Chapter 25



I wanted to show you something today” Doctor says wiles Yaz was scoffing her pie


"Soo where are you taking me?" she pops a piece of her pie into Doctors mouth "'s nice"


"You will's a surprise...Mmmm...that is nice Yaz...I think I'll go and one myself"


" kicked" Yaz laughed


"It did?" Doctor jumped excitedly


"Yeah...come here...quick!"


Doctor was at the other side of the table in a second with a massive smile across her face. Yaz took her hand and placed it on a side of her bump "Right you feel that?"


"Aaaaaa...she wiggled...!" she jumped


"Aha...I think she loves the pie" Yaz giggled


"She might...aaaa!!!...again!!!" she laughs exited "Yaz..." she looked at Yaz dreamy


"What darling?"


"Yaz...I'm gonna be mum" she said not quite believing those words


"You are're gonna be mum" Yaz puts her hand on her cheek


"I can't get my head around it Yaz"


"I know...seems unreal, doesn't it?"


"Yaz I never never in million's so real now"


"I know babe...but you are...and I want to kiss you now" she whispers


"I want to kiss you too..." she smiled bringing Yaz's hand to her lips kissing it gently

"I better get that pie..." she laughs cheeky "You want one more?"


"Mmmm...I dunno"


"Oh yes you do admit it..." she started walking towards the bar and turned around laughing "You really want that pie Yaz"


Yaz giggled like crazy "I'm gonna roll out of Egypt"


"I know and you will look cute doing it" she laughed



"What is this place?" Yaz looked up at a the tall beautifully ornate building with massive pillars and huge staircase going towards the entrance. Pillars were painted in bright red with palm leaves on top of them


"You will see...come on" she pulls her hand up the stairs and they entered a massive room no less beautiful inside than it was from the outside. "Welcome the library of Egypt Yaz" Doctor says exited as they stepped inside


"Is this the library of Alexandria?" Yaz looked up towards the tall ceiling


"No Yaz...that's gonna be much later on...but...these are the very roots of it Yaz...already they have stored so much information so much knowledge about the history, astronomy, science...Look at this Yaz...all this knowledge will be lost one's magnificent and sad in a same time"


"Can we read some of the stuff here Doctor?" Yaz's eyes were as big as the saucepan wondering around all the scrolls and tablets on the shelfs


"Yap...that's why we came Yaz..." Doctor smiled cheerfully "Come on!" she nods her head grabbing her hand


"Doctor " Yaz pulled her hand "What if they kick us out...look around...we stand out"


"Nah...I know a guy who knows a guy who's my mate...anyway...they know me here Yaz...not the first time I'm here looking for something"


"But you were a man before?" she looked at her confused out of her mind


"Don't worry Yaz...he knows three of my previous faces...Mind you this one might surprise him" she smirks


"Doctor?" a man's voice came from behind the Doctor


"Aaaa...Abasi, just  a man I was looking for" she jumped and played the silly game of secret handshake with the man


"Mmmmm....woman.... interesting Doctor...Might take me a while to get used to this one...Nice very nice. And the young lady" the man winks to the Doctor


"Aaaa this is Yaz, my wife...Yaz this is Abasi my very old friend"


"Oh, married again Doctor...nice...sorry about that...I heard the news some time ago"


"Oh yes that..." Doctor gets flustered "It was a long time ago...Don't worry about it"


Yaz frowns confused at Doctors reaction


"Anyway Abasi" Doctor continued..."I'm looking for an information..." she continued to explain to the man whiles Yaz was walking around fascinated with the place


"Yaz..." Doctor called for her from the other side of the room "Let's go"


They've spent hours going through all the books. They opened a massive scroll over the table and Doctor was concentrating on reading it. Yaz looked at her sideways and couldn't help herself saying something "Doctor...Why did you react like that when that guy mentioned your wife"


"My dead wife Yaz...You're my wife" she replied firmly clenching her jaw


"Are you upset me asking this?"


