoke "I would never do that to you" she looked up "...what I did to Shar"

Yaz looked at her in silence, Doctor reached and wrapped her fingers around her face "I would never do that again to anyone Yaz...let alone you. So you never have to worry about it...ever"

"Thank you for saying that" Yaz cupped her hand that was still resting on her cheek

"Now come on mummy...let's have some fun ok" she helps her up and goes back to her bouncy self
"I have so much to show you, and boys are gonna love it" she was zooming exited down the hallway walking backwards infront of her and rambling on "There's this place where you can see the old sunken city and go for a ride through underwater caves and they have those cakes that look like small sea shells but you need to be careful because some taste really awful"

"Sounds fantastic" Yaz giggled at her excitement and waiving hands as she was explaining




"Hey girls!" Dan cheered up seeing them in the lobby and gave a small kiss to Yaz's cheek "How's the baby doing?" he whispers

"She's fine, she makes me sleep when she had enaugh" she laughs

"Doc...this place is amazing...and the food is heaven" Graham said

"Oh you already had a meal?" she got confused

"Nah...just some snacks they left in front of the door but they were gorgeous and I was starving" Graham said "At least I don't  need to take a sandwich with me" 

"I'm absolutely starving now...Oh Doctor, how do we use that bathroom? I'm getting proper lost with it" 

"Yeah Doc, you're gonna have to explain or we gonna smell really beautiful by the end of this trip" Graham laughs

"Alright no problem...They should have instructions I never understood that. This place is built for tourists"

"How do know about this place?" Dan asked

"I came here a long time ago and made some friends during the grait war...Did you know this planet is all water no land...there used to be...long time ago and then a massive volcano eruption took everything down to the bottom of the sea"

"Really?" Ryan said exited

They walked into the restaurant that left everyone puzzled.

"This is the restaurant?" Ryan asked confused seeing no stuff just a massive place filled with tables with hovering menus above them


Exiting isn't it?" Doctor smiled and found them a table. She flipped her finger over the hovering display making faces "No, no, no" she kept  flicking through "Definitely no eeewww" she scrunches her face "Aaaa...that's nice" she smiles finally finding something everyone will 


"What about this?" Dan asked


"Uuu nah, you do not want to be eating that me" 


"Alright I trust your choice" 

Suddenly a little tiny alien comes talking in childish voice. She was bright pink and had at least 6 arms a big head and massive turquoise eyes. She was carrying all the plates with food placing them on the table

"Oh hello" Doctor smiled "Thank you"

Yaz kept staring at her eyes that mesmerized her and Doctor tugged her hand underneath the table as a sign to stop. When she finally left Yaz turned confused

"What?.." she asked frowning

"I know, they are stunning...but don't look into them for too long or you will fall in love"

"Jealous Doctor?" Ryan laughed

"No, not at all Ryan. She's a Aqanian those eyes have hypnotic properties for a reason. Next thing you know you'll be doing stuff you wish you could erase from your brain"

"Talking from experience Doc?" Graham laughs

"What's wrong Yaz?" Doctor turns to her worried

"I feel a bit dizzy"

"It's ok Yaz it will pass...just don't look at those eyes again" she laughs and kisses her temple "Here have this, it will help" she poured her a drink. "Excuse me, I need to go to toilet" 


"Are you sick Yaz" Doctor asked worriedly 


"No no...the usual" she laughs 


"So Doc what's going on in your life?


"Not much Graham...keeping low as much as I can" 


"Don't you miss it? I never thought I will see you keeping still like this" Ryan asked 


"No, no I don't. I need this Ryan, and I've got priorities now...I have to keep them safe and being out there I can't do that. You know how it goes. Besides, for me this is nothing...20, 30, 50 years even is for me like a minute of your time"


"I think it's good Doc. I think you're doing a right thing...Universe can wait" 


"I agree, you two lost enough time already. It's time for you to grab it for yourselves" Dan nudges her with a shoulder 


"But you know Doc that if you ever need us we will always be here for you. No matter what" Graham says and reaches for her hand over the table "Cause we're family" 


"I know...the best family" she smiles looking at them all


After dinner they went for a ride with a train that made Yaz feel sick and they were on their way to see the old city. When commotion on the street disrupted them.

