Chapter 22
The Doctor was packing her bag putting some last minute things into it.
"Why you always leave me with my mum...why can't I go with you now? It's's not hot...I can walk..." Yaz winged sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Because you're pregnant Yaz...we had this talk so many times" Yaz memes with her mouth in a same time knowing what Doctor will say
"I'm pregnant babe I didn't have lobotomy...And I could do with fresh air as well" she continues.
"Go to the gardens with you's nice in the gardens Yaz...lots of air" Doctor looks at her sideways wile shoving stuff in a bag
"You just love hanging around my dad don't you? Admit it."
"I do like your dad...I like him a lot...but I like our baby a lot as well Yaz. And I'm not taking that risk...sorry" she closes the bag and putit on her back "Come on're with me all the time, you hardly ever see your mum and your sister. Enjoy in this. I'll be back soon I promise" she kisses the top of her head.
"Come back in a same body" Yaz yells as she's walking out of the room making
Doctor laughs shaking her head "I will Yaz...I will"
"It's a nice evening for walking" Doctor says to Hakim walking down to the courtyard where he was already waiting for her exited.
"I was just thinking that Doctor. Beautiful sky as well. Look up there" he points his finger up in the sky "I just saw Orion's belt. Did you know that it lines up with pyramids of Giza?"
"So, it does Hakim. Beautiful isn't it...Do you know the story of Isis and Osiris?" she gets into the story straight away and they continued chatting about all the Egyptian gods, myths and legends all the way to the Tardis
"Aaaa here we poor ghosts monument" she runs to the Tardis as soon as she saw her but Hakim took his time walking behind her.
As soon as she walked in, she hooked up her little laptop to the console. Hakim came after her saying hello to the Tardis again and it made her smile.
"I like you saying hello to her.... she likes it too" she looks up
"Well, I figured since she can hear us it's only polite. Besides it must be lonely for her out here"
"I know...I feel so bad leaving her. But she fact I think there's nothing wrong with you at all...I think you wanted me to come here and find that orb" she smiles "I don't mind Hakim...she does that a lot...but I go where I'm needed."
"You know I was thinking that Doctor. Many people would just enjoy the ride and not care very much. But you go out there and help and risk your life for others. Why do you do that?"
"Because someone has to. Besides I would get bored" she flipped a few switches on the console and then zoomed around "Right...should we get the clothes? "
They shoved as much as they both could each in one smaller suitcase hoping for the best
"I really hope I hot everything for the girls" Hakim looked at the suitcase rather worrying
"I'm sure you have Hakim. Oh I got you something...almost forgot" she runs at the back and zoomed straight back "Hope you like those" she smiles handing over a pair of boots like hers
"OMG Doctor...those are great. Thank you" she took off his shoes straight away "How did you know my number?"
"I asked Sonya yesterday" she smiled
Tardis sounded off "Aaaa...just in time...we got the reading" she ran up the console and switched the monitor "Look...there...hmmmm...That's where they are from. I've been there once a long time ago. Their planet, was destroyed by supernova. They managed to evacuate but the system it was damaged. The outer shell got damaged by a meteor shower. That's why they are here Hakim...they crushed to earth...Now I understand sulfur"
"What's with the sulfur Doctor?"
"Their planet Hakim wasn't like ours. Sulfur was to them like oxygen to us. They cannot live without it. But that other orb Hakim. The one from India that was from the same place. Only fell through vortex in a different time. In fact, three orbs left"
"Why did river turn to sulfur Doctor?"
"Because Hakim one fell into the field and another one into the river. It must have been so damaged on the impact it just fell apart and it all leaked into the river"
"I wish I could remember what that monk did" Hakim said
"Do you remember what monk that was? Or from where? Do you think we could possibly find him? I need to try and find the other orb Hakim. We can't let them be stranded like that they will all die."
"I do...I remember that. I think I could help you with that if you give me a map. I do remember reading I'm sure I will find it"
"Brilliant Hakim. Should we visit a monk then?...Well need to get her repaired tomorrow first. Not much wrong but I still need that part. I don't want to get us stranded in the wrong century and leaving girls here. Yaz would kill me"
"Sure alright. Can I help you repair it? I do know quite a lot about repairing machines, you know. I used to do a lot of with my dad when I was younger."
