Chapter 8


Yaz watched as the waves smashed against the bow of the boat creating foam and bubbles which just drifted away and disappeared into the water. Sun reflected on the surface of the water glistening as million diamonds and the wind was blowing her hair over her shoulders. She watched as grebe birds and seagulls stood on top of the wooden stilts that were sticking out of the water and diving for fish. The island they were heading towards was now very near and she was getting exited as Alex was talking her to the glass factory where they will see how all those beautiful things were made. After Alex proposed to her earlier on today she she felt as though this holiday was like a honeymoon before the wedding. It was still so fresh in her mind that she still didn't call her family to let them know. She needed time to just come to the terms that is really happening and it's not a dream.

"Penny for your thoughts" Alex said into her ear standing behind her and palming her hands as they gripped the railing.

"Hey" she turned over her shoulder smiling "it's so beautiful"

"Oh, wait until you see the island. All the houses are in different colors's so quirky and the factory is amazing"

They watched the making of the glass then went through the museum where Alex lost it over tiny bottles so much she ended up buying few in the museum store making Yaz tear up laughing. Then took loads of photos walking around until Alex began to look like a tomato. So they sat down for a drink in one of the cafes.

"You don't look good Alex" Yaz said looking at Alex's face which at this point wasn't ever red anymore, it was turning purple

"No I don't...But then what can we do...I'm sure I'll be fine Yaz. Just need to get used to the sun...Hey look how tiny they are" she said  taking the bottles out of the bag and lining them up on a table "I mean how do they make them so small?"

Yaz laughed like crazy "What are you gonna do with them?"

"Dunno...I thought I put them on a shelf or something...I do love what we bought for mum...she's gonna love that fruit bowl"

"It goes so beautifully in her the green shades...Alex"


"I really think we should stay away from the sun tomorrow"

"Noooo" Alex whined "We didn't come all the way here to sit in a hotel"

"I'm not saying sitting in a hotel I'm just saying keeping to the shade and not walking around on 37 degrees Celsius the whole day darling. I mean now even your eyes are swollen and your chest looks like someone wiped you to death"

"But we were meant to go to Burano" she practically squeaked

"I get that and I would really love us to go but you see I kinda care more about you than Italian lace"

"Oh alright then" she said almost sulking putting the tiny bottles away "Well what do you suggest we do than?"

" lived here not me...think of something...I'm sure we can do something that doesn't involve sun"

"Right...let me think about that...I'm sure I'll have a plan by tomorrow"

"Thank you"

"Do I look that bad?"

"Babe you look like someone slapped you with a hot iron on both sides of your face

"But I did buy another dress" she smiled

"That you did...and I absolutely love gonna wear it tomorrow? I can quickly wash it for you tonight. In this heat it's gonna dry out in ten minutes"

"You do that for me?"

"Sure...when is the boat leaving?"

"Uuuuu...good you asked that Yaz...we need to get going or the next one is in an hour"

They returned to the city and slowly walked back to the hotel. Yaz never walked so long in her life and the heat was draining her completely so she dragged herself in a snail pace.

"Ice-cream!" Alex suddenly shouted "oh I do fancy some want some Yazee?"

"Absolutely...can I have some to just throw down my dress as well?"

Alex laughed "I can buy some extra if you want?"

They finally came to the hotel and as much fun as they did have it was a welcoming thing to be away from the heat and take a shower. Yaz started getting a headache and drank some tablets as soon as they arrived but Alex's face was still bright red

"Stop fidgeting!.." Yaz giggled as Alex practically wiggled over the bed "They say doctors are the worst patients" she said putting cold wet towel on her face "There...just keep still"

"It should go down" Alex spoke with towel over her face lifting her arms up looking for Yaz

"I'm here" she said lacing their fingers together laughing

"Don't face isn't burnt Yazee it's just sun allergy ...I'll take some tablets today and I'll be fine"

"Alright baby...just worried about you"

She managed to keep her still for about twenty minutes just cuddling her keeping the towel over her face lifting it fron time to time to check and slowly the swelling in her eyes was going.

Alex moved the towel of her face smiling "What would I do without you?"

"Be miserable and lonely folding towels" she giggled

"Absolutely" she laughed and raised her hand to the back of her neck pulling her for a kiss "We should have a nap you know...I'm like a tomato and you have a headache...I think we're both a bit spent"

"I agree" she said huffing "My head is gonna explode"

"I think you should put this towel on you head Yaz"

"I think I should" she grabbed the towel and slapped it on her forehead dropping to bed

She woke up and hour later and heard the shower. Her headache was gone and she felt a lot better so she god up and started digging through the bag with some bakery stuff they got on a way to the hotel

"Hiya" Alex peaked from the shower smiling then stepped outside wrapping towel over herself

" look better" she smiled. It still seemed strange seeing Alex fully unclothed and Yaz rather stupidly didn't know where to look then reminded herself where her face was several hours ago and that they are getting married and felt even more stupid

"Antihistamines" she giggled "Works wonders...though can't take them all the time"

"Waaw...that really does work much drugs did you bring with you?"

