Chapter 23



It was early afternoon and sun was burning through the shutters of their room. Doctor was sleeping still halfway trying to recuperate from the night before. Yaz woke up and rolled around the bed draping her arm across her back tracing her fingers in short lines down her shoulder blade looking at Doctors face half buried in a pillow.

"Mmmm...don't stop" she said without opening her eyes

"Sorry...I didn't mean to wake you up"

"It's fine I like to wake up like ok?"

"Yap...I couldn't sleep from the heat so I’m just enjoying in us being totally lazy. We've never been so lazy since we've met like in these last few months"

"We have Yaz...Remember the trip to Tanunga waterfalls after Flux...that was three months of pure lazy"

"I forgot about that...that was a long time ago"

Doctor opened her eyes "You forgot?"

"What did I just say?" Yaz looked confused

"How could you forget Yaz? Oh I wanted your beach and you got the waterfalls instead" she laughs..."But you know that was one of two times I ever seriously considered snogging you"

"You whaaa? No you didn’t." she laughs "Noo way...When?" she looks at her baffled trying to roll in her mind every event

Doctor rolled on her side and propped her head on her hand "When we stood by the waterfalls. You looked so pretty. It was a perfect moment"

"OMG I remember that. You looked like you're not present...somewhere in your thoughts"

"I was...thoughts about snogging you" she laughs

"Why on gods earth didn't you?"

"I froze...I froze like I've never kissed anyone in my life...My brains went funny Yaz I was so scared"

"Oh babe...I didn't think that could even happen to you"

"Neither did I Yaz...Embarrassing really at my age"

Yaz leaned over to kiss her briefly "'re well making up for it now" she giggles "This is interesting conversation...And second time? Go on, spill the beans Doctor"

"That was the second time....First was when I was trying to apologise to you after flux...but Dan came in and...well that was it...I probably would have done then"

Doctor moves a strain of hair from her face "So Yaz...did you ever thought of snogging me...come on...spill it out..." 

"I thought about snogging you a lot...but I wouldn't ever dare doing it.."

"Why not?..."

"Are you for real?...Me?...Back then, actually kissing you...the Doctor...the blinking Time Lord...Yeah right, of course...I'd probably eat a handful of nails before doing that. Besides, told you, I didn't think you fancied me.

Doctor busted out laughing "Yaz you're making it sound like I'm so scary...Is that really how you saw me?"

"I bloody well did, yes...You can be you know...First time you grabbed me I thought I would literally die on a spot"

"Grabbed you?...I didn't grab you I kissed you" Doctor protests

"Whaaa?" she giggles "Didn't grab me? You gave me a whiplash, and by the time my brain caught up with it, your tongue was already in my mouth and I had no idea what to do with it there" 

"OMG Yaz!!!" she laughed so much Yaz never heard her laugh so much since they've met and it made her giggle like crazy as well "I'm so sorry Yaz"

"Oh, don't was the best feeling in my bloody life. God knows I waited for years for you to do that. But my legs went"

"I know, you slumped I had to hold you" she cried out laughing

"That's because nobody ever kissed me like that head was spinning"

Doctor just couldn't stop laughing "Well you caught up with it quite quickly Yaz" she laughed and Yaz through a pillow at her

"I bloody had go from zero to a thousand I tell you. You stripped me off before I had time to blink...I didn't know what hit me that night"

Doctor was laughing so much she had to put hand over her mouth. It wasn't really something they ever talked about, and not like anyone ever told her things like that either. But she was enjoying herself hearing it.