"Doc what's going on?" Graham pointed towards the crowd gathering infront of one of fhe towers

"Dunno Graham...let's find out" she pulled Yaz's hand

"Excuse me" Doctor taps one person's shoulder "What's going on?"

"Someone broke into the volts and stole the the Eye of the deep

"I don't follow" Doctor said confused "What's the Eye of the deep?"

"You're obviously not from around here"

"No we go around a bit" she replied

"Nobody know really but the story goes that iff the eye is lost the city will fall into the abyss"

"What does he mean by that Doctor? What's the abyss?" Dan asked concerned

"Not a nice place's the edge of the cliff on which the city is built. The goes so deep some people say all the way to the center of the planet" she answered worryingly "Come on" she waives her hand

"I thought you won't get involved?" Yaz tugged her hand

"I wasn't going to Yaz but we can't let the whole city go down can we?"

"I knew it...we can't even have a proper honeymoon" Yaz rolled her eyes

"Is that what this is Doctor?" he smirkes

Doctor ignored him completely storming towards the entrance of the tower

"Excuse me, we're here to inspect the robbery"
"What? Who are you?"

She pulled out the psychic paper showing it to the police officer

"The high royal investigator" the man frowns confused

"Yap that's us" she glanced at the paper "I'm the Doctor, this Yaz, Dan, Graham and Ryan. So what's going on here? We were told the Eye of the deep has been stolen?"

Come with me" the man ushered them in, still confused by their presence. They passed through a white, empty corridor that led them to a huge Tardis library-like place with ornate spiral staircases that led to inner balconies whose silver lace railings looked like coral. The ceiling was another dome, but this one was not transparent, just a beautiful light blue. The vaults lined up side by side on each level, their round silver doors intricately decorated with engravings of some sort of sea creatures similar to those on old nautical maps.

"See...empty...not much to go on. No traces no prints, sensors didn't pick up anything and the recordings show nothing"

Doctor entered the volt and scanned it with her sonic "Mmmm" she comments intrigued "You have a recording?...Can I see it"

"Of course this way… You won't see anything we haven't seen doctor," he commented as he walked down the hall and into a huge room with a large glass looking pillar standing in the middle. The man put his hand on the screen next to him. Yaz noticed that his fingers looked just like the doctor's Tarnoo friends. The video popped up on the post and showed an empty volt.
"See, I told you, nothing"

"It may seem like that to you" she runs her fingers over the glass surface zooming in on the screen and puts her face a few inches from the pillar away "See look...that..." she points "Just a tiny wobble"


Looks like a ghost Doctor" Yaz goes closer

"Well I'll be damaged Doctor so it is" the policeman says scratching his chin

"So Doc an invisible person robbed the volt?" Graham pointed

"Mmmm" Doctor drifted for a moment into her thoughts "So this Eye of the deep?...What is it?" she turns to the policeman

"No idea mam, nobody has ever seen it. It's been in these volts for thousands of years"

"So we are looking for invisible person who stole something that nobody knows what it looks like" Graham comments sarcastically

"Talking about a challenge" Dan added

"Alright, thank you" she says to the policeman and then turns around towards everyone else "Come on let's go"

As they walked outside she turns around towards them "Right, it's really late and you all need some rest. Graham and Ryan tomorrow morning go to the library and pull out all the legends on this "Eye of the deep" so we get some idea what we're even looking for or what is it used for, where did it come. Anything you can find out....and us three are gonna check who entered the city in last few days because nobody comes here unchecked"

"Right Doc no worries" Graham said

"Do you have any idea what kind of a creature can make themselves transparent like that?" Dan turns to the Doctor as they walked back to the hotel

"Few but neither of them could pass the security of the bank completely undetected like that and leaving no there's more to this"