"Oh, paracetamol, antibiotics, antihistamines, EpiPen for my allergy, my normal gender-affirming stuff, some regular insect bite calming cream, my allergy cream, migraine tablets, carbon in case of food poisoning, some digestive enzymes, Gaviscon, Dioralyte Relief..."

"OMFG...what the hell babe" she laughed

"Yeah well you never know Yaz" she laughed

"No...but this isn't packing babe this is prepping" she laughed

"Well you're gonna be grateful for my prepping if you get ill" she said smug

"Point taken" she laughed "Let me quickly take a shower...what's the plan for today? I hope you're not planning sunbathing"

Alex laughed "No...Not sure yet food...more walking...hotel...cuddle" she said walking towards the suitcase

"I like the line up of that" she giggled "I might start with the cuddle though" Yaz grabbed her hand pulling her across and wrapped her arms around her shoulders smirking cheeky

"Might...I'm not gonna complain...I mean that sun outside is still way too hot it's only one o'clock and..." Yaz cut her off with a kiss

"Mmmmwhamm" Alex mumbled slowly bringing her hands to the back of her head deepening the kiss running fingers down Yaz's back

Alex's phone rang and Yaz smiled into her lips "I need a shower anyway...go" she kissed her shortly one more time and went into the bathroom

Alex picked up the phone smiling

"Hey mum"

"She said yeeees?"

"Yes yes...she did say yes" Alex smiled looking over to Yaz smiling back at her

"Hi Charlie!" she yelled

"Oh hiii honey!" Charlie yelled back

"Muum that's my good ear auuuch" she scrunched her face moving phone away

"I'm so chuffed Alex...I'll get to see you getting married"

"You will mum..." she smiled looking at Yaz

"We have so much planning to do now Alex...did you talk about where and..." she continued asking loads of questions

"Where's the body lotion?" Yaz asked bending over the suitcase and Alex laughed pointing to the bathroom "Yes mum....I mean no we haven't...nooot yet give us a break I just asked her seven hours ago"

"I'm just so exited Alex...My beautiful girls...did you tell Nadjia and Hakim?"

"No..Yazee decided she wants us to tell them together when we come back. She doesn't wanna do it over the phone"

"That's should...soo...does that mean you listened to my advice regarding the other stuff as well?"

"Yeeees" she smiled blushing

"I'm glad Alex...this makes me so happy. One day you will understand just how much this day when you're gonna be mum...My heart just healed today baby"

"Oh mum don''re making me cry"

"All I ever wanted was for my kids to be happy  Alex...that's  the whole poin of being a mum...Anyways how's Italy? Tell me"

" god it's so hot and I got my rash all over my face and my chest today it was a bit scary looking. I had to go on antihistamines"

"Oh noo"

"At least it goes down. I would hate if it ruined my holiday. The hotel is beautiful...same one where Annie and me stayed...I have to call her by the way...She's gonna scream...pleaseeee don't say anything"

" long as you say it to everyone in the next two days or you know I'm gonna talk through my ass"

"Alright mum" she giggled

"Well...I'll let you two go baby. Have a nice time and call me when you get to Rome"

"Will ya"

"Love you too"

Alex got up and changed into a long cotton tunic then walked over to the window. She leaned over watching the street below and random people passing by. She felt happier that ever before in her life and thought how slowly all those wishes she never dared to dream about were coming true in her life. It all felt like whirlwind of emotions but the one she was happy drowning in. She smiled thinking how life works in the most amazing way sometimes. And how one broken vending machine that wasn't being repaired for a week brought her the biggest happiness in her life. And how even running away from her father in some strange way brought her to this place where she was today.

"Penny for you thoughts" Yaz smiled coming up beginning her draping herself over her back and slipping her arms around her waist

"Hey gorgeous" she smiled "Vending machines"

"Whaaa?" Yaz smiled looking at her over her shoulder

Alex looked towards the city smiling "I was thinking about vending machines...and how that broken one brought me you" she looked at her beaming haply

"Cherry Coke" she giggled "I was so pissed and you were so sweet...I still owe you that pound" she laughed leaning on her shoulder and ran her hand down her waist

"And I was so smitten by you from that first dinner...and scared and confused...Was that a date?"

"Initially no...then when I went home I was actually hoping that it was...I couldn't take my eyes of you but I wasn't even sure are you into girls" she laughed into her shoulder blushing

"Really? OMG..." she looked at her smiling and kissed her forehead "Waaaw..."

"God yeah..."