"When did you stop being so afraid of me Yaz? " she asked still a bit taken back by it and calming down from laughing her head off

"You're gonna take a piss out of me if I tell you"

"I'm not...promise...please tell me. I had no idea you felt that way come on I'm enjoying in this"

Yaz was making slow nervous circles on Doctor's shoulder with her finger "That day...on a river...when I peaked at you as you were walking in to the water. You looked so fragile. I've never seen you like that before" she looks up into her eyes " Tardis, no sonic just you as you are. I thought...omg you're so tiny and so vulnerable. I never through you were so fragile. And you were so beautiful you took my breath away that day"

Doctor gazed at her in silence for a brief moment before her hand found its way at the back of Yaz's neck pulling her in for the most gentle kiss ever.
What she said has taken her back and It was probably the most beautiful thing she ever heard anyone say to her. She pulled back stroking her face with her thumb "What you just said is the reason I love you so much"

"What you mean by that?" Yaz looked confused

Doctor pulled her in closer to lay on her shoulder and spoke quietly running her hand through her hair "Because you're the only person I've ever known who was able to see passed the Doctor thing and just see me the way I am Yaz. You don't love the Time Lord Yaz, you love me. You have no idea how much that means to me." she puts a finger underneath her chin lifting her gaze to meet her eyes "I should've given you that whiplash a long time ago...Don't know what my brains were thinking" 

"Well Doctor" she moves up and sits on her pinning her hands into a pillow above her head making Doctor grin thinking how pointless that was because she could release them in less than a second
Yaz continued flirting " just have too many brains and they couldn't all agree on a same thing at the same time"

"Well Yasmin Khan maybe you're on to something..." she scrunches her face "You think I should have a word with them?"

"Yap Doctor I think you definitely should, because I should've had that kiss a long time ago and they made me wait for years...And you know what that means?"

"No idea, too many thoughts in my brains right now you sitting on me like that...hard to concentrate"

"Means you have to make it up to me for all the time I lost"

"I will if let go of my hands" she looks up laughing and releases one of her hands in a second grabbing the back of Yaz's neck pulling her for a kiss.

She wrapped her arms around her rolling her gently on her back gliding her hand down her hip. She hovered over her scared to put any of her weight on her constantly being aware of her every move. Yaz's fingers played with strains of her hair and fingers ran down her spine wiles trying to wrap her legs around her "Scared to hurt the baby?" she smiled rubbing her leg down her sides and stroking the back of her neck "I miss you lying on me"

"Just in case Yaz" she kisses the top of her nose

Yaz smiled cheeky "Alright then...I think I can make this work"
Yaz started slumping herself wiggling down the bed kissing her chest and gliding her hands down the curves of her waist

Doctor looked down at Yaz disappearing underneath her running her kisses down her body and cracked up laughing shaking her head "What are you doing silly? Where are you crawling?"

"You'll see" Yaz giggled wiggling herself down disappearing lower pressing her lips onto her stomach and gliding her hands over her hip bones making Doctor close her eyes. She moved a bit taken back, her brains quickly catching up with what Yaz was doing as she ran her kisses lower pulling her inner thighs down over her lips.

"Shoot!!" Doctor gasped with her mouth half open, her smile disappearing from her face as her she went through her, and she felt her warm breath hitting her skin. Her hands pulling her down wrapped around her hips she buried her face between her thighs. Doctor moved herself and grabbed the sheets with both hands splayed at the sides of Yaz's head scrunching them into her firsts and closed her eyes. She started rocking herself slowly at a steady pace moaning deep as she passed through her with every motion. Her cheeks blushed from heat burned through her, eyes half open she glitched without a thought as she buried herself inside her. " Stars Yaz" she gasped and grabbed the headboard of the bed and ran her fingers through Yaz's hair dragging herself against her. Her mouth half open, breathing deeply she cried out a low moan as she picked up a pace and pressed inside her, she rocked herself slowly frowning her face, moaning so loud her own voice ripped through her brains and put a hand over her own mouth to smother sounds of her own pleasure from the world digging her nails into the hard wood of the bed frame as Yaz's lips sealed themselves onto her and her fingers grabbed her thigh. She dragged herself over her in slow motion one more time until pressure exploded inside her running up her spine like an energy surge hitting her brain. She slowed down and slumped her head breathing deeply, holding herself to the bed frame with both hands, her legs shaking, her hair glued to her cheeks and hearts popping out of mouth. Her body burning from the heat, tingles running nice and slow through her a rhe way to her toes.
"Blimey Yaz" she barely uttered with a drunken smile, still ducking her head holding the bed frame

