Chapter 36




It was around nine in the morning, but Yaz didn't feel like getting out of bed. After morning surprise that Doctor pulled on her all she wanted was her in a bed. After all, this is what you're meant to do on a honeymoon, never leave the bed. So that's exactly what they did, went back to bed and snuggled together under the covers trailing hands down each other and kissed gently.

Yaz took her hand and traced her finger over her palm gently


"What?" Doctor smiled looking at her doing it and studying it with her gaze


"Nothing...just thinking that's all"


"And what are you thinking about" she makes a funny face squinting her eyes "Can I peak inside?"


Yaz giggled "Silly sod...I'm thinking how we have changed. How I have changed. You know from that time I first met you too how I am now with you"


"In what way darling? I know you have I just want to hear your thoughts"


"You know...from being naive girl who wanted adventure in a blue box to being smitten by you. Trying to impress you and being so proud when I saw you were" she giggled "Or when I was disappointed, I just found a bunch of rubbish under the ocean, and I thought I found a planet on my first solo outing"


Doctor laughed "I was relieved it was just rubbish and you were still on Earth Yaz. I think I would've popped a vein if you ended up on another planet"


"Oh, I was so disappointed with myself. I really wanted to impress you" she laughed


"I'm glad you didn't Yaz" she kissed her nose "Tell me more come on...I love this"


"You know then you seemed so big and so unreachable, mystery that I wanted to unravel. And I know every inch of you. My lips kissed every part of you. And I carry your hearts inside me...I find it unbelievable and amazing"


"And I know every part of you my little head wonk...I though at one point you're gonna leave me...It was the scariest thing ever. I thought I really messed it up this time. But you've put up with me and you deserve a gold star for that one Yaz I'll give you that much" she giggled


"You were a nightmare you know"


"I know...I still am Yaz I'm aware of it...but I'm really trying"


"I know you are...but not a nightmare" she rolls her eyes smiling "maybe just a little bit" she shows with her fingers and Doctor kissed them


Yaz stroke her face gently gazing at her eyes smiling "I just wonder what our future will be?"


Doctor pulled her in as close as she possibly could without one inch between them making Yaz laugh because she wrapped her around herself practically tangling them together.


"Our future is, me and a baby together. Being happy Yaz. It's what we both want, and I am making it happen. I'm not giving up on that no matter what"


The phone rang and Yaz puffed knowing it's the boys calling and she's gonna leave the bed. She didn't want her to. She wanted them to stay like this for hours just cuddling and chatting. She missed it so much, missed her. But she also knew she had no choice either.

Doctor reached out to the side table it was Dan calling her.


"Morning Dan"


"Morning Doctor, I hope I'm not disturbing, just wondering what the plan is for today?"


"One me in a restaurant and I'll tell you everything"


" see ya Doctor"


"So does that mean I have you for another half hour?" Yaz flapped her lashes and slipped her hand around her giggling


"Mmmm...if we get ready really fast, and you don't go peeing ten times I think we can squeeze longer" she grins


"Deal..." Yaz smiled and started kissing her




"OMG...I never got dressed babe?"


"" Doctor ran around clipping her braces then grabbed Yaz's shoes kneeling next to the bed laughing "We are not doing that again"


"What part?" Yaz laughed

Doctor looked up razing her eyebrow "'re probably right" she scrunched her face then finished trying her shoes and grabbed her hands to lift her up "Come on mummy...let's go"


"Love ya" Yaz cupped her bum laughing


"Yaaaaz you cheeky bugger we need to go! ...Come on" she kissed her short and reached for her hand to leave the room


"Your coat!" Yaz said at the door


"Shoot!!" she ran back inside and grabbed it from the chair slinging it on as they walked down the hallway "We are really late"


"I know...half hour?"


"25 min"


"Is there a difference?"


"Yeah...five minutes Yaz"

Yaz just rolled her eyes laughing as they got into the elevator


"Doc..." Graham razed his hand from one of the tables in the restaurant


"Hi...sorry" she scrunched her nose embarrassed


"Relax Doc... it's a holiday...We still didn't order we were waiting for you"


"Awww...thanks that's so sweet" Yaz said sitting down


"How are you sweetie?" Dan asked kissing her cheek


"Like new today..." she smiled


"So, Doctor what's new?" Dan asked


"I went back to the volts yesterday. There's an opening in the floor to the passage down underneath"


"What the hell?" Ryan frowned "Surely that's not meant to be there?"


"No of course not...went down there and it led me to this" she popped the menu from the restaurant on the table


"Whaaa?" Dan took the menu "This is just getting weirder by the day"


"They must have someone in those volts Doc... You can't tell me this isn't an inside job"


"Definitely Graham...I'm just wondering what was in that volt and who hired it. I'll try getting information today. Aaarrrhhh everything about this is just rubbing me the wrong way"


"I know what you mean. I feel like we are being made fools of to be honest" Dan said


"We are Dan...and nobody makes a fool out of me...Well, sometimes they do...but not for long anyway"


They finished breakfast and then went straight back to the volts. The guard was there waiting for the Doctor already


"Doctor" he waved as he saw her at the door


"Hi, thank you for meeting me"


"I got really intrigued Doctor. Spoke with my boss I've got everything. Come with me"


"Brilliant" she smiled happily


"See the original recording was deleted" he pointed at the screen "...the one you saw was tampered with. It's not even real. Then we went back to the records and released that one of the men left. He took a sick leave straight after the evening you're talking about. It's all very strange because that night of the robbery there were only two people here. No report of the police or anything going on. It's all strange. Then the records show that the volt in question is owed by the police. It contained highly classified documents. But they were moved to the other volt a week before and volt was left empty"


"What documents?" she asked intrigued


"No I said we don't hold information like that Doctor. But here is the name of the person who signed the papers for renting the volt. Maybe he will be of more help"


"The shaft? How could you not know about it?" Dan asked


"Oh, I said, the recordings were tampered with. It was an inside job. We notified the police. That's all I can tell you for now Doctor"


They all came out confused more than ever.