"My sister asked me was that a date and I told her I have no clue...then she pissed herself laughing how the hell do I not know" she giggled

"God we were such losers" Yaz giggled rubbing her face into her shoulder kissing it

Alex turned around and wrapped her fingers around the side of her neck gazing at her face that looked back at her with such awe it made her stomach churn. Never did anyone gaze at her with so much love.
Yaz ran her hands down the curve of Alex's waist. In some weird way that little curve that was barley there was her favorite part as her thumbs would pass over her ribs right underneath her breast as her hands would glide down all the way to her hip bones that were sticking out just enough to drive her nuts how sexy they were. Little things Alex's body would do to her mind that Alex herself was not aware of at all. Or how her eyes would widen with her lips just slightly parted when she would get exited making her look so adorable that Yaz could crush her. How she would lick her lips and step from one foot to another rocking herself nervously when she was unsure of herself and Yaz just wants to rock her in her arms telling her that it's ok.

Alex looked at Yaz's beautiful brown eyes as they glistened in a color of a dark chestnut under the sun and her long lashes flatter in light breeze from the open window and her beautiful curls were shining indigo blue bathed in a sun light. She leaned closer slowly closing her eyes and felt her soft lips on hers melting into hers and parting slowly as her hand clutched to Alex's tunic at her waist and her other hand cupped her face gently. Alex kissed her slow and gentle showering her with short kisses that slowly became deeper and more passionate. She moved from the window closing it behind her back then quickly pulled apart to close it properly and draw the curtains shut. She turned back to Yaz grinning silly and tugged on her hand wrapping it around herself bringing her hand back to the side of Yaz's neck pulling her for another kiss quietly moaning into her lips as their kisses became more and more passionate.

She felt herself being pushed backwards until her back hit the wall between window and the small desk that was in the corner of the room and Yaz laced their fingers above her head trailing her lips from her lips down her neck and her collarbones. Alex moaned loudly then shut her mouth remembering their in a hotel room and the last thing she wanted was to put up a free show for their neighbors. But it was hard to keep quiet as she never found herself in this situation when her body and mind is floating somewhere and she can't control herself. It was all so new, every touch end every sensation as if she was learning from beginning each part of it. And how she gets goosebumps when Yaz's lips trailed down her neck and her stomach churn when her hand brushed over it,  and how she trembled at Yaz's weight pressing her against the wall. She ran her fingers through her hair and closed her eyes as Yaz's fingers ran down her open palm pressed to the wall and continued their path down her arm giving her shivers.

"Mmmmnooo" she mumbled breathless into Yaz's lips between the kisses "I want you...pleaseeee" she said and rotated Yaz so fast twards the table Yaz's mind glitched as she slammed the table so hard it hit the wall.

"Fuck Alex" she said as Alex pushed herself between her legs and cut her short with another kiss.
It almost felt as something snapped inside Alex freeing her energy that was bottled up somewhere so deep inside her, stomped out of her by years and years of suppression.
She left Yaz gasping for air when her lips pressed against hers and her hands slipped down her back and under her thighs scooping her up as if she was made out of air and lifting her up on the table
Yaz took her hand and placed it on the edge of her towel that was wrapped around her, opening her eyes and cupping Alex's face lifting her gaze "Take it off" she said breathing deeply wrapping her legs around her "You want me?"

"Mmmm..." Alex noted

"Then take me baby"

Alex kissed her hard and deep both of her hands slipping between the folds of the fabric leaving Yaz gasping for air.

She felt her soft hot skin underneath her palms and little folds of her silky tummy underneath her fingertips. She found herself desperately wanting more of her. She trailed her fingers to the creases of her breast following the curvy line, feeling her hart pumping so hard at this point she had to brake the kiss and just slumped her head onto Yaz's shoulder cupping her tender breast with her palms stroking them gently.

Her touch was gentle and passionate exploring every inch of her and felt so adorable as Yaz relized Alex was literally exploring her every inch that was so new to her. Her hand slipping over her stomach as she raised her dazed, dreamy, half open eyes and kissed Yaz again and again. Her fingers went down to the side of Yaz's thigh and thumb brushed over her mound gently as they slipped lower slowly stroking over her while she was kissing her deep and hard. Yaz wrapped her hands around the back of her head seeping her golden hair through her fingers whimpering into her lips.

Alex moved her hand suddenly wrapping it around her waist pulling her off the table

"Can we please" she smiled looking towards the bed

"Yes please...I think I have a hairbrush stuck in my but anyway" Yaz said making Alex laugh into her shoulder


"That's can kiss it better" she giggled lacing their fingers and guiding Alex to the bed holding the ends of the towel keeping it from falling to the floor. She climbed the bed kneeling on the edge of it and moved the towel gazing at Alex's eyes as they opened wide in wonder.

"Wanna take this off?" she asked taking edges of her tunic in her hands as Alex stood by the edge of the bed

"Yes please" Alex smiled and Yaz pulled it slowly over her head dropping it on the floor than ran her palms over her chest gently brushing her thumbs over her breast looking at Alex closing her eyes dreamy

"And this?" she asked running her finger over the elastic of her underwear seeing her twitching as her finger ran the line from one end to the other

"Mmmm" Alex said bringing her hand to Yaz's waist with her eyes still closed then opened them wide meeting her gaze "Yes please"

Yaz hooked her fingers to the ends and pulled them down slowly leaving Alex to clumsy step out of them as her cheeks immediately blushed as if her sun allergy has returned so she brought her hand to her cheek brushing her knuckles over her bright red face that was smiling silly back at her.