Yaz giggled and kissed the inside of her legs that trembled under her lips and ran her fingers down her sides making her twitch. Doctor slumped on a bed next to her grabbing her with her hands and pulling her into her arms kissing her passionately through her daze trying to keep herself coherent as her haze rushed around them. She ran her hand down the curve of Yaz's stomach and slid herself inside her making Yaz gasps for air in her mouth. She picked up a pace fast while she still had a coherent thought left in her brains or strength in her body rocking her gently and kissing her hard. Yaz grabbed herself for Doctors arms digging her nails into them and raising her hips of the mattress following her hand. It took her seconds to start trembling. Doctor smothering her moans with her lips.
They both slumped exhausted with no strength left in neither of them. Doctor laid behind her draping her arm around her waist in lazy fashion while her beautiful haze hugged them both falling asleep in each other’s arms.

It took a while for Doctor to open up her eyes

"Rise and shine beautiful" Yaz smiled looking down at her sleepy eyes still half open and a smile stretching across her face

"Hey beautiful" she ran her fingers through her hair

"You alright?" Yaz smiled cheeky hovering above her

"I will be when I get my thoughts back...I lost them somewhere" she said with a massive smile across her face

"I need a shower...I'm burning from the heat" Yaz says looking down at her smiling "Going with me?"

"Yap...I think we both need it. I feel like am burning alive...that's odd" she stumbled out of the bed letting Yaz drag her by the hand towards the bathroom

Doctor slumped leaning her back to the stone wall of the shower cubicle letting mild water run down her face cooling her down. She closed her eyes whilst Yaz's hands were running down her chest. They felt cold. "Why are Yaz's hands so cold" she thought to herself "Or am I so warm" the second thought went through her mind. She couldn't work it out from the headache.

"OMG you never felt so hot babe" Yaz ran her hand down her hip washing a soap of her body "Are feeling, ok?"

"No, Yaz I don't. I'm not sure what's going on I'm burning from inside I can't cool down"

Yaz placed her hand on her forehead and felt it burning through her hand "OMG you're burning. Are you ill?"

"I don't know...maybe...possibly..." she said quietly with her eyes shut before she slumped down the wall and Yaz had to grab her not to fall

"Doctor!!!" she yelped scared out of her mind and quickly closed the water. She tried waking her up tapping her face "Darling...please look at me"

Doctor came around a bit and opened her eyes "Yaz...It's fine...don't worry I'm fine" she stumbled back to her feet and stood in the middle of the bathroom holding her head that felt as if it will explode wiles Yaz wiped her with a towel freaking out completely. She quickly put shorts and a t-shirt on her but when she looked up Doctors face was bright red her cheeks flushed. It made her even more worried as she’d never seen her so bright red. Yaz helped her to the bed and laid her down. As she looked down, she could see Doctors hands glowing orange haze and freaked out completely

"Doctor what the hell is going on?" She cried out in desperation "I don't know what to do" but Doctor wasn't responding anymore. Her haze started spreading all around her body as she just laid on bed unconscious freaking Yaz out of her mind.

She quickly ran to the bathroom and pulled a dress over herself running like the wind out of the room down the hallway and banged her fist on her parent’s room "Mum...mum please open up mum dad!" tears went down her face

"Yaz! " her mum opened the door "Yaz baby what's going on?"

"Doctor...mum help me I don't know what to do I don't know what's going on!!! " she was pulling her mums hand crying hysterically

"Alright baby calm down...Hakim!" she yelled over her shoulder to her husband

"Yaz? OMFG what's going on?" Sonya came from the back and freaked seeing her sisters state

They ran down the hallway and burst through the door. Doctor was lying on a bed, orange glow  hugging her body and her hands looking like they are ingulfed by flames

"Mum what do I do?" she cried out "Darling please...please wake up...Tell me what to do!!!" she shook Doctors face trying to wake her up

"OMG she's burning literally burning up" Najia said touching Doctors skin "And what is this orange thing Yaz?"