Doctor stood in the middle of the pavement frustrated "I'm seriously annoyed...Is anyone else annoyed or am I the only one here who is seriously getting FED UP WITH THIS!!! Aaaarrhh" she yelled


"I'm on that hill Doc" Ryan said


"Yap so am I" Dan said


She started walking and everyone just automatically followed. A habit that stayed with all of them since the time they travelled together


"Where is she going?"  Dans asked randomly


"I have no idea but she's not a happy bunny" Yaz replied and tried to ketch up with her "Babe...where are we going?"


"Police station...I had enough of this. I'm not spending the rest of our holiday chasing ghosts"


They get to the police station, and she just marched through next to the policeman at the entrance shoving psychic paper into his face practically not even waiting for him to read it and went straight to main desk.


"Hi" she said


"Oh, it's you again" the man rolled his eyes


"Yeah, believe me I rather not be here...but here we are. I need to see your commander...captain...person in charge...the big guy on a top"


"Yes alright, I get" the guy rolls his eyes and makes a call "He will see you now you can go through


She marched all the way to elevator and back towards the same room that she visited before. She entered without knocking just basically busted through


"Doctor, pleasure to see you again"


"Yeah, we need to talk" she marched to his desk


"Alright" the man pulled back his hand and sat down "Talk"


"We've just been to the volts...actually let me back up...I've been to the volts yesterday and funny have a shaft going half way across the city into abandoned restaurant and nobody seems to care, you got a fake robbery going on that nobody seems to care about and apparently a real one that happened...also nobody seems to care about...I'm confused, are you confused?" she turns towards the rest of them


"Yeah, really confused" Ryan said and rest nodded


"See we all are...Why are you not?" she leans over the desk "


The man sighed deeply leaning his back into the chair "Doctor you're on a holiday here. You've helped enough. Why do you care?"


"Because it's rubbing me in a way I don't like to be rubbed. You have 560 000 people living in this city and it all evolves around one machine that pumps oxygen into everyone's lounges and something smells rotten here. And I can't leave it alone. You see I'm not built like that. When it bugs me, I need to know. And for now, I'm confused"


"The machine is safe Doctor"


"For now...What was in those volts? Tell me...What is it that you moved? Who was involved? ... I know you's your signature on that paper...well, glass plate...but that's beside the point. Please I'm trying to stop catastrophe and believe me it's coming for you"


The man got up, walked a but around the room


"Come on man...just say it. We're all just trying to help" Ryan said


"You've got an inside job right from your station isn't that worrying you" Grham added


"Right...I'm only gonna say this Doctor because I do understand how you feel. I've been in your situation many times myself. Yes, it was an inside job. People from the volts and one person from my station. They're all gone, vanished into thin water like they never existed. We are doing the best we can, but all the leads have gone cold...we've got nothing. They were looking for the machine but what was really inside of that volt were instructions of how the machine works. Thankfully we moved them to another volt before, so they didn't find anything. And that woman you told me about...It's fake profile, she doesn't exist. We checked everything nothing is real not even her photo. Like I said, we have nothing"


"Thank you" Doctor sighed relieved "I appreciate you telling me this. The restaurant, who owns it?"


"We checked nobody. It's been abandoned for over ten years taken over by the city council over debts. They must have spent months digging that tunnel, and they had blueprints of the building inside and out, they knew everything every single detail. All we can do now is hope they didn't find what they were looking for and gave up...ran. As you saw machine is heavily guarded at all times, we just need to hope that whatever was planned was ditched"


"What about..."


"Please Doctor, enjoy in the rest of your holiday and leave it to us. And also, please stop going into restricted areas of the city with that paper of yours or I'm gonna lose my job" he laughed


"Please let me know if you find out anything" she said on a way out


"I please go and have some fun. It was nice seeing you again"


They left but Doctor sank. She walked silent for a long time till they finally reached the hotel


"I'm sorry" she suddenly turned around


"For what?" Dan said confused


"For dragging you all into this and for ruining your holiday. I'm so sorry"


"Don't be silly Doc" Grham put his arm on her shoulder "You haven't ruined anything. To be honest there's only so many restaurants I can see before I get bored. At least it was fun"


"Yeah...felt like the old days Doctor" Ryan said nudging her shoulder and she smiled a little


"Right...who wants to go on a beach?" she pinned right back exited




It was nice for everyone to finally see the daylight. The city was magical, and it was unbelievable to be underneath the ocean but after almost a week in a dark and under artificial lights everyone's perception of night and day has jumbled into one and they all missed sun. The beach was beautiful, warm sand and turquoise water of the ocean glistening in a sun. It was just a small island. The only piece of land on this side of the planet and waves were strong so they all kept to the small little bay sheltered between the massive rocks. Dan was talking to Di on a phone, Graham and Ryan decided to try out some fishing from the rocks and Yaz was looking for seashells in a shallow water. Doctor sat in a shade. Her skin couldn't deal with the strong sun, and she could burn easily, so she enjoyed in gazing at the ocean and Yaz pottering around in her cute pink maternity swimsuit with ruffles on the edges. She looked adorable with her tummy and Doctor soaked in the rare view of her beautiful pregnant wife on what seemed like a normal day out on a beach with her family. Everyone she loved in her life was right there having a beautiful day out and she felt blessed to have it.