"Yes Ryan"

"Bathroom..." he points towards the door of their room "We really need a shower"

"Ups...sorry...of course...Is it just me or it's really exciting all of us working together again?" she says smiling as she entered the room

"I love it" Ryan says "It's way to addictive Doctor"


"Your room is still there Ryan, it always is" Doctor smiled 


"It is Doctor but I think you and Yaz need your space now"

"True, but It's always nice to have my fam back you know"

"We miss you too Doc" Graham taps her on a shoulder

"Here look...just run you hand on this and see...water...then you run it again and it stops. Same with a toilet and a sink. Just don't touch the green button next to the won't be a nice experience" she zoomed out of the bathroom
"Alright see you at breakfast and then we will go through all the details"

"Oh, Yaz.." Ryan stops her and runs to his bag taking something out "Here you go" he passed her a little present

"Ryan OMG, a present?" she takes it exited

"Yeah, now I got a new job and I got my salary I thought I get you something for the's nothing special"

Yaz opened it up and it was one of those baby diary's "OMG Ryan!!!!…This is beautiful" her eyes filled with tears

"Hey don't get soppy on me now" he hugs her "Besides we might be family you and I"

"Say whaaaa?" she looked at him confused

"Oh, shoot..."

"Ryan??? What do I not know?" she looked at him suspiciously

"He's been dating your sister ever since they came back from Egypt" Graham says

"Grandad!!.." Ryan fround "Sorry Yaz I thought she told you"

"No.." she laughed "No she didn't" she rolls her eyes 

"Alright Yaz munching needs a rest" Doctor turned her around getting her out of the room to stop the conversation


"Night" Doctor waives and pulled her hand

"Sonya is dating Ryan??" she frowns down the hallway

"But that's nice Yaz..."

"I don't want Ryan snogging my sister"

"Why not?...I snog you Yaz" she smirks

"He's my mate..." she says wiles Doctor pulled her i to the room

"You're being possessive Yaz" she giggles

Yaz slupms on the bed with her feet dangling over the edge and Doctor comes up taking her shoes off "Feeties hurt?" she says smiling

"Yes...I wish you could run me a bath like in Egypt" she sighed

"Hmmmm...I might have something better" she smirks

"Really" Yaz propped herself on her elbows "What?"




Doctor took her to the other end of the hotel and through stunning inner gardens. "Close your eyes Yaz" she reached for both of her hands

"Where are you talking me?"

"You'll peaking" she smirks and leads the way "Careful one step" she held her hands tight "Alright open" Doctor said proudly

"Whaaaaaaaa???...Are you for real??" Yaz screamed

"I am last time I checked...So better than the tub"

They stepped into the dome that was deep under the sea below the hotel where you could see the ocean floor through the glass and all the florescent sea creatures were shining with beautiful lights swimming above the magnificent coral reefs in all the colors of the rainbow and the remains of the old city could be seen in the distance rising from sand. The lights in the room were dimmed, there was nothing inside but a large round tub in the middle.

"Impressed?" Doctor came behind her and slipped her arms around her waist

"I have no many times will you leave me speeches" she leaned on her chest

"You...always" Doctor kissed her temple "Come on"

"I feel like I can't ever match would be nice if I could impress you sometimes"

"I think you being pregnant at this point impresses me the most" she squeezes her

"Well not like I've done that myself babe" she laughs




"Why are you so quite?" Doctor was gliding her hand through the water over Yaz tummy.

Yaz was leaning her back on her chest and her head on her shoulder playing with her fingers and looking up to the ceiling dreamy.

"Just thinking"

"About?" she smiled and pressing her lips on her teple gently

"How many magical places exist in the universe"

"Loads love...and I plan to show you all of them"

Yaz giggled "All of them?"

"Yap" Doctor puts her hands around her squeezing her tight

"I'd like that...What is that city there...the ruins? Why is it destroyed is that from the volcano?"