"No... I’m not...but you will be if I start answering Yaz...So I suggest you think twice before you ask what you're about to ask" she briefly looked up


"How do you know what I'm about to ask"


"Because I know where this conversation is going, and I rather not have it" she kept her gaze on the scroll


"So... we will never talk about her?" she asked annoyed


"We will ..."


"Then talk to me" she puts her hands on the desk over the scroll stopping her from reading it


Doctor looked at her irritated "No Yaz...I'm not...not here and not now...and not until you talk to yourself and be absolutely certain that you want to have this conversation..."


Yaz's chin started wobbling. She turned around and ran out of the library


"Yaz!!" she yelled after her but she ran outside ignoring her


Doctor tightens her lips and her face went into almost cramp and throws the papyrus roll on a table running after her. She found her sitting on the massive steps outside like a lost puppy playing with the hem of her dress and wiping her tears and sat next to her. Doctor was quiet for a moment before she spoke with her in gentle voice "Yaz...Darling"


"It's fine...I'm not gonna ask...ever again" she replied abruptly


"'re missing a point"


"Am I?" she looked at her angry and filled with despair with tears in her eyes..."You only talk about stuff you want to talk about...leaving gaps in between worth centuries of your life that are kept like some sort of mystery from me. And yet you find it perfectly normal to sleep with knowing every inch of you is normal and not a mystery at all, is it?


"Yaz!!!!...Stop that...Don't talk like that..." she said mortified


"How do you expect me to talk? ... Explain...go on, I'm listening"


"Definitely not like you just did Yaz...that's's...well...not ok...not ok at all Yaz" she gets  all flustered "First of all I can't exactly put 3000 years of my life in 3 sentences...definitely not enough time to cover all of fact it would probably take me about 2 months of never closing my mouth to say absolutely everything to you...Second...I'm telling you things...Actually I'm telling you everything you want to know. But my dead wife Yaz is not someone I want you to have in your head...I don't...definitely not. Not because I have a problem talking about her...because I don't...But because I don't think you want to listen about me being with someone else...”




"I'm with you now!” she got up and stood in front of her “ ... I love you now! I'm even having a baby with you now! ... She's past...she's no longer here she's in library Yaz.


"She's whaaa?" she looked at her completely confused


"That's a different story...never mind that...forget that I said that" she scrunched up her face confusing Yaz even more and continued to talk


"I was a different person than Yaz...Much different than what I am now. In fact, I don't even think you would like me how I was...So what's the point?" She waives her hands around "I know how it starts with wanting to know...and then it ends up with you being eaten up inside from jealousy comparing yourself to her...Absolutely not...I'm not having that"


"I'm not gonna..." she looked up to her confused


"Oh yes you are!!!...You will analyze everything, and it will eat you up and make you miserable and feel like you're sharing me...And you're not Yaz and you never will...and I'm sorry I'm not putting you through that. I love you too much to do that to you. What you and I have is different anyway...completely different...incomparably different...Is that even a word or I just made that up?" she twists her face for a second thinking


Yaz went quite looking down to the floor playing nervously with her dress twisting it around her fingers.


Doctor sad back down next to her and reached for her hand untangling the dress from her fingers "Yaz...listen to me...Let that dress're making a mess out of it" she shakes her hand to let it go and continues to talk to her calmly "As it is, you never thought you were worthy of I right?"


"Yes" she replied quietly trying not to cry


"But it turned out I wasn't worthy of you silly..."


"Stop that..." Yaz looked at her sideways


"Oh no're a much better person than ever will me...Point being...I don't want you feeling like you’re in some sort of a competition with someone who is no longer here. I have no secrets from you, but I will do everything to protect you. Please...understand what I'm trying to say"


"I'm sorry for speaking to you like that" she said quietly


"That was horrible...Blimey Yaz you can really have a potty mouth when you're angry"


Yaz starts laughing and wipes her tears "You haven't heard anything yet" she looks at her sideways laughing


"You're scaring me now" she kisses her knuckles "Love ya" she smiled rubbing her thumb over her hand


"Love you too...I'm sorry...But can I just say something"


"Of course, Yaz always"


"Can you just get to the point next time when you're trying to explain something to me rather that speaking in riddles..."