"Yap definitely I could use some help and some company as well...Shall we?...I think we're done for today" she grabs the suitcase and they start heading back
They continued chatting all the way back until they've reached the city
"Hey look" Hakim looks towards the tavern "Fancy a drink...I'm really thirsty after that walk I could use a drink. We can toast the baby...we never did. Well, I don't drink alcohol but still"
"I think I'd like that a lot Hakim" she smiles
"These gardens are beautiful. Doctor was right. I'm glad we went for a walk. It's a shame Sonya couldn't come" Yaz says hooking up to Najias arm
"I think the heat today was too much for her" Najia walked quietly thinking iff she should say something but her motherly instinct was stronger "Yaz..."
"Iff you and the Doctor had any problems. You know you could always talk to me, right?"
" this about what happened today?"
"Well yes and.."
"Mum we don't have any problems. Really, we don't"
"Are you sure Yaz...I mean you cried and walked off...Yaz what are you not saying to me? I know you're hiding something I just don't know what. Your life is...strange...and I don't mean that in a bad way Yaz.. it's just...unlike anyone's else"
"Mum..." she stopped to look at her" It's just complicated"
"Yaz...your wife is an alien with two hearts who used to be a man and now she's a woman, she's 3000 years old, she owns a time ship and we are in 2500 B.C Egypt am not even going to mention the baby or giant spiders or this orb alien thing you're chasing...How complicated can it be...Try me. I can see it in your eyes honey...I can see it even in hers...something is going on that neither of you two are saying. But you're both in pain"
Yaz started laughing and sat on a stone bench behind them "Waaaaw mum...nothing misses you does it"
Nadja calmed down and sat next to her "I'm your mum Yaz that's my job"
Yaz took a deep breath trying to find a way to even start the conversation because deep down she didn't even know where to start.
"First of all and the Doctor...we don't have a problem...well not between us anyway. She's...she's perfect...well she's not...but she is to me...and we are happy...really happy"
"There's a 'but' somewhere there I can just feel it" Najia remarks
"This life's a life I chose, and I wouldn't change it ever. For anything...but this life means that each time she pulls that lever. We never know what's out there...there are no guarantees...We just don't want to lose what we have. We are both so petrified of it mum...What if someone harms her? She's put a panic room inside of Tardis for me and the baby. We're both going nuts mum. What the hell we've never been like that before"
"Yaz's called love. Everyone goes through it believe it or not...You don't have to have Tardis or be the Doctor. You both have something that you obviously always wanted...and now when you do, you will be holding each other like a drop of water in a palm of your hand. And there's a baby on the way as well. Just relax...enjoy what you have. You're one of the lucky ones Yaz. Not everyone finds love. You're both going to be fine...and you're not alone. We are here. Whatever you need. I'm counting on that babysitting Yaz...Tardis or not" she laughs
"I love you mum" she hugs her tight
"I love you too baby"
"Mum where are they anyway? Dad and the Doctor? They should have been here ages ago"
"5, 4, 3, 2, lost again Doctor!" Hakim laughs
"Aaaarrhh...Not agaaain...Can we play another game?" she took a glass and nocked the drink down her throat slamming it on a bar
"Hakim...I think we are drunk" she draped her arm around his shoulder making ten different uncoordinated facial expressions at the same time
"I think we are Doctor...I thought you said that's not alcohol" he twirls a little glass in his hand
"It's not" she cracks up laughing leaning on his shoulder "What I didn't say is that it won't get us drunk" she grins
" that's sneaky. Oh well.." he rases the glass "To my beautiful daughter and her wife and their baby" Hakim knocked down one more drink slamming the glass on the bar
"Another round please for my father in law..." she slurred at the bartender twisting her face
"I really like those boots...really sturdy they are" he wobbles looking down
"Yap...and you know what else you need?" she starts taking her coat off and unhooking her braces putting them on Hakim "Now...that's better!!" she taps his chest wobbling herself and turns around to get another round of the bar "To my baby and my beautiful wife" she nocks it down in a second then burps "I think we should go home now" she grabs her coat putting her arm around Hakim "You know...whiles we can still walk"
"I think your right Doctor"
They both wobbled out of the tavern and started singing down the road
"What's that noise?" Yaz turns around towards the window
"Mum...Yaz...are those Doctor and dad?" Sonya says bending over the edge of the window
"Whaaa" Yaz runs to the window and looks down towards the courtyard "Are they drunk?"
