Chapter 27

Babe there's someone at the door!" Yaz yelled from the bathroom


"I know Yaz it's just me" she laughs


"Oh...god my life is bizarre" Yaz comments from the bathroom


"I know and I love you for it" she laughs and opened the door


"Evening" he said smiling


"Hey...Come in" she let's him in


"Hello again" Yaz peaked from the bathroom


"Oh, evening Yaz. You look lovely"


"Thanks" she smiles "Sorry today we left earlier, my feet they swell up"


"Oh no problem I understand. It's the change of pressure because of the baby and then it effects your circulation"


"Nothing changes" Yaz laughed "Still the same"


" this it?" he comes to the window "That's fascinating" he takes the orb and scanning it with a sonic "I see what you mean...I'm not sure if the light from that temple will be enough"


"Ahaaaa...sharing the brain" she says "I did calculations today and that's what's worrying me. One maybe...two I doubt it"


"But if..."


"We magnify it" they say together "Sonic!!"


"Yes!!" she jumped "It does mean you can't leave for another two days"


"Oh, wibbly wobbly, timey wimey" he dismissed with his hand "This will be fun"


Someone knocked at the door and Yaz's face went blank "Doctor!!!"


"Yes?" they both answered at the same time


"My Doctor....babe...mum" she frantically points at the door


"Shoot!" she grabs him for his lapels "You're my friend John"


"What?" he looks at her confused


"Yaz's mum, she can't know about us like drama...just go with it"


"Mum...hi" Yaz let's her in nervously


"Hi honey" she kisses her cheek looking at the other Doctor confused


"Najia hi" Doctor waives "This is my friend John, John this is Najia,  Yaz's mum"


"Hello Yaz's mum" he waives


"I'm gonna be sick" Yaz grabbed Doctors hand


"Hello nice to meet you John" Najia shakes his hand "And you are from here or?"


"Oh, no, no, my Tar..." he gets frazzled " ship...spaceship...time ship...broke down...I come from waaay faaar...And my friend was in town, so I thought I visit...You know for the baby" he waives his sonic around and then nervously puts it in his pocket


Doctor twisted her face looking at him confused "Whaa?" she makes a soundless gesture behind Najias back


"Right...mum...we will be right with you. Did you need something or???" Yaz got all frazzled as well practically pushing her mum out of the door


"No no... just you left this in my room" she passed her little hologram baby monitor


"Aaaa...there it was I was looking for that the whole day today...thanks mum...well see ya in whaaaat? 15 min... babe?" She looked at the Doctor


"Yeah 15 min is fine Yaz" she answered looking as strange and confused as everyone else in the room


Yaz pushed her mum through the door closing it and slumped her back to it "I'm gonna throw up"


"So ok so I need to know Tardis...have to get it fixed"


"Oh, about that...I remembered what's wrong" she started explaining on a way out


"By Yaz" he waives


"By...see ya" she waives back and slumped on the bed


Doctor came back in a room few minutes afterwards laughing "You alright Yaz"


"No...I'm not" Doctor laughed lifting her to sit up by her hands and Yaz slumped her head on her stomach "I'm stressed" she puts her hands around Doctors waist


"I'm sorry" she laughed and stroked her hair "You're doing great Yaz considering"


"I need a cuddle just for five minutes before we leave"


"Oh're amazing really are"


Yaz lifts up her shirt and kisses her stomach "I love you so much...I want to stay here...with my face buried into your tummy" she tightens her grip around her waist and blows air into Doctors stomach making her tickle and giggle


"Aaa...You silly sod" she laughs


"Got ya" she laughs


"Come on mummy we need go get going" Doctor lifts her by her hands


Yaz and the Doctor came down to the courtyard where her family was already waiting


" sorry for being late" Yaz says kissing  he mums cheek "John and the Doctor had some work to do and then you know me and the toilet 100 times a day"


"That's fine Yaz. John seems nice...a bit confused but nice" Nadja remarks as they started walking


"Mmmm...he's lovely" Yaz replied feeling anxious


"I love that tunic Yaz" Sonya says


"Aaaaa...thanks...wife took me maternity shopping today...I got lots of new much more comfortable. She's getting really big" she runs her hand over her tummy laughing


As they reached the tavern and sat down for a meal Sonya disappeared for quite a while


"Where's your sister Yaz?" Nadja asked looking around


"Oh, she's gone to toilet I think"


"So, Doctor any news regarding the orbs?" Hakim starts the conversation exited to hear all the new stuff


"Yes, I think I finally cracked it. Yaz and me went to the library today to do some research and I found some really interesting stuff...also met an old friend...." Doctor and Hakim went into a long conversation about the orbs that Yaz and her mum ignored talking mostly about the baby and her new clothes Yaz got. Najia also bragging about how her husband took her everywhere compensating for being absent for a month.


Oh, Doctor is that your friend John?" Najia points to the street


"Shoot!!" Doctor puts hand over her mouth seeing her younger self running down the street waiving a sonic and yelling


"Hey...get back here...what is wrong with you today" he yelled pointing a sonic at the sky


"Babe!!!" Yaz's face cringe seeing Tardis in sky going crazy


"Doctor is that your Tardis up there?" Hakim points to the sky and a small blue box swirling like crazy


"Why is this happening to me? ..." Doctor puts her hands on her forehead in desperation and then quickly gets up from the table "Excuse me...I need to sort this out...and kill myself" she says flapping about making ten different facial expressions embarrassed


"Get back here!!!" he continued to yell running around between the crowd of people who already started to gather looking up in sky


As she got up Yaz and her family followed


"Yaz darling what's going on?" Nadja asked confused


"Long story mum"


"I'm trying to have dinner with my family!!" she yelled at her younger self frustrated


"Sorry...but when I changed the vires on the left side she went nuts"


"I said right side not the left side...that would tickle her like crazy" she yelled


"Ups...sorry I'm just excited about the baby!"