"C'mere beautiful" Yaz kissed her gently then reached for her wrist tugging her onto the bed as she slowly laid down pulling her onto herself

Alex laid next to her propping her head on her arm trailing her fingers up and down Yaz's chest

"I'm not sure I know what to do Yazee" she said absolutely embarrassed "I mean I do and I don''s kinda self explanatory but you might be totally disappointed"

"I'm sure I won't be" she smiled stroking her face "I'm absolutely not disappointed till fact you knocked me I don't think you need to worry"

" might change your mind about marrying me" she giggled changing her focus from Yaz's body to her eyes

"Don't be silly...I'm not letting my Ferrari go baby" she laughed "Just take a deep breathe and it's gonna be fine...You should've seen me first time...that was fucking horrible...I was a mess and I seriously didn't know that I was doing...believe me you're way ahead of me...besides you probably know more where's what way better than I do" she laughed

"Yeah in a purely medical way Yaz" she laughed "That doesn't mean I'm a super star in bed you know" she laughed like crazy "Why does everyone think that? That's so silly"

"I don't know" she laughed "Or they think you lot see it so much you're sick of it"

"OMG" she slumped her head into the pillow laughing "This is crazy...Stooop...why is it that everything with me is so unromantic?"

"Oh stop that shit and kiss me already I'm starting to freeze" she laughed

Alex lifted her gaze and slowly leaned over. She kissed her slow and gentle whiles her hand started gliding all over her. Yaz slipped her arm around her pulling her closer and turned on her side draping her leg over her sides. Alex's kissing her one kiss after another as their hands were roaming everywhere. She ran a line with her fingertips up and down Yaz's spine sending shock waves down to her toas and gripped the back of her neck deepening the kiss

"I wanna kiss you everywhere" she said into her lips

"Then do it" Yaz smiled and turned on her back pulling her with her 

Alex shifted caging her and reached for her wrists pressing her hands into the pillow dotting small kisses all over her face dragging herself slowly over her as Yaz sunk into the sheets closing her eyes moaning into her ear. Alex brushed her thumbs over her wrists than trailed her lips down her collar bone dragging herself over her descending down her body slowly as her hands followed palming her breast and her lips run a straight line down her stomach to her navel then over her hips

"Jesus" Yaz exhaled as her hands were finally free and tangled all her fingers into her hair lifting herself from the mattress as her back arched to meet her lips that pressed themselves just beneath the hip bone in that little corner making her eyes roll at back of head. There was nothing clumsy about Alex. It was pure want and passion bursting out of her as if released all at once from being jailed for centuries.
Alex found herself floating in some haze between love and desperate desire in which the only thought was to take more of her, feel more of her under her skin and under her lips.
She gave in to that feeling and sealed her lips to her without a thought running her palms over the softness of her stomach feeling her muscles tense underneath her hands

"Oh god" Yaz whimpered clutching her hair "Do that baby...pleaseeee do that" she whined bringing her hand to her mouth stopping herself from being heard all the the way to the next floor and brought her feet to Alex's shoulders "Inside...please baby Inside...I need you"

Alex's snapped out of her delirium and felt a waiver of panic for a short moment then moved her hand from her stomach brushing her fingers gently over her seeing her arch her back as her feet almost gripped her shoulders raising her hips from the mattress
Yaz exhaled with a guttural moan and grabbed Alex's hand lacing their fingers on her stomach. She dragged herself over her lips as her eyes rolled at the back of her head and heat was burning her cheeks
"Don't stop...just don't...mmm...don't..." she was repeating as Alex was slowly picking up a pace squeezing her hand. She shuddered going limb, flopping to the bed.

Alex felt her pulsing around her and it was so amazing she almost didn't want to leave this place. She kissed the inside of her leg smiling and slowly moved her hand completely elated and mesmerized as if she just discovered the most amazing thing in a world.

She felt Yaz tugging on her hand pulling her up and almost laughed at the state of her. Wondering did she look the same herself as her hair was frizzy all across the pillow and glued to the her cheeks and she had the most silly smile on her face as she pulled her into a the most  messy, lazy kiss stroking her face as if she was drugged up on an operating table about to pass out. Alex couldn't believe she was a cause of her state and found it hilarious and absolutely the most amazing thing she's ever seen. She propped her head on her hand lying next to her and ran her fingers around her breasts playing some silly game tracing infinity sing around them. "I can taste you in my mouth" she suddenly said so happily that Yaz burst out laughing

"God you're so cute...So does it taste nice?" she looked at her laughing

"Mmmm...unusual but very nice" she giggled and kissed her again "Seee"

Yaz almost screamed laughing "Mmmm...yummy" she laughed "You adorable dork" she stroke her face kissing her again then rolled on her side tangling herself with her "I fucking adore you"

"So was that nice?" Alex asked almost sheepishly looking at her with the most innocent expression smiling eagerly and waiting to hear did she do well

"That was amazing baby" she wrapped her fingers around her face "So you can stop worrying I'm gonna change my mind about marrying fact can we do that tomorrow?"