"! I'm a same body like I promised" Doctor yells slurring half incoherently seeing her walking down the stairs with her mum "I can explain everything!" she scrunched her face for a second..."No that's not what we were supposed to say Doctor" she talks to herself
"Are you two drunk?" Yaz looks in disbelief
Doctor scrunches her face thinking for a moment before she barely managed to speak "I think so..." she shoves a finger in her nose "Yap love...I'm drunk"
"Are those braces?" Yaz looks at her father
"They look good don't they darling?0" he stands up wobbling and smiling proudly pulling them
"Alright...I think you are both ready for bed" Najia comes up to Hakim pulling him along having to help im to walk up the steps "Where did you get those boots?"
Doctor stood in the middle of the courtyard looking up in the sky trying to keep her balance completely out of it " you know how many stars are in our galaxy...should I tell you?"
"Nope...definitely not...come on you" she took her arm and hooked it around her shoulder helping her to walk "I can't believe you got drunk...I thought you don't drink"
"I don't..." she wobbles "I very really do...can't even remember last time...I think it must be over 200 years"
Yaz rolls her eyes laughing "Come on let's get you to bed" she managed to get her to the room barely and slumped her on a bed taking her boots off and then her trousers
"You're so sexy Yaz...And you have know...behind... Did I tell you that?"
Yaz busted out laughing pulling her trousers off "OMG you must drunk"
She then tried to get her t-shirt of but Doctor wrapped her hand around her face looking at her with her eyes half open "Yaz...I really adore you" she barely said it and slumped on a pillow.
"Alright, Elvis has left the building" Yaz comments laughing pulling her t-shirt off and rolling her on her side. Then got in a bed snuggling behind her still laughing "I adore you too silly" she kisses her neck
Yaz woke up earlier than usual. The sound of Doctor snoring an inch away from her ear made it impossible for her to sleep. She brushed her teeth looking at the Doctor stretched across the bed with her face in a pillow and her arm hanging over the side of the bed. The sight made her laugh so much she almost choked on her toothpaste. She got dressed and kissed her temple before she left the room.
"Mum..."she knocked on the door and Najia opened up. Her and her sister were ready to go but her father was nowhere to be seen so she assumed he was in no better state than the Doctor
"Your father fell asleep on a bathroom floor under the sink convinced he was repairing the Tardis" Najia said unimpressed
Yaz busted out laughing "OMG...what where they doing last night?"
"Even better...where is all our stuff?" Sonya mentioned
"Whaaat?" Yaz covered her mouth with her hand when she relased they were meant to bring it "OMG yes!!!...They must have left in a tavern. I completely forgot"
"It's where we're heading now Yaz. Before someone takes it. Hopefully they relased and put it away for us" Najia says slamming the door of the room
"I was going to ask you come this hotel looks so...I don't know almost modern? " Sonya asked confused
"I asked the Doctor the same thing when I saw the room...the owner is from another planet. I can't remember the name. And all the guests are travelers like know...different places different yeah it's like universal space hotel" she laughs
They came to the tavern and as soon as the bartender saw them he started laughing "Did you come for your bags by any chance?"
"OMG please say you got them" Yaz said relieved
"I do...they left last night in right state. I did yell after them, but they didn't hear it"
"That's fine...thank you so much"
"Thank god for that...could you imagine losing all our stuff?" Sonya said relieved
"Oh don't worry Sonya. Tardis can make it so it's no big deal. I'm so hungry...All I do is eat all the time"
"I must say Yaz...Doctor is just weird...I like her but she's just...dunno...not all there is she?" Sonya says looking at the menu
"Sonya! That's rude" Najia knocked her hand as a sign to shut up
"It's fine mum...she would probably take it as a compliment" Yaz laughed "I like her weirdness, Sonya. It makes me laugh all the time. She seems not all there to you but she very much is all there...smartest person in the universe. And she's got a huge hart...well a couple of that makes it even more special"
"Well if it makes you happy who am I to argue"
"I love you too sis" she laughs
Yaz came back to the room finding the Doctor still passed out on a bed. She was well and truly out. Hardly even changed her position since she left her there. Yaz laughed and kneeled next to the bed removing a strain of hair from her face "Rise and shine party animal"
"Mmmm" she mumbled and moved a little but mostly just shoving her face deeper into the pillow
"Come ooon I brought you breakfast it's nice...but you will have to go and settle that bill in a tavern I didn't have any dosh"
Doctor turned around squinting "OMG that light is so many suns are on this planet?"
"Only one for now" Yaz got up and closed the shutters "Better now?"
"Much better...thanks for that..." she moved a little rolling around the bed "Come here...lie next to me...I feel so rough"
"No no're not getting me to bed. You're getting up and having a shower...come on...I'll help you out" she reached her hand out and Doctor took it
"How much did you drink last night?" Yaz laughed looking at her fumbling around the shower looking for a soap
"I have no recollection Yaz...but by the state of my brains I would say a lot"
"You do know you left all our stuff there?"