"Her mum, her's going nuts...What the hell is causing this?" she looked frantically around the room but couldn't find the reason

"I don't know Yaz but we need to cool her down this instant. Go with your sister down to the kitchen ask for ice...loads of ice Yaz"

"Ok mum...!" Yaz looked at her sister with her eyes filled with tears " go with me?"

"Why you're even asking me this silly...come on!!!" Sonya grabbed her hand pulling her out of the room as fast as she could

Najia ran to the bathroom and threw all the towels into the shower cubicle wetting them under the cold water. She covered her in them and wiped her face. Steam was coming out of the towel as it touched Doctors forehead. "OMG poor thing she's absolutely burning" she was putting cold towels on her wrist. It was the only thing she knew what to do. It's what you would do with humans she thought, she had no idea iff it worked on aliens.

"Mum!" Yaz yelled from the door carrying loads of crushed up ice in a big wooden tub with her sister

"Nadja...we should move her to the bathtub" Hakim points 

"Yap good idea" Najia says "Can you move her"

Hakim took the Doctor in his arms and moved her lifeless body to the bathtub. Yaz was crying her eyes out grabbing her sister’s hand and when her dad placed her in a bathtub she rushed to help with ice

"No Yaz we got this...just talk to her baby...let her hear your voice" Najia stops her from caring a heavy ice

Yaz kneeled next to the bathtub holding Doctor hand that was literally glowing in her hand. Suddenly the beautiful orange haze she loved so much looked like a monster devouring everything she loved on this world "Baby please...please come back to me. Please...I love you darling..." she stroked her head as her parents and her sister dumped ice all over her

"There's nothing more we could do Yaz...I can't think of anything else baby" Najia said worrying touching Doctors face "I don't think she's cooling down"

"Yaz...what's that?" Sonya points to the Doctors bag glowing orange in corner of the room.

"OMG..." Yaz jumped across the room to grab the bag "The's absorbing her's powering itself up on her" Yaz said taking it out of the bag

"What do we do Yaz?" Sonya looks at her panicking

"I don't know Sonya..." she was turning it around in her hand trying to find anything to stop it but the surface was smooth like a glass

"I have an might or might not work" Hakim says grabbing the ball and he ran out of the room

"Where is he going?" Sonya turns to her mum

"I don't know Sonya but it's working" she looks down at the Doctor whose orange haze was fast disappearing into her body as soon as her husband left the room

"Doctor!!!!" Yaz throws herself on a ground next to the bathtub "Darling?" she strokes her head and looked up to her mum and her sister "She's cooling down...she feels almost normal mum" a big smile stretched across her face and tears ran down her cheeks

"Yaz..." Doctor half opened her eyes and squeezed her hand

"Doctor!!!" Yaz stroked her head

"Hey's fine" she smiled "I spoke with my brains about that kiss" 

"OMG you silly sod!!!" she smiled through  her tears and pressed her lips on hers not caring her sister and mum were in the room. She just wanted to feel those beautiful cold lips on hers "Are you alright? How do you feel?"

"Like we are kissing on Arctic circle" she smiled with eyes closed

"You beautiful weirdo" Yaz smiled stroking her face crying

Sonya’s eyes filled with tears looking at them across the room

Doctor opened her eyes more, then slowly sat upright "Help me Yaz...I need my sonic" she started climbing out of the bathtub

"Sonic? You have to rest?" Yaz yells at her helping her out of the bathtub

"Uuu...that feels's still fizzy but it will be ok..." she stumbled a bit and then stood up straight "Doctor you alright? Yes Doctor I think we are...still feels a bit unsettled but we will be fine" she spoke to herself

Najia and Sonya looked at each other frowning confused

"You silly sod" Yaz grabbed both of her cheeks and pressed her lips on hers "Don't you ever do that to me again or I'll kill you myself"

"I'm alright Yaz, don't worry" she kisses her temple "Thanks to all of you. Great teamwork and some beautiful brains put together. Where's Hakim?" she said still a bit wobbling on her feet holding on to Yaz's shoulder




"How did you know what to do?" Hakim herd Doctors soft voice behind his back wiles he was holding the orb up in the air towards the sun.