Alex laughed "We could if we fly out  to Vegas" she laughed "But I don't think you want Elvis marrying us"

Yaz laughed like crazy "No I really don't...I love you so much Alex"

"I love you too...but I don't think our neighbors love us" she laughed

"I think most of them are out we're are probably not gonna get kicked out of the hotel...though we should probably sneak out now before anyone figures out it's us...then just play stupid pretending we were out the whole time"

"I think you might be right" she kissed the tip of her nose "I don't want this to end...ever" she said moving even closer to Yaz amd slipping her arm around her "I can't tell you how happy you make me Yazee"

"And you me're the best that ever happened to me" she said as they kissed over and over gently

"I'm so hungry now" Alex said twirling Yaz's curls through her fingers

"Me too...I desperately need a shower...Let me do that and we get ready fast"

"Deal...I know a beautiful place in a shade"

"Perfect...and your dress is dry by now" she smiled

"Aaaaaa... brilliant" she rolled on her kissing her cheek




Yaz found Venice so magical she didn't want to leave but when they arrived to Rome and started sightseeing, visiting all the stunning places she was overwhelmed. Unlike Venice, which exuded romance, Rome gave a sense of power and adventure. Alex had each of their days carefully planned from beginning till the end and made sure she takes her to literally every single museum and archaeological site. Alex was zooming around filled with energy that was bursting out of her like fireworks. Yaz has never seen her as happy and chirpy. Suddenly she was a new person who's hands were permanently glued to every part of Yaz she could reach and she had a silly smile on her face that wasn't going away for days. But Yaz was aware she wasn't any different herself as she had the most stupid grin on her face even in silly situations when they were just sitting in a café ordering drinks and kept giggling like two idiots. It was the security and comfort of knowing that Alex is from now on a fixed point in her life, someone who will never leave her side, someone she will never lose, someone who wants her and loves her and needs her equally desperate.

"Yazee...C'mere darling" Alex said pulling her into her lap as she was sitting at the small table on their room looking at trains schedule

"I was thinking we change a plan a bit" she said  I would love us to see Pompei and that's really close to Sorrento and instead of flying...which is not your favorite anyway. We can take a train to Naples then from there we go and se Pompei and we take another train to Sorrento. It's a lot of trains I admit but we could do it"

"Yes pleeease...I rather have trains and buses all day long than a plane"

"That's what I thought" she said kissing her cheek "I don't wanna stress you out even more I can see this is a bit too much"

"I'm sorry...I really hate them"

She was playing with Alex's fingers in her lap, it was like a comforting gesture more than anything else as she seriously hated flying. It was combination of a small space and knowing she's got nowhere to run that was giving her serious anxiety without even thinking how high up in the sky they were. So Alex would give her a tablet for nausea just before the flight that would knock her out for most of the flight, but just walking in and out of the plane was already enough stress. She felt stupid but there wasn't anything she could do I about it.

"That's alright Yaz, I think you're claustrophobic honey, it's perfectly normal. We just avoid it as much as we can then" she turned to her with a comforting smile and bumped their noses together playfully

"Thank youuuu" Yaz smiled and kissed her

" we leave tomorrow morning...just means we have to get up really early and we're gonna have to leave all the stuff at the train station when we go to Pompei...but that's fine"

"Love ya" Yaz said leaning her head on hers "I have to work"

"That's alright...I'll just watch some movie Yaz we don't have to go out today. We need to get up early anyway"

"You allergy is much better" she said running her finger over her chest "The redness is finally going away...I was worried it will get worse"

"I did at some point but it is going"

"I should start working...or I'm not gonna finish till really late" she pouted her lips then kissed Alex's temple "But I also want a cuddle" she giggled

"I can cuddle you whiles you work" Alex giggled

"Yeah...I would be extra productive then" she looks at her smirking "Seriously I have to get up" she said not sure if she's convincing Alex or herself but she finally gets up only to find herself  being  pulled  right back into her lap with Alex grinning cheeky and wrapping her arms around her waist in the most gentle way.

"Don't do this to me" she laughed as they looked at each other at such proximity their eyes were going funny

"Just one kiss" Alex wrapped her fingers around her neck and pulled her in kissing her deep and passionate

"Mmmm" Yaz brakes a kiss getting up "That's way too hot...go" she pointed towards the bed "Watch a movie or something...ignore me"

"Alright" Alex laughed getting up

"Fuck" Yaz shakes her head then reaches for her laptop settings it all up. Alex giggled coming up behind her and started kissing her neck "Oh fuck" Yaz closed her eyes then snapped out of it "Noo...mooove" she wiggled out of her embrace and pointed finger to the bed "Movie...noooow!"