"Whaaat? Oh noo...Yaz I'm so sorry "
"It's fine...don't worry about it. We went there first thing in the morning. The bartender kept it for us. It wouldn't be me killing you if you lost them I'd be Sonya for losing her makeup" she couldn't stop laughing
"You gave my dad your braces...and he fell asleep under a sink thinking he's repairing a console"
Doctor leaned her forehead on the wall of the cubicle laughing "OMG...poor sod...I'm sorry Yaz"
Yaz looked at her for a moment and just smiled at a sorry state she was in leaning against the shower cubicle letting water run down her her face. But she was glad she had fun the night before. So, she didn't mind all the mess. She took her dress off and went in a shower. "So, was it fun?" she ran her hand down her back and kissed her shoulder blade.
"It was ...your dad is fun to be around" she turns around "I'm so sorry Yaz...I know I'm a nightmare"
"Stop saying sorry...I'm glad you had a bit of fun. Besides, if you get drunk once every 200 years, I'll never see it again. So it was worth it" she runs her hand down her arm gazing down at her naked "You also told me I was sexy" she looks up at her smirking "...and that I have a good ass"
"Whaaa..Nooo...I did not say...." she gets all flustered so Yaz puts a finger over her mouth smiling "Oh yes you did...Well you said behind...So do I... have a good behind Doctor?" she moves her finger and starts kissing her passionately pinning her on the wall of the cubicle
Doctor sat on a bed, legs crossed still in her underwear and just t-shirt finally back to her old self and enjoying in her breakfast.
Yaz came out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel and grabbed a bagel over Doctors shoulder giving her a kiss on a top of her still wet hair "I love when your hair curlers up you should leave like that more often...So, tell me about the orb finally. Surely you two didn't just get waisted last night?"
"Mmmmm" she was trying to defend herself with her mouth full..."Noo of course not Yaz. It's rather exciting actually. Their planet was destroyed by supernova. Turns out there were three of them to start with. But they fell through vortex in different times. Two in your time in India...unfortunately one got destroyed and one...well we are trying to find that one. And one fell here. It was a meteor shower Yaz. It damaged their outer's why they're here"
"OMG that's horrible...How you're gonna find the other one? Can't just leave it there if it is out there"
"Noo I'm not...So I'm gonna repair the Tardis, pop back to your time find the orb, bring it back put them together and find them a new home.... simple!"
"Simple for you" she laughs
"Turns out you dad might know exactly where it is"
"Whaaaa? My dad?"
"Yap..." she gets up and passes next to Yaz kissing her on a forehead "Smart guy your dad...told ya" she comments wiles getting dressed
"Smart guy...and what am I chopped liver?"
"Oi! I never said that...don't you put words in my mouth Yasmin Khan...Means you just take it after him" she smiles
"Smooth talker..." she pouts her lips still sulking
"Hey, today I need to check the baby as well...I brought everything from Tardis"
"Really?...Do you think we will see if it's a boy or a girl?
"Dunno Yaz...might be" she clips the braces on and flips them over her shoulders in a second "You're in your 17th week now...should do...maybe. Yaz why aren't you getting dressed?"
"What do you mean?" she looked confused
"I thought you're going with me to get this part for the Tardis?"
"Really? You want me to go?" her face lights up
"Of course I do Yaz...what a silly question...well go on...get going"
Yaz rushed to the bathroom when someone knocked on a door of their room
"Oh hello Sonya" Doctor opened up
"Hy...sorry is Yaz there...I mean I know she is... Can you just please..."
"Sure...come on in Sonya it's fine"
"Sonya is everything alright?" Yaz came out of the bathroom "Can you just tie that for me please" she turns her back to the Doctor to tie strings of her dress looking at her sister worried
"Do you mind if I hang around with you for a while? Don't want to intrude or...."
"Don't be silly. Of course you can. Where's mum and dad?"
"Oh, went for a romantic walk around the city...Dad's smaller than a grain of rice after last night. He's trying to make it up to her" she rolls her eyes laughing
"We going to the market place it will be fun..." Doctor says cheerfully
"How come you're so full of energy after last night? Dad spent half of the night with his head down the toilet" Sonya remarks laughing
"Oh this one is a party animal I tell you!" Yaz laughed nudging the Doctor with her hip and grabbed Sonya’s hand to walking out
"Oi! Nooo I'm not" she frowns and grabs her coat "I don't remember when's the last time this happened to me...Or do I? Yes I might do...It was in Rome at that party with Julius Caesar....That was centuries ago Yaz..." she continues talking to herself down the hallway
"She's weird!" Sonya whispered at Yaz's ear laughing
"Told ya...She's adorable...makes me laugh every time"
Yaz and Sonya went through the market giggling and going through every single stand wiles waiting for the Doctor to sort out the part for Tardis. It took ages so they managed to spend quite some time together alone.