"Doctor! OMG it's so nice to hear your voice" he sighed relieved when he turned around "I didn't I just guessed. No bigger energy source than a sun. I figured I got nothing to lose"

"Some powerful mind you have Hakim...I'm proper impressed. She pulled her sonic out and scanned over the orb "It's ok Hakim, I'll take it from here" she took the orb out his hand "Thank you" she placed her hand on his shoulder

"No need to thank me Doctor. I'm glad it worked. How do you feel?" he asked as they walked down from the rooftop terrace of the hotel back towards the rooms

"Still fizzled but I'll be as good as new in about 30 min and 25 seconds"

"Dad!" Yaz threw herself around his neck "Thank you" she kissed his cheek

"It's ok pumpkin...I'm glad it worked"

"Anyone hungry?....I'm really hungry now...I fancy fried egg sandwich" Doctor scrunches her face

"Dinner would be nice after everything. Right mum, dad...?" Yaz says smiling

"Oh I definitely need to relax after this" Najia says

"But you need to get changed..." Yaz looks at the Doctor's wet shirt and trousers with wet marks as she pulled them quickly over wet shorts when she went to get Hakim

"Alright everyone...out...they need privacy and we all need to get changed" Najia pushed her family through the door

"Mum" Yaz stops her at the door "I love you"

"I love you too baby...see you soon" Najia closed the door behind herself and leaned her back on the wall in a hallway

"Are you alright?" Hakim asked gently

"I will be...I don't know if that was more scary or weird" she looked towards her husband shaking her head

"I'm just glad it worked" Hakim said reaching for her hand amd pulling her away from the wall

"Me too...I dread to think about anything else to be honest"

Yaz stood in the middle of the room and looked sideways to their bed soaking from the water and still covered in wet towels. Her eyes wandering lost around the room that was in complete mess. Crushed ice still inside of the bathtub half melted floating in the water. How did the most beautiful romantic afternoon turn into a nightmare in seconds, she wondered in her head.

"Yaz?" Doctor says quietly reaching for her pinkie and hooked her finger over it "Are you alright darling?"

Yaz turned around tears running down her face. Doctor blinked and wrapped her fingers around her face pulling her onto her chest squeezing her tight "It's ok baby...It's ok beautiful...I'm fine...I'm really fine"

"I was never so scared in my life" Yaz cried into her chest

"I know... but I'm really fine"

Yaz looks up with her eyes glistening from tears. Doctor wiped them with her thumb "What happened? What was that?" she asked quietly squishing her with her arms

"The orb lost all its power Yaz,  remember what I told you at the marketplace....and when I put it my bag...Why did I do that? I wasn't was dark with no sunlight. So, in order to survive it latched on to whatever energy source it could find around...Me!!"

"Glowing like a light bulb after..." Yaz said smiling a bit

"Yap" Doctor laughed "It wouldn't harm me Yaz just probably weekend me a bit...well quite a bit. But I understand that must have been really scary for you"

"I was scared out of my mind"

"I know...but I promise I'm fine. Come on, let's have a nice evening...I'm really starving...I still have a bit of head wobble. But that might be from what you did to me earlier...not sure" she laughs tapping her nose with her finger

"Yeah that was nice wasn't it?" Yaz smiled cheeky "I'm quite proud of that" she kisses her briefly and rushed to get the wet towels of the bed.

"Don't worry Yaz,  it will all dry out by the night in this heat"

Doctor walked up to the orb sitting by the window on a sun "I'm so sorry about that. I didn't know you needed the sun. I hope I helped...although it felt a bit weird. I promise I'll do everything to find your friends tomorrow. And then we will find you a new home. I have few in mind you might like"

"Hey you, stop chatting to it and get changed...your still soaking wet" Yaz says from the bathroom