Chapter 8



Yaz woke up and heard voices from downstairs. She was confused because they were going on trip today and Clara hadn't said anything about anyone coming over. She got herself ready and came down to the kitchen where a woman stood by the counter talking to Clara.

"Yaz you're up?" Clara said looking over the woman's shoulder and the lady turned around

"Hello" Yaz said

"Yaz meet Kate Stewart one of my oldest friends"

"Yaz it's nice to meet to finally. I've heard a lot about you"

"Have you?" she smiled looking at Clara "Nice to meet you I'm Yasmin Khan...Yaz"

"Well, I must go...and you need to get on a road as well, the weather doesn't look good today. I won't hold you up. It was nice meeting you Yasmin Khan"

"It was nice meeting you as well Kate"

Clara escorted her outside the house and Yaz stayed in a kitchen making herself breakfast.

"So, do you plan on telling her Doctor?"

"Not sure Kate...I want to...should do...I was planning to...but" she walked slowly hands in her pockets

"But now you're not sure if you want to?"

"This is it Kate...I'm not sure what's the right thing to do...I just want to"

"Keep her safe?"


"How are you Doctor?...House?...Saw Tardis in a garden" she laughed

"Neah...just a tool shed Kate" she laughed

"Right" she smiled "I hope you found your happiness. I really do"

"I hope so too Kate"

" I really need to go, and you as well. Thanks for that by the way"

"Any time"

"I hope I see you again Doctor"

"You will" she smiles



"Hey babe...want some?" Yaz offered some crumpets with jam and kissed her "Morning sexy" she smiled eyes filled with love

"Morning beautiful...Yes please....I haven't had breakfast yet"

"Where do you know Kate from?" she asked passing her a plate

"Work...long story Yaz...we know each other for many years...Used to know her father"

"She seems nice"

"She is nice...I always liked Kate"

"Did you now?"

"Yasmin Khan!!!...That is so not what I meant" she jumped almost offended

Yaz raised her eyebrows smirking "Mmmm... if you say so" she takes a bite and walks over to pour herself a tea

"Right...I'll get changed"

"Alright darling"




Clara came down to kitchen all ready to go. Hair neatly straightened, white shirt and black trousers with braces. Yaz felt her jaw drop to the kitchen floor. Suddenly she felt urge to go back to the bedroom but unfortunately today she was condemned to a slow burn torture of gazing at her girlfriend looking amazingly sexy all the way till the evening.

"Lord have mercy on me" Yaz commented literally drooling

Clara passed by her giving her slow kiss "Hold that though till we get to the hotel" she grinned into her face and tapped her nose

"That's just not fair" Yaz moaned shaking her head

"It's just two bags right?"  Clara asked putting her coat on.


"Yeah...let's go...oh I parked your car in a garage because there's gonna be another storm tonight"

"OMG not another one...Thank you babe"




"Exited?" Clara asked as they got on a highway

"Yeah...really excited" she smiled beaming

Half way into the the trip Yaz was struggling to keep awake again and Clara just smiled glancing over at her as her head kept falling down. It reminded her of their first trip.

"Yaz, you can't keep your eyes open darling. Sleep I don't mind"

"Really?...I'm so sorry I feel so bad"

"No, don't be silly...come on sleep. I will stop off somewhere anyway. I'm getting hungry"

"Alright. Love ya"

"Love you too" she smiled and turned the heating up a bit.

Clara looked up at the sky and it didn't look good at all. She was hoping for good weather, but it looks like they were out of luck. As Yaz slept and the music played softly on the radio, she was lost in her thoughts.
Last night she had trouble sleeping, her head was razing. She would still wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. Spent over an hour just watching Yaz sleep and every now and then ran her finger over her sweet cheeks pressed into the pillow. She wondered what she was dreaming of looking so calm and happy. She also wondered what their future was like.

