Chapter 5




On Saturday night, Yaz promised her brother that she would cover for him for a few hours at the club. So, Theta decided to keep her company and use the opportunity to meet a few of her friends that she had neglected since the New Year and brag about her new relationship. Yaz was already working when Theta left the house, spending 2 hours trying to decide what to wear, finally deciding on her new red dress. The one she wanted to buy for a while, but Mark hated it and made her so angry by taking a piss out of it that she gave up on the idea of ​​buying it. Yaz on the other hand loved it and supported her even if she decided to put a bin liner on her head. So, she finally got it. She was meeting with her bestie Pam and two other friends Jane and Amal




There was a crazy crowd in the club, and Yaz was flying from one end of the bar to the other. She didn't like this job at all, in fact she hated it. But she loved her brother, so it was a fair trade. 


"Oh, go on mate make up your mind, I've got hundred people waiting here" she said 


"Two vodka shots, one Whiskey sour and one Corona killer" 


"It was about time" she rolled her eyes and wiped the bar. 


"Can I have one sexy barmaid?" A very familiar voice said as soon as she turned. 


"That depends how much do you offer?" She leaned over the bar. 


"Theta pulled a 50£ note and stuffed it into her cleavage. 


"Is that per hour?" She laughed and Theta pulled her by the shirt into a kiss. 


"Minute babe" Theta smiled cheeky. 


"Wooow, how much for me to join you?" Some guy commented next to Theta. 


"Mate you don't have that kind of money" Yaz remarked and returned her focus back on Theta "Give me a sec I'll take a break." 


"Alright babe" 


"What will you have? It's on the house" she smiled giving her back the money. 


"Waaw girl you got yourself a stunner" Amal said when she returned with drinks. 


"Told ya" Pam remarked. 


"Good for you babe, pretty, smart and romantic. Maybe I should become a lesbian." Jane said sipping on her drink. 


"So, her brother owns this place?" Amal asked. 


"Pretty much, he has a lease for 2 years. The previous owner started the club then gave up on it." 




"Hiya" Yaz came up behind her and ran her fingers down Thetas arms. 


"Heeey baby" she turned her head demanding a kiss "Let me introduce you baby. You met Pam, Jane and Amal, my Yaz." 


"Hello, my Yaz" Jane reached out her hand. 


"Hi, nice to meet you all. Hey, I have half our break. Wanna go upstairs, there's VIP table I reserved for you lot." 


"Waaaw, do you have any friends who are available? Men women I'm open minded" Jane remarked. 


"Oi!" Theta rolled her eyes laughing. 


"I'll check and let you know" Yaz laughed "I have a free brother if you're interested. But he gets dumped all the time so no guarantees" she giggled reaching for Thetas hand leading them up the stairs above the bar "You look amazing" she smiled. 


"Thank you, baby. So do you" 


"Neah, I need a shower." 


They sat down in a nice big comfortable sofas above the bar. From the balcony they could see the whole bar, but the music was much quieter so they could have a normal conversation. Theta leaned against Yaz enjoying her arm draped over her. She was beaming with happiness and feeling quite proud of her girlfriend. 


"Is it hard Yaz, being a police officer as a woman?" Amal asked. 


"Can be, but I love my job so it's a win win situation." 


"Aren't you scared going out there alone?" 


"I don't go alone. We always go in pairs, and I have a male partner, so I feel very safe. We also have my vest camera and the car dashboard camera, and I have me radio to call in for help if I need to." 


"That's good, cause it can't feel nice going inside someone's house." 


"I keep thinking of those horror movies when they get stuck in a murderer house." 


"Jane...for fuck’s sake I worry enough" Theta said. 


"Sorry babe. Me and my big mouth" 


"It's alright we have to check in every so often. If we don’t, they send a backup. Amal, you seem so familiar to me." 


'I was gonna say the same I can't place you. Does your dad own a corner shop?" 


"Yes, yes he does...nooo are you from my neighborhood?" Yaz jumped. 