"Alright" Alex shrugged her shoulders giggling cheeky then finally turned around and started digging through the shopping bag pulling out a bag of crisps and took a remote crawling into the bed "Love ya" she said grinning leaning onto a headboard opening crisps.

Two hours later Yaz was still working and Alex fell asleep with a remote in her hand and empty bag of crisps by her side with TV already on some other movie. Yaz got up and moved things from the bed pulling a cover over her and got back to work. She had no idea how she will get up in the morning oh what state she's going to be in, and she missed the coffee to keep her awake. It was almost midnight when she finally finished her work and slumped herself into bed draping herself over Alex kissing her neck and smiled as she automatically closed her arms around her turning them both on a side with a moan.

Alex sat in a train with Yaz sleeping on her lap. She felt for her having to wake up at six in a morning after only five hours of sleep and she was seriously thinking of just continuing to Sorrento and postponing their visit to Pompei to some other day.

"Yaz need to wake up...we're arriving to Naples" she stroke her hair

"Mmmm....alright" she opened her eyes with a yawn and sat up with her hair all messy and half open eyes

"Yaz darling...let's just continue to Sorrento, ha? I think you're way too tired" she said tucking  her hair behind her ears "We can come some other day, we have a whole week and it's close"

"Can we? You're not gonna get upset are you?"

"Nooo...don't be silly Yaz...I don't think you're gonna have strength to walk around the whole day"

"I'm really tired...I went to bed at one and haven't fallen asleep before half one"

"That's fine darling...come on...let's get our stuff ready. We can have some food before the train comes"

"Alright baby" she said yawning and getting up still sleepy with puffy eyes

They sat in a café on a train station and ordered some sandwiches and drinks. Alex was going through her emails waiting for Yaz to return from the toilet.

"Alex" a voice jolted her and she turned around

"Jennifer? What are you doing here?"  she smiled getting up. They hugged awkwardly

"We're going to Pompei"

"What a small world" Alex smiled "We were planning as well but we are just continuing to Sorrento for today"

"We as in your sister and you?"

" this time" she said and saw Yaz returning "Actually this is my fiancée Yaz...Yaz darling"

"Oh, hi" Yaz said coming at the table

"Yaz meet Jennifer...Jennifer my Yaz"

"Nice ti meet you Yaz"

"Hi, nice to meet you" Yaz said

"Waaaw... fiancée"

"Yeah, go" Alex smiled

"That's nice know...for someone like you to get settled...waaaw"

Yaz frowned at her comment and wanted to say something but decided to shut her mouth this time as she was still not sure who this person was.

"Mmm..." Alex said

"You look nice really have changed"

"Yeah..." Alex frowned "Quite a bit actually"

"Alright...well...I'll leave you to it...I need to rush...we are taking Stephanie to McDonald's"

"Alright...well have a nice time in McDonald's" Alex said with a small waive as the woman left and they both  sat back down

"Who's that?" Yaz said as soon as she was far away not to hear them

"Mmmm..." Alex looked up to Yaz as she was opening a juice bottle "That Yaz is my ex two week girlfriend"

"OMG...the one who left you for a guy?"

"Mmm" she nodded

"Waaaw...I should've given her that card" Yaz said taking her sandwich out making Alex burst out laughing "What was that shit about? For someone like you get settled" she said impersonating her making Alex laugh even more

"Oh, I don't care Yaz...I'm leaving her in my past with all the other shit to be honest"

"Well her loss my gane" Yaz said smug biting into her sandwich

"Love ya" Alex said pouting her lips

"Love you too" Yaz replied with mouth full "Mmmm...this is a nice sandwich...I needed that"

"We have half an hour before the train" Alex looked at the watch "You're gonna love the hotel room Yaz...I can't wait for you to see it"

"I can't wait to lie on a beach" she smiled "Got my beach dress" she laughed

"Oh Capri is wonderful's soo beautiful"

"When is our train honey?"

" 20 minutes...need to go soon"



By the time they arrived at the hotel Yaz was really tired and grateful they didn't go sightseeing anywhere. She leaned on Alex's shoulder as they were waiting on the reception for some family to get the keys to their room.

"Hey're falling asleep aren't you?" Alex said running fingers through her hair

"I'm so tired" she sighed wrapping arms around her waist

"Take a shower and go to bed as soon we get into the room"

"And what are you gonna do?"

"I'll just read a book Yaz...don't worry"

They came to the room and Yaz flopped on the bed like a pancake. It was beautiful room all white and blue with the sliding doors to the terrace overlooking the sea but she was too tiered to even look. They were only staying one day and then heading to Capri tomorrow morning.