"Aaaarrhhhh...I really am impossible person to deal with..." she runs jumping on one of the stands and he jumped next to her pointing their sonics together at the Tardis


Tardis swerved around like crazy and suddenly headed towards the Sphinx


"Oh nooo! ... not that way...don't go there...Don’t you dare!!" he yelled panicking


Tardis swirls around hitting the nose of the Sphinx chipping a massive part of it


"OMG!!!!...What the hell?" Yaz yelled


"Aaaaaaa..." the Doctor yells "Shoot...come on come to mummy...and daddy...stabilize pleaseee!" she ran all over the street with him both jumping over tables and chairs and knocking stuff over until Tardis finally started to calm down


"Ups!" he says looking at broken Sphinx nose "I didn't know we did this"


"No, neither have I... oh least it wasn't a pyramid because that would be really embarrassing"


"Yap that would be" he concluded


"Aaaa here we go she's stabilizing good job Doctor" she says satisfied hooking her hands onto her braces


"Fantastic teamwork Doctor as always" he agreed pulling his braces and fixing his bow tie


Tardis finally came down on the street and stabilized but the whole circus caused a mayhem on the street and all the people came out watching the show


"Oh, don't worry about this" he says leaning to the Tardis door "We were know...testing a present for the Pharaoh...compliments from our king faaar away"


"What in a name?" Nadja says utterly confused


"Doctor...I... What the hell babe???" Yaz yells towards the Doctor ho was huffing and puffin with hands on her knees in the middle of the road


"Sorry!" she waives to her family grinning nervously


"Doctor that's not your Tardis!" Hakim asked looking at a main door


"Yeah, about that Hakim...well technically it is" she says walking up to them


"What are you talking about?" Nadja said confused


Doctor walked up to her younger self and put her hand on his shoulder "Meet the Doctor...Well...11th regeneration to be precise. Doctor, you met Nadja, Hakim Yaz's dad"


"Whaaaa?" Najias face dropped


"Oh woooow... So that's you Doctor as a man?" Hakim says exited


"Yap" she answered proudly


"This is awesome" Hakim smiled


"Hello Yaz's family" he waives smiling and then fixing his jacket making himself more presentable


"I'm gonna go into to labor I swear" Yaz covered her eyes with her hands


"Mum dad what's going on?" Sonya runs out of the back of the tavern


"I don't know where to start Sonya!" Nadja said "And where the hell have you been all this time?"



They all sat back at the table, Nadja was trying desperately to make sense out of everything in her brain and Hakim kept chatting to both Doctors completely fascinated.


"So that's your wife?" Sonya asked Yaz completely confused




"As a bloke?"


"Yap" she propped her head on her hand


"From another time?"


"Sort's complicated"


"And you are ok with this?"


"I suppose so"


"Right...waaaw...Having a weird family just got a hole different meaning today" she continued


"Tell me about it" Yaz said looking at her poor mum "Mum you alright?"


"I'm not sure Yaz...But I think your dad was born for this..." she points to her husband who was happily chatting away



They were saying goodbye after dinner standing in the middle of the road next to the Tardis


"Oh...oh...just a minute" he zoomed inside of the Tardis and came back out quickly "A gift for the baby" he gives Yaz a gold color bracelet engraved with Galiifreyan "Joined effort between me and her" he points to the Tardis


"Waaaw...thank you"


"Oh...let me show's not just the jewelry" he takes it and presses on it "See it's similar to sonic but I added some extra features" the energy shield opened up around them and he smiled "'s a protection" he touched the bubble with his finger "it's got loads of other stuff as well a hologram a scanner, but she can explain all that later"


"OMG that's fantastic. Thank you...that's really sweet of you. We will definitely keep it for her for when she's old enough to use it" Yaz hugs him squeezing him tight making him confused a bit, but he puts his arms around her "You're amazing Yaz" he says


Yaz takes his hand putting it on her stomach "I don't know if I'll see you again so if you want to say goodbye...well...till we find each other again” she smiles looking at her Doctor


Doctor gazed at her from the side and a single tear went down her face which she wiped straight away. She knew with both of her hearts Yaz was really truly her soul mate.


They said their goodbye and he went into the Tardis but before he stepped through the door, he looked at Yaz leaning on Doctor's shoulder

"Till we meet again Yasmin Khan" he smiled



Back at the hotel Yaz slumped to the bed exhausted. Doctor laid behind her and put her arms around her. "Yaz"




"Look at me darling"


Yaz turned around gazing at her and took one strain of her hair playing with it.


"What you did today was beyond amazing"


"Did what love?" she stroke her face


"Yaz do you know how many times someone looked at me and not seeing me...mourning me whiles I was standing right there in front of you know how that feels Yaz" her eyes filled with tears "It's why I hate regeneration Yaz"


Yaz stroke her face gently tucking her hair behind her ears "I told you I don't care what face you have darling" she wiped her ters with thumbs cupping her face "I will always love you as long I breathe on this're mine...forever" smiles "But I'm not giving up on this face so don't you dare" she giggles making Doctor smile


"Not planning to Yaz"


"And you know...there's other stuff here as well I'm not giving up on either" she smiles cheeky


"Yeah...such as Yaz?" Doctor laughs


"Oh, you know..." Yaz smirks and glides her hand down her stomach slowly, unbuttoning her trousers and slipping her hand inside.


"You're cheeky Yaz" Doctor started closing her eyes and kissing her passionately