"I live 5 minutes form Park Hill, Scholey Street near that Africa food store?" 


"Noo dad's store is right around the corner. I’m from Park Hill" 


"No way, you know my mate?" Theta jumped. 


"I knew I know you from somewhere" Amal said "I moved since but that face my good. Did you wear long braids all the way to your waist?' 


"Yap that's me." 


"Two brothers" 




"Noooo...this isn't real" Theta laughed. 


"I used to buy magazines and cigarettes for me dad there." 


"What's your dad's name?" 


"Ayaan, tall has a beard longer hair." 


"OMG, I know your dad, girl my dad knows your dad they're mates.” 


"Fuck off" 


"Ask him, ask him about Hakim.” 


"No fucking way girl" 


"I can't believe this," Jane said. 


"Me neither, what are the chances" Amal said. 


"Well, one big happy family" Pam laughed "Talking about small world. Oh girls, my birthday. I decided on a restaurant cause of kids it's easier." 


Alright, whatever suits you babe" Jane said. 


"That's fine with me" Theta said. 


"I'm just plus one" Yaz laughed. 


"The most important plus one" Theta purred into her ear kissing her cheek and Yaz smiled how mushy she was. 


"So, I'll text you the place and time I'll book the table." 


"Alright, that's perfect." Amal said, "How many of us?" 


"12, not too big not too small" 


"Brilliant" Theta added. 


"Love, I need go" Yaz whispered into Thetas’ ear. 


"Noooo" she pouted. 


"I'm sorry, but we'll do this again when I'm not working, I promise, ok?" She brushed her thumb over Thetas cheek. 


"Alright love" she said sadly and planted a small kiss to her lips. 


"Girls I'm gonna have to go, my time is up unfortunately." Said Yaz getting up" But the table is yours for the rest of the night." 


"Thank you so much for this," Jane said. 


"It's really so sweet of you Yaz" Pam said. 


"I'll tell my dad tomorrow he will fall off the chair" Amal giggled. 


"And I'll tell mine, Theta and I are having lunch tomorrow at mum and dads. Well, have a nice time girls.” 


"You too babe" 




Theta got up and reached for her hand tugging her on a side, away from the table. 


"Hey, we're together tonight" Yaz smiled running her hand down her waist. 


"I knoooow" she pouted looking down trailing her fingers over her chest and fixed her shirt collar "I really enjoyed this. They really like you" she smiled. 


"Me too, your friends are awesome. Now you need to meet mine." 


"Deal" she smiled lifting her gaze. 


Yaz razed her hand to her neck and pulled her in for a bit longer proper kiss then parted dropping one on top of her nose for a good measure. "Go have a blast" she giggled. 


"I will" she smiled. 




As the night progressed, Yaz kept her eyes on Theta from time to time checking her way across the bar. She seemed to be having a good time, so she relaxed as the evening went on. 


"We will go to Portugal this year" Pam yelled over the music "I found a fantastic place for kids." 


"I plan Spain with Yaz." 


"Oh, you're gonna love it. I went to this fantastic place I'll email it to you" Jane said. 


"I've never been" she smiled then someone's arms wrapped around her waist, and she flinched. "Whaaa?" she turned a little to get a better look "Mark??!! OMG, Get off me!" she tried to move his hands, but he wouldn't let her go. 


"Hey sexy" she slurred trying to kiss her cheek while she was fighting to move him off. 


"Oi, mate, fuck off" Jane jumped punching his shoulder. 


"Piss off, you're just jealous cause you're old and knackered" Mark said to Jain whilst his alcohol breath insulted Thetas face. 


"You're absolutely disgusting...GET OFF ME!" Theta freaked out trying to twist his fingers to release his grip on her. 


"You fucking creep let her go" Pam yelled smacking her bag on his back but he literally didn't care.


"I heard you're with that girl now." He spoke into her ear "You know, you could've told me. We could've done that together" he pressed his lips to Thetas cheek forcing her head to turn trying to get to her mouth. 