Heavy rain began to fall, hitting her windshield, making it difficult to drive, and she still had a long way to go to the nearest pub. She clenched her jaw and gripped the wheel, then quickly glanced sideways at the sleeping Yaz, making sure her seatbelt was in place. The rain was getting stronger and she knew she would have to pull over if it got any stronger. She was a good driver, but holding the steering wheel will always feel weird. And having to drive for hours to get to her destination was something she would never get used to. Or maybe this time she will. This was her life now, the life she wanted, the life she had consciously chosen. And enjoyed every minute of it for the past month. But a month seemed like a second, and this Yaz would never understand that. There was so much she wanted to tell her, to share with her, and yet she couldn't. She struggled with driving as the rain slowly turned into hail slamming against the car.

"Clara!! What's going on?" Yaz woke up from the sound still disorientated from her sleep

"It's ok darling, just hail...I will pull over soon" she moved one hand from the wheel for a moment and stroke her leg "Don't worry"

"OMG this will damage your car"

"I don't care about the car, I need to get us of this road. Hey I'm good pilot don't worry...been doing this for centuries" she smiled at Yaz who giggled as usual taking her remarks as a quirky sense of humor

Yaz's phone rang. It was hooked up to the dashboard and Clara put it on a loud speaker

"Yaz darling where are you?"

"Hy mum we are on the road"

"Yaz honey I'm looking at the weather report I'm really worried you're literally going through the storm. What's that sound."

"It's hailing mum"

"OMG Yaz please be careful...are you driving?"

"No mum Clara is"

"Hello, Yaz's mum" Clara said suddenly

"Oh hello Clara" she said surprised

"Don't worry Yaz's mum I got this. We are exactly 2 min and 35 seconds from the nearest pub by this speed give or take and this car can take some bashing"

"Oh, ok but please girls call me when you stop"

"Promise it won't be long" Clara said

"Don't worry mum we will call you"

"Alright sweetheart bye"

"She's worried" Yaz said looking at Clara

"Of course she is, look at this...Where's my artron energy when I need it"

Yaz giggled "You're so silly you know that"

" we go...See Yaz I was right...We can have some nice food until this calms down I'm starving...You hungry?"


Clara pulled over and dialed the number


"Hi mum...we stopped by the pub don't worry"

"Thank god. Alright sweetheart thanks for letting me know"

"Bye mum"

"You alright sleepy head?" Clara asked as soon as she parked and switched off the engine "Had a nice nap" she moved hair from her cheek

"Mmmm...I did actually"

"I love your face when you wake up" she leaned over and kissed her softly "You look adorable...Come on...foood"

"Yes food and toilet or my bladder will pop out of my eyes"

Clara chuckled "Well that would be inconvenient nit to mention painful" she reached umbrella from the back seat

The pub was warm and quiet, only few people in it. Yaz zoomed straight to the toilet. The weather was raging outside and the man at the bar offered Clara to park the car at the back underneath the roof so it doesn't get damaged.

"You are very kind man. Thank you so much" she said as she came back inside.

Her hair curled up from the rain and her beautiful trousers were all wet. Yaz was was getting worried she's get ill iff she doesn't dry up soon.

"Babe do you want me to get the suitcase so you can change? Your all wet?"

"No Yaz don't worry about it I'll dry out here"

"I just don't want you getting ill that's all"

"I very really get ill Yaz"

They spent nearly two hours in a pub before the weather finally calmed down so they can get back on the road. It meant Clara was going to be late for her lecture so she spent most time on a phone sorting it out.

They finally came to the hotel and into their room. Clara ran around frantically, practically stripping at the door, threw her coat on the bed and pulled her braces off unbuttoning her shirt with one hand whilst digging through the suitcase taking fresh one out.

Yaz sat on the edge of the bed studding her moves. She could have sworn that Clara knew, but ignored it because deep down she loved it, sometimes, like now, she would look up for a second and wink at Yaz or give her a brief smile.

Clara's body language was something she absolutely adored and often found herself studying her every move. How she hooked her fingers on the edge of her braces or craned her neck looking at the floor when her hands were in her pockets, or how she would bring her hands to her forehead when she was frustrated, when she would turn on her heel zooming around a bar and always wrap her fingers around Yaza's face before kissing her. Something in her body language whispered to Yaza's heart.