"No, that was much later Yaz. There was war a long time ago and the original city was already underneath the ocean but it got destroyed. This one was built on top of it but parts still remained buried in the ocean floor"

"It looks beautiful" Yaz started laughing suddenly

"What's funny Yaz" Doctor asked confused

"I just remembered us looking for the lost ship"

"Oh god Yaz, why do you have to remind me of that disaster"

"Because now it's wasn't at the time but now every time I'm thinking about it it makes me laugh...your face"

"My face!!! You should have seen yours Yaz" she laughs "You didn't know where to look"

"Cause you put me through a blender" she giggles

"I did, didn't I....I'm so sorry" she lifts her gaze with her finger "Something's missing" she smiles

"Your lips on mine" Yaz replied gently and Doctor wraps her fingers around her face "I agree" she says taking her lips into hers kissing her gently.





It was dawn even dhow it didn't seem like it deep under the sea as their room was dark with only lights of the city shining through the window. But they were used to in Tardis and any window was a change. Doctor woke up a long time ago but refused to move. She enjoyed feeling Yaz pressed on her back breathing into her neck with her leg draping over her hip and her hand wrapped around her waist. She loved every minute of it so much that she felt like her bladder will explode and was putting up with pain for an hour.

"Mmmm" Yaz monad quietly into her neck "Morning" she presses her lips on her shoulder blade

"Hey, Morning beautiful" she smiles "How come you're awake this early? "

"I really have to pee"

"Oh nooo no you don't" Doctor jumped out of bed a lightning speed

"Whaaa?" Yaz was left confused

"I've been holding it for one hour and 15 min...I nearly regenerated" she says quickly before slamming the bathroom door

"Please hurry up I swear I will piss myself and it won't be a pretty site" Yaz got up and she's squeezing her legs together laughing so hard that by this point she'd really finding it difficult to hold it "Mercy pleasee"


Alright give me a minute"

"What are you doing?"

She opens the door "Go" Yaz squeezed next her running inside

Doctor went back to bed with her stomach still in a bit of pain and discomfort. Yaz came out of the bathroom still sleepy dragging her feet and then crawling back into bed.

"Please tell me we don't need to get up yet" she slumped herself on Doctor's chest and gave her a sloppy kiss then took her arm and rolled her on a side pushing her bum as close to her as she possibly could

"You do relase your dragging me like a rag doll" she giggles

"And you love every minute of it" Yaz giggled and kissed her hand

"Yeah and how do you know that cheeky chops?" she squeezes her tight

"Couse you love me and you're cuddle deprived so you love it" she giggles

"Well that was my psyco analysis done for the morning" she says sarcastically

"You know it's true" Yaz mumbles sleepy

"I never said I don't agree Yaz" she kisses her shoulder

"When do we need to get up?"

"Not for another 3 hours...sleep darling"

"Don't leave" she grabs her hand and presses it to her chest

"I won't...remember cuddle deprived" she giggles and tucked her head into her neck "Sleep"

"Mmmm" she mumbled back and fell asleep in a second. Doctor snuggled up and after a long time fell asleep like a baby but before she did she thought how for the first time in her long life she was the happiest she's ever been

"Yaz...darling" Doctor spoke gently trying to wake her up brushing her finger over her cheek

"Mmmm..." she mumbled back sleepy struggling to open her eyes

"You need to get up...Come on sleepy head" she pressed her lips on her forehead

"Alright" she sat on the edge of a bed still sleepy rubbing her eyes

"You look adorable in a morning" Doctor said taking a tray inside the room that was left for them "Look...we go yummy breakfast" she says nipping into some sweet bread that was on a tray and she puts on the table.

"That smelled nice" she says reaching with her hands for Doctor to lift her up

"Come on mummy" she pulls her up "You just love me doing this don't you?"