"Hey look what I found" Yaz came over with hand filled with seashells "I'll keep them for a baby's room" she sat on her knees on a towel smiling and Doctor looked at her smiling. Then pulled her arm to get her closer


"What?" she giggled


"I love you" she grinned and kissed her


"Since when do you kiss me like this in the open?" Yaz smiled placing her hand on her face


Doctor scrunched her face "Neah...I figured it's just fam"


"That's nice"


"Are you hungry? You should eat something, we all should"


"I am actually...I'll go get the others"


"Alright darling I'll go get some iced tea from Tardis" she got up and then helped Yaz to get up slightly sliding hands around her waist not being able to help herself touch her as she found her absolutely adorably cute


"Hey guys foood...Come on let's eat"


"Doctor how come you're not swimming?" Ryan asked


"I can't take the sun Ryan"


"That's a bummer Doctor"


"Neah it's nice to just sit here looking at the ocean"


"So, the planet you're on Doc. Do you plan to stay there" Graham asked whilst making himself a sandwich


"Don't know Graham. Probably, most likely yes... Here you go Yaz" she passed her a tea


"You ok with that Yaz? Do you miss travelling?" Ryan asked


"Yes and no. I miss travelling and adventure Ryan, but I don't miss being scared of losing someone. And with the baby I seriously don't think I can deal with that. As it is each time, we go somewhere I'm turning around the corner expecting the Master or something else like that"


"I think we all feel like that Yaz after everything" Dan said "Sometimes it's nice to just do this"


"Besides I haven't even seen the whole planet we are on" she glanced at the Doctor "Plenty to see"


"Well, I think we can still do travelling and adventure. Just in a bit of different way" Doctor said passing the ice tea to everyone "In the end all I care about is all you lot being safe"


"Have you ever done this before Doctor"


"What do you mean Ryan?"


"You know, stop like this...get your feet up for some time on some far away planet and think screw it all"


"I have...Many times Ryan when it all gets a bit too much. I just always did it alone. That's the difference"


"Doc seriously what's it's be as old as you?"


"Oh, I don't know Graham" she sits down "Complicated for the most part...Not as nice as you think either. You think all of you now exist in a same time. Share your lives together, laugh go for adventures. And one day more or less in a same time your journey will come to an end"


"What's you point Doctor?" Ryan asked


"Mine won't Ryan..." she looked at him "I will have to continue without you...all of you, for a very long time. Now come on, can we talk about something more cheerful. Did you get some fish?"


"No... nothing Doc"


"Oh, well maybe for the better Graham most are poisonous anyway and if you get this thing that looks like a red jellyfish...just don't ask any questions and run"


"You think you could've told them that a bit earlier Doctor" Dan laughed


She scrunched her nose and shrugged her shoulders


"Darling, your face is bright red" Yaz brushed her fingers on the Doctors cheek "I'll get some cream" she got up and went to the Tardis and Ryan smiled finding it cute


"What son?" Graham looked towards Ryan


"Ah nothing...just thinking"


"Iff you're thinking kids I suggested you stop. There's plenty time for that"


"I wasn't thinking" he looked at him frowning "Alright...maybe...kinda...Can't believe she'll be mum"


"Alright let's get more sun before it goes" Graham said and got up "So this is the only piece of land here Doc?"


"No, there's one more on the other side but it's not as nice"


Everyone got up and went their way and Yaz came back sitting next to the Doctor on a towel.


"Why don't you go and have one more swim before we leave Yaz?"


"I will...just wanted to spend some time with you" she said spreading cream across her face then kissed her lips


"This is nice we should come again" Doctor smiled looking at the ocean


"We still have four days left" Yaz said laying down and placing her head in Doctors lap "I'd like that...I'd like to come here alone one day...with you" she flipped her lashes


Doctor smiled looking down at her stroking her forehead "I think we can arrange that Yaz"




By the time they came back it was evening and everyone was getting ready for a dinner. Yaz came out of the bathroom wrapped up in a towel and Doctor was on her laptop sitting on a bed in her t-shirt and nickers, legs crossed, and craned head concentrated deeply into what she was doing.


"What are you doing?" Yaz passed by and kissed the top of her head


"Oh, just bits and bobs nothing important...You smell nice" she pulls her by the arm and rolls her on a bed


"You look sexy" Yaz giggled pulling elastic of her boxers


"Mmmm" she scrunched her face "Maybe we should do something about it?" Doctor grins pulling her towel to open exposing her to her eyes


"Maybe we should" Yaz smiled stroking the back of her neck and flinched as the Doctors hand was passing between her breast and over her tummy down to her thighs. Her eyes automatically closing as she felt fingers lightly brushing over her, she moved her hand and slid it under the Doctor's shirt down her waist and under the hem of her underwear.

