Chapter 5



Morning came and Yaz realized with one look out the window that the rain had stopped. Clara was not next to her, so she assumed that she had gotten up earlier. She got up and couldn't find her, so she got dressed and decided to look in the garden.

"Clara!" she yelled

"Hey morning...I'm up here" she waived happy from the roof

"Babe wtf??? What are you doing?" Yaz yelled petrified seeing her balancing almost at the top

"The storm damaged the roof so"

"So you just thought you'd climb on it and do it yourself? Like Wtf girl..?"

"Yeah why not...stop stressing potty mouth it's fine. Just few tiles moved from the wind. Anyways it's almost done"

"You're a complete nutter you know that"

"Are you going to your mums?" she asked standing on the top with her hands on her waist giving Yaz shivers down her spine. But this time not the sexy kind.

"Yes I'm not gonna be long and don't make food dad made something for both of us. And please don't die either"

"Why's that? Because you love me so much you can't live without me?"

"Fuck off Clara" she laughed rolling her eyes "And yes"

"Did you just tell me to fuck off Yasmin Khan?"

"You heard it right...I also told you I love you" she sends her a kiss with her hand and leaves




"Hi mum" Yaz walked into the apartment and kissed her on a cheek "Where's dad?"

"Hy hun, he had to go to office today...don't you look happy" Nadja said stroking her face

"Mmmm" she smiled

"So sorry for that late message mum I fell asleep watching a movie and then Clara aked me to stay. She was worried about me driving that late"

"Well I'm glad you have a smart girlfriend"

"We are glad she has any girlfriend" Sonya peaks around the corner

"I love you too sister" she rolled her eyes

"So when are you moving out Yaz?" Sonya smirked

"Not just yet don't start celebrating"

"So when are we gonna meet this mysterious person then?"

"Soon...she had to work on a roof today. That storm last night really did some damage and there was a lightning in a back garden I almost jumped out of my nickers"

"Didn't know you had any on Yaz" Sonya comment

"Oh sod off Sonya..."

"Fancy going shopping with me mum? I have to get some basics. Clara's kitchen is...well, basic to say the least"

"Yeah...actually I might do, I need to get some stuff for us as well"

"Can I go?"

"You can if you're not rude"

"Promise...come on I have to wind you up a little. I'm happy for you. Is she pretty?"

"She's stunning" Yaz smiled




Yaz drove up to the house and leaned closer to the window. The garage door was open and the blue box was hanging from the ceiling. Yaz frowned baffled and confused out of her mind.
She parked the car and opened the booth when Clara came out of the garage dressed even strange for her. Wearing steampunk goggles and brown apron with the pair of gloves on her hands. She pulled the goggles up on the top of head and took off her gloves smiling.

"Hey beautiful" she walked up to the car and kissed her temple "Don't...that's heavy I'll take the bags"

"What are you wearing silly" she laughed "You look sexy" she smacked her bum as she bend down to take the shopping bags

"You look very beautiful yourself Yaz" she stood up

"Why is your shed hanging from the ceiling in the garage babe?" she asked confused walking behind Clara towards the garage

"Lighting yesterday Yaz. I had to make sure there's no damage on it. Never happened before...Tardis can take a hit but it's been sitting there for a while"

Yaz looked up as they passed and could have sworn she saw electrical cables hanging from the bottom.

"What's Tardis?"

Clara didn't answer that leaving Yaz as confused as ever. Later she just assumed it was a pet name or something. She wouldn't put it pass her girlfriend, and that the wires had to be connected to the light on a top and apparently the electrical wiring inside the shed itself. So Clara was obviously concerned that there was a short circuit and it could potentially start a fire in the garden or worse. What she still didn't understand was how her girlfriend, who was as thin as a branch, could drag the entire garden house into the garage and suspend it from the ceiling herself. But then there was a determination in Clara and she would certainly not give up trying.

"Something is wrong with my car" she said as they were loading the fridge

"Oh, what's wrong with it?"

"My door didn't open properly and then shit loads of light came up on my dash each time I passed over a bump on a road"

"I'll have a look" she said casually taking stuff out of the bags

"Babe you don't have to I'll call my mechanic"

"Why Yaz I certainly know more then your mechanic when it comes cars"

"And that's because cars are your hobby?"