"When's a last time you and I did this Sonya?"
"Oh…ages… age. I think I was 16...Yaz...are you alright "
Yaz was fixated on a crowd of people gathering around a man who had something glowing in his hand
"Sonya we need to find the Doctor!!!" she pulls her along towards the small alley at the back
"There she is..." they enter a small store that smelled of damp and mold like the old basements. It was cramped with so much junk Yaz and Sonya though it will start falling on their heads
"Doctor!" she pulls her sleeve
"Hey, Yaz!!...Why are you here? Give me a sec please" she turns back towards the owner of the store
"No it's important" Yaz pulls her sleeve again
"Millisecond? Pleaseee... " she says and turns back towards the owner "Hey!!! You're trying to shaft me...and don't say you're not because I see what you're doing. And...I know that I know you from somewhere it's on a tip of my brains"
"Well I don't know you. Are you buying this or not?" he says irritated
She looks aside and sees a brown powder in one of the pots sitting on a shelf "Aaaa...I thought I could smell something"
"It's nothing just color" the guy moves closer to the shelf trying to block her way but she grabs it faster
She dips her finger in a brown powder licking it "Mummy brown...? Is this mummy brown?"
"Mummy whaa?" Sonya says confused and Yaz looked no less confused as well
"It's a pigment made out of mummy's Sonya" Doctor says quickly
"Whaaat?? Like real corps... mummies?" Yaz asked confused
"Yes Yaz they take parts grinding them up and make paint's gorse practice popular in Victorian era. Millions of graves were robbed and mummies destroyed over it "
Sonya gags to a point tears went into her eyes "OMG !!! She licked it...she bloody licked it Yaz!!!!" she turns around gagging trying to contain herself from throwing up on a floor
"Aaaaa...Now I know where I know you from" she jumps pointing a finger at him "Victorian London's all coming back to me now...You're the guy selling artifacts to rich people...Are you grave robber as well?...And how are you here?"
"Doctor!!!!! " Yaz pulls her for the sleave rotating her around "I don't care about his paint and mummies...The orb Doctor!!!"
"What about the orb Yaz?" Doctor gets her attention finally
"It's there!!! On a market...someone's got it we just saw it"
"Please come on!" she pulls her by the coat
Doctor grabbed from the counter a little packed wrapped up in a paper and leaned over into the guys face "I'll see you again...Consider today to be your lucky day" she turns around running out of the store and Yaz pulls her sister along who is still trying not to throw up on a floor
"Hey!!! You still need to pay for that!!" he yells after them
"She's licking corps dust Yaz...and you kiss that mouth?" Sonya says on a way out of the store
"I like her mouth...she's a good kisser...come on!!" she pulls her along whiles Sonya keeps gagging
"There look!" she points to the Doctor across the market "How did they get to it?"
"It’s getting weaker can't fly anymore...we have to get...come on"
Yaz stops her by the sleave "Can't just take it off him in the middle of the market...what's your plan?"
"Don't have one yet Yaz...will do by the time we get there" she speeds up leaving Yaz confused as always rolling her eyes and pulling her sister along
Half way through the stands Doctor turns to Yaz "Right Yaz.. you distract the crowd and I'll sneak up and get the orb" she turns around, but Yaz pulls her by the coat
"How can I distract the crowd?" she frowns
"You're a smart girl Yaz I trust you" she turns around and starts crawling on all fours underneath the stands
"What is she doing???" Sonya looks at the Doctor completely convinced at this point she's got not one, but several screws missing "Do you actually find this attractive?"
Yaz wasn't listening to her at all. Instead, her eyes were wondering around the market place trying to find some way to execute the plan. She sees a bunch of wooden crates stacked up one on top of the other on the opposite corner of where the Doctor was heading and gets an idea. She grabs her sister by her shoulders
" know how you always wanted to be a singer?"
"What?...What are you talking about?"
"Well everyone gets their five minutes of fame sis and today is your day" she pulls her along towards the crates
"What are you going on about...nooo" she resist along the way but her sister grabs her shoulders again
"Sonya.. there's like millions of lives inside that orb. We need to save them. all down to you now girl...Besides you have a lovely voice"
"It depends on me?"