Doctor closed the gap and took her lips as her fingers slowly began to move catching a soft moan from Yaz's mouth.


Doctor's phone rang jolting both of them.


"You gotta be kidding me?" Yaz slumped her head on a pillow


Doctor closed her eyes pursing her lips "Seriously?" she took a deep breath and rolled around to take her phone of the side table




"Can I help you?" she answered confused


"You told me to call you If I remember something else"


"Oh, you're a shuttle guy" she suddenly remembered "Yes tell me" She looked at Yaz looking back at her confused


"The lady, she mentioned something about her father being killed when she was a kid and how she was brought up here in a city by his friends...something...I can't remember exactly. I'm not sure if that makes any sense to you or...anyways I hope it can help"


"Yes, it makes a perfect sense. Thank you" Doctor hang up the phone. Her face went paler than usual


"Darling?" Yaz said worriedly "You look like you've seen a ghost"


"Maybe I have Yaz" she takes a phone again "Dan... I need you to be with Yaz. There's something I need to do"


"Sure, Doctor I'll be right there give me ten minutes"


"Thanks Dan. I appreciate it" Doctor sat on a bed then turned to Yaz "I'm so sorry I promise I'll make it up to you"


"It's fine...shit...I need to get dressed" she quickly got up "Babe what's going on?"


Doctor started to get dressed quickly "I have to go...I'm sorry but this is really important" she clipped her braces and came up to Yaz grabbing her shoulders "Yaz listen...Stay with Dan and do not open this door to anyone. Do you understand me?"


"Yes...yes...can you please tell me what the hell is going on" she said frantically putting her clothes on


"Do you remember Shar? The girl I was telling you about?"


"Yes...yes I do...What about her?"


"She's been playing me around all this time. You were right Yaz. It is someone who knows me...someone who knows me really well" she stood in one place eyes locked to one spot her mind razing in disbelief


The knocking on a door snapped her out of her thoughts and she rushed to open it.


"Dan... thank you so much"


"Don't mention it...What's going on Doctor?"


"I know who's behind this Dan. I need to go...sorry no time to explain"


"Doctor!" he grabbed her forearm "Don't you think Graham, and Ryan should go with you?"


"Not this time Dan. I have to do this on my own"


She kissed Yaz's temple "I won't be long... promise...Don't open the door"


"I'm worried...I don't like what you're doing" Yaz grabbed the back of her neck


"I'll be fine Yaz...I always am..." she smiled and took her hand kissing her knuckles then rushed off


"I don't like this Dan" she looked at him concerned as she shut the door


"No, me neither...But you try reasoning with her, it's bloody impossible"


The Doctor rushed through the Tardis door flipping switches and running around the console, then pulled the lever. She parked on the side of the dark street and approached a small shop. The lights were on, and the door was open. She took a deep breath and entered


"Shar!" she called but there was no reply "Shar!" she called again and went behind the counter and at the back of the store. She entered a room full of boxes and a small table on the left. Only one small lamp lids up the room, which was small and dark. Shar was nowhere to be found. She looked around the room and there was nothing in it but boxes and a few things, so she went back to the front of the store and noticed a small glass plate on the counter and picked it up pressing her finger to the surface. A hologram appeared.


"Hello Doctor, I see you found it. Put two and two together. Meet me iff you want to talk the coordinates are inside. I'm sure Tardis can find it" the hologram switched off


She sighed deeply "Shar what are you playing at"


Doctor ran to the Tardis and hooked up device to the dashboard then took off. She stepped out of the Tardis into a huge warehouse. It was dark and the only light came from the Tardis. It looked industrial and smiled at the sea water. She assumed that it was a factory that had been abandoned a long time ago. This place was on the other side of town which was not residential, mostly just factories and warehouses. Her footsteps echoed throughout the vast place


"Shar!" she called again, and the woman came from the dark


Her long silver hair tied into a messy bun she wore a purple dress with thick sash around her waist. Her eyes glistening in a dark


"Shar...what is this?"


"Doctor...I'm glad you found the message"


"I did...We could have gone for a meal you know it would've been a lot more pleasant than this" she looked around the dark place


"I's poetic you know. Can't you see.... big cold dark the one you left me in"


"Shar...come on...stop this. What did you get yourself into to? Why all this? What's going on? ...Iff, you wanted my attention you got it you didn't have to play this game you know"


" think this is game Doctor?"


Doctor sighed "Fine...this is ridiculous...What do you want from me? I said I was sorry...I cannot change the past Shar. Yes, it was cruel, no you didn't deserve it and I'm sorry. But let me change it...please"


"Oh, you will believe me...You will get me the Eye of the Deep


"What?" she frowned confused


"You heard it right Doctor I need that machine"


"Are you serious?"


Shar looked back at her silently


"You are, aren't you? Why? ...Why do you want it?"


"My planet is dying, and my people need me. But you wouldn't know that Doctor would you. This machine can help save them and help me to get my life back"


"By killing thousands of people here? Why? Why would you do that?"