"No Yaz but machines are...and I do have a degree in mechanics.  Trust me I'll fix it" she kissed her on confused lips and opened a peanut butter

On a second thought her girlfriend as quirky as she was probably would be able to fix it Yaz though. Nothing surprises her anymore when it comes to her. She'd just seen her repair a roof and electronics on a garden shed and all in one day.

"I missed you" Yaz said sliding her hands around Clara's waist and leaning her head on her shoulder blade

"I missed you too beautiful. Had to keep myself busy so I don't think about it too much. Mmmm...that's nice...I could have you there all day" she smiled and put her hand over Yaz's rocking side to side and Yaz kissed her back

"You can have me where ever you want" she said squeezing her harder

"Tempted but I should look at your car before it gets dark" she turned around and and held her face placing a kiss on her mouth "Let's go ..oh just a second"

She ran into the living room and opened the glass cabinet taking something out shoving it into her pocket and then took Yaz's hand pulling her to the car

Clara popped the bonnet up and zoomed the sonic around it, Yaz looking confused then opened the door and zoomed again around the dashboard

"Mmmm...I think water went in last night Yaz and fried some electronics" she said reading her sonic

"What's that?"


"And that's?"

"Ah like a screwdriver...well more than that scans stuff"

"Where did you get that from?"

"I made it" she said and ripping half of her dashboard off making Yaz cringe in horror

"You made it?" she aske leaning on a door

"Yea out of spoons" she grins from the car

"You made that out of spoons?"

"Well mostly, and few other bits and pieces"

Yaz shook her head in disbelief "Right because you are..."

"Bighead..." she comes out and kisses her forehead

"So you are" she laughed

Clara pulled wires out and she was filling with them for quite a bit. Yaz was watching her do it and couldn't help to think she did this quite few times in her life and knew exactly what she was doing. She was pleased she didn't have to call mechanic. Obviously she her girlfriend was a roofer, mechanic, professor, gardener and god knows what else. But most importantly she was absolutely perfect for her.

"I have a lecture tomorrow morning but only for an hour" she said as spark flew pass her face "Ups" she zooms a sonic "Right...That should do...Anyway...I should be back before you get up"

"Alright love"

"I like that" she looked up at her passing her a massive smile "Well, I think that's it Yaz" she got up and put the main panel back on then zoomed the sonic over it.

"Why are you zooming that thing over it?"

"Sonic?...To close it darling" she gets out of the car and closes the door and the bonnet "Right all done and ready for a test drive"

"I must say I'm impressed" she kissed her cheek "Thank you"

"Thank me later Yasmin" she winks

She didn't want to kiss her cheek. What she wanted really was to kiss her all over. But she settled for that for the time being.
Clara closed the garage door as well and then licked her finger and put up in the air.

"Mmmm...another storm on a way"

Yaz laughed and slipped her hand around her waist "Come on you lovable weirdo. Let's get inside"

Yaz was in a bedroom. That now suddenly became their bedroom. Clara made sure she understood that earlier by explicitly correcting her when she addressed it as Clara's. She also made so much space for in the wardrobe and the dresser that Yaz didn't even know what to do with it. She only packed for a week but there was enough space there for the entire month.
The rain started again just like Clara said and dark clouds covered the sky. Yaz was more than pleased she wasn't working for pass few days considering the weather outside. Also she hasn't taken a holiday in two years and could do with a brake. She never had a reason to take one either. Going to some nice destination all by herself wasn't appealing and iff she took her sister along they would probably kill each other half way through anyway.
The rain was falling harder and she looked through the window at the garden. Wind was blowing harder ruffling the treetops. She was hoping the storm wont damage the car again. Clara said she will empty the garage so they can put it inside just for a case. She also said she needs  more work on it an how it will be easier in a garage. Now she had a personal mechanic as well as a girlfriend
She finished unpacking had a quick shower and put her pajamas on then headed downstairs finding Clara in her study sitting at the computer.

"Aaaaaa just in time" she pushed the chair back and turned it around. It was one those massive leather office chairs. The study was similar to the living room but had dark blue walls and loads of shelves with even more books on them. Unlike the living room it also had framed photos all around it. Yaz took a look around.