"Will you sleep like this?" Alex laughed at Yaz's legs hanging off the edge of the bed as she splattered herself too tiered to take her clothes off

"Might do" she giggled with her eyes shut

Alex started unbuttoning her trousers making her laugh keeping her eyes still shut

"Are you taking advantage of me?" she giggled

"Might do" she laughed pulling her skinny jeans off which were so tight that they pulled her nickers half way off. But Alex politely pulled them back on placing a small kiss right by her navel. Then pulled the covers off the bed and rolled her around making her laugh even more.

"Love ya" Yaz said reaching out with her arms around her shoulders kissing her gently

"Love you too...sleep now...I'll get you up for dinner"

"Alright baby...mmmm" she moaned rolling on her side and grabbed the pillow hugging it comfortingly watching Alex as she closed the curtains and took her clothes off heading to the shower. She fell asleep within few minutes, the sound of water from the bathroom lulling her to sleep faster.

Alex made herself comfortable changing into her biking and a light gauze tunic lying on a sun lounger in a shade. She was on her phone searching through wedding dresses. As beautiful and magical as they seemed, Alex still wasn't sure if she was ready to go that far. Not that she didn't want to, because she did, but it was the area which she still was still slightly uncomfortable with. 
There was something else that bothered Alex as well. A thought that weight heavily on her mind for the past several days. Subject that sooner or later she will have to tackle especially with the wedding on a way. She was scared that telling the truth about herself to Yaz's family would ultimately mean loosing them out of her life or even worse creating problems for Yaz. Yet hiding her whole past seemed as a betrayal of love and acceptance they have given her.  She pushed it at the back of her mind for now, at least until she speaks to Yaz, and went back to wedding dresses.
She didn't want a big wedding, more something small and simple, same went for the dress if she was to choose one in a first place.

Yaz woke up two hours later and came out on a terrace
"Hey baby" she came up to Alex bending over the sun lounger headboard.

Alex looked up smiling "Hello gorgeous" she reached out her hand to the back of Yaz's head kissing her upside-down "Did you have a nice nap?"

"Oh yeah" Yaz said stroking her neck then walked around and sat on the edge of the bed "What have you been doing?"

"Don't laugh" she said pouting

"I won't I promise....tell me"

She turned the phone to her "Thiiis" she said covering her face with her hand smiling


"It's stupid I know"

"Noooo...hell why the fuck would it be stupid?"

"I don't know...I'm not sure I should go that far"

"Right..." Yaz looked at her pursing her lips "Alex...would you like to wear a wedding dress? Is that something that would make you happy?"

She rolled her lips for a moment before answering "It's like this ultimate dream Yaz" she looked at the phone wistfully "It's what you do when you're a know...wear a beautiful wedding gown...I don't knooow...I want to...not that I don't "

"Then do it's our day...we do what we want...what makes us happy" she reached for her hand "See one of us has to wear it because I'm not sure I want one"

"You don't?" she asked taken back

"Nooo...Not really...I never saw myself like that...I actually always thought it be so sexy to wear white trousers with just a short jacket over a know with just one button at the front and some cool long necklace instead of a tie"

Alex started laughing "It would suit really suit you"

"Well, then you'd have to wear a beautiful gown" she smiled

Alex pouted her lips and puffed her cheeks with air like a child contemplating then exhaled smiling "Wanna see what I found?"

"Yeeees!" Yaz jumped from the seat and leaned over kissing her cheek "Let me just get something to drink I'm dying"

"There's something else I wanna ask you "Alex said when Yaz came back.

She moved giving her some space to lie down next to her then leaned on her wrapping her arm around herself.


"It's just bothering me recently and now with us getting married It's bothering me even more"

"What's bothering you?"

"Lies....well not so much lies...more like hiding my past from your family....But I don't wanna cause trouble for you Yaz and I also don't wanna lose them either...I don't want them to hate me"

" you?" she put her finger underneath her chin "Look at me baby"

"Mmmm?" she raised her gaze and laced her fingers with hers

"My family loves you a person...not what you have between your legs darling...that's just not my family...and won't cause any trouble for me darling"

"I don't wanna lose them"

"You won't" Yaz said gently stroking her hand over the length of her neck "Do you want to tell them?"

"It feels wrong not to Yaz...It's a huge part of my life and keeping it a secret like that, specially now is just...I don't doesn't feel I'm betraying their trust"

"This was always gonna be your decision darling...I left that for know....whatever it is that you feel comfortable with...cause I'm fine with either"

"Well one know...if we wanna have a baby" she looked up smiling "Which I hope we will" she said playing with their fingers

"We better" Yaz smiled back to her

"Well, when we do Yaz, they will find out anyway"

"Ha? You lost me" she looked up frowning

"Oh..oh...I thought I told you" she said scrunching her face thinking

"Tell me what?"

"That I kept my solders"

"You fucking whaaa?" Yaz moved to the side a bit so she could see her better

"I kept know if I wanna have a baby one day" she smiled blushing

"Aaarrrh...your kept your..."

"Aha" she nodded "Sperm Yaz..yes...frozen"

"Nooo fucking waay! you and I can have our baby...your actual baby?"