"Why not? I am the queen of my people it's my duty to think about them. They are my priority"


"You're queen of nothing. It's been thousand years Shar. They killed your father and will kill you your people don't want their queen. Specially not the one who is willing to kill thousands of innocent people. What the hell happened to you?"


"You happened to me Doctor. You messed with my brain and just left me on this god forsaken place, discarded me like rubbish and took off"


"I was trying to protect you!!"


"You were getting rid of the responsibility Doctor. Enough!!!... I need that machine"


"Then get it yourself Shar...Obviously you have plan you don't need me" she turned around and started walking back to Tardis


"I did...but then I came into a problem you see, and then you came to my store that night and it was perfect...too good to be true. I was thinking later on...and you were my solution...the Doctor with his Tardis" she tilted her head "Sorry habit...her Tardis" she looked her up and down sneering


"You lost me there" she scrunched her face "Would you mind clarifying it...old brains...I'm not as sharp as I used to be"


"See I couldn't find it...I thought it was in volts...We planned it for a year, digging the tunnel from the restaurant, fake identity, a suspect that didn't exist. But then we found nothing, empty volt. I was desperate. Then it dawned on me...if I stage that robbery, you couldn't help will find it. It was all already there, and nobody knew about it. It was perfect...All I needed was a fake police officer...I played you Doctor...and you were eating right out of my hand...following all the crumbs I left you...And you found it for me. And now you will bring it to me. And you will take me home with it so I can get my life back"


Doctor smirked sarcastically "I thought you knew me better Shar...Don't blackmail me, you know it doesn't end well"


"Oh, I do know you Doctor...I know you very well. That's why I made sure I have a something of yours...something you mentioned that night in a was perfect" she winked at her circling around her "Well, few things really"


She pressed a button on a remote and the lights came up. Doctors face dropped in absolute horror. Graham and Ryan were held by two men with a knife to their throats both she knew. They were disoriented and Shar slapped them across the face "Wake up boys mummy came for you!"


"Whaaa...oh boy...Doctor" Ryan said


"Who is this?" Graham asked confused trying to come around


"Someone from my past" Doctor replied shaking her head ad Shar


"Another good friend Doc?" Graham asked sarcastically "Do you have any friends who are not trying to kill you?"


"Shar! You've gone way to far stop this...And you!" she looked at the guy holding Graham "You're the shuttle guy" she jumped


"Sorry Doctor, I needed to make sure you came tonight"


"And you" she looked at the other guy "You showed me that recording the night of the robbery, you told me The Eye of the deep was stolen" the guy just laughed at her


"Shar, you don't want to do this" Doctor walked up to her.


Shar smiled at her pressing the button on a remote "Oh yes I do Doctor" more lights came up "Oh, look Doctor....two in one" she laughed pointing


As Doctor turned around, she felt the blood disappear from her body and she was covered in a cold sweat. Yaz was in a massive glass enclosure at the far end of the warehouse tied to a chair placed in the middle.


"Yaz!!" she yelled in complete horror and found a knife under her throat stopping her from running


"Doctor!!" Yaz screamed


Graham and Ryan yelled but found knives to their throats cutting deeper.


"She's pregnant...what is wrong with you!!!" Graham yelled but the guy pressed the knife deeper to his neck


Doctor found her body and mind had disconnected and it was buzzing in her ears. She heard her own hearts pumping in her chest and in a split second her fingers were around the woman's neck smashing her back against the wall "I'm going to kill you" she said into her face with a cold and chilling tone


"Doctor!!!" she heard Yaz screaming


"No, you won't Doctor" Shar sneered at her barely managing to talk from the Doctors grip around her throat "You don't kill people"


"Don't count on it tonight!!" she smashed her back against the wall again pressing her whole body weight on her "Let her go. Do not play this game on me Shar I'm warning you. Tell your men to stand down" she squeezed tighter, and the woman pressed another button on a remote in her hand. Suddenly the tank started filling with water


"Tik-tok Doctor...time always runs out" she said trying to swallow grinning at her


Doctor released her hand and ran to the enclosure "Yaz! ...I'll get you out I promise" she put her hands on the glass frantically looking around how to get to her


"Love?" Yaz looked at her frightened and then looked at the floor filling with water


"Get me the machine...Now!!" Shar shouted in her ear and snapped the knife next to her face "Or I'll just give you the baby Doctor" she grinned early next her cheek.


Doctor turned around knife sliding across her cheek. Her face like stone breathing deeply, she felt her hearts pumping hard. Never did she feel like snapping someone's neck like she did now and found it increasingly difficult to control herself. Calculating in her head, but Graham and Ryan had knives under their throats and Yaz was in the tank. She felt rage boiling inside her like never in her existence.


"I will kill everyone you care about in this room and then you will know what it's like to be alone" she went into her face "I want you to feel my pain on your perfect skin Doctor for eternity of your existence"


The Doctor looked at her cold breathing deeply, jaw clenched and placed her hand over the knife that slid through her flesh until it fell to the floor, then turned her gaze to Yaz mouthing a soft "I love you" from her lips as she pressed her hand against the glass. She glanced one more time at Shar and preceded to the Tardis.


Doc, you can't do this..." Graham said in despair and she just looked at him as she passed him "You can find another way you're a smart woman"


"No time" she said slamming the Tardis door behind herself


The Tardis landed in the middle of the room containing the Eye of the Deep and the police surrounded her as soon as she came out. The station commander walked between the men. "Doctor what is the meaning of this?"