Clara pulled on her coat and adjusted the lapels, then lifted Yaz's head with her finger kissing gently "I won't be long I promise..."

The door closed and Yaz was left alone. It started to rain outside. Dark clouds hug the sky. She took a shower to warm up then changed into her pajamas that felt comfortable and started unpacking. She closed the empty suitcase and pulled it off the bed as a small black notebook fell to the floor. She saw Clara's handwriting and a bunch of strange circular symbols all over the page. She had never touched Clara's things, but this was so unusual that she couldn't help but look. She flipped through the pages and saw that the entire notebook was filled with them. A knock on a door shook her and she left the book on a bed.


"Room services mam"

"I haven't ordered any"

"Your wife did mam"

Yaz stopped confused and smiled "Wife? Ok"

She opened the door and the lady was holding a tray with hot tea and a cake. Also a beautiful red roze.

"Thank you so much" Yaz said smiling and let the lady put it on a table

"Enjoy mam"

"Thank you" she smiled and closed the door. When she looked at the tray she relased there was a note on it as well. 

"I miss you already. Always yours C. xx"

She kissed the note and placed it on the mirror. When she finished her tea she layed on a bed and continued to turn the pages. And she came to a beautiful drawing of hills and trees, then another one of the beach, there were more, mostly landscapes, but the next one left her speechless. It was a beautiful drawing of her, just her face and a line written at the bottom of the page "I will be brave" She ran her fingers over it and remembered that night on their first date when Clara said she wasn't brave.

When Clara returned she found Yaz sleeping curled up on a bed with a little notebook underneath her hand opened on a page with the drawing. Clara slowly pulled it out from underneath and leyed it on a side table. Then pulled the covers over her.
She took her coat off and opened the wardrobe, it made smile seeing how Yaz neatly hang all the clothes and color coded them as well. She unbuttoned her shirt and removed the cufflinks placing them on a table. Then saw the note stuck on a mirror and smiled from the corner of her lip, seeing little bit if lipstick on it made her hearts warm and she unbuttoned her trousers letting them slip down her thighs then just stepped out of them walking into the bathroom. Yaz was still sleeping and just moaned a little turning on the other side at the sound of the shower. Clara stood bare in front of the mirror. Hazel eyes looking back at her, they were not as tired as they were last time she was here. And her mind was little bit calmer. Or so she thought it was. Either way one thing was different and it was a woman sleeping in her bed.
There was a strange poetry in a name she picked for herself "Run clever boy". And she was, from everything she was and everything she's ever been. And she was fine with that as long she doesn't run into the wall...

Yaz woke up and felt Clara pressed on her back breathing into her neck. She was wrapped around her neatly, slotted into her perfectly. Yaz wouldn't move, it was cozy and beautiful. Rain was still falling and normally she would be sick off it by now. But the sound of rain tapping against the windows in dark room with her beautiful lover wrapped around her body felt romantic.

"Mmmm...I could have you like this forever" Clara mumbled into her neck slipping her hand underneath Yaz's top.

"I was just thinking the same about you" she wiggled and turned around "You're naked" she smiled cheeky

"And you're again not and I'm having to fight layers to reach you" she scrunched her face "totally not fair"

Yaz giggled giving her a shot kiss then wiggled underneath the covers laughing and pulled out her bottoms throwing them on the floor, then wiggled again and pulled her panties out winking at Clara and threw them across the room and finally took her top off as well before snuggling against her.


"Much better...perfect really" she said between loads of short kisses and rolled her on top of herself

"I missed you so much" Yaz said stroking her hair tucking it behind her ear

"I missed you too...I couldn't wait to get back to the hotel"

"Thank you for the tray...and that note just made me soppy"

"Mmmm" she scrunches her nose "What can I say I'm a romantic"

"And a charmer, first class I must say" she giggled running her hand over her under the covers

"Always a gentleman Yaz"

"Darling what's that book? And what's that language? Sorry I went through it...I didn't mean to snoop around your things it fell out of your bag"

"I didn't think you were Yaz...snooping" she smiled and gazed at her for quite some time gently brushing her finger over her cheek before she continued to talk. And Yaz couldn't help but notice the dreamy gaze she gave her, looking like she's getting lost in her thoughts

"And how do you know that's a language Yasmin" she kisses her nose gently trailing her hand down her spine.