"OOMG, you're fucking gross...Fuck off" Theta tried and failed to get him off her. 


"Yaaaaz" Amal yelled practically climbing over the bar, her eyes panicked. 


"What's wrong?" 




"I thought I told you to stay away from her" Yaz suddenly appeared out of nowhere flashing her police ID in his face and he released Theta in a second throwing his hands up in the air. 


"Wooow...I didn't touch her just said Hello." 


"Sure, you have" she grabbed his wrist twisting his arm behind his back and throwing him to the floor restraining him sitting on top of him "Are you okay honey?" She looked at Theta as she stood trembling in Jane and Pam's arms. 


"I am now." 


"I didn't touch her I swear...tell her Theta." 


"Lier!!" She yelled "...He tried snogging me" she said. 


"Oh mate, you're so fucked" Yaz chuckled taking her phone out of he back pocket


Some of her colleagues came and took him away for the night. Giving Mark time to chill in his cell over the weekend. They were about to close the club anyway, so Yaz only had to clean the bar and she left Theta with her friends on the sofa where she was safe. Then after closing she went upstairs leaving the soft music still on and dimmed the lights. 


"How is she doing?" She asked worryingly. 


"Hey, she's alright, don't worry," Pam said. 


"Pleaseeee tell me they won't let him go" Amal asked. 


"It depends" Yaz shrugged and sat down on a sofa. Theta didn't say anything, just took her shoes off and curled up next to her "You alright baby?" Yaz tucked her hair behind her ear and kissed her hairline draping her arm around her. 


"I am, I'm hungry?" She lifted her gaze dropping a short kiss to her lips. 


"Me too" she giggled palming her face "Not sure if anything is open anymore?" 


"I know a place" Amal said "But we have to drive up to it. It's open till at least 4 today. " 


"I'm up for it," Jane said. 


"Me to" Pam raised her hand. 


"You up for it?" Yaz looked at Theta. 


"Yeah" she smiled. 





It turned out that nothing was open anymore, and Amal was talking about her cousin's restaurant. So, they just crashed someone's wedding over the food. It was 3 in the morning, and they were sitting in the corner at a small table full of food and drink... 


"Midnight curry" Yaz laughed. 


"Nothing better" Amal laughed. 


"I'm gonna shit myself tomorrow" Jane said. 


"I have a digestive tablet" Pam took a bottle out of her bag. 


"OMG" Theta burst out laughing "I love the music though.” 


"Well, you're gonna fit right in with my family then" Yaz laughed. 




"That turned out to be a fun evening" Theta said taking her shoes off as they walked up the stairs to her apartment "Apart from Mark the dipstick." 


"Don't remind me.” 


"Arrh...we need to walk Lola" she moaned hanging off Yaz. 


"I'll take her to park just to pee don't worry." 


"We'll go together." 


"You can't stand on your feet babe" she laughed at her high hills dangling in her hand 


"I'll put my boots on." 


"Alright" she chuckled. 


Theta just pulled her Uggs and puffer jacket over her dress and they were off. A leisurely stroll through the park behind Thetas building in the moonlight seemed quite romantic. She hooked her arm around Yaz's and leaned against her. 


"This is nice. I imagine us doing this by the sea" she smiled. 


"And having midnight swim" Yaz added. 


"And dancing to the slow music on the balcony overlooking the beach" she looked up at her softly. 


"I'm sold" Yaz chuckled and kissed her gently. 


"Thanks for sorting him out tonight. I'm sorry for that." 


"Why are you saying sorry baby, it wasn't your fault?" 


"I don't wanna cause trouble for you or a circus for my mates when they just came out to have some fun." 


"You're not, he is, and everyone knows it." 


"It's embarrassing...Fucking cockroach." 


Yaz chuckled "I love you" she kissed the side of her head and Theta hummed content 


"Love you too. I'm so sleepy." 


"Let's go home my cute snuggle bug.” 



A Step In A New Direction Chapter 5
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