"I need your help and I need you to trust me. Do you trust me?" she said with her hands up in the air


"I don't know why I'm saying this, but I do"


"Brilliant...then tell your men to stand down and help me out"




"We need to do something" Ryan turned to Graham still having a man's knife pressing on his neck then looked at Yaz who was desperately trying to get her restrains off. She was frantic, scared and crying. Water was already to her knees


"I tell you what Ryan...I'll take the guy behind me you take the one behind yourself then we get the crazy bitch and free Yaz"




"I don't know tell me!" he said frustrated "Hey you...Why do you hate her so much that you want to become genocidal psycho killer?"


"None of your business" Shar said pacing around


"It is my business if you gonna kill my grandson and my mate who's pregnant. You made it my business"


"She took everything away from me then took off.  My life, my title, my future and left me to rot for thousand years"


"Oh, well that's good enough reason to kill a pregnant woman and thousands of other people"


"Shut up!" she screamed


"Why? I'm gonna die anyway...I just feel like saying something before I do"


"OMG shut are all the same as her never shut up"




"Doctor I'm not sure I understand if we disconnect it everyone will die" the commander asked confused


"I won't let that happen" she was hoping around like crazy dragging cables around Tardis "I'm hooking up Tardis to your system. It will power it up for a while. Giving me time to sort this out and get my family out. Then we will hook it up again"


"And what if you're late" he looked at her bringing her the cable


"I won't be late. I promise" she looked back at him "I promise"


"You better not be Doctor"


"Just make sure your men are ready on my mark"


"I will Doctor don't worry"


"Doctor" one police officer ran inside Tardis "We found your friend in a hotel. He will be fine he's been taken to a hospital now"


She sighed relieved "Thank you so much" she smiled to him "Right....let's get this show on a road, shall we?"


She hooked up the cables to the generator and started the process. But time was running out. Water in a tank was around Yaz's waist. And now she started feeling sharp pain. She squeezed her teeth and shut her eyes. The pain went but her anxiety was hitting the ceiling and she felt fear like never in her life. What would the Doctor want her to do...stay calm for the baby, she's coming for her...she would never leave them, any of them. She looked at Grham and Ryan tears rolling down her face.


Tardis landed in the warehouse and Doctor got out. She waived the sonic and a massive door of the warehouse locked. One look at Yaz made her blood run cold, water was to her chest.


"You got my goods Doctor?"


"It's inside Tardis, let my family go"


"Not yet Doctor"


"I did what you asked...let them go" she grabbed her forearm


"Not until you take me home"


"There's no time for that...let them go now!"


"Sorry Doctor...that was not the agreement. Chill out, you have a time machine. Iff, they die you can come back in time and save them" she shook her hand off and glanced inside the Tardis


The massive machine was inside the control room "How did you fit it in there? Never mind who cares...Come on" she waived her hand


Doctor waived the sonic and the Tardis door shut in front of her face. "I told you not to play that game with me" she said grinning "Last chance Shar...Let my family go"


"You're in no position to demand anything"


"Wanna bet?"


Suddenly the woman looked at her panicking. Graham and Ryan as well

"Doc... What?"  Graham asked gasping for air


The woman fell to her knees and Doctor kneeled in front of her razing her chin with her finger

"Tardis is sucking up air in this place and in about one minute and 35 seconds you will be on that floor begging me for mercy like my wife was begging you. You messed with the wrong family Shar"


The men holding knives behind Grham, and Ryan dropped on their knees, Graham and Ryan stumbled away from them the two gasping for air. Shar fell to the floor looking at the Doctor standing above her with a cold face.


Tardis door opened and police came out restricting the men and the woman. Doctor waived her sonic and room started filling with oxygen.


"Are you alright?" she ran to Graham and Ryan


Graham waived catching breath "Yap...go" he pointed to Yaz.


Doctor ran to the tank and to the massive hose filling the water. She stood back and pointed the sonic to the glass "Yaz, close your eyes love!!!" she shouted and the waive from the sonic hit the glass shuttering it to pieces. Water running everywhere. She ran to Yaz and united her


"Yaz" she cupped her face


"Dan!!" Yaz said with a week voice


"He's fine"


"Baby...I'm in pain" she cried out


"Shoot...noo this is not happening...Come on darling hold on to me" she scooped her up carrying her to the Tardis "We need to go now!!!" she yelled, and Graham and Ryan followed her to the Tardis


"Is she ok Doctor?" Ryan asked scared


The Doctor burst through the door and laid Yaz on the mattress on the floor then scanned her with a sonic "You'll be fine I promise" she stroked her face then stood up frantically running around the console "Graham, Ryan!!"


"Yes Doc"


"You're gonna fly Tardis"


"Whaaaa?" Graham practically whimpered


"Don't panic Graham, it's not that difficult" she ran to Yaz and yelled instructions what to turn what to lift. She had no time, the machine had to go back.


"Left Ryan...that one there left" she pointed


"Alright Doctor" he said shaking


She gave shot to Yaz and showed something in her mouth. "Just swallow that darling" Than took stethoscope pressing it to her stomach.


"Doc we're ready to go!!"