" mum and Annie made me do it...I thought it was a waste of time and money but them two literally twisted my arm to do was the most embarrassing thing I ever had to do in my life...or speak to my mum about...but now I'm glad I did"

" Charlie to think about everything in advance" she laughed

"Oh Yaz...honest...that was just horrid...she brought it up during dinner I almost choked on my was literally...Here, take some more chicken know I was thinking, you should freeze your sperm"

"Aaaaa....OMG!!!" Yaz screamed laughing

"It was soo embarrassing...then Annie joined her and I just wanted to go in a garden and dig myself a grave"

"Jesus...."Yaz couldn't stop laughing "I do love your family"

"Then Annie went with me...the whole thing was more traumatic than anything else and I just wanted to forget about it...and I did...but now...I'm actually glad they did make me do it...I just thought at the time it's so pointless"

"But it was worth it baby cause we can have little Alex" she smiled

"Mmmm...we can one day" she nodded smiling "My humiliation will pay off" she laughed covering her face with her hand

"That's so fucking awesome...I didn't even think in my wildest dreams" she smiled wrapping her arms around her

"I know right...part of old me...the only part I'm now glad I kept" she looked up smiling "So you wanna have my baby one day?" she looked up early waiting for confirmation

"Yeees silly....scares the shit out of me...but yes"

Yaz wrapped her fingers around her face kissing her gently then held her tighter looking at the horizon "Can I see the dresses?"

"Yes...oh...yes...let me show you...Yaz if I do decide to have one...I just want something simple" she said looking up

"What ever you like baby...I'm sure there's loads there to choose from" she pressed a long kiss to her forehead




The strolled down the streets for a short while, went for dinner. It was a beautiful summer evening and air smelled of sea combined with smell of rosemary and lavender. After dinner they slowly headed back to the hotel as they needed to get up early again the next day. But the terrace of their room was the best part of it so they lied down on a sun lounger cuddling and star gazing.

"Isn't it weird how when you see the star in a sky it may not be there anymore" Alex said running her fingertips the length of Yaz's arm which was resting on her tummy

"What do you mean not there anymore?"

"Well, by the time the light travels to Earth, the star may have already died and no longer we only see the shadow of it's past...almost like a time travel in a way"

"I had no that thing there may not be here anymore"

"Well, that thing there is not a star darling that's Venus...and that one is definitely stull there...but all the others...millions of them are problem not anymore"

"Waaaw...I sometimes think how hard it must have been for sailor's to navigate the how the fuck do you do it...look how many of them are"

"I think when you do it all your life Yazee it becomes like a second home...look...Milky Way...just over there" she pointed her hand up an Yaz ran her fingers over it gently.

Alex looked up at her smiling silly "Kiss me" she whispered

"I was planning to" Yaz said and ran her fingers the length of her from her neck down to her stomach and back feeling her muscles tense underneath the thin fabric of her tunic and slowly closed her eyes kissing her gently. Alex brought her hand to the side of her neck deepening their kisses making them more passionate as Yaz's hand wondered around her and was getting lost underneath the folds of the gauze. Alex moaned quietly barley audible into her lips her fingers were running a line down the edges of her underwear

"Wanna go inside" Yaz whispered into her lips

"No" Alex smiled taking her bottom lip playfully between her teeth

"Exhibitionist Alex...waaaw" Yaz giggled "Well...we are on top...aaand" she shifted wiping the little bottle out of the pocket of her linen trousers

Alex laughed "You're crazy"

"Told you I'll have it on me all the time" she said making Alex laugh 

"Mmmm" Alex murmured falling silent, smiling and stroking her arm

"It is pretty underneath the stars" Yaz said pressing a long kiss to her forehead then the tip of her nose as Alex melted into her lips

"Very..."Alex said with a silly smile "Mmmm..." she frowned a little closing her eyes as Yaz's fingers brushed underneath the elastic of her underwear "Romantic...huh" she said exhaling as she passed through her

"Shhhh" Yaz whispered watching her face as she started moving slowly and Alex melted into it sinking in her arms. She watched her biting her bottom lip as she clenched her fingers to Yaz's blouse and parting her lips as her breathing became heavier and she slipped her hand underneath Yaz's top trailing her palm over her hot skin. Yaz kissed her blushed cheek then pressed her lips to hers letting Alex take them deep and passionate arching herself to her and moaning into her mouth shuddering with a whimper

"I love you my Yazee" she whispered smiling "Don't move...stay...just a little" she placed her hand on her wrist

"I could die there and wouldn't complain" she giggled kissing her

"Please don't" Alex laughed stroking her face "God you're so beautiful"

"Says the most stunning woman I've ever seen" Yaz said kissing her forehead gently

"Take me to bed...I need my Yazee...gimme moore" Alex giggled running her hand over her breast underneath her blouse and kissing the side of her neck

"God can you be any cuter" Yaz wrapped her fingers around her neck kissing the top of her head then slowly got up lacing their fingers leading her her to the room.


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