"I've seen it before...but I can't remember where...I just know that it is. I wasn't really genius for history"

"It's Gallifreyan" Clara said

"Never heard of it...but then you're a Bighead...The pictures are stunning"

"It's like a know...where I put my thoughts and memories, so I don't forget"

"Oh, sorry I didn't know...Now it makes sense...nobody can read me for example" she laughed

"I love much" she continued trailing her hand down Yaz's back and lower she went it was making Yaz's mouth go dry. She wanted  to know more but she was finding it increasingly difficult to concentrate on a conversation. She captured her lips kissing her slow, gentle and passionate trailing her hands all over her.

"Can I have you my love?" she smiled cheeky


Clara wraps her fingers around her face "Any time Yasmin Khan" she kisses her deeply....




The weather continued to be horrendous but they didn't mind spending most of the afternoon in a bed. Then when it came evening the rain finally stopped and they were getting ready for a meal. Clara was taking her some place special and Yaz had just the right dress for it.

"Darling...can you close my dress please?" Yaz said standing in front of the mirror in a gorgeous copper dress covered in sequence. Her nanny had it made for her out of the old silk she had since she was a younger and Yaz wanted it to reflect her heritage so it looked like a modern version of a Shalwar kameez. She's never worn it before and she thought their anniversary was a appropriate time to finally put it on.

"Yaz.." Clara stopped frozen as she came out of the bathroom "You look...amazing Yaz"

"And so do you love" she smiled looking over her shoulder

Clara came up behind her and moved her hair from her back kissing her shoulders. "You're so beautiful" she whispered in her ear closing her dress

"So are you love" she said turning around "...stunning"

"Neah..." she scrunched her nose "But I'm glad you think so"

Yaz fixed her tie and gave her a small kiss "You know...when I first saw you, it felt like I found a part of myself that I've lost. You always felt that way to me, like home. Does that make any sense?"

Clara gazed at her as she was saying it and running hands over her lapels. Her words ran through her soul. She put a finger underneath her chin razing her gaze "More than you could possibly know...I really love you Yasmin"

"I really love you too. With all my heart"

They kissed softly and smiling getting lost in each others gaze. "We should go before they close the kitchen" Clara laughed then draped Yaz's coat over her shoulders and reached  for her hand lacing fingers together "And that would be really embarrassing...not to mention we would stay hungry"

"I'm starving"

"Me too...oh they have beautiful food Yaz...and music...did I mention music?" she rambled all the way to the elevator

"No you haven't. Are we going with a car?"

"Yes definitely. Not having you freezing in that beautiful dress Yaz"




"What?" Clara said putting a napkin on the table

"Nothing..." Yaz smiled lovingly "This is beautiful. You really though about it didn't you?"

"Not a bad date am I?" she winks smug

"No...not at all...charmer"

Clara reached into her pocket and slid a small box across the table "Happy anniversary darling"

"Oh, noo...why now? This is embarrassing mine is in a hotel"

"It's fine...just open it"

Yaz opened a box and her chin started to wobble. Small pair of earrings in a shape of a heart.

"Don't was suppose to make you smile. I know you like your got's also where I always kiss you"

"They are beautiful...Your heart and mine" she smiled "I want to kiss you now"

"I want to dance with you now...and the other but that will have to wait" she got up reaching for her hand

Yaz wasn't much of a slow dancer but Clara definitely was. So she let her take the lead gliding her across the floor slowly. Her hand around her waist gave Yaz shivers. But they were in public so she really had to control herself. Also her lips would her really close and it was way too tempting to just tamke them into hers.