"Yes!!!!...Please...get up there and save them..." she points to the crates "I believe in you"
With her sisters help she manages to climb the boxes
"Yaz" she looks down on to her "What should I sing?"
"I dunno...Sonya any song would do now...just please start!"
Sonya clears her through nervously looking down on Yaz who was smiling at her encouraging her
"You can do this!!" she says smiling
Sonya looks at the massive crowd of people taking one deep breath and starts singing
Yaz was nervously looking for the Doctor but she couldn't see her anywhere. Her sister’s singing did start getting crowds’ attention and slowly everyone started looking towards her, moving closer to hear her better. Yaz finally spotted the Doctor as the crowd moved and headed towards her. Doctor was sneaking amongst the stands and came quite close to the guy holding the orb.
"No no I told you my price" the guy was trying to bargain with another person
Doctor looked sideways and saw a wooden cart filled with massive bags. She saw Yaz and their eyes met across the stands. She pointed at the cart and Yaz got the message. She walked around grabbing the handles and started wheeling it around until she hit the guy who was holding the orb.
"Ups!!! So sorry...I'm so clumsy since I'm pregnant" she flipped her eyelashes "My ankles are so swollen..."
"You stupid cow!!" he yells as the orb shot out of his hand and flew across the market
Doctor jumped across three tables and caught it in the air quickly shoving it in her rucksack
"Oi!!!! YOU!!!! Give that back!!!" he started running after the Doctor who was jumping from one table to the other creating mayhem around herself, knocking stuff with her feet and sonic trying to block his path. She jumped off the last table and grabbed Yaz’s hand "Run!" she yells
"Sonya!!! We need to get her!!" she pulls her in the opposite direction
"Sonya! Come on let's go!" Yaz yells and Doctor jumped up the boxes to help her down
"Doctor! " Yaz points towards the guy who was fast approaching
"Alright time to go!" Doctor grabbed Yaz's hand Sonya followed them through the crowd. Doctor turned around and pointed the sonic at the wooden crates knocking them down in front of the man's feet blocking his path
They ran quite a bit and finally stopped when they were sure nobody followed them anymore
"Yaz! "Doctor turned around worried scanning her with a sonic "You alright?"
She was trying to ketch her breath holding on to her shoulder "I think so...just need to rest"
Doctor pulls her in on her chest "I'm sorry Yaz...wasn't planning this. But the two of you did great. Sonya, well done. Ten points for Sonya...Lovely voice"
They slowly head back to the hotel. Doctor walked in front of them leaving them chatting
"She's do know that? Her heart's in a right place...but she's a proper nutter" Sonya says laughing
"I know...she's brilliant" Yaz looks at the Doctor lovingly
"I still can't believe you kiss that mouth" she laughs linking her sisters arm "How's the baby?"
"Fine...I might know today if it's a boy of a girl" she smiles
"Well I got you something" Sonya pulls a small toy out of her pocket
"OMG that's beautiful....How did you pay for that?"
"I didn't I swapped my bracelet for it. The lady loved it"
"Oh Sonya..." Yaz kisses her temple "I love you"
"Love you too.." Sonya wipes her temple with her hand in case there's mummy powder on it
"Well Sonya had a full day today" Yaz smiles lying on a bed with her top pulled up wiles Doctor was running a scan on a baby
"It all seems fine Yaz" she gives her a shot in her neck
"Auch!!...I hate those" she rubs her neck and Doctor kisses her forehead "I'm sorry"
"Sooo, boy or a girl?" she looks at her exited but Doctor was looking down putting her instruments away
"Oh come ooon...I saw your know...Tell meeee!!!" she persists looking at Doctor smiling slightly from the corner of her lips still avoiding eye contact until she finally looked up at her smiling
"What would you like it to be?" she asks
"I'm not bothered as long as it's healthy...Come oooon...teeell" she squished her face with her hands until it was all scrunched up
Doctor takes her hands intertwining their fingers in the air smiling "It's a girl Yaz"
"Aaaaaa!!!!!" Yaz yelled from the top of her voice "Girl?"
"We're having a girl?"
"Yap" Doctor couldn't stop smiling and neither did Yaz
Yaz grabbed her around the neck pulling her down on a bed. "We're having a girl Doctor" she strokes her face lovingly
"We are beautiful..." she runs her finger down her nose "I adore you" Their lips found a way to each other as they always did.