"What do you mean...I always get to the point" she scrunches her face confused


"No, you don't...You go all the way around like from Sheffield to Scotland and back" she laughs


"Come on you...let's go...this sun is way to strong for you to sit on it like that" she gets up reaching with her hands to lift her up


"Darling...I have a huge problem" she twists her body holding her tummy with one hand and supporting herself for Doctors shoulder with another


"What problem?" she jumped freaked out "You ok? ... Are you in pain?"


"Noooo...listen!!!...I'm gonna piss myself if you don't find me a toilet like now this minute"


Doctor stood for a split second glitching and burst out laughing "Goodness almost made me regenerate...come on...I know just where" she pulled her hand


"Please hurry up!!! I can't hold it anymore I swear I'm gonna piss down these stairs"


"Babe...this is really not comfortable" Yaz was whining out of the public lavatory through the closed door "I really hope I'm not gonna topple over"


"Hope not Yaz that would be really embarrassing not to mention extremely uncomfortable...Are you sure you don't want me to help you"


Yeeesss...I want to keep at least some of my dignity thank you very much"


"I mean...I've seen it all anyway Yaz" she laughs leaning on a door frame with her hands in her pockets


"That's not the point is it!!" she comes out stressed "When did they invent normal toilets and not just a whole in a ground?"


"Sir John Harrington, godson of Elizabeth I, invented a water toilet with a raised cistern in 1592. But Elisabeth found them being too noisy at they ripped them all out...She always was a light sleeper"


"How would you know that???" Yaz looked at her surprised, but Doctor ignored her


"Let's go back to the library Yaz I have to finish looking at that papyrus" she looks at her cheerfully "I might have a solution for the orbs"


"You do?"



"You know I said to you how I thought the sun would be enough but it's not.... Well I've been thinking...Maybe it is Yaz...but we have to make it stronger"


"Make the sun stronger?"


"Yes...We need amplifier Yaz...Something that will direct the sunlight straight to the orbs"


"But you have that in my time"


"I do Yaz but I can’t risk taking them backwards and forwards through time with the Tardis. Artron energy is really harmful to them as it is they will have to hitch a ride in Tardis to their new's just too much...But I think I found a perfect solution right here"


"Where do you find solar amplifier in the middle of ancient Egypt Doctor?"


"Aaaaa Yaz...Do you know who is Ra?"


" idea"


"Ra is a main deity here Yaz...the Sun god...Egyptians literally worship the Sun they have temples dedicated to just that...Sun...  designed for harnessing the power"


"So this papyrus you were looking at is what exactly? ... A map?"


"Sort of...It describes one of the temples near by...Well it's a blueprint really...describes exactly the engineering behind it...Look Yaz" she shows the sketch "On a certain day of the year the Sun peaks through that opening and then it reflects of the mirrors in the room and falls directly on to the altar right there. So, all we need to do is bring the orbs and place them on the altar at that day at that time"


"Which is when Doctor?"


"Good question Yaz...In three days time...Let's hope I'm right about this Yaz"


"Told you, you will figure it out" she leaned over the table to kiss her, but Doctor put her finger over her mouth


"No... not here" she looks around making Yaz laugh


"Can I go with you? ... You that place...Please" she slumps herself on a table begging her


"It's quite a walk Yaz...let me think ok"


Yaz pouted her lips to which Doctor responded flustered "Stop doing that...that's way too cute...and totally not fair Yaz" she covered her mouth with her hand blushing making Yaz giggle


"Can we go home now...I'm getting extremely tired"


"Sure, Yaz I was going to say that...It's been a long morning for you. Come on let's go" she rolls up a papyrus and putting away and reaches for Yaz's hand smiling "I'll make you a bath when we get back"


"That would be brilliant" she smiles leaning on her shoulder as they walked out