"Thank you for this. I never had this before" Yaz said quietly

"You know what I said earlier about not being a bad date?" she swings her across the floor then  pulled her in again "Well, dates are not something I really do, you know. I mean, I used to. Have done. And if I was going to ever again it was definitely gonna be with you...I'm glad that I did...cause it would've been definitely mistake iff I hadn't" she she smiled and pressed her closer leaning into her ear
"I think you're one of the greatest people I've ever known. And I love you Yaz...always have done and always will"

Yaz's eyes filled with tears, she stroke the back of her neck thinking of what words she could possibly use at this moment that would top what she had just told her, and she couldn't find any. So she just brought her head closer and whispered "I don't know what I ever did in my life to deserve you"

"Nothing just had to be born that's all" her silly comment made Yaz laugh. Only Clara could come up with something as silly after all of that.

"Wanna go back? I'm dying to kiss you" Clara whispered into her ear

"I thought you'd never ask...I'm holding on to dear life here"

Clara chuckled and led her back to their table. They put their coats on and were about to leave the restaurant when a man's voice stopped them at the door.


Clara turned around "Yes?"

"I thought that was you but I wasn't sure and didn't want to intrude on you. How lovely to see you again"

"Lovely to see you too professor"

"Yasmin Khan, lovely to see you too again, it's been a while"

Yaz shook the man's hand utterly confused. She's never seen him in her life and kept rolling back in her head the last time when  she was in Oxford at the lecture.

"So how long have you been here? We didn't expect to see you anymore Doctor, I'm glad you changed your mind" the man kept rambling on and Yaz could see on Clara's face she wasn't impressed the least and was waiting for a moment to cut the conversation short

"Oh, yes...well you know me...Lots going on all the time...Wasn't planning it...I don't like plans...Anyway we are in a bit of rush so..."

"Oh, yes of course. Well it was nice seeing Doctor and you Yaz" 

"Likewise...Good night" she pulled Yaz's hand and rushed out of the restaurant

"Who was that?"

"One of the professors Yaz from the University"

"How does he know me? I've never seen him before"

"Probably from the lecture Yaz"

Her explanation didn't sit with Yaz. Because he was clearly surprised to see her at all. But then she thought maybe something happened at her work during those three weeks that she wasn't aware of. Maybe Clara was going to abandon the lectures and changed her mind. They didn't discuss her work much. In fact they didn't discuss it at all. Clara wasn't brining it up hardly ever and Yaz never asked much. They were just getting to know each other at that time and she didn't want to poke around Clara's private life unless she willingly shared it. And that was fine with Yaz because as a police officer she also couldn't share much either.

Clara hasn't said much in a car on a way back to the hotel. Just placed her hand on Yaz's leg stroking it and gave her a smile.

"You alright darling?" Yaz asked concerned

"Yeah...why wouldn't I be love"

"You're just very quiet. Is something bothering you?"

" absolutely not Yaz...just many thoughts that's all...a bit of a head wonk. Sorry"

"It's need to say sorry babe. It's just..."

"What beautiful?"

"You know you can speak to me...about anything"

Clara clenched her jaw and grip the wheel

"What ever you know....may bother you or...I'm always here for you. We're in this together love"

"I know Yaz..." she stroke her leg again and looked at her shortly "Love ya" she give her a big goofy smile

"Love you too silly"

They arrived at the hotel and walked down the hallway. Clara stroke her hand with her thumb all the way to the room. And when they came close Yaz tugged her hand

"What?" Clara looked confused and Yaz gave her cheeky smile

"Kiss me"

"Yasmin Khan" she smiled remembering their first kiss right there on that spot and brought her hand to her lips kissing her knuckles

"Iff you want too?" Yaz said quietly and Clara pulled her by the hand pressing her against herself.

"Might do Yasmin...just might do more than just kiss you" she wrapped her fingers around her face and kissed her as passionately as that night. Slowly, deeply sucking the air out of her lungs and taking her to the stars.

"I think we should go to our room now" she whispered into her lips

"Mmmm...I think so too" Yaz smiled