"Pull the lever!!" she yelled to Graham


Graham looked up towards the ceiling "Grace, I need you honey" he pulled the lever and Tardis took off shaking, Yaz was crying her eyes out looking towards the Doctor for answers


"Baby is fine Yaz...perfectly fine" she strokes her face gently and kissed her forehead "I'm not lying I promise. I love you so much"


"Alright love" Yaz took her hand shaking and squeezing it. Tardis landed and Ryan puffed in relief


" with her"


"Sure Doc" he ran up to Yaz taking her hand and smiled "You'll be ok sweet pea. You're safe now" he said to her gently


"Stay with her keep her warm...I have to sort this out"


"Sure, Doc no problem"


"Yaz darling I have to..." she said frantically completely desperate


"I know...go babe" Yaz put her hand on her cheek and Doctor kissed it briefly


She ran to the console and Tardis took off leaving the machine in its place and landing few feet away from it. She then ran out and started hooking it to generator frantically.


"Still 30 seconds left...I owe you fam" she said relieved looking at the dial on the generator. She hooked up the last cable and pointed the sonic at the machine. It powered up and Doctor slumped to the floor on her knees "Thank you my beautiful ghost monument" she sighed relieved


"Doctor" the commander came up to her "You did it. They are in custody. It's finished"


She smiled looking up to him "Thank you for trusting me"


"Thank you for helping me Doctor" he reached out with his hand to help her get off the floor


"I have to go to my family now"


"Of course, Doctor"


She ran to the Tardis and to Yaz slumping to the floor "Hey lovely" she brushed her hair. You're all wet let's get you sorted ha?"


"Cuddle" Yaz opened her arms crying


"Oh beautiful" Doctor pulled her in squeezing her tight "It's ok darling. You're both fine, promise"


Graham ran his hands over his face and sighed still shaking Ryan came up to hug him. "Hey...we did it...Man we flew Tardis" he offered his fist


"We sure did son" he smiled



"Tell me!" Yaz cried out lying on a bed with her shirt up looking at the Doctor anxiously as she was doing a scan on a baby.


She turned the monitor and smiled "She's happy and healthy darling" she said leaning over kissing Yaz gently "But you missy need to rest and you and I... well, we can't for few days. Just in case"


"Alright" she ran her hand over her face "I love you" tears rolled down her face


"It's fine beautiful I promise she's fine. You were just scared, and it was a cramp from the cold water nothing else. You were in shock...that's why you need to rest now" Doctor wrapped her fingers around her face "I absolutely adore you" she grins kissing her and starts climbing the bed. Yaz curled up in her arms tucking her head into her neck


"I never seen you like that...Like today...would you?"


"Yes" she said shortly


"Whaa?" Yaz looked up horrified


"It's scary Yaz I know...but I'm honest with you. I never thought I would be able to...but I... Can we not talk about it anymore...please"


"Alright darling...we won't" Yaz tucked her face into her neck again kissing soft skin "I love you more than anything in this world" she said quietly wrapping her arm around her snuggling in her arms


"I adore you so much" she kissed her head and stroke her hair.


"It's so nice to just feel you like this" Yaz looked up to her smiling


"Same here darling...same here" Doctor smiled and kissed her gently


Someone knocked at the door and Doctor jolted.


"It's ok love...probably the boys" Yaz smiled


"Doc it's us" Graham said behind the door, and she opened up to see all three of them with flowers grinning


"Hey" she flashed a massive smile "Come in"

"Where's our favorite girl?" Dan said smiling. He still had a bandage over his head


"Dan" Yaz smiled OMG I'm so glad to see you mate" they hugged "Your head?"


"It's fine hey...I'm tougher than I look" he smiled and kissed her forehead "Sheffield I'm so sorry "


"Don't be daft hey" she smiled "We're fine that's all that matters"


"Yaz how are you feeling honey?" Graham kissed her cheek


"As good as new...just need to rest"


"And the baby Doc?"


"She's fine...they both are" she smiled


"Look what Doctor bought" Yaz points to the cradle


"No way man!!!" Ryan jumped "That's awesome Doctor...Waaaw"


"Yeah...come I'll show you" Doctor jumped to the opportunity to show Ryan all the functions




It was early morning and Doctor was up for hours already, lying in a bed looking at fish through the ceiling and running her hand gently over Yaz's stomach. She was sound asleep, her hand draping over the Doctors chest. The room smelled of flower's boys brought for Yaz. Yaz moaned rubbing her face into Doctor's chest and stretching her arms


"Sleep more darling, it's early" Doctor said threading her fingers through her hair


"Mmmm...need to pee" she mumbled into her chest


"That's new" she laughed


Yaz crawled on all fours over her, Doctor laughing the whole time, and then wobbled to the bathroom.


"Did you sleep at all?" Yaz asked from the bathroom


"Little, an hour or so"


" really need to sleep. That's nothing even for you"


"Your mum sent a text"


"Mmmm...Now you're just changing the conversation" she mumbled wobbling back to bed "I'm too tired to think about my mum now"


"I'll get some sleep later I promise" she opened her arms letting her snuggle into her arms


"I'm just worried about you that's all"


"I know.... I'm gonna have to go soon"


"Noooo....where now?" Yaz grabbed onto her and slumped her leg over her definitely


"Just need to finish something...that's all"


"You never give me proper answer.... you do release that? Just please don't get into some shit again...I seriously had enough now"

"I won't potty mouth...We can go to the beach today if you like?"