"Who are all those people? Are those your family?"

"Yeah, you could say that...They are all my dearest friends. People I used to travel with. Come here"

She took the invitation and sat in her lap. Draping her arms around Claras shoulders 



"It's nice having you here all to myself"

"It's nice being here with you love"

"I've been thinking"


"I want us to go somewhere for Christmas. Would you like that? "


"Yeah I know your family doesn't celebrate so not like you need to be here. But I know you love it"

"Really? And how would you know all that Clara?"

"Just guessing...Your Muslim so definitely no Christmas. But I also see how your eyes glisen each time I mention it"

"You really though about that a lot didn't you?"

"I did" she smiles

"I'd go anywhere with you"

"You better because I don't plan to go anywhere without you ever again...Unless I have to...Which I hope I won't not again"

"You silly sod" she smiled leaning her head on hers

"You seem tired Yaz. It was a long day and you didn't sleep much"

"No I didn't"

"Come on I think we should dich the movie and just go to bed"

"I'm not complaining" she got up and reached her hand lacing her fingers dragging her up the stairs

"Lie down Yaz I'm just gonna take a quick shower I'm still mucky from Tardis and everything else"

Yaz crawled into bed and listening to rain outside the window. Room was dark with only bathroom light shining over the bed. Clara's bed was big. Solid wooden frame with quite a tall mattress that reminded Yaz to the bed in Oxford. Then she relased how next weekend they are going there again and how this time they will be sharing a room. She was looking forward going again because this time it have a different feel. Light of the bathroom switched off and she felt the bed dipping and then arm around her pulling her across. It surprised her how strong Clara was. Yaz turned around as soon as she felt her behind. She needed her face and to feel as close to her as she could. And as soon as Yaz turned around Clara pulled her across draping her leg over her hip. Yaz figured out it was obviously her thing because this was a second time she did it. She ran her hand over Clara and relased she had no clothes. One more time her brain glitched in complete disbelief that she was in fact sharing a bad with her girlfriend. And that all the walls they had between them are gone.

"You're naked" Yaz giggled

"And you're not...must say a bit disappointed" she scrunches her nose

"You could change that" Yaz tested

Suddenly Clara sat on a bed and in few seconds Yaz was bare to the world. She threw her clothes on the floor and then snuggled back underneath the covers assuming the same position as before.

"Better?" Yaz giggled

"Much" she grinned "I want to feel you. I can only feel you like this here"

"Alright love"

There was a strange sadness behind Clara's eyes when she said that. And Yaz wondered why. But Clara knew too well. She needed her desperately she needed to feel her bare because when she was Clara knew she was hers. It was a part of Yaz she didn't have to share with anyone.

"I spoke with a landlord today" Clara said "He mentioned he wouldn't mind selling the house"

Yaz propped up her head on her arm "So will have to move?"
"No silly...stop panicking...I'm thinking of buying it"

Clara laid on the pillow playing with Yaz's hair that fell over her shoulders moving strain by straight. Then from time to time ran a finger over her collar bone.

"Really? "

"It depends...not sure yet"

"What on a price?"

"No...not on price. I don't wanna buy a house just for myself. No point" she looked up straight into Yaz's eyes silently

"Are you saying what I think you're saying Clara?"

"Only if you want to...we can have that conservatory in spring. It'd be nice"

"Clara...? Are actually asking me to move in?"

"Well I think I've said it clear enough"

"OMG.." her chin started to wobble as she just started at Clara who was still running her finger over her shoulder and then just razed her gaze

"Is that a yes? "


"It is?" Clara flashed a massive smile and Yaz rolled her on her back

"It's a fucking big yes you silly woman" she straddling her and kissing her whole face

"So I have you all to myself?" she asked between the kisses not able to stop smiling

"You have all of me already darling" Yaz said cupping her face "Every single inch of me"

"I love you Yasmin...more that words can say" she said gazing at her "Well then that's settled. I'm gonna make a call tomorrow. But now I want you all for me" she laughed kissing her

Clara ran her hands over Yaz's back and over her chest, watching her melt into her touch as her hand trailed from her neck to her stomach, her fingers tracing over her breast. She was a sight to behold and Clara wanted to keep every second in her soul. As her hips began to move slowly, gently moving over her in a light rhythm. How her mouth opened slightly to let out a soft moan and how she looked at her with half-open eyes when she ran her thumb over her lips. Yaz dragged over Clara, her hands sliding down her body, fingers trailing over her breast as her hips rocked harder.