"I do" she says still struggling to wake up and kisses her shortly then draged her feet to the bathroom

"So where are we going today?" Yaz peaked from the bathroom whiles brushing her teeth

"You and I will go and check who entered the city in the last 48h and guys are going to the library...Mmmm...this is really nice Yaz"  she says with her mouth full

"You like eating anything" Yaz giggled and kissed the top of her head as she passed next to her to sit at the table

"I do but try this it's like jam but isn't jam" she passes her a piece of bread "I never had that before and you know me I'll try anything"

"Mmmm ok sold...I'll have that...How come they have bread here?"

"Mmm...they have to Yaz with all the people travelling from all different places...different species everyone's diet is different. What you and me eat can kill someone else"

"True...I never thought about it that way"

"Also I need to give you your vitamins after breakfast"

"Oh took it with you?"

"Of course I took it with me Yaz"

"I was hoping you'll forget" she giggles

"Nope, no such luck Yaz"

"Could you imagine if you were the one who stayed pregnant" Yaz giggled like crazy

"Oh nooo … no way...don't get any ideas" she was mortified with the idea

"Well you're woman...not like you couldn't you got all the parts babe"

"Can we change the subject Yaz"

But Yaz kept laughing like crazy "You would be the grumpiest pregnant Time Lord alive...I wouldn't like to get into your path"

"Did you just call me grumpy Yaz?"

"You can be...I only figured it out laity you got a bad case of pms" she got her giggles

"Thanks wife" she throws a a piece of bread on her across the table laughing "Come on...get a shift on mummy" she kisses her forehead as she got up "We need to go"

Yaz found it fun to wind her up. It was something she had never been able to do before, never would have dared. But now she finally could, she enjoyed their little banter and it always made her laugh how her little wife couldn't shake her Time Lord attitude about some things and yet was the softest with her.

"I'm done love, just shoes please" she sits on the bed

"I'll miss this"

"Miss what?...Don't tell me you'll miss tying my shoes cause that's just weird"

"Why not?..." she razed her eyes as she was tying her laces

"Cause it's weird. Why on gods earth would you miss that?"

"For you maybe Yaz, but I never had that...that closeness...With anyone. For me those little things mean a lot"

"Oh" Yaz went quiet and she wished she could eat those words she just said, because what Doctor just told was absolutely beautiful and sad in a same time "I'm so so sorry Bighead...I never thought about it that way" she puts her hand on her cheek

"It's fine Yaz...I know you didn't. I never had many things people take for know like mother or a cuddle or even a proper hug...That's what's so beautiful about humans...All this physical's know, like kissing" she got up bouncy

"Whaaa?...Are you saying you don't kiss...where your from?"

"No Yaz not really...or hug or hold hands.. well none of that really...I like kissing I think it's beautiful" she reached for her hand "Come on"

"Wait" she tugs her hand

"What? Everything ok Yaz?" She looked at her confused

"No, no it's not" she turns around and wraps her fingers around her face "I love you...I really love you. More than anything in this world" she pulled her in for the softest kiss

"What's that for? she strokes her cheek with her thumb smiling

"I should snog you more" she giggles "Let's go"

As they walked down the hall, Yaz couldn't shake what the doctor had just told her. She was completely horrified and it hit her, everything made sense from beginning to end, the way she acted, the way she was. For the first time, it occurred to her that her wife was an alien who was desperately trying to be more human-like. Everything suddenly made sense, all her clumsiness and inability to express her emotions, her fears and insecurities even her passion suddenly made sense. It wasn't just pure desire it was so much more than that. It was her language of love. And she released just how hard it must have been for her if she never had a reference. She fought desperately against what she was raised to be and what she so desperately desired to be, coping human behavior, watching, observing, learning for hundreds of years the complexity of human emotions, yet she did it all while constantly being alone. Her heart sank with sadness and at this moment she wished they weren't going anywhere because all she wanted to do was cuddle her wife and tell her how amazing and beautiful she was.


Yaz, are you alright?" Doctor asked worriedly noticing how quiet she was since they left the room. One thing she always knew was when something was bothering Yaz she would go quiet.

"Yah I'm fine love just still sleepy" she laced her fingers with hers and squeezed her hand "Love ya" she smiled

"Love you too my little head wonk" Doctor smiled