"I would very much like" she looked up smiling "Kiss me"


"And where do you want me to kiss you Yaz?" Doctor turned around giggling and pushing her underneath herself


"I would say all over, but you said we can't" she pouted her lips stroking her face


"I never ever said I can't kiss you...I would never say that Yasmin Khan" she smiled dotting kisses all over her face making her giggle


Yaz gazed at her eyes trailing her finger over her face and Doctor kissed her fingertips "What love?"


"I thought I'd never see you again" tears rolled down her face


"Hey....shhhh...don''re here now in this bed, with me beautiful....and I love you more than anything in this world. Please don't cry...I really hate when you cry" she kissed her tears and wiped them with her thumb


"Love ya"


Doctor didn't answer she kissed her instead. She kissed her gently as if Yaz was made of glass, and you shatter in million pieces.




"Hello Doctor" the police commander shook her hand "How is your wife?"


"She's ok...more or less after everything"


"You don't need to do this you know"


"I know...But I want to"


She walked down the narrow hallway and threw the double door into a big white room. Shar was sitting on the floor surrounded with a force filled coming from the ceiling all the way to the light blue platform she was sitting on. Doctor's harts were braking, she found no satisfaction in what she saw or a place where she was. She just felt empty, sad and disappointed.


"Doctor!!" Shar jumped to her feet as the Doctor walked towards her slowly looking up at the ceiling and down to the force field around her.


"Hello Shar" she said calmly and put hands in her pockets


"I'm so sorry...I really am"


"For what Shar? Yourself?"


"For doing what I did. Is she going to be, ok?"


Doctor tilted her head and her eye twitched just a bit "She is someone you don't get to talk about...ever"

"I'm sorry I needed that machine"


Doctor smirked looking at the floor then came up to the shield raising her gaze "I would've built you one if you asked. But you didn't ask...instead you blackmailed me. You made your choice"


Shar looked at her shaking her bottom lip wobbling "I loved you"


"And I loved that little girl...So much...and leaving her was one of the most difficult things I ever had to do in my life"


Shar started crying, tears rolling down her face

"Please get me out of here. I know you have have Tardis...please. Take me with you I know you can"


"I'm sorry"


"Please if you love me, you'll get me out"


"I'm sorry...not this time" she shook her head, her hearts ripping in half


Shar's face changed her desperation turning in to rage "You selfish piece of shit...Get me out... You owe me that much"


"Goodbye Shar" Doctor turned around


"Nooo pleasee...look at me...I'm begging you" she cried, and Doctor continued to walk "You fucking bastard look at mee!!!" her scream ripped through Doctor's ears, and she shut her eyes for a moment as she walked out of the room.


"I'm sorry you had to see that" the commander said as she came out "Here are the blueprints you asked for"


"I really appreciate this" she smiled


"Don't mention it, if it can help someone else out there, I'm glad I could be a part of it"

"What's going to happen with her"


"She is getting transported to colonies. She will be trialed and sentenced there. I'm sorry"


"Thank you, well I need to get back to my wife now. I hope I see you again"


"I hope we see you, Doctor. You're always welcomed here"


She walked out of the station and took a deep breath then walked the streets for nearly two hours before returning to the hotel.


"Hey, you" Yaz smiled as she walked into the room. She was preparing a beach bag for later


"Hey beautiful" she reached for her hand lacing fingers and pulled her to herself then cupped her face gazing at her in silence


"Are you alright love?"


She smiled "I am now...Did I tell you recently how much I love you?"


Yaz smiled back "Nope"


"Then I should"




"I absolutely adore you with every cell of my body...and don't cry...just kiss me"

Yaz smiled and pressed her lips to her gently and passionately. Doctor hugged her tightly and put her face into her wife's hair that smelled of summer rain then sat on the edge of the bed pulling Yaz's hand and wrapped her arms around her waist kissing her stomach.


"Babe I'm worried about you" Yaz said stroking her hair


"I'll be fine Yaz...just hold me please" she squeezed her tight


She cried silently, her tears rolling down Yaz's stomach. Yaz ran her hand down her back and held her kissing the top of her head gently.


"It's ok love...I'm here. I love you so so much my beautiful Bighead"…




Boys were on a top of the rocks fishing and Yaz sat in a shade. Doctor's head in her lap, she strokes her hair. Doctor was reading a book out loud making her laugh. She would make faces and impersonating each character. They did that often even before they were together. It all started with one night Yaz was missing her family and Doctor finding her in a library all by herself reading a book. She told her that's no way to read a book and took it to herself to show her how books are read properly making her giggle, making her cry as well on sad parts but it was amazing and beautiful. She would kiss her forehead when she would cry and say how books are meant to make you laugh and cry. That's how you know they are good, she would say. Ever since that evening on a sofa, Yaz would come up with a book and they would snuggle on a sofa with the Doctor reading it for hours. They went through hundreds of books from the library in years of travelling together.

They heard boys screaming from the rocks and got up.


"What's going on?" Yaz asked shielding her eyes from sun with her hand


"I think they caught the jellyfish" Doctor laughed looking at them running over the rocks


"OMG but it's poisonous" she looked at her


"Neah...I was messing them around Yaz" she winked at her