Clara reached for her hand and pulled her over taking her lips in hers hard and passionate. And wrapping her arms around her. She moved quickly and seamlessly, and just as she laced their fingers together in an almost poetic way, she also had a flawless way of maneuvering Yaz exactly where she wanted her. Flipping her onto her back and draping her leg over her shoulder until she was pressed against her. Bringing them together in a way Yaz didn't think possible. She felt her heat on hers and it went through her skin. And it must have shown on her face because Clara smiled kissing her and then began to slowly move her hips trailing on top of her. It felt so amazing that Yaz never wanted to leave. She wrapped her arms around Clara's back and felt her muscles move under her skin, saw her eyes slowly close, her cheeks flush as her hips moved. Yaz could no longer keep her eyes open. She sank into the mattress and captured her lips allowing her to draw the air out of her body..
Clara opened her eyes from time to time watching Yaz's face memorizing every expression watching her reaction as she quickened her pace. She kissed her firm, deep fingers around her face, she wanted her inside her, she wanted her as a part of herself that she would never lose again. Because now she finally had her right there underneath her pressed against her. She felt her hand grab her hips pulling her onto herself and her fingers locked at the back of her neck and she knew she was going to fly. She wanted to see her face when she does, she wanted to see it in her eyes.

"Yaz looked at me," she said softly, and when her dreamy eyes opened drunk with desire, their gaze flew through her soul. "I've been waiting to see you for me" Yaz felt herself falling and desperately tried to keep her gaze. Moans escaping her mouth, he kept pulling Clara on herself, wanting more of her. She felt herself float and shake inside, disintegrating beneath her. She couldn't watch anymore and pulled Clara into a kiss letting her swallow her moans as she caught each one. She shook and collapsed into the sheets, wrapping her fingers around Clara's face..

"Don't stop" she dug her fingers into her sides and pulled her to herself, she saw Clara holding on for dear life and she wanted her to let go...and she kissed her deeply until she trembled in her arms. They moved just a little and Yaz made room for her between her legs wrapping her arms around her and holding her the whole time. To feel her breathing, the weight of her pressing her against the mattress. Yaz wanted to fall asleep like this with Clara's head on her shoulder, feeling her hot breath on her neck. And Clara wanted that too, she felt safe, loved, protected from the world in this little universe they had together. She loved this woman more than life itself and now the universe has given her back.

"Don't move" Yaz said and made Clara chuckle

"I don't want to but my bum is getting cold and I need a duvet" they both cracked up laughing and Clara moved to grab the duvet that has fallen to the floor. She threw it over herself and then assumed her previous position lying back on top of Yaz covering them over their heads.

"Better?" Yaz laughed

"Much better" she chuckled wiggling her hips

"That was beautiful" Yaz said showering her with kisses across her face.

"I saw it on your face" she smiled softly "And now your eyes are drifting you can't keep awake"

"No I can't I'm trying" she smiled

Her body felt like it was made of jelly, and Clara's weight pressing her into the sheets had a comforting effect. One she could easily get used to. She tried desperately to stay awake but her vision was already blurry and she heard Clara asking something but it seemed so far away.

"Sleep away" Clara kissed her lips and then found a place for herself tucked into her neck.

She herself was on the edge. Usually Yaz would fall asleep and not even notice when she got up or she would just lie there cuddling her drifting off into her thoughts. But now she was tired and her eyes were closing and feeling Yaz breathing beneath her lulled her to sleep. The rain was falling hard and pounding against the windows, and then thunder ripped through the sky and Yaz woke up from sleep. But then she realized Clara was still there, her head tucked into her neck, her fingers wrapped around the back of her head.

"Just thunder...I'll protect you" she mumbled into her neck making Yaz giggle. It was silly and cute and she loved it.